Maalox Susp. 15 ml No. 30, at affordable prices in Russia and Ukraine
Maalox for low stomach acidity
Instructions for use The drug Maalox is used either situationally or for long-term treatment of various diseases
Bee bread for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Bees prepare bee bread (“bee bread”, bread) to supply the colony, especially the larvae, with protein food in
bloating on the right side
The right side hurts and something is inflating
Diagnosis Abdominal bloating and pain in the right side depend on many causes. Can be
Is it possible to drink allohol for gastritis with high acidity – All about liver diseases
Allochol is a combined herbal preparation that is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts
small bowel resection
Resection of the small intestine - all about the features of the operation
The length of the small intestine in a healthy person is approximately 6 meters. Total surface area of ​​the thin mucosa
Causes of an abscess in the abdominal cavity
An abdominal abscess is a purulent neoplasm surrounded by a pyogenic capsule and dislocated in space
flatulence diagram
Bloating and gas after ovulation
Where do gases come from? Gas formation is a natural process in the digestive system caused by bacteria on
Hemorrhoids are a disease
What is better for hemorrhoids: walking more or lying down?
Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs as a result of stagnant processes in the area of ​​veins and small vessels
Using the product for stomach pain
Maalox - gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases
Symptoms of gastritis with high acidity Once upon a time the disease was called “reflux”, meaning erosive gastritis. Arises
Temperature and cholecystitis
Temperature due to inflammation of the gallbladder
Cholecystitis causes inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder. The disease has characteristic symptoms, and the temperature with cholecystitis
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