Soothing the soul, body and hemorrhoids: warm, cold and hot baths

A hot bath for hemorrhoids is a controversial solution. Of course, this procedure relaxes many people. For some illnesses, hot baths should be taken with great caution. Poor awareness of patients about the permitted types of water procedures sometimes leads to aggravation of the problem and the development of complications.

In this review, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to take a hot bath for hemorrhoids, how to do it correctly and whether there are any ways to reduce the negative impact of the procedure.

What is this disease?

A characteristic sign of this disease is dilation of the veins of the lower part of the rectum.

Symptoms of this pathology include:

  • the occurrence of hemorrhoids and cones;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • bleeding;
  • Pain.

Once faced with hemorrhoids, a person may begin to be afraid to go to the toilet on a subconscious level. The process of defecation can lead to severe pain. The result is constipation, which only makes the situation worse. At the first signs of hemorrhoids, treatment should be started immediately. If you put off visiting a doctor indefinitely, you can get serious complications.

Warm baths

For enlarged venous collections or in the postoperative period, proctologists recommend taking warm antihemorrhoidal baths, as they help:

  • relieve itching;
  • destroy pathogenic microflora;
  • accelerate the healing of cracks in the affected area;
  • relax the sphincter muscles;
  • strengthen the vascular membranes.

The temperature of warm baths should be above 35-36 degrees. They should be taken 2 times a day – in the morning and before bed. We will consider below what ingredients should be used in preparing warm baths.

Potassium permangantsovka

This is one of the most popular wound-healing and bactericidal agents, which helps against many ailments, including hemorrhoids. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 1.5 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. dry potassium permanganate powder. The mixture should have a soft pink color.

Take a bath for about 15 minutes, and the affected area must be completely immersed in the prepared solution. This time will be enough even in case of severe inflammation of the hemorrhoids. After the procedure, you need to dry yourself with a paper napkin or soft towel, and treat the anus with sea buckthorn oil. If this is not the case, you can use regular fatty cream.

Manganese baths are also prepared using cold water. So, warm baths can be used before bed, and cold baths during the day.


Helps relieve burning and itching. Initially you need to prepare a decoction - 4 tbsp. l. dry inflorescence, pour 4 cups of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes and strain. Next, you need to warm up the broth, pour it into a basin and sit in it for 10-15 minutes.

Oak bark

Has the same effect as calendula. To prepare a medicinal decoction you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Pour 6 tbsp. l. dry oak bark 1.5 liters of water.
  2. Boil the mixture in a water bath for about 40 minutes.
  3. Leave the broth for 2 hours and then strain.

The finished decoction can be used not only for sitz baths, but also for lotions that must be applied directly to hemorrhoids.


This is an excellent remedy for relieving irritation and providing an antimicrobial effect. You need to prepare it in this order:

  1. Place 100 g of string in gauze and wrap.
  2. Throw the resulting bag of grass into 2 liters of boiling water.
  3. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, strain and pour into a bowl.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect from the bath, the temperature of the water in the basin should not be higher than 37 degrees.

To enhance the effect of the series, the recipe can be supplemented with the same amount of chamomile.

Onion peel

Excellent for external hemorrhoidal cones, as it relieves inflammation, pain, itching and burning.

It is necessary to boil the plant material to obtain a dark brown solution. Next, strain the mixture and leave to cool. Soak for about 15 minutes or until the water cools down.

Possible harm of the procedure

So what do you need to know about this? Is it possible to warm hemorrhoids with hot water? Such a procedure may well aggravate the disease and aggravate the symptoms. High temperature accelerates blood circulation. As a result, blood flow to the inflamed vessels increases.

The following changes occur in the human body:

  • hemorrhoids increase in size;
  • pain and discomfort intensify;
  • bleeding becomes more profuse.

Therefore, a hot bath for hemorrhoids, as well as baths and saunas, are prohibited. However, this does not mean that hygiene procedures should be limited to washing in the shower.

Useful baths for hemorrhoids

Hot baths for hemorrhoids are prohibited, but if you follow a certain temperature regime, you can easily arrange such a hygienic procedure for yourself.

There are only a few types of baths allowed for this disease:

  1. Warm: The temperature of the water should be the same as that of the human body. In this case, health problems should not arise.
  2. Cold and cool: in some cases prescribed by the attending physician. Such procedures help reduce pain and get rid of burning sensation. The event is carried out for 5 minutes, no more.
  3. Steam: Treatments during which the affected areas are exposed to steam from medicinal herbs.

Baths after surgery to remove hemorrhoids

After surgery, it is recommended to take warm baths with herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, mint or sage). 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 15-20 minutes, then filtered and a solution is made by adding 1 liter of boiled water. Herbal baths help relieve pain and reduce the risk of wound infection.

To speed up the healing of the operated area, take baths with sea salt. Sea salt stimulates tissue regeneration. In the process of preparing a medicinal solution, 500 g of sea salt (without additives) is dissolved in 3 liters of boiled water.

After surgery, baths can only be taken after consulting the attending physician. The treatment course lasts at least 5 days.

Baths for hemorrhoids are among the most common home methods, which, according to patients, provide a good therapeutic effect. They help quickly reduce pain, help stop bleeding from hemorrhoids and speed up the healing of damaged tissue.

Sitz baths can be used for both external and internal hemorrhoids. They are most effective in the early stages of the disease; at stages III–IV, this method can be used as an auxiliary in a complex of therapeutic measures.

One of the advantages of the baths is their availability; all the necessary ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition, this is a safe method (if you follow medical recommendations) - baths for hemorrhoids can be given to pregnant women, the elderly and children.

At the early stage of hemorrhoids, medicinal baths can be the main method of treatment. Good treatment results in later stages can only be achieved with an integrated approach, which includes drug therapy, physical therapy, and lifestyle modification. Traditional medicine is used as a supplement to basic therapy.

Despite the simplicity and safety of the method, before you start practicing it, you should consult with your doctor; self-medication can lead to progression of the disease and increases the risk of complications. In addition, the doctor will recommend which baths are suitable for a particular form of hemorrhoids and how to prepare them correctly.

Doctors' advice

How to cure hemorrhoids? Hot water can cause dilation of the vessels in the anus, which will lead to an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. Doctors also recommend completely stopping the use of toilet paper. Contact with rough tissue may cause inflammation of the affected area. Therefore, it is recommended to replace this procedure by washing with cool water.


Who can take hot baths for hemorrhoids? How to do this correctly? These procedures are contraindicated for all people with this pathology, however, baths with warm water can be useful in the initial stages of the disease. At this time, the inflammation is still quite small and does not require surgical intervention. If you correctly combine water treatments with medications, it is quite possible to achieve sustainable and effective results.

A properly selected treatment process will help to significantly speed up the tissue healing process, as well as ensure normalization of blood flow in the area of ​​hemorrhoids.

Taking a bath correctly

Let's look at this in more detail.

To achieve the maximum effect from water treatments for hemorrhoids, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Before performing water procedures, you should definitely empty your intestines. Enemas based on medicinal herbs are best suited for this purpose. You can also use special laxatives. But it is better not to take them regularly.
  2. After the treatment procedure, the patient must lie in bed for some time.
  3. A warm bath can be taken for no longer than 15 minutes.
  4. Water procedures are recommended at any stage of the disease. These measures are a good preventive measure.
  5. For internal hemorrhoids, taking a bath will do nothing.
  6. Warm therapeutic water procedures in combination with drug treatment can significantly speed up the healing process.
  7. Cool and cold baths should only be taken as directed by a qualified physician. The same rule applies to ice candles.
  8. After taking a bath, the patient should rinse in the shower and wipe dry. This will help remove excess moisture from the surface of the skin.

Baths can be taken both in a lying and sitting position. If it is not possible to fully bathe, the patient is usually recommended to take a sitting position.

Recipes for healthy baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids

In folk medicine, there are a large number of bath recipes using decoctions used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Uses for nettle baths

You need to take 300 g of nettle. Only dry leaves are used to create a decoction. They are filled with 2 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes and then infused for half an hour. Now you need to add 2 cups of hot milk. Everything is poured into the bath together. Let the mixture cool, then you can take sitz baths.

Use of Veronica officinalis and lungwort

You can pour 300 g of dried plant into 3 liters of boiling water. This mixture should sit for 45 minutes with the lid closed. Then you need to strain the broth and add it to a bath with regular warm water. You can sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes.

Lungwort grass needs to be dried and crushed. This powder in the amount of 250 g is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes in a tightly closed container. Then the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a bathtub with warm water.

Using burnet and dandelion

40 g of plant is used. This mass must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then the mixture is cooked for half an hour over low heat. Then you need to wait an hour for the broth to brew. A bath with this decoction should be taken while sitting. The decoction is added to a bowl of water. Its temperature should be 30-35°C. You need to carry out 12 procedures for recovery. You need to take such a bath every day for 15 minutes.

You need to use the entire dandelion plant along with the root. You need to pour 50 g of finely chopped plant into 3 liters of boiling water. This mixture should sit for 2 hours. After the broth has cooled to 25°C, it can be used for sitz baths. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes 3 times a week.

Viburnum and horsetail when preparing baths

For hemorrhoids, it is better to use viburnum bark. You need to add 4 teaspoons of water and boil for half an hour. After this, the broth must be filtered and poured into a bowl of water for bathing. The temperature of clean water in the basin should be no more than 35°C. For treatment you need to take 15 baths. The surprising thing is that this procedure can be taken even in cases where there is bleeding from the anus.

You can pour 3 liters of boiling water over 50 g of horsetail and let this mixture brew for a couple of hours. After filtering, this decoction is added to the bath. But its temperature should be no more than 26°C. After 10 procedures, relief and positive changes in treatment occur, but the bath needs to be taken only 3 times a week.

Thus, it is possible to take baths for hemorrhoids, but not always. When treating hemorrhoids, taking a bath will be a useful procedure if you follow the established rules. Taking a hot bath is strictly prohibited. The water should be slightly warmed up.

It is best to add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water.

You can also make smoke sitz baths. Such procedures will work well in combination with traditional treatments. Warm baths can speed up the healing process. Following some specific rules can speed up the healing process.

Chamomile bath

How to cook it correctly? A classic treatment option for hemorrhoids is a chamomile-based bath. Thanks to it, you can achieve rapid tissue restoration. It should be noted that chamomile baths are also perfect for treating anal fissures. To prepare, take 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile inflorescences. They need to be filled with 1 liter of boiling water. After this, you should wait until the broth cools down. It is then filtered and diluted in warm liquid. The bath is taken for 10-15 minutes. If a basin is used for the procedure, you can halve the amount of dried herb.

For internal hemorrhoids, you can use a different recipe. To do this, take one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and pour in 100 ml of boiling water. After the broth has been cooled and filtered, it must be placed in an enema and inserted into the anus. The patient should lie on his side. This is the only way to achieve complete absorption of the medicine. Also, medicinal compresses are made based on chamomile flowers. A simple cotton swab is soaked in the broth and applied to the anus for several hours. It is best to do this procedure at night.

How to prepare a bath

Popular tips for preparing hemorrhoidal baths:

  1. Add 400 grams of water pepper herb (fresh) to two liters of water and cook for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is allowed to rest for 20 minutes, after which it is strained. At the same time, cook 400 grams of finely chopped bread with two glasses of hot milk. The liquid is filtered and mixed with herbal decoction. The resulting solution is poured into a small basin. They sit in the pelvis in such a way that the inflamed nodes are on the outside. Such procedures are carried out every day after defecation for a month.
  2. To take a bath, which will allow you to relax well and relieve pain, prepare a special solution of potassium permanganate.

To prepare it you will need ten liters of warm water and one and a half teaspoons of potassium permanganate. These ingredients are mixed in such proportions that the color of the water becomes pale pink.

It is important to focus specifically on the color of the resulting solution, and not on the actual manganese content in the water

A high concentration of the solution causes a severe chemical burn, especially since the skin around the anus is very delicate. When obtaining a brighter color, the solution is diluted with a large amount of water until the optimal concentration of potassium permanganate in water is obtained. You need to be very careful, because if you prepare the bath incorrectly, the inflammation can only intensify.

After preparing the solution, the patient sits in the bath for 15 minutes. Manganese water should slowly relieve tension and pain in the anus. It has a beneficial effect on inflamed hemorrhoids and relieves discomfort. If the first bath does not bring the desired effect, the procedure is repeated up to 3-4 times a day until the pain begins to subside.

Herbal baths for hemorrhoids will also be beneficial and nourishing for the skin. They take no more than 15 minutes. If at the end of the procedure you notice an unpleasant odor, use cosmetics. When performing bath procedures, it is best to be in a sitting or lying position with bent legs and raised knees.

The question of whether it is possible to take baths with hemorrhoids plagues people with this unpleasant disease. Many people prefer to sit in the bath longer; this allows them to relax and unwind. But the presence of certain diseases blocks access to this bliss. Even if you have hemorrhoids, you will have to abstain from such pleasure. However, this problem can be solved if you combine rest and treatment with baths.

Oak bark bath

What is its effectiveness? Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to take a hot bath for hemorrhoids. If you choose the right water temperature and add infusions of medicinal herbs to it, you can achieve a wonderful effect. Oak bark is good for hemorrhoids. It has a drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. An infusion of oak bark relieves pain and helps quickly heal damage to the skin.

How to properly prepare a bath based on this component? Six tablespoons of dry herb must be filled with liquid and left to heat in a water bath. Thus, the product must be boiled for half an hour. It should acquire a rich dark color. After the decoction is removed from the stove, it must be left to infuse for another 2 hours. An oak bark solution is good for treating anal fissures. You can also make lotions with a decoction. A special ointment also helps in healing hemorrhoids. It is quite possible to prepare it at home. To do this, you need to take oak bark, water pepper and flax flowers in equal proportions. All components are thoroughly mixed. Then lard is added to them. The product should be stirred several more times over a couple of hours. The resulting composition is applied to the affected area. You can also use it as candles.

Beneficial effects of cold

If you can’t take hot baths for hemorrhoids, then maybe cold water will help cope with the disease? Not everything is so simple. Yes, cooling the anus helps stop bleeding and many cool procedures are prescribed to strengthen the venous walls of the rectum and provide relief to the patient during a relapse. The following cold procedures are the most common for hemorrhoids:

  • You can put so-called ice candles, which can be made at home without any problems. It is important that the candles are small so as not to add problems. Candles are not frozen from plain water. In this case, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used.
  • A cold compress applied to the desired area of ​​the perineum will have an identical effect.

Attention! A cold compress and ice suppository are used carefully. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get other inflammatory processes or a cold. The procedure lasts no longer than 5-7 minutes and is done no more than twice a day.

Doctors agree with this traditional treatment and even use a similar method in official medicine. Cryodestruction is an outpatient, minimally invasive procedure that uses liquid nitrogen. Using special equipment, the affected areas are exposed to a low temperature of 195°C. What is the advantage of cryosurgery over conventional surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids? The procedure does not require hospitalization, it is minimally traumatic and completely painless without anesthesia. It can be done by both men and women.

Attention! Pay attention to cryodestruction, ask your doctor about this method of treatment. With this procedure, you can easily remove the symptoms of the disease and prevent its further progression, which is why it is worthy of attention.

In the case of hemorrhoids, it is better to be treated with cold than to rely on the beneficial effects of hot water and end up with complications. Do not take all folk recipes on faith. Think sensibly, consult with specialists, do not self-medicate and, of course, do not self-diagnose! Be healthy!

Even doctors recommend using traditional medicine to treat and reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

For example, baths for hemorrhoids can have a strong effect, regardless of the form and type of disease.

They eliminate pain, heal wounds, and can also stop bleeding. The main rule before use is doctor’s approval.

Bath with potassium permanganate

What is she like? In combination with water procedures, manganese is an excellent antimicrobial agent. Potassium permanganate makes it easy to remove inflammation and also has a beneficial effect on tissue healing. It must be used very carefully. A high concentration of this substance can cause burns to the mucous membranes. This will negatively affect the treatment process. The bath should contain enough substance so that the water acquires a pale pink tint. It is not recommended to stay in such a bath for more than 10 minutes.

Salt baths

Salt is an excellent disinfectant that can fight pathogenic bacteria. It is good for treating hemorrhoids. To prepare the bath you need to take 250 grams of salt. You can use any, but experts recommend using sea water. It contains a large number of useful substances that promote healing. Salt is diluted in warm water and allowed to brew for a while. After such a bath, you need to wipe your skin dry with a towel and lie down.


This issue deserves special attention. What are the contraindications for taking a bath? Is it possible for hemorrhoids? A hot bath can increase blood flow, which is especially dangerous for this disease.

The following contraindications should also be taken into account:

  • If you have diseases of the genitourinary system or inflammatory processes, you should not take cold baths.
  • Baths with herbs are not recommended if you are hypersensitive or prone to allergies.
  • Hot water procedures should not be taken if you have varicose veins or pregnancy.

Recipes for therapeutic baths

With potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is an effective antimicrobial agent. It relieves inflammation of the cavernous vessels and heals cracks in the anus.

Method of making a bath:

Stir the prepared manganese solution in a bath of water. As a result, the color of the bath water should be pale pink. The duration of the water procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Salt baths

Epsom, sea or table salt in an amount of 250 grams, which we buy in stores for cooking, should be evaporated using a water bath and then diluted in a bath.

Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthen veins and blood vessels.

There are many ways to treat illness using the healing gifts of nature. You can take baths with infusions of medicinal herbs. They effectively fight this disease. Lying in a bath with water from a decoction of herbs is a powerful antiseptic prophylaxis and relaxation.

300 grams of chamomile are brewed with 3 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour in a closed container. Strain through several layers of gauze. This decoction is added to a bath of water.

Similar manipulations can be carried out with other herbs or herbs, such as:

  • sage;
  • horsetail;
  • medicinal hard bread with onion skins;
  • nettle;
  • plantain;
  • calendula;
  • aloe;
  • oak or viburnum bark;
  • chopped head of garlic mixed in 5 liters of water.

Despite the simplicity of preparing such baths, water procedures with decoctions of medicinal herbs help in treatment. They perfectly heal damaged areas and relieve symptoms of inflammation and irritation.

You can make a mistake and harm yourself by self-medicating a disease such as hemorrhoids. Therefore, you definitely need to consult a professional. The proctologist will prescribe the type of herb or collection, the number of procedures, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the body.

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