Features of consuming dairy products for ulcers

List of permitted and prohibited products

The list of products allowed for consumption includes milk and its derivatives. Fermented milk products are extremely useful for ulcers; two-day-old bread products, chicken or beef secondary broth with unsweetened breadcrumbs are welcome. For the main course, lean fish and steamed poultry with a side dish of cereals boiled in water are suitable. For garnish, pasta is used, brought to a boiled state.

The right solution would be to use a double boiler when preparing dishes. Steamed minced fish cutlets can be seasoned with white sauce. You can prepare meatballs, meat cutlets, meatballs - baked in a sleeve or steamed. For meat dishes, dietary meat is used - exclusively pulp without skin and veins.

Be sure to include eggs in your diet. It is acceptable to eat one soft-boiled egg per day. It is allowed to cook an omelet in oil. Use unrefined sunflower or unsalted butter.

It is advisable to puree the fruits, after peeling them. The pulp of baked pears and apples is recommended for consumption. For desserts, choose marmalade, jam or preserves, marshmallows, and marshmallows. Drinks are recommended not hot, at room temperature. It is allowed to brew weak black tea, rosehip decoction, compote and jelly.

Prohibited foods increase the secretion of gastric juice or are considered irritants to the mucous membrane. These include:

  • fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned foods;
  • very sour berries and fruits;
  • lactic acid product prepared using acid, you need to read the composition of kefir and yogurt when purchasing;
  • ice cream, chocolate, coffee, condensed milk.

Dairy products are a storehouse of microelements, vitamins and minerals

Dairy products for stomach ulcers take first place in terms of health and health benefits. In ancient times, milk was used to treat diseases associated with imbalances in the body. Being a storehouse of useful substances, this amazing drink produced by animals is used to restore vitality and improve tone. In Asian countries, salt or honey is added to milk to enhance healing powers.

The taste qualities of dairy products in combination with healthy ones allow us to consider milk a drink, the consumption of which is beneficial from birth to old age. Of course, the individual characteristics of human digestion are a decisive factor. Milk contains a unique natural complex, including hundreds of useful substances. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, there are minerals, vitamins, organic acids and enzymes.

Cow's milk

Gastroenterologists necessarily include cow's milk in the diet menu for gastric or duodenal ulcers and gastritis. Recommendations focus on the low fat content of the drink. By covering the stomach walls with a protective film, the drink accelerates the healing of damage.

Drinking milk if you have a stomach ulcer is equivalent to taking painkillers. In medical practice, there is a decrease in pain after taking low-fat milk. It has been proven that 400 milliliters of a natural drink per day satisfies a person’s daily need for fats by a quarter, proteins by a third, potassium by half, calcium and phosphorus by three quarters.

Goat milk

It rivals goat's milk in terms of nutritional value. The product is especially suitable for use by weak children and those with food allergies. Goat's milk for stomach ulcers is recommended to weaken the effects of aggressive factors in the gastric environment.

Goat drink is considered fatty. It is necessary to dilute goat milk with water to reduce the fat content. A distinctive feature is the excellent digestibility of the drink without the participation of bile.

Shubat – camel milk

Camel milk is widely used in Asian countries to restore the health of people who have suffered from illnesses. Fresh camel milk is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes; it contains easily digestible insulin.

Shubat is an approved dairy product for stomach ulcers and gastritis. It is allowed to be consumed daily in small portions, diluted by half with water.

Kumis and saumal

Saumal - fresh mare's milk. The highest value of the drink is maintained during the first five hours. In summer and spring, people with peptic ulcers and liver diseases are strongly recommended to drink saumal to increase the body's immune strength.

Kumis is a product made from horse milk. Like shubat, it contains fermented milk enzymes. The beneficial properties of kumiss are beyond doubt. Out of habit, kumys sometimes causes unpleasant taste sensations.

Fermented milk products and stomach ulcers

Sour cream is a fatty fermented milk product, so it must be used carefully for stomach ulcers. It is most useful to use sour cream as a dressing for cooked dishes. You can make desserts based on it. When purchasing sour cream, you should pay attention to the expiration date. If a stale product disappears into the body, the patient’s condition may worsen significantly.

Significantly more restrictions on use apply to kefir. You should not drink it at all in the acute stage of the disease. In other cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Rules for using kefir for stomach ulcers:

  • The norm for using the product is no more than 1 glass within 24 hours;
  • if discomfort occurs after kefir, you need to give it up completely;
  • You can’t drink a cold drink, it’s better to put it in a warm place for a couple of hours;
  • it is more useful to take a one- or two-day product;
  • avoid acidic foods.

You should consume a natural product; its substitutes do not have a therapeutic effect and may cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Ryazhenka can be consumed during any period of treatment of the disease. The drink does not have a sour taste, so it does not have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Ryazhenka improves the condition of the intestinal microflora.

Yogurt is useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as it contains special bacteria. This product can be used as a snack. Nutritionists note that yogurt containing flavorings, preservatives, and dyes should not be included in the diet of patients.

Read: Meat pudding - for those who care about their health!

Shubat is made in Asian countries from camel milk. Shubat has a healing effect on the stomach. You can drink it in small quantities. The product has a high fat content, so it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Kumis is a fermented milk product made from horse milk. Kumis has a healing effect on the body. The problem is that it is difficult to drink this drink without a habit.

Fermented milk products can be prepared at home, in which case the product will be fresh and of good quality.

Dairy products

Fermented milk products must be included in the diet for peptic ulcers. The recommendation is explained by the presence of a large amount of necessary acids that do not irritate the walls of the stomach.

By stimulating the digestive glands, fermented milk products do not increase weak secretion. This makes it easier to digest food, and the internal organs do not work too hard.

Kefir, yogurt

Kefir is considered a healthy popular drink. Drinking a glass of kefir at night means replenishing your daily supply of phosphorus and calcium. Kefir is easier and faster to digest than fresh milk. For stomach ulcers, kefir is recommended for consumption not cold, one day from the date of manufacture, in small quantities.

Yogurt is a fermented milk product prepared using starter culture. Yogurt is eaten or drunk. It is better to choose fresh and unsweetened. Yogurt targets the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.


Ryazhenka is a drink consumed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract without restrictions. If kefir for stomach ulcers is drunk exclusively during periods of remission, then fermented baked milk is not a dairy product that worsens the condition. Due to its mild sour taste, the drink has a beneficial effect on maintaining the balance of intestinal flora.

Low-fat varieties of cheese are included in the list of permitted products for gastrointestinal diseases. Cheese for stomach ulcers is considered a unique food in terms of protein content. While maintaining the quality of rapid absorption, cheese replenishes the body's protein requirements. However, the product is added to the diet after signs of exacerbations are removed.

Cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese is the main item on the diet menu. Saturated with vitamins and microelements, fermented milk product is used fresh and cooked. You can eat cottage cheese by mixing it with low-fat sour cream, sugar or honey. The product is used for baking casseroles, cheesecakes, and soufflés.

It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to consume curd cheese or curd masses - too much fat and sugar make sweets unsuitable for stomach diseases.

Useful properties of milk

Milk for stomach and duodenal ulcers has a calming effect on the affected walls of the digestive organs. The beneficial properties of dairy products for the gastrointestinal tract are due to their composition - they contain more than 300 nutrients that have a beneficial effect on bone tissue and internal organs.

Chemical composition of milk:

  • micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium);
  • B vitamins and antioxidants;
  • milk sugar (lactulose);
  • acids of organic origin.

The amount of beneficial microelements varies depending on the type of milk. The concentration of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in cow's and goat's milk varies. For diseases of the digestive system, regular consumption of milk can reduce the level of acidity.

The product included in the patient’s diet reduces the severity of the characteristic symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, including hunger pain, heartburn, attacks of nausea and vomiting. Helps in the treatment of underlying stomach disease.

Advice! Essential amino acids affect the rate of hydrochloric acid synthesis. With long-term use of the product, especially during exacerbation of the pathology, it is necessary to drink milk to normalize stool.

Homemade fermented milk products

The best solution when switching to fermented milk products is to prepare them yourself. It becomes possible to control the quality and composition of the product. The process does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Usually it is enough to have on hand enamel dishes without coating defects, a sieve and a clean gauze cloth. A little effort and patience will lead to a result that will please the person with an ulcer and healthy family members.

How to make homemade kefir

To make homemade kefir you will need a liter of milk and two tablespoons of starter. The milk should be boiled and cooled. For the first time, it is allowed to use store-bought kefir or yogurt as a starter.

The ingredients are mixed in a clean enamel bowl. The mixture should stand in a warm place for at least four hours. Freshly prepared kefir is consumed within 24 hours. The remainder is used for sourdough.

Homemade cottage cheese is a tasty and healthy product

Cottage cheese for stomach ulcers should remain low-fat and fresh. Preparation takes a day. Take low-fat milk as the main ingredient and add starter culture. Three to four tablespoons of starter are required per liter. Then the mixture is covered and left in a warm place for 12-18 hours.

Heat treatment begins when the liquid turns into a kind of milky jelly. The substrate is cut into squares with a knife. Cook in a water bath until boiling. Immediately remove from heat. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and strain off the yogurt. The finished cottage cheese can be eaten immediately or frozen. Curdled milk is used for kneading dough.

A large number of people suffer from ulcerations developing on the stomach lining. This pathology is a rather dangerous disease with severe symptoms.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with medication or surgery, with mandatory adherence to a diet that includes the exclusion of many foods. The attending physician tells patients which products are allowed and which are prohibited.

So, it’s best to ask a specialist about whether you can drink milk if you have a stomach ulcer. Only he, based on the results of diagnostic studies, can see the full picture of the pathological condition of the stomach and determine from it which products will not cause harm to the ulcerated mucosa.

Milk for pathologies of the digestive organs

The interest of patients in the possibility of consuming this cow drink and products made from it is quite understandable, because they are loved by almost all people, and few people would like to completely exclude them from their diet. But here experts are rushing to reassure all milk lovers.

They argue that its use is not only permitted, but is mandatory both during a very strict diet prescribed for relapse of pathology, and a more extended one prescribed during remission.

The daily menu of a patient with an ulcer includes dishes prepared with milk. This is due to the fact that with it the human body receives complete protein of animal origin, which is very easily digested and brings no less benefits than that contained in fish or meat products.

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It also contains a high content of vitamins, amino acids, microelements, minerals and enzymes necessary for the functioning of the human body. That is why dairy products have very high nutritional and biological value.

What is the benefit of milk for ulcers?

Dairy products contain a large number of vital elements. Gastroenterologists recommend that patients with stomach ulcers include dairy products and dishes prepared on their basis in their diet.

Benefits of milk for those suffering from stomach ulcers:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps the digestive system perform its function;
  • reduces symptoms;
  • significantly improves well-being;
  • saturates with essential vitamins and minerals;
  • increases energy;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: calms, improves sleep quality;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to include dairy products in the menu of patients, but do it wisely, following the recommendations of specialists.

The benefits and harms of a drink obtained from cows

This drink, produced by cows, is taken as the basis for dietary nutrition intended for use during complex treatment of ulcers, due to the fact that thanks to it, painful symptoms are relieved, and the damaged digestive organ begins to work better, which speeds up the patient’s recovery.

Cow's milk itself is an aqueous solution containing more than 200 varieties of mineral and organic substances, as well as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and essential amino acids necessary for life, which are often lacking in the human diet. According to experts, the invaluable benefits of milk for duodenal and gastric ulcers are as follows:

  • the fatty drink contains vitamins A, D, E, K, which are necessary for good digestion and regeneration of damaged mucosal cells, but despite this, during the period of relapse you should only drink the low-fat drink, which contains a fairly small amount of them;
  • during the acute phase of the disease, when a person with defective ulcerations of the mucous membrane in the digestive organs is not allowed to eat most foods, drinking a glass of milk will quickly replenish the body’s need for calcium, as well as vitamins D, B12 and B2;
  • The linolenic acid contained in this drink helps fight infections, has a beneficial effect on the immune system and significantly reduces the risk of malignancy of ulcerated defects. This effect is very important for duodenal and gastric ulcers;
  • daily consumption of milk and products made from it significantly increases the body’s resistance to any stress factors, and in addition, improves mental processes and reduces fatigue;
  • The ability of milk to envelop the mucous membrane allows you to neutralize the destructive effect of hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice, so a sick person who drinks it every day can forget about hunger pains and heartburn.

Goat's milk for hyperacid gastritis

Goat milk is rightfully considered the best dietary and medicinal product for gastritis. Patients suffering from gastritis and who have developed the habit of drinking goat's milk never complain of belching, sour taste in the mouth and epigastric pain.

Fresh goat milk is allowed and is useful for any form of the disease, at any clinical stage. Goat milk proteins have a restorative effect on the epithelial layer of the stomach wall, normalize the acid content in gastric juice and even stop the proliferation of Helicobacter pylori.

Goat's milk for gastritis helps to normalize the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach; regular consumption leads to the disappearance of belching and heartburn, and the sour taste in the mouth.

Fresh goat milk is allowed and is useful for any form of the disease at any clinical stage.

In addition to reducing acid synthesis, goat's milk for gastritis with high acidity prevents the backflow of intestinal contents into the pyloric part of the stomach and irritation with bile acids.

Goat's milk has an alkaline reaction, helps to alkalize the environment in the stomach and reduce pain from gastritis and belching. In this way, goat's milk differs from cow's milk, which has a slightly acidic environment and slightly increases acidity.

Goat's milk protects the stomach from excess hydrochloric acid and provides a high level of protection for the mucous membrane from intestinal contents that are thrown into the stomach cavity from the small intestine.

During the inflammatory process in the duodenum, the sensitivity of nerve receptors is disrupted; a couple of hours later, bile and digestive enzymes of the intestine are thrown into the stomach. The syndrome is called reflux. Bile is an aggressive substance that can cause a burn to the gastric mucosa. This is manifested by abdominal pain and bitter belching.

Goat's milk, entering the stomach, creates a strong protective film on the walls, saving the organ from destruction. Gradually, the inflammatory process subsides in the stomach and duodenum.

Lactic acid products for ulcerations of the gastrointestinal mucosa

Not only can you drink milk, but any dairy products for stomach ulcers are recommended by experts for consumption.

Products made from milk are very effective in promoting weight loss. This is due to the fact that, thanks to their composition, they can restore the balance of microelements that provoke a feeling of hunger and quickly fill a person.

It is this property that is very important for people suffering from ulceration of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach, since excess body weight and obesity interfere with adequate treatment and aggravate the pathological process occurring in the digestive organs.

Patients diagnosed with peptic ulcers are fed with the following products:

  • Cottage cheese has high biological value and is rich in p-carotene, vitamins B, PP, A, as well as calcium and phosphorus salts, which makes it possible to widely use it in dietary nutrition. Cottage cheese for stomach ulcers can be consumed in the form of casseroles without a golden brown crust, soufflés, or served to the patient’s table in its natural form, mixed with milk and sugar. But it is necessary to ensure that the product consumed by a sick person is low in fat. It is also unacceptable for them to consume sweet curd cheeses due to their high fat content and difficulty in digestion.
  • Cheeses made from milk are also a very valuable product for peptic ulcers. Cheese contains a large amount of protein and calcium that is easily digestible by the body, so that even 100 g of this product completely replenishes their daily requirement. If you have a stomach ulcer, you can eat cheese only in grated form. You can sprinkle it on boiled pasta or sprinkle it on a piece of day-old bread before baking.
  • Yogurts contain living microorganisms that are beneficial for the digestive flora, which are placed in it for fermentation. They suppress the development of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that provokes the development of ulcerations on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. For stomach ulcers, it is recommended to eat only natural yogurt, which has a shelf life of no more than 7 days, since it contains live bifidobacteria. You should also pay attention to the sugar content - it should be minimal.

The answer to the question of which dairy products are allowed for perforated ulcers can also be obtained from specialists. Perforation of ulcerated mucosal defects is a very dangerous complication, and a person’s diet becomes very strict with it.

But still, milk, both natural and baked, is not only permitted, but also a food product recommended by nutritionists.

The benefits of milk are undeniable, so its use in the diet of ulcer patients is necessary. This drink not only replenishes a person’s need for essential microelements, but also contributes to a faster onset of recovery.

Also, milk consumed daily by a sick person during remission helps to prolong it for a significant period.

When answering patients’ questions about whether milk can be used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroenterologists give an affirmative answer. Not only possible, but also useful. At the same time, you need to know and follow several rules for consuming milk and dairy products, ignoring which can cause the opposite effect.

Is it possible to goat milk for gastritis?

Goat's milk is often the mainstay of treatment for this pathology. You need to drink it before bed and in the morning, a glass in small sips. Goat's milk removes the negative effects of gastric juice, which affects the mucous membrane.

Milk does not cause bloating. With frequent consumption of goat's milk, people suffering from gastritis observe a general improvement in their condition after 2-3 weeks. Drinking it in large doses is not recommended. It is better to start with a glass a day so that the body becomes familiar with it gradually.

With increased acidity, it is necessary to reduce the secretion of gastric juice. You can drink goat's milk. It contains little lactose, so it is recommended for consumption. Goat's milk for gastritis neutralizes the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid on the stomach.

With low acidity, this product is also recommended for use. It normalizes acidity and helps even with acute forms of gastritis.

Goat milk for gastritis neutralizes the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid on the stomach

But if doctors have diagnosed pancreatitis in a patient, then you can no longer drink goat’s (as well as cow’s) milk.

Goat's milk and high acidity

Experts recommend drinking goat's milk for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, because it has an exceptional composition, which includes lysozyme. This substance has healing and antibacterial properties, which allows not only to restore the mucous membrane, but also to protect it from the effects of bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori.

Its protein contains sufficient amounts of albumin, which contribute to the rapid breakdown of the product. That is why this product is quickly absorbed without causing digestive disorders. It contains a small amount of lactose, so you can drink it without restrictions.

For a stomach with high acidity, it is useful to drink milk, increasing its amount over time. This principle of use allows you to neutralize the negative effects on the walls of the stomach. In this case, bloating, vomiting, heartburn, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms do not occur.

Chemical composition of milk and dairy products

Since a person with a stomach ulcer is advised to follow a strict diet, his body may experience serious shortages of vitamins and other substances. In this case, milk becomes a real treasure, because it contains more than 300 healthy elements.


Main components of cow's milk:

  1. Water (87.3-88%).
  2. Proteins (3.2-3.5%).
  3. Fats (3.4-3.5%).
  4. Carbohydrates (lactose or milk sugar - 4.6-4.9%).

In addition, milk and milk-containing products contain:

  1. Vitamins:
  • fat-soluble A, P, D, E, K;
  • water-soluble PP, H, C and B vitamins.

Vitamins act as antioxidants, participate in the regeneration of cells and tissues, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, and prevent malignancy of eroded areas.

  1. Minerals (area of ​​their beneficial effects):
  • calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sulfur – bone tissue;
  • calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur – muscle tissue;
  • iron, sodium, magnesium – soft tissues;
  • calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur – nervous system;
  • calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper – circulatory system;
  • magnesium, potassium – cardiac activity;
  • phosphorus, manganese - brain activity;
  • iodine, cobalt – thyroid function;
  • selenium, sulfur – immune system;
  • magnesium, sodium, chlorine - the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • zinc – reproductive system;
  • phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, cobalt and sulfur - metabolic processes.
  1. Organic and amino acids (about 20 items). Lysine, methionine and tryptophan are the main building materials in the body. They take an active part in regulating acidity, normalizing metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Enzymes to improve digestion and absorption of food:
  • lactase;
  • phosphatase;
  • reductase;
  • peroxidase;
  • lipase;
  • protease;
  • amylase.
  1. Antibodies and hormones are substances that can activate the body's protective functions.

What milk is best to drink for ulcers?

Both cow's and goat's milk are ideal for consumption by patients with gastric ulcers. However, experts in the field of gastroenterology have confirmed the great value and invaluable benefits of goat's milk.

Goat's milk has antioxidant properties and protects the organ from negative influences by coating the gastric walls and duodenal mucosa with a special substance. Actively participates in the fight against cancer cells.

For duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to drink goat's milk

You can drink cow and goat milk if you have a stomach ulcer under the following conditions:

  • mandatory heat treatment (exception: pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk);
  • room temperature milk (cold milk is less digestible, and hot milk will cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • during an exacerbation, it is possible to take only skim milk and dairy products, so as not to cause irritation of the stomach lining;
  • During the period of remission, milk with a fat content of no more than 5% is allowed; goat milk for ulcers must be normalized with boiled water in equal parts.

It is not recommended to drink fresh milk if you have an ulcer due to the possibility of infection (brucellosis, tuberculosis, encephalitis). In addition, when boiling, the beneficial properties of milk do not disappear.

Dietary nutrition for gastric ulcers

Nutrition for stomach ulcers is a very important point in treating the disease and preventing exacerbations.
No drug therapy will give the desired effect without an accompanying diet. For patients with peptic ulcers, the standard is table No. 1 according to Pevzner. Below we will consider what to eat for stomach ulcers. You can eat cottage cheese for stomach ulcers and gastritis, as it helps normalize the secretory function of the stomach.

You can also safely use:

  • cream with a minimum fat content (up to 25%);
  • low-fat yogurt, best homemade and without additives;
  • milk;
  • low-fat and non-acidic kefir;
  • Ryazhenka.

Strictly prohibited:

  • sharp and salty cheeses;
  • glazed cheese curds;
  • sausage and smoked cheese.

In addition to cow's cottage cheese, you can also eat goat's cottage cheese for gastritis. It contains beneficial lysozyme, which reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Goat milk products are very useful for atrophic gastritis. For such patients, it would be useful to drink fresh milk.

Dumplings with cottage cheese are a dish that is suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases with high acidity. Cooked dumplings are served with low-fat sour cream (up to 15%).

Recommended dairy products and possible dishes

Milk-based products are, to a greater or lesser extent, fortified with the same vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances found in milk. The list of dairy products approved for use in stomach ulcers is quite wide:

In its pure form, as well as as part of dishes - milk soups, porridges, omelettes, sauces, mousses, puddings, jelly, jellies, cocktails and desserts.

It is well absorbed and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

  1. Ryazhenka.
  2. Acidophilus dairy products.
  3. Non-acidic kefir (during an exacerbation of an ulcer is strictly prohibited).

Excellent for patients with low acidity. Inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the cavity of the stomach and duodenum and removes harmful substances from the body. Activates immune defense and normalizes metabolism. Used as a stand-alone snack.

Recommended fermented milk products

Lactobacilli in yogurt have a beneficial effect, some of them are even able to cope with Hilicobacter pylori infection. Suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

7. Sour cream or cream.

Products with a low percentage of fat and in small quantities are allowed. It is used as a dressing for main dishes, and can also be used to prepare soufflés, cakes and desserts. Cream - in tea.

Increases immunity. Be sure to use a low-fat product. It is used to prepare cheesecakes, casseroles, cakes, soufflés, curd cheeses, and desserts. Can be used as a filling for dumplings, pancakes, and pies.

9. Cheese (can be taken during remission of the disease).

Low-fat hard or soft cheeses without spices and additives in grated form are allowed. Use in your diet as a dressing for pasta or for baking sandwiches.

10. Butter.

Only fresh product and without vegetable fats. Do not use for frying.

Which milk is healthier for ulcers: goat's or cow's?

Due to its chemical composition, such milk restores the gastric mucosa faster than cow's milk. Therefore, goat milk for medicinal purposes is more beneficial for stomach problems.

You can drink goat milk throughout the day. Before bedtime, consuming this product helps improve sleep quality and reduce inflammation. As a result, the healing process will be significantly accelerated.

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In addition, sour cream made from goat milk is also useful in small quantities as an addition to other dishes, such as desserts.

It is necessary to dilute goat milk when consuming it.


It is important to understand that unlimited consumption of milk and dairy products for stomach ulcers can cause more harm than good. Therefore, there are recommended standards:

  1. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt – 1 glass per day.
  2. Cheese – up to 100 gr.
  3. Cottage cheese – maximum 200 gr.

In addition, you should avoid consuming milk and dairy products if you have a stomach ulcer due to:

  1. individual intolerance to products containing milk;
  2. lactose deficiency (lack of an enzyme involved in the breakdown of milk sugar);
  3. the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  4. digestive system disorders (constipation, diarrhea).

Consumption of low-fat milk and dairy products in recommended doses helps to alleviate the course of the disease, relieve unwanted accompanying symptoms and speed up the rehabilitation period.

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