What sweets are possible for gastritis? Review, features and recommendations of doctors

It is impossible to cure gastritis by eating fried foods and smoked meats on both cheeks. Key nutritional principles will also have to be followed when it comes to sweets. The difference is that the rules for use are not so strict. When salty and spicy foods are strictly prohibited, you can still treat yourself to something sweet. However, not just anyone. Sugar is not prohibited, and at the same time you should not lean on it. Butter cakes, pastries and cookies are immediately excluded due to their fat content. The use of other delicacies should be considered on an individual basis. This is the issue we will deal with. Let's find out what sweets are ok for gastritis and in what quantity they should be consumed.

You can definitely eat these sweets

Sugar is not a product that negatively affects the condition of the mucous membranes and digestive processes. The ingredients that make up popular sweets can cause much greater harm to humans. This is why it is so important to always study the ingredients on the label when you are going to buy a particular treat. The fewer additives and preservatives (and ideally, there should be none at all), the better for the stomach and healthier.

So, which desserts are quite suitable for consumption:

  • Delicious puddings.
  • Kissels, fruit compotes.
  • Marshmallow without additives.
  • Taffy, caramel.
  • Natural honey.
  • Jelly, which is made from non-acidic fruits.
  • Apple puree and other permitted ingredients.
  • Marmalade.

The sweets listed above for gastritis are consumed safely, regardless of the form of acidity. We deliberately did not mention jam, since you need to be extremely careful with this product. For example, hyperacid gastritis imposes strict restrictions on sour fruit jam. Even a few spoons can cause a sharp increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid. By the way, chocolate also has the ability to increase stomach acidity.

Chocolates, halva and toffees

Eating sweets for gastritis is prohibited due to the large amount of sugars they contain. Chocolate irritates the intestinal mucosa and often has harmful flavors and artificial colors. Dark chocolate has less calories, but is also not recommended for consumption. If you have a stomach disease, there are doubts whether halva can be consumed for gastritis due to its high calorie content. It is for this reason that eating sweet treats made from sunflower seeds is strictly contraindicated. Including a large amount of fiber, halva for gastritis also causes increased inflammation of the stomach. Sucking candies are allowed only in the absence of an acute form of gastroenterological disease.

Sweets that are strictly prohibited

When choosing a delicious dessert, remember three prohibitions:

  • The more fat, the worse it is for the stomach.
  • Elements rich in fiber are harmful to the mucous membrane.
  • Acidic foods are also undesirable.

Dried fruits, grapes and figs are definitely prohibited. Kiwi, citrus fruits, and any other fruits with coarse fibers are very problematic. It takes more than one hour to digest them, and putting extra stress on your stomach is contraindicated for you.

Eliminate cakes, pies, and butter cookies from your diet. To prepare confectionery products, the food industry is heavily involved in fats. The situation with drinks is about the same. When the composition contains acids or the water is carbonated, you will also have to stop drinking it.

Increased acidity - what sweets do doctors allow?

Those with a sweet tooth are wondering: what sweets are possible for gastritis with active acid production? Your main task is to exclude foods that provoke its release, as well as those rich in fiber. To diversify your daily menu, give preference to the following confectionery products:

  • Sweet fruits in the form of puree: pears, apples, peaches. Before preparing the puree, remove the peel from them.
  • Various jams. Again, give preference to a homemade product made from natural fruits that have been previously peeled.
  • Puddings with sugar.
  • Marmalade and marshmallows based on sweet fruits.
  • Toffee, caramel sweets, soufflé.
  • Since low-fat cottage cheese is recommended for patients, you can use it to make delicious casseroles, cheesecakes or dumplings.
  • Do you like charlotte? Do you love homemade biscuits? We have good news for you - such sweets are quite acceptable for gastritis.
  • Have you seen a recipe for baked apples on the Internet? Feel free to take it into service - the dish is well digestible and can become part of a therapeutic diet.
  • So-called long-lasting cookies are allowed to you.
  • We eat honey and bananas modestly. By the way, honey is added to baked apples - it turns out even tastier.

We have listed the permitted sweets for gastritis with high acidity. Drinks are next. It is worth giving preference to juices obtained from non-acidic fruits. Raisins are still excluded. Do you like sweet tea? Please. They also drink herbal drinks with a spoon of honey. Cocoa is not forbidden.

We repeat once again: chocolate, sour cottage cheese, desserts with cream, nuts are excluded from the diet. They are really very harmful.

Sweets for gastritis - what can you eat?

Many people, during an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, on the recommendation of gastroenterologists, refuse spicy, sour and fatty foods, but continue to consume sweet foods in the same quantities as before the disease. Are they doing the right thing? First of all, you need to find out what sweets are ok for gastritis and what are not.

Allowed desserts include the following products:

  • semolina pudding;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallows;
  • paste;
  • soufflé (especially carrot and cottage cheese);
  • jam;
  • fruit or berry puree;
  • biscuits and cookies;
  • honey.

Biscuit cookies are perfect as a snack for gastritis. The main thing is that it does not contain components that irritate the intestinal mucosa, such as chocolate, nuts, raisins, dried apricots. It is advisable to soak dry cookies in tea or herbal decoction.

Among sweet drinks for exacerbation of gastritis, jelly is considered the most useful. It envelops the walls of the stomach and protects them from produced hydrochloric acid. Kissel should be made from sweet fruits or milk. If you use sour berries when cooking, the benefits of such a drink will be questionable.

Oh this condensed milk...

Condensed milk is a favorite treat for many people. To obtain it, regular milk is subjected to heat treatment. The product turns out to be satisfying and high-calorie. On sale you can find 2 types: with a fat content of 1%, 8.5%. Since it is cooked at a relatively low temperature, the healing properties are preserved. In addition to fat content, sweetness differs in its composition. There is boiled condensed milk (dark brown), with the addition of cream and even chocolate.

We asked nutritionists whether it is possible to eat sweets with gastritis, if we are talking about condensed milk. The answer was: yes, if the acidity is high, it can be eaten. When choosing a product in a store, pay attention to the composition. The less sugar, the better for you. But condensed cream is not recommended - it is too fatty.

Is it possible to take marshmallows for erosive gastritis?

Not only children, but also adults love marshmallows.
This is a very tasty, unusually tender and nutritious dessert. Despite the fact that marshmallows are classified as sweets, their calorie content is low. In search of an answer to whether marshmallows can be used for gastritis, a lot of material has been studied. And here's what we found out. An increasing number of people are faced with such an ailment as gastritis in the modern world. We will not dwell in detail on the causes of inflammation of the mucous membrane - information about this is in other publications on our site. Let’s immediately move on to the answer to the question of whether marshmallows are allowed for gastritis of the stomach.

It turns out that some sweets for diseases of the stomach and intestines can still be eaten in moderation. Since marshmallows are low in calories and contain virtually no fat, they can be included in the diet.

By the way, other treats that are similar in consistency to marshmallows are also allowed. These can be jams and puddings, marshmallows, toffee, jelly, fruit puree and marmalade, and a variety of jelly.

It does not matter whether marshmallows are used for gastritis with high acidity or low acidity. Another thing is much more important - what composition it has, under what conditions it was prepared. Everything good should be in moderation, and this also applies to marshmallows. Below we will discuss the features of preparation and the subtleties of choosing a good marshmallow.

So, marshmallows, which are sold in stores today, can be prepared in two ways:

  • Using molasses and pectin syrup.
  • Using sugar-apple mass. This marshmallow is often called custard.

When gastritis is diagnosed, it is better to give up sweets from the supermarket and consume exclusively homemade marshmallows. It is no secret that the modern food industry generously uses various additives. Therefore, the marshmallow has a different composition.

Unscrupulous manufacturers may add preservatives and dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers to such a product. They improve the taste of the dessert and extend the shelf life.

Considering the fact that all these additives are of artificial (chemical) origin, it is undesirable to introduce store-bought marshmallows into your diet.

Its use can lead to negative consequences - even severe aggravation.

By the way, you can determine the presence of additives in a product by its color. This is especially true for bright, multi-colored marshmallows. It is immediately obvious that the matter could not have happened without dyes.

Be that as it may, doctors and nutritionists for gastritis advise eating only marshmallows prepared at home. If this is not possible, carefully study the label in the store. The product must be prepared exclusively from natural ingredients. Artificial additives - only in minimal quantities. And it’s better if they are completely absent.

Another advantage of homemade marshmallow is that it contains much more useful substances. For example, iodine, iron and calcium.

In conclusion, I would like to add: natural products are always better than those sold in the store. At first glance, a simple truth. But not everyone follows this basic rule. And then they complain of stomach pain. Take care of yourself, eat delicious and healthy marshmallows, but in moderation. And always be healthy!


If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), doctors advise following a strict diet. After all, it is diet that contributes to faster and more effective treatment.

One of the rules of the diet for gastritis and ulcers is avoidance of sweets.

But doctors today do not insist on this, but argue that sweets for gastritis can be included in your daily diet, while adhering to several key rules.

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, even using the most modern drugs and treatment methods, but without adhering to a special diet, it is impossible to “defeat” it. However, if you strictly follow a diet and receive timely drug treatment, gastritis can be cured quite quickly.

It should be remembered that for gastritis with high or low acidity, your own individual diet is prescribed, which takes into account the specific characteristics of each organism.

  • Diet for gastritis and pancreatitis should exclude foods high in fiber (cabbage, turnips, some berries and fruits), large amounts of salt and spices.
  • Healthy foods for gastrointestinal disorders are considered to be dishes high in protein and vitamins B, C and E.
  • Also, to facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be soft, at room temperature.
  • Sweets for gastric ulcers and gastritis can be consumed in small quantities, without exacerbation, while paying special attention to the composition of the product.
  • You should avoid sweets with a high content of various chemical substitutes and flavors. Sweets containing refined (simple) carbohydrates are also not healthy.
  • It is forbidden to consume sweets with high fat content: baked goods, cakes and pastries, shortbread cookies, ice cream, chocolate (milk). The high content of fat and sugar in sweets usually leads to unpleasant sensations (pain, heartburn, etc.).
  • To avoid pain during exacerbations, doctors recommend excluding the following dried fruits from your diet: prunes, dried apricots, figs (dried).
  • Allowed sweets for gastritis include: marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, caramel, honey (for gastritis with high acidity), homemade jam, fruit puree, puddings, low-fat cottage cheese casseroles, jelly, bananas, melted ice cream.
  • The following drinks are allowed for gastritis: jelly, juices (except citrus fruits, as they can increase the acidity of the mucous membrane), dried fruit compotes, weak tea with milk, green or herbal teas, cocoa with milk, yogurt, milk.

However, doctors allow and even advise including sweets in the daily diet for gastritis. Here you should pay attention to the naturalness of the product, its quantity and the level of fat content. Sweets that meet all doctors' requirements include marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows.

If you are tormented by doubts whether marshmallows are good for gastritis, we hasten to reassure you. Doctors answer “Yes!”, but advise you to adhere to the basic rules of the diet.

Marshmallow is the most affordable sweet for gastritis in particular. This is the lowest calorie sweet product. It contains an element useful for digestion - pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, activates the body's own microflora and accelerates the absorption of nutrients.

In addition, marshmallows do not leave a feeling of heaviness, which, coupled with the unpleasant sensations of gastritis, puts patients in the worst mood. This oriental sweet can be eaten both with low and high levels of stomach acidity. Thanks to this, doctors allow the consumption of marshmallows during a diet.

The “correct” marshmallow contains applesauce, which is beneficial for digestion. Therefore, this sweetness can be eaten with gastritis. When purchasing a product, pay attention to its composition and color. The white color of marshmallows may indicate the absence of dyes, preservatives and various substitutes in the composition.

Source: https://rekon-restaurant.ru/gastrit/mozhno-li-pri-erozivnom-gastrite-pastilu/

What about jam?

Another common type of dessert is jam. There are thousands of recipes for making jams. With a disease such as gastritis, they are eaten in very modest quantities. However, the product is chosen carefully, focusing on the composition.

Red currant jams will help normalize low acidity. They have a slight sourness, so they can enhance activity. On the contrary, it is advisable for patients with high acidity to consume peach and apricot jam.

Doctors' opinion about marmalade

The marmalade is based on fruit pectin and gelatin. The result is jelly-like sweets - a favorite delicacy all over the world. By the way, it is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy thanks to a colossal set of vitamins, calcium and potassium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. Pectin normalizes lipid metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system. A dessert made from agar-agar has a good effect on peristalsis and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Doctors all over the world recommend eating jelly candies when there is a serious mental load. They are among the safest types of sweets if they were prepared without preservatives. Too bright colors and a strong aroma are sure signs that...

Marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows

Among sweet treats, marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows are the “democrats”.
For any form of gastritis, nutritionists allow them to be consumed. But don’t think that you can eat half a kilo of marshmallows or marmalade in the evening - although treats are allowed, they are in small quantities, 2-4 pieces per day , no more.

And not in one go. Gastroenterologists favor these sweets due to many advantages:

  • Easily absorbed and well digested.
  • They are low-calorie foods.
  • Contains natural ingredients - pectin, agar-agar, applesauce.

When purchasing, give preference to white sweets, without icing, sprinkles or other additives. Marmalade of bright colors is not your option, buy natural, one that “creases.”

Pastila - a sweet from the times of Ivan the Terrible

Indeed, the preparation of marshmallows in our country began back in the time of Ivan the Terrible. To obtain an exquisite delicacy, selected applesauce was sent to a Russian oven and slightly dried. It had a sour taste and elastic consistency. To make the marshmallow sweeter, it was mixed with honey. Modern recipes have changed significantly, and the finished dessert resembles marshmallows. It is considered incredibly useful for both gastritis patients and healthy people. Especially if the marshmallow is natural, does not have dyes or food additives.

Since we mentioned marshmallows, let's focus on this airy dessert. To prepare it, 3 main components are used:

  • Fruit and berry puree.
  • Squirrels.
  • Ingredients that make marshmallows jelly-like.

Marshmallow is recommended by nutritionists around the world. It does not cause heaviness in the stomach during atrophic gastritis, and triggers brain activity. A recent study by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences once again confirmed that even small children can eat marshmallows.

Learning to distinguish between good and bad candies

The selection of sweets in confectionery stores is truly amazing. It is impossible to go there without buying at least 2-3 types. Keep in mind that many sweets contain flavor enhancers, fruit essences and dyes. There is nothing natural in them, which means there will be no health benefits. Moreover, if a person has already been diagnosed with gastritis, they can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

In addition, such sweets contain an unrealistic amount of sugar. It provokes fermentation and a slight increase in acidity. The surface form allows for the consumption of several “bad” candies. You can enjoy them if you really want to, but don't abuse them. But if gastritis worsens, you will definitely have to give up sweets with various additives.

Now let's figure out which sweets are acceptable for stomach diseases:

  • Caramel sweets. For production, fruit and berry juice and jam filling are used.
  • Marmalade. It is soft and nourishing and does not have an irritating effect.
  • Lollipops.
  • Treats that have a waffle base.

Thus, you can eat sweets if you follow certain rules. Firstly, you need to choose them wisely. Secondly, the permissible norm is 2-3 pieces after meals. You can drink them with milk, weak tea, or herbal decoction.

Sweet milk products

Milk treats are known to many from birth, but, having already matured, some continue to consume them periodically. Women especially like to eat dairy desserts with gastritis.

Impact of Ice Cream

Gastroenterologists allow the use of this sweet delicacy in case of high acidity: the light substance (only pre-melted ice cream is allowed) envelops the stomach and reduces the production of gastric juice. When choosing a product for a patient, it is worth purchasing ice cream for gastritis of high quality, which guarantees the production of a sweet product from natural milk, and not a powder surrogate.

You should also take ice cream with low fat content - no more than 3-4%. In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the question may arise whether it is possible to eat ice cream with gastritis and at the same time pain in the stomach. Definitely not: sweetness causes or intensifies an attack.

Condensed milk

A high-calorie product - “condensed milk” - cannot be introduced into the diet of a person with gastritis on an ongoing basis. A large number of calories and increased fat content load the stomach and lead to the risk of relapse of the disease (in remission of the chronic form). Condensed milk can only be consumed occasionally.

Warning. Boiled condensed milk is a prohibited product for gastritis because it is difficult to digest.

Yogurt, Varenets, Ryazhenka

Lactic acid bacteria, or probiotics, help a patient with gastritis improve digestion and eliminate the influence of pathogenic microflora. If you often eat yogurt, fermented baked milk or Varenets, it will soon be easy to notice an improvement in your stomach condition. It is recommended to choose lactic acid products with a small amount of sugar. If increased activity of the H. Pylori bacterium is detected, yogurt therapy can suppress the activity of the dangerous microorganism.

What about chocolates?

For a number of diseases, chocolate is necessary to improve mental activity and memory. However, if you have a problem stomach, it automatically falls into the list of prohibited foods. Let’s look in detail at why you can’t eat sweets in the form of chocolate if you have gastritis.

First, let's look at the composition of the product. To make this dessert, confectionery factories use bitter cocoa beans. Also, the label of the chocolate bar says that cocoa butter is added to it, an incredibly fatty and difficult-to-digest ingredient for the stomach. But that's not all. Even expensive chocolate contains so many flavorings, thickeners and additives that it’s simply amazing. They make the product fragrant and attractive, improve its taste. However, you need to understand: these are not dietary components, and they have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. And cocoa beans, caffeine, and additives all contribute to increased acid production.

Even though milk chocolate contains fewer cocoa beans, this does not make it healthy. There is absolutely no caffeine in white chocolate. But the concentration of fats is simply incredible. If you really want to, you can eat 50 grams of chocolate during the day. However, under two conditions: no exacerbation and good health. If heaviness appears, you will have to refuse dessert.

Basic Rules

  1. It is permissible to consume sweet foods for gastritis, but with caution. The main criterion is naturalness: the absence of preservatives, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers and substances that cause irritation to the mucous membrane.
  2. When choosing which delicacies to give preference to, you need to find out the composition and effect of the incoming substances on the gastric mucosa. Remember, the product may even be useful for gastritis with acidity below normal, but is contraindicated if acidity is increased, and vice versa.
  3. Allowed sweets can be eaten in small quantities, in the absence of exacerbations of the disease.
  4. If, after eating sweets, pain, heartburn and other manifestations of gastritis occur, you need to discard the product until complete recovery.

Gastritis is a dangerous disease whose treatment should not be neglected. Following a diet is a necessary condition for recovery. If you choose foods wisely during treatment, it is possible to maintain a list of small gastronomic pleasures, periodically indulging in sweet delicacies.

Is peanut butter dangerous?

We invite you to take a closer look at the composition of another controversial delicacy – peanut butter. It contains a lot of unsaturated fats. Together with vitamin D, they perfectly cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol. A person gets a feeling of satiety and intestinal motility improves. Peanut butter also contains a lot of vitamins, proteins and microelements.

The high protein content makes pasta indispensable when a person is a vegetarian. Athletes take it to build muscle mass. The only contraindication is a peanut allergy. Considering the high calorie content of the product, eat it in the first half of the day and in small portions. For example, you can make delicious sandwiches and eat them with tea.

Product benefits

How is peanut butter useful and, in general, can it be considered as a tasty “cure” for various diseases? The composition of the product forms a set of useful properties, among which high nutritional value comes to the fore. It is included in the menu of those losing weight, vegetarians, vegans and simply people who try to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

Peanut mass can really replace animal fat, as it is considered a food high in vegetable protein. When consumed in moderation, peanut butter is beneficial for the body, as it does not contain cholesterol, which already puts it an order of magnitude higher than many other products from store shelves.

It contains a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help fight sclerosis, promote the removal of cholesterol from the body, and stimulate the processes of cell growth and renewal. These same components tone up brain activity, increase the rate of regeneration of articular tissues, and strengthen the joints themselves. The mass even has a slight anti-inflammatory effect due to the content of natural phytoalexin - resveratrol.

The list of beneficial properties of peanut butter is not limited to this. Thanks to the rich mineral complex in the product, it is recommended for athletes and those losing weight. Zinc and magnesium help increase endurance and strengthen the immune system - the body's main shield and barrier to disease. The product even lifts your mood, like chocolate.

Many people are concerned about the question: does paste have more benefit or harm for those losing weight? The salty mass helps normalize metabolic processes, and fast metabolism is known to help get rid of extra pounds. Only the high calorie content of a product can cause harm if consumed in moderation.

Polyphenols, which are also contained in the mass, have a beneficial effect on the heart and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The benefit of peanut butter for losing weight also lies in the fact that it helps to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, and this hubbub accelerates the process of burning fat. The product perfectly satisfies hunger, that is, it quickly causes a feeling of fullness.

Benefits of peanut butter for women

Old age is a woman’s most insidious and inexorable enemy. In the fight against it, a whole arsenal of means and tricks is used that help to postpone this fatal moment, slightly smooth out wrinkles, and increase the elasticity of the skin. Peanut butter contains antioxidants, which theoretically can slow down the aging process by protecting the body's cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Women who care about their figure and often go on diets are recommended to add the product to their diet

Peanut butter is rich in vegetable proteins, so it helps to compensate for their deficiency, which is especially important if a woman has given up meat

Benefits for men

Doctors recommend eating peanuts as a preventive measure for adenoma and prostatitis. The risk group includes middle-aged men. Since peanuts promote testosterone production, the product can prevent impotence and is suitable as a snack at the gym. Peanuts help burn fat and build muscle mass.

The benefits and harms of peanut butter for children

The child's body urgently needs natural products. Your child needs to be pampered with peanut butter more often. There is only one condition: you need to choose a product without third-party additives or prepare it yourself at home. The salty mass perfectly saturates the growing body with minerals and vitamins, helps strengthen the still developing immune system, and improves the composition of the child’s blood. Schoolchildren endure heavy mental stress, and the product helps stimulate brain activity, improves concentration and memory, and increases stress resistance.

Is it possible to have peanut butter during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Contrary to misconceptions, the product is not considered harmful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It should not be used unless you are allergic to certain components. Very rarely, doctors may prohibit peanut butter, but these are again special cases when a newborn or fetus in the womb exhibits high sensitivity to allergens.

To determine the presence of individual intolerance, the mother and father of the child need to undergo a special medical test. A pregnant woman is not recommended to eat a home-made product made from unshelled peanuts. Its films contain the highest concentration of allergens.

Halva is strictly prohibited - and here's why

In our country, sweets from the East are presented in a wide variety. In supermarkets there are options with cocoa, a small amount of honey, and nuts. However, the main component was and remains sunflower seeds. By the way, this is the main reason why halva is excluded from the diet for erosive gastritis, even at the stage of remission. It takes a very long time and is difficult to digest, causing severe heartburn and heaviness. Even a modest piece of halva can provoke an aggravation.

Here's another interesting fact about halva. Considering the composition of the dessert, even healthy people are allowed to consume no more than 30 grams of the product at a time. Can't refuse a treat? As an exception, you can eat a little halva after the main meal, washed down with tea.

Trust but check. This immutable rule also applies to oriental sweets. When purchasing halva, carefully study not only the date of manufacture, but also the composition of the product and its appearance. When the sweet is made recently, it crumbles slightly. Its consistency is homogeneous, and there are no additives in the form of husks.

How to replace sweets with gastritis?

A person diagnosed with this stomach disease will still have to give up his favorite chocolates, halva, cakes and pastries. But if you wish, you can find a healthier alternative to these products.

For gastritis, you can enjoy lollipops and caramel candies, marshmallows and marmalade, honey and condensed milk. The main thing is to carefully study the expiration date and composition of the product, its fat content and calorie content. They should be eaten in small quantities after meals and washed down with any drinks allowed for this disease.

It is worth noting that sweets for gastritis (honey, chocolate, marshmallows) should be consumed in moderation, namely no more than 50-70 g per day. Only in this case it will not be able to cause harm to the body.

Honey for gastritis. The main thing is to do no harm

On the one hand, almost all beekeeping products are recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. On the other hand, the daily allowable amount is 100 grams. Honey has a sedative effect. It kills bacteria and accelerates wound healing. Acid production is reduced several times, so patients with high acidity should take advantage of this valuable product.

Honey is eaten separately or mixed with nuts, fruits, and added to cottage cheese casseroles. It is not difficult to distinguish a natural product from a fake. The real one flows from the spoon in a thin thread, while the fake one falls in large drops.

When the acidity is high, dilute 1 tbsp. l. honey in a glass of warm water. Consume two hours before meals. If it is low, the recipe is the same, take a glass of cold water.

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