Diarrhea before childbirth: a harbinger of childbirth or a pathology?

Sometimes women experience diarrhea before giving birth. This is a consequence of the restructuring of all body systems during pregnancy. The first trimester is characterized by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Your health may worsen. The characteristics of the expectant mother’s body are such that some of these manifestations persist literally until the moment of birth.

Pathology or pattern

Before giving birth, a woman has an increased risk of not only constipation, but also loose stools. Softening stool is a positive factor for a woman and baby. This is a physiological process.

An empty intestine in a pregnant woman is a favorable factor for the birth of a child.

When diarrhea begins before labor, this does not indicate an intestinal disorder, dehydration, or loss of fluid in the body.

The feces soften to a pasty consistency, and diarrhea bothers the woman up to 5-6 times a day.

In combination with diarrhea, other clinical manifestations occur, including spasm in the epigastric region and increased gas formation.

The susceptibility of the uterus to such symptoms can cause tone with the transition to false contractions.

How diarrhea can harm a pregnant woman

Severe diarrhea is dangerous for the body of a woman and child due to dehydration. In addition, diarrhea during pregnancy:

  • May pose a risk of miscarriage. Severe spasms increase the tone of the stomach and uterus. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, this can cause placental abruption, fetal death, and premature birth.
  • If the diarrhea is infectious, then the penetration of pathogenic organisms through the placenta in the first trimester of pregnancy threatens fetal malformations, intrauterine growth retardation, and hypoxia.
  • At 30 weeks, abdominal pain provokes contractions, the uterus is in good shape, and false contractions occur. Tonus is dangerous due to premature birth and miscarriage.
  • A high temperature with diarrhea in the expectant mother has a negative effect on the child.
  • Uncontrolled prolonged loose stools threaten dehydration of the body, imbalance of nutrients, microelements, and disturbance of water-salt balance. This provokes vitamin deficiency and negatively affects the development and normal growth of the fetus.
  • In case of poisoning, there is a high risk of toxic compounds entering the child’s bloodstream. Therefore, it is necessary to rinse the stomach as quickly as possible and be under medical supervision to exclude fetal pathologies and complications.

If a woman notices extreme thirst, dry skin, weakness, fainting, or a decrease in the number of urinations, you should immediately call an ambulance. These signs may indicate dehydration.

Pathology as a harbinger of childbirth

From the 19th-20th week of pregnancy, many people notice that the uterus sometimes becomes tense. This happens painlessly, but tone can be suspected by hardening and thickening of the lower abdomen.

The first symptoms of impending delivery occur 14-30 days before the process and contribute to increased anxiety.

In a primigravida woman, signs appear earlier than during repeated delivery, but are less severe.
During the second and subsequent births, the precursors appear within 2-3 days or are absent .
Precursors of labor are a set of clinical manifestations that are caused by changes in the internal organs and systems that ensure normal delivery.

This process is influenced by the work of the central nervous system, which establishes the necessary connections within the body.

Loose stools are a signal for the nervous system to establish such connections. However, this symptom does not occur in every woman, which is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy. Only a gynecologist can rule out diarrhea as a sign of imminent labor.

How many days before giving birth can diarrhea appear?

Frequent precursor symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. How many days before birth do they occur?

A woman may feel sick and vomit before the baby is born, namely, at the stage of labor. This can be explained by the opening of the cervix of the organ to allow the fetus to pass through the birth canal, to which the body reacts in this way.

Severe diarrhea usually occurs 1-2 days before contractions and does not require specific therapy. This way the body is cleansed before childbirth.

When to sound the alarm

Emptying the bowel before labor is not always considered a natural reaction of the body and may indicate pathology. Urgent help from a specialist is needed if the stool has a liquid consistency, like water, and is green in color.

Other warning signs include:

  • the presence of foamy inclusions in the stool;
  • feces with a strong odor;
  • yellow stool;
  • increase in body temperature.

In these cases, self-medication is prohibited so as not to further aggravate the situation. These symptoms indirectly indicate an intestinal infectious disease that requires specific treatment.

If the stool has normal consistency and color and no unpleasant odor, there is no need to worry.

Possible consequences

Diarrhea while expecting a baby is much more dangerous than in normal conditions. It is necessary to know all the possible consequences of illness in order to avoid them.

  • During diarrhea, intestinal peristalsis is very strong, and this is fraught with uterine contractions. Contractions of the uterus, in turn, can provoke miscarriage, placental abruption, fetal death, and premature birth. The same applies to cramping abdominal pain that occurs with digestive disorders or intestinal infections. Spasms and contractions are especially dangerous at the very beginning and end of pregnancy.
  • Bacteria and viruses (causative agents of intestinal infections) can penetrate the placental barrier and cause hypoxia, pathologies of fetal development or even death
  • In the very early stages, a rise in temperature is very dangerous
  • Symptoms characteristic of an intestinal disorder (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) signal that the body is poisoned by toxins. Again, there is a risk that harmful substances will cross the placenta.
  • Prolonged heavy diarrhea, and especially if it is accompanied by vomiting, can cause dehydration. This condition is very dangerous, and especially during the period of waiting for a child.


Dehydration can cause miscarriage, fetal death, or serious developmental problems. Therefore, if these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately:

  • Dry mucous membranes and skin
  • Severe, persistent thirst and dry mouth
  • Sunken eyes or dark circles underneath them
  • Dots before the eyes, dizziness, tinnitus
  • Urine is produced in small quantities and is dark in color.

We will tell you below what and how to drink for pregnant women to prevent dehydration during diarrhea.

Reasons for appearance

In the last 7 days (sooner or later, taking into account the characteristics of the body), the pregnant woman begins to actively prepare her body for childbirth. Some experience constant nausea and heartburn, while others have frequent visits to the toilet to empty their bladder or bowels.

The main factor contributing to the appearance of diarrhea in a pregnant woman before delivery is the achievement of maximum pressure from the enlarged uterus on the pelvic organs, namely, on the intestines. This also applies to increased frequency of bladder emptying.

Diarrhea that occurs towards the end of the last trimester does not cause dehydration, because it is formed in small quantities and has a non-watery consistency.

Do you need measures to stop diarrhea before childbirth?

Carrying a child is a complex process that must be supervised by a doctor. If diarrhea occurs, do not self-medicate.

Only a specialist in this matter can tell you what to do in this situation..

A pregnant woman is recommended to follow the following rules to alleviate the condition:

  • exclude the independent use of medications that can negatively affect the process of delivery and the fetus;
  • take measures to prevent dehydration by drinking enough liquid throughout the day (this can be herbal tea, natural juice, still purified water);
  • exclude from the diet foods that create a large load on the gastrointestinal tract and can cause diarrhea (it is better to supplement the diet with foods with a fixing effect - crackers, toast, jellies, broths).

The most important condition is not to be nervous. Nervous diarrhea is the most common occurrence in women before childbirth.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

It is recommended to take medications to thicken stool only after consulting a doctor. It is prohibited to make decisions and prescribe medications on your own. On forums you can find women recommending a drug previously prescribed to them, citing the similarity of symptoms. It is impossible to predict the reaction to the medicine consumed without examination by a doctor. It is possible that diarrhea will disappear on its own after the baby is born.

If diarrhea bothers a woman, then you can drink a small amount of rice water or sorbent. If used frequently, it can have the opposite effect. This will complicate the act of defecation during the postpartum period.

If the diarrhea does not go away for a long time or is interspersed with blood and mucus, then you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The stool may have a greenish tint. The presence of blood may indicate problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines. If you experience a strong unpleasant odor, abdominal pain, weakness or fever, you should seek emergency medical help. There is a possibility of developing an intestinal infection with the listed symptoms. After examination and testing, additional specific treatment may be required.

In addition to physiological diarrhea, pregnant women may have altered stool in the following cases:

  • when the consumed products are incompatible;
  • exacerbation of allergic reactions;
  • infections localized in the digestive system;
  • exacerbation of sluggish gastrointestinal disease.

If a pregnant woman notices at least two or three of the listed signs, then there is no need to panic. This means that a long-awaited meeting with your baby will soon take place.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Ways to stop diarrhea

In the event that diarrhea has a pathological etiology, that is, caused by an infectious intestinal disease, specific therapy is prescribed, which eliminates complications, including general dehydration.


Since many medications are prohibited during pregnancy, the doctor selects the most effective and safe drug that cannot harm either the expectant mother or the fetus.

Prescribe one of the following:

  • Nifuroxazide from the group of antibacterial drugs (helps neutralize pathogens, consolidate feces and normalize intestinal activity);
  • Rehydron (helps prevent dehydration and restore water-salt balance in the body of a pregnant woman);
  • Linex, Lactobacterin, Maxilac (to restore intestinal microflora);
  • Smecta (binds and removes pathogenic microorganisms from the intestinal environment);
  • Enterosgel is a sorbent that acts in a similar way to Smecta (activated carbon can also be included here);
  • Kaopectate is an adsorbent that holds feces together and reduces the frequency of bowel movements.

In severe cases, general dehydration occurs, which disrupts the nutrition of the fetus and causes hypoxia, which can lead to the death of the unborn baby or the development of central nervous system pathologies.

Nutrition correction

On the first day of loose stools, it is necessary to normalize the volume of fluid in the body. It is useful to drink still water, strong herbal tea, rice broth (1 teaspoon per 0.5 water).

The following foods have a strengthening effect:

  • white crackers;
  • slimy porridge: oatmeal, rice;
  • dietary bread;
  • vegetable broth.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet.

It is recommended to consume yogurt or kefir, rich in fermented milk “live” bacteria, which help restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk remedies

Fig. helps to consolidate the stool and reduce the frequency of visiting the toilet. Do not rinse the cereal too much before cooking.

To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to consume it in a slightly sticky form, because harmful substances in the intestinal environment bind so quickly.

Another fixing product is blueberries, which can be eaten fresh, in compotes, along with other products (for example, adding to yogurt or kefir). Jelly has the same effect.

Baked pear helps eliminate diarrhea and its consequences . You can prepare a decoction from it: chop the fruits, add 500 ml of hot water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

After removing from the heat, leave the mixture for another hour. After straining, the decoction is taken on an empty stomach, 100 ml up to 4 times a day.

You can prepare a decoction of viburnum and honey. Dried fruits in a volume of 50 g are poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered, cooled, and 3 tbsp added. l. honey The finished product is consumed 75 ml three times a day.

Types of diarrhea in pregnant women

Diarrhea before childbirth has its own causes, which are divided into 2 categories:

  • Pathological manifestations can be serious complications of acute and chronic pathologies, the penetration of infection into the digestive tract;
  • Physiological symptoms that do not require special intervention do not make you feel worse after defecation.

Diarrhea before childbirth is an alarming situation. And no matter how this process is explained by its naturalness, it requires examination and recommendations from a doctor.

How many times have you heard in queues to see a gynecologist from patients, from nurses, and even from doctors themselves that diarrhea during the end of gestation is the preparation of the female body for labor.

The individuality of each woman's body reacts differently to the time of birth. One category of pregnant women attributes diarrhea to the onset of labor.

Other women already experience diarrhea in the middle of the third trimester. It has not been scientifically proven that diarrhea is a mandatory precursor to labor.

Loose stools before childbirth, according to reviews from women who have given birth to their babies, do not always accompany pregnant women.

But there is an interesting fact that a multiparous woman can have stool that is the same during any period of pregnancy. And it happens that at the end of the gestation period constipation appears.

The content of increments in the intestines complicates the progress of pushing. Therefore, nature itself took care of helping a woman giving birth in the form of cleansing the intestines.

Diarrhea, as a witness, a harbinger of labor, has the following characteristic features:

  • Does not contain signs of dehydration, expressed in dry mouth, tongue, lips, and rare urination;
  • The stool is not liquid, but more of a mushy consistency;
  • The volume of bowel movements is not large, but bowel movements occur up to 4 times.

It’s not always so cloudless and harmless before childbirth. During this period, there may be an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of other pathologies.

Then pathological diarrhea begins, which is characterized by the following criteria:

  • loose, copious stools containing mucus and blood. The color of the stool, which can range from yellow to greenish, will tell you about the pathology;
  • nausea and vomiting accompany the condition of a pregnant woman;
  • spastic nature of abdominal pain;
  • heat, fever, chills;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • deterioration of health.

Before giving birth, any such manifestation of the situation in the body cannot be left without the attention of the doctor.

In addition to exacerbations and infections, the development of acute surgical pathology is possible. Diarrhea in the third trimester may also be a hint of premature birth.

Diarrhea, not aggravated by dangerous manifestations, can last several days until the intestines are cleared.

But since the situation of pregnant women still differs from the condition of healthy women, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Moderate physical activity. Less walking, more relaxation. Especially if before childbirth, the time is calculated up to 14 days;
  • Monitor your diet. Exclude from the menu dishes that have a laxative effect;
  • Those who begin to become thirsty due to the loss of fluid during diarrhea are advised to drink more;
  • Despite diarrhea, you need to be calm, not experience stress, and moderate your emotions, both positive and negative.

Diarrhea, which started as a symptom of pathology, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to lead to premature birth as a stimulus for contractions.

After all, a primigravida woman does not always understand whether feces are pressing on the anus or whether labor pains have begun.

The basis of the treatment method is to follow the doctor’s instructions:

  • Maintaining diet and drinking regime;
  • In the first few days, exclude foods that are difficult to digest;
  • Taking sorbents to accelerate the removal of toxins in case of food poisoning or infectious diseases;
  • Treatment with drugs of symptomatic manifestations of pathologies.

Prevention measures

The main task of every pregnant woman is to be attentive to her health and respond in a timely manner to any unnatural changes in well-being.

If physiological diarrhea cannot be prevented, then to reduce the risk of infectious diarrhea, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • maintain proper nutrition, eating fresh and high-quality foods;
  • wash your hands thoroughly after going outside, using the toilet, or contacting animals;
  • observe the drinking regime, drink only clean water without gas;
  • limit visits to public places during periods of outbreaks of infectious diseases.

By following such recommendations, you can limit yourself from many infectious diseases, including pathologies that develop in the gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent bowel movements before childbirth

In what cases is loose stool a harbinger of labor, and in what cases is it a symptom of indigestion, poisoning or intestinal infection? Several criteria will help determine the true cause of diarrhea:

  • gestational age (the presence of diarrhea in the early stages cannot be associated with labor, so other reasons must be looked for);
  • the nature of the intestinal discharge (the presence of blood or mucus, a pungent odor, watery stools always serve as a signal of a pathological process in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • the presence of additional symptoms (abdominal pain, large amounts of gas, signs of intoxication, dehydration, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever).

For a certain period of time before the onset of labor, pain may appear that is nagging in nature. While carrying a child, contractions may be felt; they are of a training nature. The baby gives signals that it is ready to be born soon. Towards the end of pregnancy, appetite worsens.

From 38 weeks, the appearance of loose stools in a pregnant woman predicts the imminent onset of labor. This phenomenon is physiological in nature. The body needs to get rid of everything unnecessary. Diarrhea before childbirth is a normal reaction. Diarrhea does not require special treatment during pregnancy if this does not affect the well-being of the expectant mother or her activities.

The cause of diarrhea before childbirth is the prolapse of the uterus into the pelvic area. With the positive aspects of this process, there is an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. This is due to additional pressure on the bladder and sacrum. In some cases, the reverse process occurs - constipation. The peculiarity of diarrhea in pregnant women is that it does not lead to dehydration.

After 37 weeks, the fetus is actively gaining weight, activity decreases. The closed space restricts his movements. Symptoms of early labor can appear at any time. The woman must be ready to be placed in the delivery room.

Symptoms of approaching labor

Symptoms indicating the onset of labor vary not only among different pregnant women, but also from one birth to another, so even experienced women do not always accurately guess the beginning of the process. However, there are several typical signs that can be used to suggest its start. 5 signs of the onset of labor:

  • Prenatal diarrhea. Associated with increased synthesis of prostaglandins.
  • Regular contractions. Many feel them as muscle tension starting from the back and moving to the stomach. Unlike Braxton-Hicks contractions, they are regular and intensify over time.
  • Separation and release of the mucus plug. A clot of mucus, which clogs the cervix and protects its cavity from external infection, comes out before childbirth in the form of a mucous lump, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. Only in 8% of women the waters break completely before childbirth; usually only a small portion of fluid is released, and the rest of it is blocked by the child’s descending head (see also: what sensations do pregnant women experience before childbirth when the waters break?).
  • Backache. Increased pain is caused by pressing the baby's head against the spine from the inside. The intensity of sensations is affected by the size and position of the fetal head.

Frequent bowel movements do not always mean the onset of labor, because this condition can last from several days to several weeks. This often indicates that the fetal head is moving in the right direction, gradually descending into the pelvic cavity and becoming an irritant to the nearby colon.

When does the condition become dangerous?

Loose stools before childbirth do not pose a danger to the pregnant woman’s body and do not require special therapy. However, diarrhea may be associated with gastrointestinal diseases, in which case the woman needs medical consultation and treatment. Diarrhea may accompany the following disorders:

  • food poisoning;
  • bacterial or viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract or the body as a whole;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • amoebiasis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • improper use of laxatives;
  • overload of the stomach due to poor nutrition;
  • nervous stress.

If one of these disorders is suspected, the expectant mother should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Intense diarrhea, accompanied by intestinal spasms, is harmful for pregnant women, as it can affect the tone of the uterine muscles and provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

It is especially recommended to visit a doctor if you complain of vomiting, fever, dizziness, loose loose stools, or dehydration.

Sometimes diarrhea before labor can be a warning sign. If before giving birth a woman has diarrhea and vomiting, and the stool itself is very liquid, mixed with greens, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same should be done when the diarrhea is yellow, with foam and a pungent odor. When at the same time the temperature also rises, then it is impossible to “attribute” diarrhea to a prenatal factor!

After all, it could also be an intestinal infection, from which no pregnant woman is immune. That is, if a woman, in addition to the usual symptoms of diarrhea, experiences a general weakening of the body, has the above symptoms and is thirsty, call a doctor immediately and under no circumstances self-medicate!

If diarrhea is normal, and you are going to the maternity hospital, you must tell the doctor about bowel movements and how long you have been suffering from diarrhea. Natural cleansing will save you from a cleansing prenatal enema, because in this case there is no point in doing it.

By the way, the cause of diarrhea may also be the mobility of your baby, who seems to be anticipating his birth. There are prenatal periods when the baby actively moves and puts pressure on the pelvic organs.

To make it easier to endure diarrhea and the discomfort associated with it, you need to move less, eat fastening foods and avoid orange and red fruits and vegetables.

What and how can you alleviate the condition?

Despite the fact that diarrhea before childbirth is a consequence of normal physiological processes, pregnant women need remedies to help alleviate the condition and mitigate temporary inconvenience. Practical tips that will be useful for women experiencing discomfort from frequent bowel movements before childbirth:

  • Prevention of dehydration. Keep your body hydrated and try to drink water and other liquids more often.
  • A gentle diet. Eat small, frequent meals, avoid heavy and fatty foods, rough fiber, and intestinal irritating liquids such as citrus juice.
  • Include strengthening foods in your diet (white bread crackers, biscuits, bananas, rice, baked apples).
  • Try to visit places with a toilet, and stay close to it if possible. On an airplane, choose a seat located next to the restroom.

You should not self-medicate and fight diarrhea with medications, as these drugs interfere with the natural process of cleansing the intestines before childbirth, and their components may be harmful to the expectant mother and child. You need to perceive this phenomenon as a short-term inconvenience that precedes childbirth and the long-awaited meeting with the child.

Source: https://zabolevaniy-net.ru/chastyy-stul-pered-rodami/

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