How to drink kefir for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Fermented milk products and stomach ulcers

Any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract requires mandatory adherence to the regime and rules of a healthy diet. For stomach ulcers, doctors advise following a special diet aimed at improving motility. In addition, it is important to increase the functionality of the organ and prevent traumatization of the mucous membranes by inappropriate foods. The patient is recommended not only a special list of foods to eat, but also certain rules for taking it.

Fermented milk products are always included in the menu of a patient with an ulcer. Dishes made from milk and cottage cheese are allowed at least every day. You can use:

  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Varenets;
  • yogurt;
  • biolact.

The listed products contain bacteria beneficial to the digestive system: Lactobacilli, L. johnsonii and L. Salivarious. They are able to suppress the growth of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that leads to stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It is advisable to drink fermented milk products prepared at home. They will be more beneficial than pasteurized store-bought ones. Store-bought products contain a minimum of beneficial bacteria - most of them die during the pasteurization process.

The benefits of homemade fermented milk products are undeniable:

  • it is always fresh, you can prepare kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt anew every time;
  • microorganisms in home products are live and beneficial;
  • kefir and homemade yogurt help with constipation, flatulence, and bloating;
  • bifidobacteria contained in fermented milk dishes inhibit Helicobacter pylori and restore intestinal microflora;
  • Fermented milk products can be taken if you are prone to allergies.

Menu for a week for stomach ulcers

It is important to remember that during an exacerbation of the disease, you should adhere to a special diet, which is called table No. 1. Subsequently, when the attack is eliminated, you can switch to a more varied diet.


  • You can start the day with a couple of soft-boiled chicken eggs and buckwheat porridge in the amount of 250 g. The drink used is weak tea.
  • For second breakfast, you can use a baked apple, which you can wash down with a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • For lunch, a patient with a stomach ulcer is offered chicken soup with boiled rice. For the second course you can prepare mashed potatoes with beef meatballs. Fruit jelly is suitable as a dessert. The drink used is rosehip decoction.
  • The afternoon snack should consist of green tea and a couple of crackers.
  • For dinner, you can steam pike perch and complement it with cabbage inflorescences, also cooked in a double boiler. You can use weak tea as a drink.
  • You can end your day with green tea or yogurt.


  • For breakfast, you can use egg porridge, which is prepared using 2 eggs, milk and butter. You can wash it down with strawberry jelly.
  • As a second breakfast, the patient can be offered buckwheat porridge with milk. The drink used is weak tea.
  • For lunch, a person is served pureed zucchini soup. The second course consists of an appetizer of fish pate (any lean fish), as well as a casserole of potatoes and beef, cooked in foil, with sauerkraut. Apple mousse can be used as a dessert.
  • In the afternoon you can eat a banana and wash it down with slightly warmed fresh kefir.
  • Dinner includes jellied chicken meatballs and mashed potatoes. As a dessert, sour cream spread on stale bread is used. You can drink it with weak tea.
  • Drink green tea or yogurt before bed.


  • For breakfast, you can prepare pureed rice porridge with milk and wash it down with apple compote. Second breakfast can consist of cottage cheese and oatmeal jelly.
  • For lunch you can serve noodle soup cooked in vegetable broth. Beetroot salad with vegetable oil is acceptable as an appetizer. For the main course, you can use crumbly buckwheat porridge with herbs and Polish-style pike perch with sauerkraut. You can drink it with weak black tea.
  • At midday, the patient is served biscuit crackers and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner consists of pilaf with boiled beef, vegetable risotto and vitamin jelly. You can make apple nests as a dessert.
  • End your Wednesday day with green tea and fruit jelly.


  • For breakfast, you can offer a sweet mucous decoction of pearl barley with milk and yolk, crackers and milk jelly with carrots.
  • Snowballs and warm, weak tea are used as a snack.
  • For lunch, rice soup with pumpkin is prepared; as a second course, you can serve rabbit meat soufflé and boiled pasta with sauerkraut. For dessert, apples and pears in syrup are used, which can be washed down with grape jelly.
  • Dinner for a patient with an ulcer consists of beet and potato salad, pumpkin-squash puree, and jellied turkey. Green tea.
  • As a snack before a night's rest, you can use curd pudding with apples and a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • For breakfast, prepare buckwheat porridge with jam. Tea is used as a drink.
  • As a snack, you can offer lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and a strawberry smoothie.
  • For lunch, the patient is offered a green salad with sour cream, soup with dill and dumplings, and as a second course - zucchini stuffed with meat and sauerkraut.
  • In the afternoon you can eat a fruit salad and wash it down with strawberry jelly.
  • For dinner, the patient is served boiled tongue with mashed potatoes and pudding made from rolled oats and apples. You can drink it with weak black tea.
  • The evening ends with green tea or yogurt.


  • Breakfast can consist of milk soup with boiled noodles and warm tea.
  • The second breakfast consists of a glass of fermented baked milk and beet puree.
  • For lunch you can eat apple soup with prunes and herring soaked with vegetables. Dessert – sponge cake with squirrels
  • For an afternoon snack, the patient can indulge in a cocktail of kefir and strawberries with apple pudding.
  • For dinner on Saturday you can have baked cod and barley crumbly porridge and sauerkraut. You can complement your evening meal with a dessert of jelly with fruit.
  • Green tea with crackers is used as an evening snack before bed.


  • You can start your morning with boiled noodles with cheese and butter and weak tea.
  • You can have a snack before lunch with cottage cheese and potato casserole and vitamin jelly.
  • For lunch, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are used, and boiled meat with sauerkraut, as well as cauliflower soup and cheese mixture with carrots. The drink used is pureed apple compote.
  • As an afternoon snack, you can offer an apple baked with honey.
  • For dinner we use homemade kefir, beef stroganoff with soybean oil and boiled beef, supplemented with mashed potatoes. You can wash it down with berry compote.
  • As a snack before bed, you can drink green tea and eat one soft-boiled egg.

Basic composition and features of kefir

Kefir has a unique composition that is beneficial for children and adults. It contains proteins, mushrooms, bacteria, fats, carbohydrates, moderate acidity. Minerals and vitamins of groups B, C, H, A have an immunomodulatory effect.

Of the mineral components the product contains:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • calcium.

Kefir can be full-fat or low-fat. The second is created on the basis of skim milk, the fat content of the first is from 1%.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, only fresh kefir is recommended; it is advisable to drink it on the same day it was produced. Fresh kefir contains many useful substances, but it does not contain alcohol or other fermentation products.

What are the benefits of kefir?

It is recommended not only for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir is popular in gynecology, urology, and pediatrics. If you use kefir in moderation and correctly, it will relieve numerous problems.

Kefir will help men:

  • increase the tone of the body;
  • increase vitality, boost immunity;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • Restore sexual dysfunction faster with complex treatment.

Kefir is useful for women because:

  • restores split ends;
  • eliminates skin peeling;
  • strengthens the female nervous system;
  • boosts immunity during pregnancy;
  • stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, improves motor skills, prevents constipation, which often occurs while expecting a baby;
  • reduces swelling;
  • strengthens nails;
  • improves complexion.

Children and adults are recommended to drink kefir because it helps:

  • improve intestinal function and gastric motility;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • slow down the aging process and accelerate the growth of babies;
  • strengthen bone tissue;
  • increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  • stabilize weight;
  • restore metabolic processes in the body.

Kefir is healthy only if you drink it in moderation. Excessive consumption can provoke the opposite effect: cause constipation, bloating, and worsen the general condition. It is better for a nutritionist or gastroenterologist to select the dose in person.

The benefits of kefir

The positive effect of drinking fermented milk drink on health was noted back in the 19th century. It was recommended to drink it for tuberculosis, anemia, loss of strength, and during recovery from serious illnesses and injuries. In terms of its beneficial properties, kefir is a leader among other lactic acid products.

Its therapeutic effect is largely determined by the duration of the fermentation process - this affects the strength. Based on the content of ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and acidity, the product is distinguished:

  • one-day (weak);
  • two-day (average);
  • three-day (strong).

Kefir is a drink with valuable probiotic properties. Probiotics are substances that promote the development and functioning of normal intestinal microflora. The microorganisms included in its composition, as well as their metabolic products, prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in the large intestine. Regular consumption of kefir compensates for the effects of taking antibiotics.

The bactericidal effect of the microbes included in the kefir grain against pathogens of various infectious diseases: tuberculosis, pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli has been noted.

Kefir has immunostimulating properties. This is possible thanks to the action of kefir starter. The bacteria included in its composition activate the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract, and then the entire body.

The almost complete absence of lactose in kefir makes it possible for people with lactase deficiency to consume it. With this pathology, due to the lack of the lactase enzyme in the body, drinking whole milk becomes impossible, because this leads to intestinal disorders.

Milk proteins in kefir transform into a form that is easily digestible by humans. This makes it a valuable product for the dietary nutrition of children and the elderly, whose gastrointestinal tract is weakened due to physiological characteristics.

Use of the product for ulcers

When choosing kefir in a store, it is important to pay attention to the production date. Ideally, it matches the date of purchase. You can buy the drink in agricultural shops: this kefir contains more valuable substances and microelements.

During an exacerbation, it is not advisable to prepare dishes based on kefir or drink it undiluted. Fermented milk products are included in the menu only in cases of stable remission.

The diet for chronic and acute forms will be different. In the first case, kefir can be consumed in doses, and in the second, it can be strictly limited.

The opinion that kefir can be replaced with milk during an exacerbation is fundamentally wrong. Fresh milk contains more cream and is fattier, which means it is difficult to digest. You should not drink milk during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer.

When and how much can you drink kefir?

The patient can include kefir in the menu, following certain rules. They were developed by modern nutritionists and gastroenterologists.

Kefir will be useful if:

  • drink it fresh;
  • pay attention to the taste - the drink should not be sour;
  • in the acute stage, kefir is completely contraindicated, since the mucous membrane is inflamed and suffers at the slightest irritation;
  • drink it at room temperature;
  • do not mix it with other dishes (exceptions for stomach ulcers would be muesli, fiber);
  • drink it at night (the product replaces a full dinner).

Basic myths about diet for ulcers

Myth #1: Ulcers are caused by poor diet.

Poor nutrition alone cannot cause ulcers. Of course, fried, spicy and fatty foods do not harm our body. But this factor alone cannot become the cause of the ulcer.

Myth #2: Soda solution helps with pain

It was once common to use baking soda for pain syndromes. You can't do that. At first, baking soda really reduces pain. But later they become even stronger, because soda has a leavening effect. At the same time, food generally relieves pain, even if it is just water. Milk will also be beneficial.

Myth #3: Diet can cure ulcers.

Unfortunately, diet alone cannot help treat the disease. Especially if it is caused by an infection. This requires drug therapy. But taken together, the diet can provide an invaluable service for stomach ulcers.

By strictly adhering to a menu that includes only approved foods for ulcers, you can defeat the disease. All unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear, pain occurs less frequently, and the load on the stomach decreases. The risk of exacerbation decreases, exacerbations occur less frequently. It should be remembered that independence in preparing a diet is unacceptable. The doctor selects a diet for each patient.

Making kefir at home

Many people do not trust modern dairy products - it is healthier to make kefir at home. Today there are several recipes. The method of preparing kefir, known to our great-grandmothers, is popular.

  1. Kefir for ulcers should be low-fat, so it should be prepared with skim milk.
  2. You will need store-bought sourdough or your own (replace sourdough with 5-10% sour cream).
  3. Prepare the container and sterilize it.
  4. Boil the milk well.
  5. Cool the milk to room temperature.
  6. Strain into prepared container.
  7. Top up the starter.
  8. Mix well with a wooden spatula.
  9. Close the container tightly and wrap it around the circumference with a warm blanket or blanket to retain heat.
  10. Place in a warm place for a day and leave until ready.
  11. When the kefir sits in a warm place, it will be ready for use.

You can store homemade kefir in the refrigerator, but no more than 3 days. If you have a stomach ulcer, it is advisable to drink a fresh drink 1-2 days in advance, taking it out of the refrigerator in advance.

Making kefir using dry starter

Ready-made dry starter cultures for home use are available for sale - Narine, Vivo, Evitalia. To prepare a drink with their help, whole milk must be preheated to 100 0C and then cooled to 40–45 0C. Add starter to the container with milk in the amount recommended by the manufacturer. Then put the jar in a warm place (you can use a thermos to maintain a constant temperature) for 12–20 hours. A sign that kefir is ready is the appearance of flakes and clots. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade kefir made using store-bought product

You can use store-bought kefir as a starter. To do this, pour the milk, previously boiled and cooled to 40–50 0C, into a glass container. Add store-bought kefir in a ratio of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of milk, mix well. Then put the jar in a warm place (you can use a thermos or yogurt maker) for 10–12 hours. After which we put the container in the refrigerator for 2–4 hours to complete the fermentation process. It is better not to use the resulting product to ferment a new portion. It is advisable to prepare a new portion.

Other fermented milk products

For duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, not only kefir is useful, but also other fermented milk products. Gastroenterologists advise drinking fresh unsweetened yogurt, eating cottage cheese, drinking skim milk, fermented baked milk, and snowballs in limited quantities.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you should buy homemade milk. Modern manufacturers sometimes use antibiotics in production to extend shelf life; they use powdered milk as a basis, which worsens the condition of the gastric mucosa.

Ryazhenka and yogurt

Ryazhenka is the number one product in gastroenterology. It is recommended not only during remission, but also during exacerbation. The main thing is to choose a product with a fat content of less than 2%. Optimal dietary fermented baked milk is up to 1.5% fat.

Ryazhenka, like kefir, is rich in beneficial microelements, bacteria, and vitamins. Ryazhenka improves the balance of intestinal microflora.

If you drink fermented baked milk at night, it will stimulate the motility of the stomach and duodenum.

Another useful product is yogurt. Adults and children love him. However, only natural yogurt without additives is healthy.

Today you can buy a special starter for making yogurt and make it at home in a yogurt maker. It is better to drink this drink in the morning, during breakfast. Those with ulcers will benefit from yogurt with added fiber and muesli, but it should be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week.

How to drink kefir correctly

In the remission stage, if you have a stomach ulcer, you can drink this fermented milk product in small quantities, and this should be done correctly:

  • A single dose should not exceed 200 g.
  • The temperature of the drink should be at room temperature, since when cold it irritates the walls of the stomach.
  • It should not be consumed during meals. A glass of kefir can replace an afternoon snack.
  • Fermented milk drink should not be very sour and fatty.
  • It is advisable to start using it with a minimal amount, and only after the absence of negative reactions is it allowed to use it several times a day.

To get a greater effect from consuming kefir, you can add a teaspoon of unrefined sunflower or olive oil to a glass of drink. It is better to use this remedy before bed; the drink promotes the healing of damaged mucosal surfaces. The duration of therapy is one and a half to three months.

This point should be taken into account: a fresh fermented milk drink has a laxative effect, and if it has been stored for more than a day, on the contrary, it has a strengthening effect.

During an exacerbation, drinking kefir is strictly contraindicated.

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