Appendectomy scar: how to reduce and care for the scar

The size of the appendicitis scar depends on the operation and the skill of the surgeon. After traditional resection, a 15 cm long scar will remain on the abdomen. After laparoscopy - three punctures in the peritoneum. They heal quickly and leave barely noticeable marks. Appendicitis without a scar is only possible with laparoscopy.

The speed of healing depends on:

  • Size of the wound . A large appendicitis scar takes longer to heal than laparoscope punctures.
  • Patient's age . In older people, tissue regenerates 20% slower than in young people.
  • Complications . Inflammation prevents the wound from healing.
  • Tissue regeneration . This is an individual feature of each patient.

The appendicitis scar hurts for the first 2 weeks. Further pain is a sign of complications: infection, suppuration or hernia. Due to complications, the wound heals more slowly. Doctors know of cases where healing lasted 1 year.

Patient after laparoscopy

Interesting information about tattoos on appendicitis scars

  • Scars from appendicitis are extremely common and some time ago were a clear problem for anyone who had to deal with such an operation.
  • Today, the operation itself leaves behind a less noticeable and noticeable scar, which is successfully hidden with the help of a tattoo, which is applied over the appendicitis scar.
  • Covering a scar with a tattoo is a much less complicated procedure than plastic surgery to hide a scar, and it allows you to hide a scar no less effectively with greater aesthetic appeal.
  • Looking through our selection of tattoos on an appendicitis scar, photo, which is located at the very bottom of the page, you will see how with the help of a tattoo you can get rid of a scar that may be unpleasant for you for a long time.

Such tattoos are applied to the body by both men and women. They are usually performed by highly professional tattoo artists, because... Such work requires special skills and abilities.

Photo from 09/01/2016

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Home recovery

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, the suture continues to heal for several weeks. All this time he needs:

  • Take only a shower and refuse a bath. After water procedures, it is important to lubricate the edges of the seam with Fukortsin or brilliant green. It is not recommended to use iodine, as this aggressive solution can cause a chemical burn and impede healing.
  • Treat the scar with ointments that contain panthenol. Levomekol or sea buckthorn ointment can also be used. The appropriateness of using such drugs is determined by the attending physician. It is believed that they help speed up healing of the wound and the resorption of rough scar tissue.
  • After complete healing of the postoperative wound, use special absorbable agents.
  • Limit physical activity. This recommendation remains valid for one and a half months after the intervention. Two weeks after discharge, you can start doing light exercises or swimming, but the load should be minimal.
  • Gradually expand your diet. The menu should contain a lot of plant foods; in addition, sufficient compliance with the drinking regime plays an important role.
  • Wear a special postoperative bandage or panties. If you are overweight, this recommendation should be followed for up to three months.

Usually, the listed conditions are sufficient for the process of suture healing and scar formation to proceed normally without complications. During the recovery period, the condition of the scar changes, it becomes less dense, gradually turns pale, and also aligns with the surrounding tissues.

Secrets on how to deal with a scar after appendicitis

Postoperative scars , it seems to me, will be companions of surgery for a long time, if not always.
Abdominal operations with tissue dissection are often inevitable. The picture is the same with appendicitis.

Yes, we have now learned how to remove an inflamed appendix using laparoscopy using several punctures.

But in cases of concomitant peritonitis, and even extensive peritonitis, open classical surgery cannot be avoided.

Important fact! And then a scar remains on the patient’s body. Not everyone is bothered by it, but especially young girls then have a lot of complexes about the appearance of their figure.

And sometimes it seems almost monstrous to children. And some men today are already beginning to believe that this particular scar does not decorate them in any way.

Let's talk about this problem in more detail.


  • If the operation took place without serious complications, the scar after abdominal surgery measures from 7 to 8 cm.

  • In cases where the surgeon has to overcome a large fat layer, the incision can reach 20 or even 25 cm.
  • It is produced in the lower right part of the abdominal cavity with a slight downward slope.

At first the scar is red, then it changes to white. Immediately after surgery, it is hard to the touch, but over time (after a few weeks) it softens.

This is due to the formation of new connective tissue.

In addition to external sutures, which are removed after some time, internal sutures are also applied during appendicitis removal. They are self-resorbable.

If the resorption process is delayed, an inflammatory process may begin, which will inevitably affect the condition of the scar on the patient’s abdominal cavity.

It is important to know! In general, the appearance of the scar depends not only on the complexity of the operation, but also on the duration of the recovery process and the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations.

Postoperative scars can be of several types:

  • hypertrophic, such consequences are least noticeable;
  • regular or retracted, such scars are noticeable, and their correction requires the use of more complex methods;
  • too fresh or too old - here the struggle for a spring look can be lengthy.
  1. In general, the type of scar depends on compliance with the physical activity regime, individual metabolism in each organism and its ability to regenerate.
  2. And yet, you may not believe it, but the “appearance” of a scar after appendicitis largely depends on the postoperative diet.
  3. For example, eating foods that cause increased gas production can lead to increased healing time and stretching of adhesions.

Features in men and women and girls

Interesting fact! As a rule, scar healing occurs more slowly in men than in women.

  • This is due to the fact that many representatives of the stronger sex are not used to dosing physical activity.
  • Plus, it is believed that a man’s skin and muscle tissue is rougher.
  • In addition, men rarely carefully follow the postoperative diet and neglect cosmetic products that women readily use.


Ointments and gels

Remember! They, first of all, soften the density of connective tissue and reduce its quantity. Plus, such drugs change the color of the scar, making it more natural.

It is advisable to choose products that contain substances of plant and animal origin, for example, fermenkol or contratubes.

The visual effect of their use can occur within a few weeks. But some people have to be patient for several months - this depends on the characteristics of the body and the complexity of the operation.

Hormonal drugs

Let me make a reservation right away: you cannot use these drugs without consulting a doctor and without a thorough diagnosis.

Hormone therapy is really helpful in the early stages of healing, a few weeks after surgery. At a later time, it will only negatively affect the metabolic processes in the body.

Remember! If there is even a slight deterioration in the patient’s condition after the administration of a hormonal drug, the procedures should be stopped immediately.

There are 2 types of drugs that are injected into the area of ​​scars for the purpose of treating them:

  1. enzymatic, used to treat hypertrophic and retracted scars, the most effective drug from this group is longidase;
  2. glucocorticosteroids affect the same groups of scars; Kenalog and Diprospan are most often used.


In today's medicine, this is the most accessible and widespread method of promoting tissue regeneration.
They are divided into silicone and standard types. The patch looks like a small bandage that protects a certain area of ​​the body.

However, to top it off, it is impregnated with a special composition that promotes scar resorption.


The use of this elastic specialized belt stops the excessive development of unwanted connective tissue.

It is convenient because it is easy to use, but does not have a specific effect on the resorption of the suture.

How long does it take to heal?

I repeat, this depends on the characteristics of the body, adherence to the regime, dosing of loads.

The process can last from several months to a year.

Important fact! As a rule, after a year, correction methods no longer affect the scar - by this time it is already fully formed and becomes an integral part of the body.

Thanks to the laser, you can bring the color of the scar to a flesh color in just a few sessions.

Scar dermabrasion

It is carried out using abrasive substances. The procedure resembles a large-scale peeling when the top layer of epithelium is removed.

It should be noted that this method of correction can be seriously painful, especially if the technique is poorly adjusted or the master performer is inexperienced.


They are applied at the site of the scar, covering it and even adding beauty to the appearance. Recently, this correction method has become increasingly popular.


Foundations from this group can mask a defect for only a few hours, but sometimes that’s enough. Then such a disguise is usually easily washed off with water.


Sometimes plastic surgery can be used to correct undesirable consequences. This is especially true for old scars that are more than a year old.

Remember! But it should be remembered that it can also leave marks on the body, especially if the operation was not performed entirely successfully.

After operation

After successfully removing the inflamed appendix, the doctor applies several internal and external sutures to the patient. And the further condition of the external scar largely depends on the complete healing of the internal tissues, which are sutured with special self-absorbable threads. External sutures are removed approximately a week after the surgical intervention, and after complete healing, experienced doctors are able to judge the features of the resection even by the condition of the scar. A normal scar is different:

  • Size from seven to ten centimeters. With various complications or the presence of excess weight, the length of the scar can be greater, reaching even twenty-five centimeters.
  • Horizontal arrangement with a slight slope. The scar is localized a few centimeters from the pubis on the right side of the abdomen.
  • Bright red-purple color, which then becomes paler.
  • Density and hardness, which is gradually replaced by greater elasticity and softness.
  • The ability to change under the influence of inflammatory processes or due to failure of internal sutures.

The condition of the scar directly depends on the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations in the first time after surgery. In addition, its appearance is determined by the skill of the operating doctor.

How to remove an appendicitis scar

The size of the appendicitis scar depends on the operation and the skill of the surgeon. After traditional resection, a 15 cm long scar will remain on the abdomen. After laparoscopy - three punctures in the peritoneum. They heal quickly and leave barely noticeable marks. Appendicitis without a scar is only possible with laparoscopy.

The speed of healing depends on:

  • Size of the wound . A large appendicitis scar takes longer to heal than laparoscope punctures.
  • Patient's age . In older people, tissue regenerates 20% slower than in young people.
  • Complications . Inflammation prevents the wound from healing.
  • Tissue regeneration . This is an individual feature of each patient.

The appendicitis scar hurts for the first 2 weeks. Further pain is a sign of complications: infection, suppuration or hernia. Due to complications, the wound heals more slowly. Doctors know of cases where healing lasted 1 year.

Patient after laparoscopy

Caring for a fresh scar

While the patient is in the hospital, he is cared for daily. The wound is bandaged and the seam is treated with an antiseptic. This is necessary so that the scar after appendicitis does not fester.

You are allowed to go home a week after the operation. After laparoscopy 3 days. But the treatment doesn't end there. An appendicitis scar must be handled with care until it heals. On average it will take a month.

Here are standard recommendations for treatment at home:

  1. Follow a diet. Eat puree soups, porridge and drink plenty of water. Avoid fatty foods, bad habits and gas-forming foods.
  2. Do not lift heavy objects.
  3. Do not wash in the bathtub, sauna or open water.
  4. Do not tense your abdominal muscles.
  5. Don't gain weight.
  6. Do not engage in active sports.
  7. Treat the edges of the wound after water procedures.

Advice! If you are obese or have to lift more than 5 kg, then use a brace after appendicitis. The bandage will support weakened abdominal muscles and take some of the load off them.

Scars in men and women: differences

Appendicitis scars take longer to heal in men than in women. This is due to anatomy - the fibers of male muscles are coarser. But the main reasons lie in violation of medical rules.

It is noticed that:

  • Men are more likely to neglect their diet.
  • Out of habit, they do not measure the weight of the things they lift.
  • They forget to use cosmetics to heal wounds.

After a year, the scar from appendicitis completely heals and cannot be corrected. The only way to get rid of it is to cover the appendicitis scar with a tattoo.

The scar will become smaller if you take care of it

Nuances of healing

The suture after surgery consists of an outer and an inner layer. The condition of the outer seam depends on the healing of the inner layer. Therefore, you should not load your abdominal muscles. The thin threads of the inner seam are not designed to withstand overload and break easily.

External seam

What a healthy outer seam looks like:

  1. The size of the scar did not change after surgery or became smaller. Enlargement is a sign of complications.
  2. The appearance of the scar - a horizontal line with a slight downward slant - has not changed. If the line goes crooked, then the seam spreads.
  3. Pay attention to the color: after the operation, the wound is purple-red. When healing, it turns pale.
  4. In the first week after surgery, the scar is dense to the touch. In contrast, scar tissue is delicate and requires care.
  5. The wound heals within a month. Violation of doctor's recommendations or complications will delay the process.

If you do not treat the suture after removing the appendix, the scar will stretch. In its place, a hypertrophic scar forms, which is difficult to reduce. In addition to violation of the rehabilitation regime, heredity contributes to the formation of such a scar.

For treatment, doctors recommend using gentle medications:

  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Miramistin.
  • And hydrogen peroxide.

When it hurts

Pain under an appendicitis scar is the first sign of complications.

Also a signal to seek urgent help is:

  • redness of the wound;
  • swelling;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • dark liquid oozing from the seam;
  • heat;
  • throbbing pain in the right side;
  • unbearable itching.

Scar Treatment Options

Worrying about the appearance of the scar immediately after surgery is a waste of time. Over time, the scar will smooth out and fade. If you are concerned about the appearance of an ugly scar, then pay attention to correction methods.


A tattoo on an appendicitis scar is a popular solution to disguise the scar. The tattoo is applied a year after the operation. The price of the work depends on the complexity of the design, the experience of the artist and the salon where the tattoo is done.

Tattoo on a girl's appendicitis scar, photo

We recommend that you contact only trusted salons and use the services of experienced professionals who comply with hygiene standards in their work.

Ointments and gels

Pharmacies sell ointments, gels and antiseptics for the treatment and correction of sutures. They soften the density of fibrous tissue and make the scar smaller. In addition, pharmaceutical preparations change the color of the scar from red to flesh-colored.

Don't forget to ask your doctor which products are right for you. There are contraindications due to allergies to components.


When treating a scar with physiotherapy, the following is used:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Magnetotherapy.

With these procedures, drugs are introduced into the patient's skin that:

  • Fibrin (the basis of the scar) is dissolved.
  • Stimulate tissue healing.
  • Soften and smooth the top layer of keratinized skin.

Ultrasound is most often used, because it improves the permeability of the skin to drugs. The session lasts on average 5 minutes. The duration of the course is 10 procedures.

Hormone therapy

Before taking hormonal medications, you need to visit a doctor. If not treated properly, drugs are harmful to health.

Treatment is carried out through local injections directly into the scar tissue. If necessary, an anesthetic - lidocaine or liquid nitrogen - is injected into the skin near the scar.

Treatment of appendicitis scar with hormonal drugs

Hormonal therapy is effective against severe, overgrown scars - keloid and hypertrophic. And also to stop adhesions. Side effects from therapy include hyperpigmentation, swelling, seoporosis and gastric ulcers.

Chemical peeling

The main substance of peeling is acids, which destroy the top layer of skin. After peeling, the skin is treated with special preparations to moisturize and nourish.

A month later the procedure is repeated. The course lasts 3–4 procedures. Deep peeling is contraindicated for people with dark skin because it lightens the top layer.

Laser resurfacing

Contraindicated in pregnancy, infections and fresh wounds. Laser resurfacing is carried out six months after the operation. For the effect, 5-6 procedures are required with an interval of a week to a month (depending on the area of ​​the scar).

Scars in men and women: differences

Appendicitis scars take longer to heal in men than in women. This is due to anatomy - the fibers of male muscles are coarser. But the main reasons lie in violation of medical rules.

It has been noticed that men:

  • Diet is often neglected;
  • out of habit, they do not measure the weight of the things they lift;
  • forget to use cosmetics to heal wounds.

After a year, the scar from appendicitis completely heals and cannot be corrected. The only way to get rid of it is to cover the appendicitis scar with a tattoo.

The scar will become smaller if you take care of it

Appendicitis scar: photo, how to remove it completely

Acute appendicitis, or the condition of inflammation of the appendix, is a disease that in 90% of cases is treated with surgery and removal. The removal operation is performed by making an incision in the abdominal cavity, through which the inflamed appendix is ​​penetrated.

After such an incision, a scar is left in the patient’s abdomen from the removal of appendicitis. A body with a scar does not look very attractive; sometimes it causes not only aesthetic irritation, but also discomfort and even pain.

What a seam looks like on the body, types, whether it is possible to remove the mark completely after appendicitis is discussed in the article.

Scar formation

If the operation to remove the appendix was performed by laparotomy, an incision was made in the peritoneum. Once the removal is complete, the incision is sutured and the body begins to work on reconnecting the destroyed tissue. At this moment, the walls in the incision area begin to become inflamed. This happens for reasons:

  1. A microbial environment or infection has entered the incision area, at this time the incision mark may hurt, sometimes fester, and ichor is released. During inflammation, the body begins to secrete protective cells, protecting itself from the penetration of pathogenic flora.
  1. During inflammation, the body produces more collagen, which becomes the basis for scar formation to close the wound.

Inflammation at the incision site continues for about a week or two. For the entire period, it is important for the patient to carefully monitor the condition of the incision, treat it with antiseptic solutions in a timely manner, and ensure that the wound is not exposed to dirt, dust, or sunlight.

With proper healing without problems, a small scar remains on the body, it hurts a little at first, and can be bright in color, from red to blue. The scar causes a feeling of discomfort, itching, pain when moving, bending, or pressing. Within a year, in most patients, the incision site heals completely, the skin is restored, and the brightness disappears.

A pale, inconspicuous mark 1-10 cm in size, convex in appearance, remains. Pain and discomfort disappear with normal healing.

But not every patient has a smooth scarring process. In women, the incision site heals faster than in men. And the child will generally heal in 2-3 months, since the metabolism is several times higher. Depending on the correctness of healing, care and characteristics of the body, marks after surgery are formed differently and are divided into types.


Patients experience the stage of scarring and restoration of the skin differently. Therefore, the site from the incision during appendicitis surgery appears in each person of a different size and shape, and it takes a different period of time to heal.

  • Normotrophic – type of scar: the simplest, pale, invisible. Externally it does not cause irritation, as it does not stand out against the background of the skin. It looks like a thin strip at the incision site, can be corrected, and complete removal is possible using modern methods - laser resurfacing, for example.
  • Hypertrophic - the scar is thick, hard, voluminous, rises above the patient’s skin, and is brighter in appearance than the rest of the skin. This type is more difficult to remove. Long-term correction by grinding, therapy with medications, ointments or current treatment can make the surgical site less noticeable.
  • Atrophic - unlike hypertrophic, it does not rise, but, on the contrary, sinks into the skin. This happens due to a lack of connective tissue during healing or errors in caring for the incision. To add aesthetics, you will have to raise the seam to the surface. More often this can be done with injections, fillers, cosmetic fillers for skin volume, and hormonal therapy may be required. It is not possible to completely remove it.
  • Keloid is an outwardly unattractive, dangerous appearance. It occurs when scarring fails and does not heal for a long time; collagen is released in large volumes and does not stop releasing for a long period. It is difficult to correct, because any manipulation causes complications in the form of additional collagen production and increases in size again. Can remain unchanged for a long time. It looks rough, especially for women who do not have the opportunity to wear open clothes and swimsuits on the beach with such a scar.

Preventative care

The condition of the scar and its appearance depend not only on the progress of the operation and the work of the surgeon, but also on how the patient cares for the scar and spends the rehabilitation period. It is important to monitor and properly care for the scar.

Basic actions:

  • Refusal of physical activity for 2-3 weeks after removal of the appendix.
  • Follow a diet and eat small meals to avoid swelling and divergence of the incision site.
  • Quitting alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  • A large amount of fluid for tissue restoration and food that does not require long digestion and does not complicate the act of defecation. The process of straining is prohibited.
  • Careful care and regular treatment of the seam with antiseptics, washing. The incision wound should always be clean and, if possible, dry.
  • Medical treatment of the scar, when the surface needs to be smeared with creams, ointments, and additionally use injections.


Scars after appendicitis surgery can and should be corrected. But the adjustment depends on the type of scar and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Drugs and types of correction are agreed upon with the doctor and are not used independently. Not every type of correction is suitable for a certain type of appendix scar. The main correction methods include:

  1. Make-up is suitable for owners of a thin and pale scar that does not cause discomfort to the owner. Allows you to change the shade and appearance of the scar. Gives a cosmetic effect.
  2. Tattoo – suitable for those whose scar is pale or atrophic. Owners use a tattoo on a scar from appendicitis to hide external manifestations and give an aesthetic appearance.
  3. Dermabrasion is a type of correction that uses chemical or mechanical peels. The procedure involves exfoliating the top layers of skin at the incision, causing the mark to become thinner and paler. After several courses of therapy, the scar becomes thin and pale.
  4. When the scar is retracted into the skin, regular injection of fillers or adipose tissue is required to lift it. Once the incision mark has risen to a level, other correction methods are used to change the shape and pigmentation.
  5. Laser grinding. You can resort to resurfacing 6 months after surgery. The procedure will make the color of the scar even and pale, similar to the surface of the skin. In addition, the surface is smoothed. After 4-5 applications, the scar remains pale or disappears from the surface of the skin.
  1. Surgical manipulation. In difficult cases or with old, apparently rough and thick sutures, the scar can be dissected, after which the surgeon applies a new, thin cosmetic suture. Sometimes fatty tissue needs to be injected to smooth the surface for a smooth, even appearance. After manipulation, the thick and rough suture disappears, leaving behind a thin, thread-like strip on the skin.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Electrophoresis, magnet, current therapy, and ultrasound are often prescribed. The procedures will smooth out the scar, make it smoother and paler.

Doctors often prescribe medicinal treatment for the scar using steroid drugs. This is necessary for excessive collagen production and the formation of keloid scars. Vitamins are often injected into the scar area, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, and sometimes surgical intervention is required for complications.

Preventative care

The condition of the scar and its appearance depend not only on the progress of the operation and the work of the surgeon, but also on how the patient cares for the scar and spends the rehabilitation period. It is important to monitor and properly care for the scar.

Basic actions:

  • Refusal of physical activity for 2-3 weeks after removal of the appendix.
  • Follow a diet and eat small meals to avoid swelling and divergence of the incision site.
  • Quitting alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  • A large amount of fluid for tissue restoration and food that does not require long digestion and does not complicate the act of defecation. The process of straining is prohibited.
  • Careful care and regular treatment of the seam with antiseptics, washing. The incision wound should always be clean and, if possible, dry.
  • Medical treatment of the scar, when the surface needs to be smeared with creams, ointments, and additionally use injections.

Appendicitis scar - how to remove it

Based on statistics, it is known that every tenth person undergoes surgery to remove the appendix. Appendectomy is considered one of the most common surgical interventions. Appendicitis becomes inflamed regardless of the gender or age of the patient.

The operation is carried out in two ways - by abdominal cutting of tissue and using laparoscopy. In both cases, scars remain on the patient’s body, which for some bring serious aesthetic discomfort. In addition, the area after surgery is sometimes itchy and painful.

There are several recommendations and ways to make an appendicitis scar less noticeable.

How to promote healing of a suture after an appendectomy

The post-operative scar is delicate and requires attention. By caring for and monitoring him during the rehabilitation period, you can prevent various complications and other health problems.

It is important to know that if there is severe pain, itching, or the presence of strange discharge from the scar, you should immediately notify your doctor.

Such symptoms may indicate serious problems, such as tissue infection or dehiscence of internal seams.

With proper care and as a result of the correct actions of the surgeon during surgery, healing occurs quickly.

For 7-10 days, the scar after appendicitis should be treated with antiseptic drugs. For these purposes, you can use alcohol, iodine, and hydrogen peroxide.

The treated seam is dried, after which an antiseptic bandage is applied to it, which prevents infection.

After about 7-10 days, a crust will form on the scar, which is a good sign. During this period, the suture is removed, but the scar still requires attention for some time. After removing the suture, the incision site becomes red-pink in color.

After several weeks, it gradually becomes a white or pink stripe. It is important to closely monitor his condition all this time. Any redness or swelling is a sign of a disorder that should be reported to your doctor.

There is standard advice from surgeons for patients who are discharged from the hospital after having their appendix removed:

  1. Stick to the diet for a month. Food should be light and not solid. You should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Legumes, cabbage, pastries and white bread should be completely excluded from the diet. Because of them, intestinal gases appear, which entails bloating. This situation often leads to divergence of the seams from the inside and inflammatory processes from the outside.
  2. You should avoid straining your abdominal muscles, so if you have problems with constipation, it is better to use laxatives. These can be both medicinal drugs and traditional medicine recipes. For example, beet juice is considered effective.
  3. For at least a month, you should not lift weights exceeding 5 kg.
  4. For 2 months it is forbidden to take a bath, especially with hot water. After a shower, the scar must be treated with an antiseptic after drying.
  5. Strength physical exercises involving the anterior abdominal wall are strictly prohibited.

How long does it take for a scar to heal?

The process of scar formation occurs differently for each person. This depends on many factors:

  • on how everything went during the operation;
  • from the restorative qualities of the skin;
  • on the degree of resorption;
  • from the use of scar correction methods.

The scar after removal of appendicitis, with a normal outcome of the operation, hurts for no more than two weeks. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to care for and observe it for a long time. Suture processing is not interrupted after discharge. For this, a solution of potassium permanganate or iodine is used.

It is worth paying attention to unwanted changes in the area of ​​the postoperative scar. They are determined by several criteria:

  • The redness of the scar and the area around it is characteristic of inflammatory processes. In addition, swelling and increased local temperature may be observed. If there is an increase in the temperature of the whole body, this indicates serious inflammation, which requires immediate medical attention.
  • Serous and purulent discharge from the wound and separation of its edges are also a dangerous sign.
  • Sometimes small nodules are visible under the outer suture, which in principle is not considered a serious pathology and goes away over time. But for peace of mind, it is better to show these formations to a doctor.
  • Painful symptoms in the form of contractions or stretching under the scar indicate the beginning of the adhesive process after surgery.

Any of the listed symptoms should not be ignored. It is necessary to inform your attending physician about this, who will select an individual treatment regimen for each individual case.

Overall, much of the healing process depends on how the internal sutures heal. In order to avoid problems, you must follow all the recommendations of doctors and not strain your abdominal muscles.

Modern methods of scar removal

In the arsenal of modern medicine there are many methods for removing scars. How to remove a scar from the appendix, it is better to consult a specialist. Of the radical methods that help remove old scar after appendectomy, the following are most often used:

  • Laser remodeling, also known as dermabrasion, is considered one of the popular correction methods. It involves removing the scar using a laser. In this way, the protruding skin is excised and the relief is leveled.
  • Surgical plastic surgery is performed by introducing into the connective tissue a certain amount of fatty tissue extracted from another part of the human body. With this, the normal structure of the skin is restored, the scar is completely leveled and becomes invisible.
  • Physiotherapy is done using electrophoresis and Fermenkol gel. This helps speed up the process of scar resorption.
  • The most affordable method is laser resurfacing. Its use is permitted after 6 months after surgery.

Tips for healing a seam at home

In modern pharmaceuticals there are many auxiliary means for rapid healing and prevention of the development of the inflammatory process. They are produced in the form of ointments and gels. Of these, the most commonly used drugs are:

  • Contractubex.
  • Clearvin.
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

All of them accelerate the healing process, regenerating the skin, have absorbable, anti-inflammatory properties and have a positive effect on blood flow.

In this case, folk recipes are also considered effective. The appendix scar is lubricated with milk thistle or sea buckthorn oil. In the first months, it is advisable to use the listed methods and means of treatment daily. This will help achieve quick healing of the scar.

Doctors' opinion

If there are painful symptoms in the area of ​​the scar, it is not correction that is needed, but treatment. A completely painless scar is considered the norm. Therefore, any unpleasant signs should be a reason to visit a doctor.

Postoperative healing

After the intervention is performed, the patient must remain in the inpatient department of the hospital for some time - usually no more than ten days. All this time, doctors perform regular treatment of the postoperative wound and monitor the general condition. At the same time, the patient is told in detail about the features of the rehabilitation period, as well as about the recommendations that he needs to follow. For successful recovery:

  • The patient needs to move within a few hours after emerging from anesthesia. Prolonged bed rest can lead to the formation of adhesions and negatively affect the condition of internal and external seams.
  • It is important for the patient to adhere to a special diet, in particular, to exclude the consumption of foods containing coarse fiber and foods that can provoke flatulence. Otherwise, excessive gas formation and constipation may develop, which can lead to internal seams coming apart.
  • It is important to always report problems with bowel movements to medical staff. Constipation requires the use of a laxative.

After discharge, the patient must adhere to a certain regimen at home. This is the main condition for successful healing of the suture and the formation of a neat scar.

Timing for suture removal

When sutures are removed after appendicitis in adults, attention is paid to its condition. Healing is indicated by the appearance of a crust on top. The seam can be removed if it is painted a uniform color over its entire length and there are no discrepancies, compactions, or nodules.

Under normal conditions, it is removed 7-10 days after appendectomy. The period of removal depends on the speed of healing of the wound surface. If pus is found in it, drainage is placed. To do this, a tube is placed inside the wound, the ends of which are brought out.

After the procedure, the patient goes home, where he continues rehabilitation. Patients are concerned about how long it takes for a suture to heal after appendicitis . Complete tissue restoration after appendectomy occurs within six months.

Much depends on the patient

Of course, the type of appendicitis scar, a photo of which you can see in this article, will largely depend on the patient himself. If a person eats normally, exercises regularly and leads a healthy lifestyle, then metabolic processes in the tissues will proceed much faster, which means the skin will recover faster. The patient must monitor the condition of his scar and, at the slightest deterioration, immediately go to the hospital.

Possible complications

The deadline for removing sutures after appendicitis is delayed due to complications. These include:

  • Infection during or after surgery due to non-compliance with the rules for treating the wound surface with antiseptics. In this case, the suture hurts after the operation, serous fluid and pus ooze from it.
  • Partial or complete rupture of the scar. If the suture breaks after appendicitis , this may be due to increased physical activity after surgery. Another reason is the surgeon’s mistake when applying the suture.
  • The appearance of compactions under the suture after removal of appendicitis . This is associated with the accumulation of purulent masses as a result of infection, but more often it is a normal phenomenon associated with the formation of connective tissue.
  • The formation of fistulas that arise due to suppuration of infiltrates of postoperative scars.
  • Formation of adhesions. This occurs if the scar is long and rough. Adhesive disease is associated with rapid growth of connective tissue.
  • Hernia development. The reason is a medical error or non-compliance with postoperative recovery standards.

If the stitch hurts for a long time after appendicitis , and the temperature rises, you need to consult a doctor. Postoperative complications can cause sepsis and lead to the death of the patient.

What are the types of scars?

The type of appendicitis scar depends on many factors. This should include the presence of any complications during surgery, features of tissue fusion, as well as the duration of the recovery period. Depending on this, scars differ. A scar after appendicitis can be:

  1. A keloid scar that has a smoothed surface.
  2. Hypertrophic - with pronounced changes in the skin.
  3. A retracted scar is usually noticeable and may require serious correction methods.

Scars are also classified depending on how long ago the surgery was performed. They can be fresh or old.

What is a scar?

An appendicitis scar is a kind of connective tissue that forms on the human body due to ruptures and loss of the epidermis.
This is exactly the tissue that appears after surgery. If the operation was completed without any complications, the length of the scar will be about three to five centimeters. A fresh appendicitis scar usually has a reddish-burgundy hue and may be sore, itchy, and itchy for some time. However, soon the discomfort will disappear and the skin will gradually begin to turn pale. During surgery, doctors make a horizontal incision slightly above the underwear line. However, depending on complications, the location of the incision may change.

The rehabilitation period after the operation is very long and can be about a year.

Tips for healing a seam at home

In modern pharmaceuticals there are many auxiliary means for rapid healing and prevention of the development of the inflammatory process. They are produced in the form of ointments and gels. Of these, the most commonly used drugs are:

In this case, folk recipes are also considered effective. The appendix scar is lubricated with milk thistle or sea buckthorn oil. In the first months, it is advisable to use the listed methods and means of treatment daily. This will help achieve quick healing of the scar.

When to start scar treatment

According to medical statistics, every tenth person is prescribed an appendectomy every year. After the operation, a scar remains, which is difficult to get rid of. But, if you start treatment at an early stage, when the scar from appendicitis is still young, you can make it almost invisible.

If the patient misses this period, then it will most likely not be possible to make the scar less noticeable using conservative methods. In such cases, you will have to resort to surgical treatment.

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