How to do an oil enema for constipation at home

What types of oils can be used

Pumpkin oil

This type is the most popular among the others; it is taken more often because it has good antiparasitic properties.

This remedy is based on a natural herbal product and can be used at any age of the patient if the correct functioning of the intestines is disrupted.

Olive oil

If you have had no bowel movements for a long period, this is a sign of a large number of abnormalities. This means you need to immediately begin treatment and use olive oil for constipation. This remedy not only has an effective effect, but also has a safe effect on the patient’s body.

Olive oil contains a large number of beneficial components.

Vegetable oil

This type should be used only after the signs of the disease have been accurately determined, because when used during normal periods, it can have a laxative effect and have a bad effect on the body.

Contraindications to the use of vegetable oil:

  1. pregnancy at any stage;
  2. intolerance to components in oil;
  3. bleeding in the intestines;
  4. intestinal obstruction.

Linseed oil

For constipation, large amounts of laxatives are often used, but home remedies such as oils are more effective. Very often, flaxseed oil is used for constipation.

This species has a lot of useful substances and has laxative properties.

Vaseline is not enough

This type of oil is used at any age. It contains a large number of useful components, which explains its excellent approach to a delicate problem.

Castor oil

For constipation, diet is very important, and castor oil is also often used. This type also has an excellent effect, like all the others. It has few contraindications compared to medications. Therefore, it is often used at any age.

Performing an oil enema at home

Patients suffering from chronic bowel retention often have to seek medical help due to the inability to go to the toilet normally.

In this article we will talk about the most effective way to deal with such a delicate problem, the implementation of which does not require special medical training.

An oil enema for constipation is a manipulation that can be performed by absolutely anyone at home.

Patients suffering from chronic constipation often have to resort to procedures that soften stool and help facilitate bowel movements. There are different types of enemas, depending on the substance used on the intestines.

Oil enema has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • the oil is hypoallergenic and does not cause intestinal inflammation;
  • not absorbed through the intestinal wall;
  • does not affect intestinal peristaltic waves.

An oil enema for constipation has a gentle effect on the intestinal wall, enveloping the intestines with a film, and at the same time helps to soften the stool.

There are a number of indications for manipulation:

  • various types of chronic constipation;
  • as preparation for surgical intervention on the abdominal organs;
  • before performing an abdominal ultrasound.

Types of oils

The following types of oils can be used for the procedure:

  • olive;
  • pumpkin;
  • sunflower;
  • linen;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • castor

Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the intestines. The transport properties of this product when taken orally are also noted. Produces a mild laxative effect.

Pumpkin seed oil is one of the most popular oils due to its anti-parasitic properties. This product has no contraindications and can be used at any age. This oil enema is especially effective for helminthic infestations accompanied by constipation in children.

Sunflower oil can cause a strong laxative effect, so this manipulation should be used only after a doctor has diagnosed chronic constipation. This product also has a number of contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • individual intolerance to some components of the oil;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Sea buckthorn oil is known for its wound-healing properties, which have a beneficial effect on cracks and micro-tears of the anus, hemorrhoids, which often occur with chronic constipation.

Castor and flaxseed oils are also actively used when administering enemas. They have virtually no contraindications and can be used by both older people and children. The products are a good alternative to medications for stool retention


Enema is an effective method of combating constipation, but its use may be limited by the following conditions:

  • surgical intervention on the intestine (appendicitis, resection of part of the intestine, oncopathology);
  • malignant tumor of the rectum;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • intestinal obstruction (intussusception, etc.);
  • bleeding from intestinal vessels (use of an enema can cause fat embolism and lead to death);
  • postoperative period;
  • heart failure;
  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product used;
  • autoimmune intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis).

An oil enema is a manipulation that facilitates bowel movements, but does not treat the pathological condition.

Preparation for the procedure

Although you can give an enema at home, the procedure requires some preparation:

  1. Take a rubber bulb or large syringe, a pair of medical gloves, a gas tube, and the oil you plan to use for the enema.
  2. The tip of the gas outlet should be lubricated with Vaseline cream.
  3. Lay the patient on his left side, ask him to bend his legs at the knees and hips and tuck them towards his chest.

To carry out one procedure, the oil should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:25.

Oil and boiled water for dilution should be warm (about 37-38 degrees).


The manipulation must be carried out with medical gloves. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The gas outlet tube is inserted into the anus 10-15 centimeters. Due to the anatomical features, it should first be directed to the patient’s navel (3-4 cm), and then along the tailbone.
  2. Connect a bulb or syringe with the collected oil product to the tube, after releasing the air.
  3. Slowly inject the solution into the patient's rectum. Injecting the product under pressure (quickly) may cause discomfort to the patient.
  4. After administration of the drug, the bulb or syringe is disconnected, the gas outlet tube is clamped and removed from the intestine.
  5. The patient is recommended to remain in this position for another 15-20 minutes, and then take a comfortable position for sleep.

If all stages of the procedure are performed correctly, the patient should expect softened stools in the morning. It is better to perform an oil enema at night so that the oil remains in the intestine for 6-8 hours.


We draw your attention to the fact that an enema with vegetable oil is an auxiliary method in the treatment of constipation and does not eliminate the cause of stool retention. It is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than once a week.

Oil enema is also often used in children. However, to carry it out, it is necessary to use a pear appropriate to the child’s age. In this case, the proportion of the solution for manipulation should be greater than for adults to reduce the risk of complications.

Bowel problems are common during pregnancy and using an oil enema may also help. However, the procedure should be performed on pregnant women only in a medical facility and after permission from a doctor. If any complications occur, stop the manipulation immediately.

Oil enema can be used in women in the postpartum period, especially those who have had a cesarean section. This procedure helps patients have a bowel movement without additional strain on the abdominal wall muscles.


Unfortunately, even the correct implementation of an oil enema cannot prevent the development of complications after manipulation.

The main complications for the patient after the procedure include:

  • burn of the intestinal mucosa (if the recommended temperature for the oil solution is not observed);
  • trauma to the rectum during insertion of a gas tube;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting;
  • disturbance of electrolyte metabolism;
  • allergic reactions;
  • development of addiction and the impossibility of normal emptying without prior procedure.


Indications for use

All types of oil are used when the proper functioning of the intestines is disrupted. They can be used as:

  1. For external use (preparation of cream and ointment, softening of the skin);
  2. For internal use (intoxication with a fat-soluble toxic substance, chronic and frequent constipation);
  3. For lubricating enema tips and catheters.

Oils are also used for other purposes, such as:

  • Hair treatment;
  • Treatment of ulcers and cracks;
  • Healing of burns;
  • Improvement of peristalsis;
  • After operation;
  • Purgation.

If the patient has no contraindications, then any oil product can be used and is even necessary. You can improve your intestinal function on your own without harming your body.

It is important to remember the amount of its use and contact a specialist if any symptoms occur.

Oil enema - preparation algorithm, indications and contraindications

In emergency cases, when it is necessary to quickly cleanse the body of poisons and toxins, an enema is prescribed. At the same time, oil solutions are especially popular, as they have many significant advantages.

Before using any laxative, you should be examined at a clinic. It should also be remembered that frequent and uncontrolled use of an enema leads to the leaching of beneficial vitamins, microelements and bacteria from the body.

Next, we will look in more detail at how oil enema is used effectively for adults and children.

Indications for performing an enema

An oil enema is a type of enema that gently cleanses the intestines. That is why it is used in cases where other cleansing methods cannot be used.

Indications for an oil enema:

  • Spasmodic constipation. In this case, fecal retention occurs due to severe spasm of the intestinal walls. With this type of constipation, you cannot do a cleansing or siphon enema, as they can cause damage to the mucous membrane or rupture of the intestinal walls;
  • Persistent constipation, in which other procedures have not resulted in bowel movement. The oil envelops the walls of the organ and fecal stones, while they soften and are removed;
  • Inflammatory pathology of the large intestine (colitis, ulcers) and rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, rectal fissures) in remission. In this case, the procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor (proctologist, surgeon);
  • The period after surgical treatment of the abdominal organs;
  • Postpartum period. After childbirth, a woman may find it difficult to empty her bowels. This is due to the fear of divergence of existing seams on the perineum, pain, and insufficient fluid intake. An oil enema in this situation is the most optimal solution to the problem.


Oil enemas are prescribed for the development of persistent constipation, accompanied by the deposition of hard feces in the distal intestine. Indications for use are mainly:

  • postoperative period, when the intervention was performed on one of the organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • for inflammatory diseases, if they relate to the colon;
  • in the first few days after birth;
  • if other colon cleansing procedures have not worked.

Oil enema technique

An oil enema for constipation should be performed according to all the rules. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury to the rectum.

Algorithm for performing an oil enema:

  • To wash hands;
  • Prepare the necessary equipment: bulb (syringe) or syringe, gas outlet tube, oil. The pear and gas outlet tube must first be sterilized, that is, boiled for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • It is not enough to heat it in a water bath to 38 degrees. Hotter oil will burn the mucous membrane, and cold oil will not give the proper laxative effect (the intestines may react in the opposite way);
  • The patient must be placed on his left side. His legs should be bent at the knees and brought towards his stomach. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime;
  • Draw the required amount of oil into a bulb or syringe. Adults are given 50 milliliters (if the enema is given at night) or 100 milliliters (if the enema is given during the day). Children under 1 year of age will need about 1 milliliter of oil. To do this, the pears are squeezed in the hand (releasing air from it), and its tip is immersed in a container with oil. After which the pear is released and the oil flows into it;
  • A bulb or syringe is connected to a gas outlet tube (for children under one year of age, an enema is given only with a bulb without a gas outlet tube). The end of the tube should be generously lubricated with oil, for example, Vaseline;
  • Lightly press the bulb so that the oil comes out of the tube. This will help push out excess air, which can cause intestinal colic if it gets inside with oil;
  • Spread the patient's buttocks and carefully insert the gas outlet tube into the rectum (first towards the navel, when you feel an obstacle, point the tip parallel to the spine);
  • Gently and slowly introduce the oil into the intestines. To do this, you need to slightly squeeze the bulb or slowly press on the syringe plunger;
  • At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the gas outlet tube from the rectum and squeeze the patient’s buttocks so that the oil does not spill out.

The person should remain lying on his side for a while. If the enema is done during the daytime, then you need to lie down for 20 - 30 minutes . If the procedure was performed at night, you should not get out of bed.

Recommended oils

If an oil enema for constipation is the only way out of the situation, then choose a remedy of herbal origin. There are several types of effective oils in this case.

Castor oil

Castor oil is the most proven remedy for constipation at home. The composition contains ricenolic, oleic, linoleic acids. They interact with colon enzymes, causing a laxative effect.

Sunflower oil

This product is the most common in everyday life. An enema with sunflower oil for constipation has a laxative effect and is no less effective than other remedies of a similar type.


In folk therapy, olive oil is considered the safest product. It does not provoke allergic reactions, has a gentle effect and gives a quick effect. Therefore, an enema with olive oil is recommended for children and pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil, on the contrary, can cause allergies, so it is not suitable for everyone. But the product has high healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial. An enema with sea buckthorn oil for constipation will be useful for patients with hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal ulcers, and cracks in the sphincter.


You can use other types of oils to perform a laxative enema at home. These include pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed - all those that are used in culinary recipes. Any enema with oil for constipation normalizes peristalsis and helps preserve beneficial microflora in the intestines. But you should not mix 2 different products.

Enema oil is used in its pure form or a small amount is added to warm boiled water (37-38 degrees). A heated product has a more active effect on feces.

When eliminating constipation in children, the choice of oils is taken responsibly, taking into account the sensitivity of the small organism.

Enema recipes

For this procedure, you can use various oils of plant origin. However, you should remember that different types of oil cannot be mixed with each other!

Colon cleansing is carried out using the following oils:

  • Sunflower oil . This product can be found in any kitchen. Sunflower oil has a good laxative effect. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances are absorbed into the intestinal walls and have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • Castor oil . This oil has long been used to combat constipation. It contains acids that interact with intestinal enzymes. Thanks to this, it is emptied;
  • Sea buckthorn oil . It has a laxative and wound healing effect. If there are cracks and inflammation in the rectum, it is recommended to use this oil. However, before using it, you should make sure that the patient has no allergies;
  • Vaseline oil . This is not vegetable oil, but mineral oil. However, it also copes well with spastic constipation.

It is recommended to combine this type of enema with taking the oil orally. Here are some recipes for constipation using oils :

  • You need to take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil every morning during breakfast;
  • On an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon of castor or flaxseed oil, after which you should not eat anything for 30 to 60 minutes.

How does an enema affect the intestines?

An oil enema has a beneficial effect on life processes without disrupting the activity of important organs and systems. Before the procedure, you should carefully read the contraindications and possible negative reactions.



There are different types of enemas. Many are used for medicinal purposes, some are prescribed purely to cleanse the body, they are used for purposes such as:

  • Before surgery;
  • Before ultrasound;
  • For colonic constipation;
  • For proctogenic constipation.

Enemas are not recommended for continuous use and are not a cure; they act only as a temporary measure.

Although there are some diseases in the presence of which it is contraindicated:

  • Surgical treatment of the abdominal cavity;
  • Rectal cancer;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Appendicitis, peritonitis;
  • Colitis, segmoiditis, proctitis;
  • Rectal disease;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Acute surgical pathologies;
  • Heart failure;
  • Rectal prolapse.

Impact of an enema

Vegetable oil for constipation is a natural remedy that has a laxative effect. It acts gently and painlessly. Spreading inside the intestines, it has a spastic effect. It needs to be heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. This way it has a better effect on the intestinal walls.

Indications for use

Oil enemas have the following indications for:

  • The first postpartum days;
  • Inflammatory process of the large intestine;
  • Persistent constipation;
  • Surgical manipulations of the abdominal region.


Contraindications are similar to those applicable to other cleansing procedures:

  • Exacerbation of diseases;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Allergy;
  • Tumor processes within the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Large intestine, the integrity of the mucous membrane of which is compromised.


To give an enema, you must have a pear-shaped balloon (enema), rubber gloves and a gas outlet tube, as well as oil. The dose of the oil used is 100-200 ml.

Cover the place where the procedure will be carried out with oilcloth. The oil should be heated to +37°C.

Lubricate the tip with Vaseline oil.

The patient must lie on his side during the procedure and after it for about several hours.

To avoid any contraindications, it is recommended not to mix different types of oils, since fecal matter does not care what product envelops it.

Most often, these procedures are done before bedtime, because after its completion the patient is recommended to rest and sleep.

For one procedure, a solution is prepared in which 20 grams are diluted per half liter of water. oils

How to do an oil enema for constipation

No one is immune from problems with bowel movements. When constipation has been bothering you for several days and laxatives do not help, an oil enema comes to the rescue. But you need to do it at home with knowledge of the specifics of the procedure. Otherwise the problem will get worse.

Features of the impact

Long-term constipation is a chronic condition of the colon caused by impaired motility. This symptomatology can be a consequence of various reasons. But an enema recommended for constipation at home helps solve the problem if the delay in bowel movements is not associated with serious illnesses.

Feces are retained in the intestines because they become hard. This occurs due to metabolic disorders. In such a situation, the body has to suck out liquid from intestinal food waste, depriving them of elasticity.

In order for the passage of feces to be natural, the mass must be softened. It is impossible to achieve this result with laxative tablets in the chronic stage of constipation. The most rational way out of the situation is to clean the intestines from the anus.

An enema with an oil composition gives a good effect for constipation. The stream is supplied directly to the masses accumulated in the intestine. There is a triple effect of the liquid introduced into the anus:

  • an oily coating coats the walls of the colon, inhibiting the absorption of water;
  • feces soften under the influence of liquid;
  • a sliding effect is created.

For defecation to be painless, it takes time: the softening process will take at least 8 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to do an oil enema before bedtime. During this period, all the person’s muscles relax, and it is easier for the drug to exert its effect.

An oil enema for constipation is justified and has advantages over other methods of solving the problem:

  • does not enhance, but normalizes peristalsis;
  • does not irritate the walls of the colon;
  • the fluid does not enter other parts of the intestine.

The laxative effect is gentle and does not provoke negative consequences. Therefore, oil treatments are also recommended for postpartum and postoperative constipation.

But the indications for performing an enema are not suitable for everyone. There are a number of diseases in which the cleansing procedure will aggravate the illness.

When not to do:

  • with inflammatory processes in the intestines (colitis, proctitis, etc.);
  • if there is physical or chemical damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • for pain of an unknown nature in the lower abdomen;
  • if there is acute hemorrhoids or rectal prolapse.

In the presence of neoplasms in the intestines, laxative actions are contraindicated.

Recommended oils

If an oil enema for constipation is the only way out of the situation, then choose a remedy of herbal origin. There are several types of effective oils in this case.

Castor oil

Castor oil is the most proven remedy for constipation at home. The composition contains ricenolic, oleic, linoleic acids. They interact with colon enzymes, causing a laxative effect.

Sunflower oil

This product is the most common in everyday life. An enema with sunflower oil for constipation has a laxative effect and is no less effective than other remedies of a similar type.


In folk therapy, olive oil is considered the safest product. It does not provoke allergic reactions, has a gentle effect and gives a quick effect. Therefore, an enema with olive oil is recommended for children and pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil, on the contrary, can cause allergies, so it is not suitable for everyone. But the product has high healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial. An enema with sea buckthorn oil for constipation will be useful for patients with hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal ulcers, and cracks in the sphincter.


You can use other types of oils to perform a laxative enema at home. These include pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed - all those that are used in culinary recipes. Any enema with oil for constipation normalizes peristalsis and helps preserve beneficial microflora in the intestines. But you should not mix 2 different products.

Enema oil is used in its pure form or a small amount is added to warm boiled water (37-38 degrees). A heated product has a more active effect on feces.

When eliminating constipation in children, the choice of oils is taken responsibly, taking into account the sensitivity of the small organism.

How to use

It is recommended to have an Esmarch mug or rubber bulb in every home. With their help, oil enema is performed. The whole process is conditionally divided into 2 stages - preparatory and main.


To perform a laxative enema, the device must be sterilized. To do this, place the syringe in a pan of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

While the pear (or mug) cools, heat the substance. If it is pure oil, then 100 ml is enough for an adult. When using an oily liquid, add 3 tbsp to the same volume of warm water. plant product.

The solution is drawn into a syringe and proceed to the rest of the steps. When an enema is performed using an Esmarch mug, it is hung above the bed before lying down. The height above the floor level is maintained at about 1.5 m.


It's good if someone helps during the procedure. Because the patient will have to lie on his left side and tuck his knees. Using a pear-shaped syringe, perform the following manipulations:

  • lightly press on the sides of the enema so that a drop of liquid comes out (it is not advisable for air to get into the anus);
  • the tip of the bulb is inserted into the anus to a depth of 5 cm;
  • gradually squeeze out all the contents from the syringe;
  • Without unclenching the bulb, remove the tip;
  • squeezing the muscles of the buttocks, the patient lies on his side for 10 minutes, then takes a more comfortable position.

An oily fluid will seep out a little from the anus. Therefore, you first need to put a diaper on the bed.

When using Esmarch's mug, the algorithm of actions is slightly different. 1.5-2 liters of liquid are poured into the syringe. The kit includes a rubber hose, one end of which is attached to the heating pad. A special tip with a tap is attached to the second one.

Having opened the valve, wait until a drop of solution appears on the tip, and insert the tip into the anus. All subsequent steps are identical to those described above.

To avoid damaging soft tissues and mucous membranes, the tip of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline or glycerin cream before insertion.

Even if there is no noticeable urge in the morning, you must visit the toilet without fail. Having not received the desired result, another procedure is performed in the evening.

Use in children

Constipation is a common situation in young children. The technique for administering an oil enema will be the same as for an adult, but a special children's syringe is used. For each age, the appropriate volume of equipment is selected:

  • newborns – 20 ml;
  • infants 1-2 months old - 40 ml;
  • babies up to 4 months – 50 ml;
  • children from six months to 9 months – 120 ml;
  • for a one-year-old child – 180 ml;
  • up to 2 years – 250 ml;
  • up to 5 – 300 ml;
  • over 6 years – 0.5 l.

Take bottled water for the enema and heat it to 30 degrees. It is recommended that the youngest patients use only sunflower oil (not market oil). For infants, the syringe is injected no deeper than 3 cm, for children over one year old - up to 5 cm.

When giving an oil enema to babies, they lubricate not only the tip of the syringe, but also the skin at the entrance to the anus.

Children often resist such measures, so administering an oil enema is difficult. Before doing a laxative enema, it is recommended to distract the baby with something so that he relaxes. Tension of the sphincter muscles prevents the oil from penetrating inside.

After removing the tip, the adult squeezes the child's buttocks to prevent the solution from leaking. You can turn the baby onto his stomach for 10 minutes.

An enema with vegetable oil for constipation affects children faster than adults. Therefore, you can expect copious (and even multiple) stools within an hour after the procedure.

However, this effect is not always observed. Therefore, the introduction of the oil composition will need to be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 days.

The procedure itself may not work due to gases accumulated in the intestines or a spastic state. Then a new enema is given after 6 hours.

For newborns and infants under one year of age, home enemas are not often performed and only with the permission of the observing pediatrician (after a preliminary examination). This will avoid unwanted consequences that will be difficult to eliminate.


Mini procedures using an oil composition are effective in situations where oral medications do not produce results. But it is not recommended to get carried away with enemas, so as not to disrupt the beneficial intestinal microflora. It is better to find the true cause of chronic problems and establish normal bowel movements.


Cooking recipes

There are many different recipes for using oil remedies for constipation. Here are the most popular:

  • You need to drink 1-2 tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach, and then do not eat or drink anything for about an hour;
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and consume at night;
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of orange juice, drink in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • Mix 1 tablespoon oil and 1 cup yogurt. Apply 3 times a day.

Olive oil can be used daily in food, salads and drinks.

Castor oil is taken on an empty stomach. Adults take it one tablespoon. To get rid of its unpleasant taste, you can mix it with a glass of orange, ginger or plum juice. Sometimes this solution is chilled in the refrigerator for about an hour before use.

Flaxseed oil is taken with breakfast. The initial dose of use is one tablespoon, then this dose is increased. This oil can also be used in salads, porridge, and yogurt. For an adult patient, two teaspoons per day will be enough for effective treatment.

Folk recipes

You can prepare microenemas for constipation yourself. For this purpose, food, pharmaceutical preparations, and medicinal plants are used. Let's first talk about options for preparing cleansing microenemas:

  • coffee. You need to grind three tablespoons of natural coffee in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured into a glass of distilled water and placed on low heat for five minutes. Then the heat should be increased and the product boiled for ten minutes. Cooled and filtered coffee is ready for use. Such enemas help remove toxins and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • honey Add one spoonful of lemon juice and liquid honey to 20 ml of boiled warm water. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  • starchy You can use potato, rice, corn or wheat starch. Five grams of the product are diluted in 125 ml of distilled water. The liquid is put on fire and boiled. It should be simmered over low heat and gradually add another 125 ml of water.

For chronic constipation, it is recommended to prepare laxative enemas. The basis is oil or saline solution. If constipation is accompanied by the release of dry feces, it is recommended to take a course of two or three softening microenemas. To do this, you need to heat a glass of milk, then add 20 g of butter.

After cooling, warm milk is injected into the rectum. After the procedure, you need to lie down for fifteen minutes. You can enhance the laxative effect by adding a pinch of salt. To stabilize the intestinal microflora, such enemas are best done before bedtime. For cracks and irritations that occur due to constipation, it is useful to do enemas with herbal decoctions.

The following plants can be used as a basis:

After the enema, you should monitor your condition. If there is no burning or itching, the procedure can be repeated again. So, an enema is an effective procedure that helps cleanse the intestines of fecal accumulations. For constipation, cleansing, oil, and hypertonic types of enemas are used. Do not forget about contraindications to this procedure.

For example, it cannot be performed in case of acute inflammatory processes, intestinal neoplasms, hemorrhoids, or elevated temperature. Abuse of cleaning can lead to dysbacteriosis. When using an enema to cleanse a child's intestines, it is important to be extremely careful. Before treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Constipation is a common phenomenon that can have a negative impact on human health. Using an enema is the most effective way to relieve constipation at home if laxatives do not provide relief.

An enema is an event in which liquid is introduced into the intestine for the purpose of cleansing. Medical manipulation is unpleasant, but sometimes it is the only way to cope with the phenomenon if other means do not help.

The procedure is simple, but has rules that must be followed to achieve the desired result without consequences for the body. Depending on the purpose and volume of the solution, the following types are distinguished:


As the name suggests, cleansing needs to be done using various oils. For constipation, you can use olive, sunflower, and Vaseline oil. Once inside, the oil softens the intestinal walls and carefully removes mass from the body.

Before using an enema with vegetable oil, the product must be heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. After 10-12 hours, with proper use, the desired effect is achieved.

Oil enema for children

When normal bowel function is disrupted in children, enemas and suppositories are most often used. The procedure includes clean water, which is administered using a small syringe. The volume and size of the enema depends on the age of the child.

Older children may be prescribed a procedure using chamomile infusion, oil or saline solution. Solutions must be diluted with water so that they are less concentrated.

Babies under one year of age may experience constipation if the formula or quality changes frequently.

An enema is given to a child in the same way as to an adult, only more carefully, since this is a baby.

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