Smoking with pancreatitis of the pancreas: how do cigarettes affect the organ and the development of pancreatic necrosis?

02/23/2019 Alena Masheva Health Today, statistics show that more than half of adults around the globe suffer from the harmful habit of smoking. This can be explained by the temporary antidepressant and calming effects of nicotine on the body. In addition, tobacco is not on the list of prohibited drugs. This destructive habit is the cause of the development of very serious diseases: destruction of the cardiovascular system, lung cancer, infertility, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis. That is, the conclusion suggests itself. Smoking during pancreatitis is strictly contraindicated. If the patient has been diagnosed with this disease, then it is necessary to immediately quit the addiction. The article talks about this in more detail.

Smoking with pancreatitis

Let's look at the problem in more detail. Let's start with the fact that smokers are more likely to have problems with the pancreas than other patients. In addition, such people are often diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, as well as a chronic form of pancreatitis. Research by scientists has shown that nicotine consumption greatly increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Particularly when smoking cheap cigarettes. Those that lack a filter or have a high level of tobacco tar.

What can be said about passive smoking for pancreatitis? Such a habit will negatively affect the diseased organ. Statistics show that about 600 thousand people die every year from passive smoking on the planet. At the same time, 300 thousand are accounted for by young children. Based on this information, a law banning smoking in public places was adopted.

Impact of tobacco products on disease

So, we continue to consider the features of smoking with pancreatitis. The addiction increases the production of juice in the pancreas, thereby exacerbating its inflammation. Toxic resin negatively affects acetylcholine receptors, thereby increasing the level of adrenaline in the blood. In parallel with this, the glucose level increases, the pancreas produces more insulin. Thereby provoking the inflammatory process. We can say that inflammation of the pancreas, pancreatitis, is inevitable when smoking. The more a person consumes cigarettes, the sooner he will develop this disease.

What is the danger?

But why is smoking dangerous for pancreatic pancreatitis? The fact is that tobacco tar contains a huge amount of dangerous substances for the human body. As a rule, these substances penetrate into the blood along with smoke. Cigarette smoke has a detrimental effect on the organ. And every cigarette that a person smokes provokes the work of the saliva gland, which starts the digestion process.

Thus, the stomach begins to prepare for food intake, and the gland produces special enzymes. But due to the lack of food, the digestive fluid affects its own tissues. The amount of secreted enzymes decreases, and food absorption becomes difficult. At the same time, insulin production decreases and the structure of the pancreas changes. As a result, the risk of developing cancer increases. Tobacco smoking will affect the entire gastrointestinal tract as follows:

  1. Blocks the feeling of hunger.
  2. Affects the movement of consumed food into the intestines.
  3. Simulates the feeling of fullness.
  4. Reduces bicarbonate formation.
  5. Inhibits all endocrine function.
  6. Promotes the deposition of calcium salts in the pancreas.
  7. Trypsin inhibitor inhibits.

Features of the pancreas

When talking about how smoking affects the pancreas, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics. The organ consists of two differently functioning parts:

  • exocrine - produces digestive enzymes;
  • endocrine - responsible for the production of the hormone insulin, which regulates sugar levels.

structure of the pancreas

The production of enzymes occurs in response to food entering the oral cavity. A healthy non-smoking person eats regularly, the pancreas functions in a certain rhythm. For a smoker, the cigarette acts as an irritant. Enzymes are produced chaotically, which contributes to the rapid development of pancreatitis.

The patient needs to eat properly. A diet for pancreatitis involves a strict eating regimen and a certain diet. A person who smokes rarely experiences a feeling of hunger, since nicotine suppresses the corresponding centers in the brain. It becomes difficult for the patient to adhere to proper nutrition.

Possible complications

So, we found out whether smoking affects pancreatitis. The answer to this question, of course, will be positive. If you do not stop smoking if you have pancreatitis, you can provoke the development of other complications. The fact is that one cigarette contains about 3,000 substances that are very dangerous for the human body. The first group of toxins includes resins that have a detrimental effect on the bronchi and lungs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. The second group includes nicotine, which causes drug addiction in humans. The third group of hazardous substances includes toxic gases, for example, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide. Smoking with pancreatitis can provoke the following diseases and dangerous conditions:

  1. Pseudocyst formation.
  2. Cardiovascular failure.
  3. Venous insufficiency.
  4. Enlarged spleen.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Stone formation.
  7. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Liver dysfunction.
  9. Stomach ulcer.
  10. Lung disease.

What else should I add about smoking with pancreatitis? Is it possible or not to smoke with this disease? Please note that if you do not give up this bad habit, there is a risk of developing the diseases described above if you consume more than 1 pack per day. Smoking with inflammation of the pancreas will require therapy for this organ, provoke salt deposition, and also disrupt blood flow. In addition, nicotine increases the likelihood of the disease returning.

Effect of tobacco

A person who abuses smoking is susceptible to damage to the lungs and pancreas. This organ is practically not protected from the influence of negative factors from the outside. Smoking especially affects the pancreas:

  • direct damage occurs to the organ cells responsible for the production of enzymes and insulin;
  • tobacco smoke accumulates in tissues, causing the formation of calcifications;
  • vasospasm occurs inside the organ;
  • the risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases significantly;
  • contributes to the occurrence of diabetes mellitus.

Smoking affects the pancreas even before it affects the lungs.

Harmful substances from cigarette smoke, accumulating in the organs, interact with each other, forming new aggressive substances. Negative consequences arise equally for both a cigarette lover and a hookah, pipe or other device smoker.

the effect of tobacco on the body

Alcohol and smoking with pancreatitis

Alcohol is one of the main reasons for the development of the disease under study in a person in a chronic form, as well as other diseases. People who don't drink have a much lower risk of developing pancreatitis. Research by scientists in this area has proven that daily consumption of 100 grams of alcohol for 10 years will necessarily lead to the development of pancreatitis. The likelihood of developing chronic pancreatitis also increases in proportion to the number of cigarettes smoked.

Quitting a bad habit

The main target of the toxic effects of smoking is on the human nervous system. After the formation of a physical and mental addiction, quitting smoking provokes a dependence syndrome, thus preventing a person from getting rid of the habit. As a rule, it is quite difficult to cope with such a task alone. Therefore, many recommend making an appointment with a professional psychologist.

If you smoke for a long time, then you need to remember that you cannot get rid of such a bad habit too abruptly. In such situations, it is necessary to quit gradually, preparing for a short-term weakening of the immune system.

Main reasons contributing to smoking

Smoking has become widespread thanks to a substance that is part of tobacco products – nicotine. It was named so by Catherine de Medici in honor of Niko’s attending physician. An aesculapian of medicine advised the queen to take snuff for the headaches that tormented her.

The herbal remedy produces short-term sensations of pleasant excitement, lightness, and elation on the central nervous system. Nicotine itself is a highly soluble, yellowish liquid. It has a burning taste and is quickly absorbed by the internal mucous membranes.

In a modern person, the smell of tobacco smoke, tingling in the mouth, the type of product, smoking devices, etc., contribute to the emergence of connections with a previously familiar, relatively pleasant state. This is how addiction arises. The famous phrase about the “killing spoon” and “horse” is not an exaggeration.

The lethal dose is officially recognized as: 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The toxicity of the substance serves as the basis for its use in the production of insectivorous pest control products. It has been noticed that over time the effect is tolerated more easily by animal organisms, without canceling the harmful effects.

People become smokers for various reasons. Most often, this happens in the difficult teenage period, “for company.” In adults - separately, when faced with everyday problems.

Habit has psychological and social “roots”. It brings undoubted harm to a healthy person, and in a patient it activates the development of pathologies. Inhibits the appearance of positive therapeutic effects.


The result of changing one's lifestyle can motivate a person. As a rule, a few months after quitting smoking, the lungs begin to cleanse, the blood is renewed, blood pressure normalizes, cough disappears, as well as constant headaches. Therapy for pancreatitis in this case will be much more productive, and the number of exacerbations will begin to decrease, and the likelihood of developing oncology will also decrease. And this, as mentioned earlier, provokes smoking during pancreatitis.

For those who quit

To improve the function of your lungs, as well as the functioning of your pancreas after smoking, a special set of physical exercises is used. To do this, raise your arms up as much as possible, alternating raising your limbs with exhaling.

Effective therapy for pancreatitis will depend on the patient’s timely visit to the doctor, as well as correctly performed diagnosis. Also, much will depend on the person himself: the patient must strive for a healthy lifestyle, and also want to get rid of the addiction. Remember that smoking and pancreatitis are incompatible.


What does a patient who has decided to quit smoking need to know?

All aids used by regular smokers to make quitting a bad habit less painful are not suitable for patients with pancreatitis. So, they cannot use nicotine patches, eat lollipops, use chewing gum and electronic cigarettes - all this “replacement therapy” will irritate the pancreas in the same way as a cigarette. Therefore, many patients may need psychological support and constant contact with their doctor to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

I have been treating patients since 1988. Including pancreatitis. I talk about the disease, its symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention, diet and regimen.

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