Why does my stomach hurt after a rotavirus infection?

What is rotavirus infection?

Rotavirosis, intestinal or stomach flu are other names for rotavirus infection. RVI (rotavirus infection) is an infectious pathology with a viral nature. The cause of the disease is a virus of the Rotavirus order, the result of whose vital activity is damage to the mucous tissues of the intestines and stomach. If signs of the disease are detected in an adult, then the symptoms do not pose a mortal danger to the patient.

The patient poses a threat to society because he is a carrier of the virus. In children, immunity is not stable and is in the process of formation, which aggravates the clinical picture. If the acute process is not stopped in a timely manner, dehydration can lead to death, and against the background of weakening barrier functions, more serious diseases develop.

It is worth noting that hundreds of thousands of children in Asia and Africa die from rotavirus. In Russia and Ukraine, an increase in cases of morbidity in children and adults is recorded annually.

Other symptoms

Infants may experience stomach turmoil. Then yellowish diarrhea appears. Vomiting becomes more frequent. With such symptoms, how long does the temperature last for rotavirus in a child? It lasts up to 5 days. What temperature occurs with rotavirus in children? An indicator of 38 degrees and above is a common occurrence with this disease.

High fever due to rotavirus in a child is persistent. It's hard to downgrade. With it, the body tries to eliminate the disease itself. The virus that led to intestinal infection dies when the temperature is 38 degrees.

There is no exact answer to how long the temperature lasts with rotovirus in a child and the disease itself. Each person has their own tolerance to the disease. Usually, with timely treatment, after 5-7 days the symptoms disappear and recovery occurs. After an infection, the child’s immunity is strengthened, so there will be no secondary infection.

The causative agent of rotavirus infection

Rotavirus is a genus in the family Reoviridae. All of them have morphological and antigenic similarity in structure. The family is characterized by the presence of double-stranded RNA (fragmented). When identifying the virus, 11 fragments are identified in the genome in a protein shell of 3 layers. Visually, the particles resemble a wheel with small spokes in the rim. The virus is characterized by a diameter varying between 65 - 75 nm.

Of all the studied representatives of the genus, only three species pose a threat to humans - A, B, C.

If the symptoms indicate a rotavirus intestinal infection, there is a high probability that laboratory tests will reveal type A (ICD-10 code - A08.0), since in 90% of cases, this is the cause of the disease.

How is rotavirus infection transmitted?

RVI is considered to be a “disease of dirty hands,” but you don’t have to be sloppy or not follow personal hygiene rules to become infected. Every mother should know how rotavirus is transmitted.

Routes of infection

The virus is transmitted mainly through food, through unwashed, infected products, and dairy products with disrupted production technology. Since microorganisms infect the respiratory tract and cause inflammatory processes, their spread is ensured by airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing).

Penetrating into the digestive system, affecting the mucous tissues of the stomach and small intestine, viruses cause enteritis. The feces of a patient diagnosed with acute rotavirus infection can contain up to ten trillion pathogenic microorganisms in 1 gram.

Based on the above, it can be argued that the mechanism of viral migration is the fecal-oral route.

Incubation period

The incubation period of rotavirus infection lasts from one to five days, after which the disease enters the acute stage - a period that lasts up to a week. Fruitful therapy gives a chance for rapid recovery of the body - in 5 days - a week.

How dangerous is rotavirus infection?

The severity of rotavirus disease depends on the age of the patient. The disease, which occurs in the acute phase, can provoke the loss of a large amount of fluid from the body, which can lead to dehydration, followed by death. Vomiting and diarrhea in a child are dangerous symptoms that require the attention of doctors. The suppressed immunity of a person who has been ill makes the body especially vulnerable.

Group of patients with severe rotavirus infection:

  1. Children from three months, six months of age to 7 years.
  2. Babies on artificial nutrition.
  3. Elderly people over 60 years of age.
  4. Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Patients with a weakened body due to chronic illnesses.

Having had an acute rotavirus infection, a person is immune in the future only to a specific strain.

What infections can cause cold symptoms combined with nausea and vomiting?

Once in the human body, rotavirus causes an infectious process, which is characterized by a short incubation period and an acute course. Rotavirus infection is characterized by an acute onset: vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature and diarrhea. These symptoms can also be caused by other enteropathogenic viruses (enterovirus, norovirus, adenovirus, astrovirus). Patients may experience not only impaired gastrointestinal motility, but also, in some cases, dehydration, which is especially dangerous.

A number of other diseases may have similar symptoms. According to general practitioner Irina Yartseva , nausea and vomiting can also occur with the flu. As long-term observations have shown, the largest outbreaks of rotavirus infection occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which the disease received the unofficial name “intestinal flu,” although the rotavirus itself has nothing to do with influenza viruses.

Only a specialist can help you distinguish one disease from another. “You won’t realize it’s rotavirus. There is a rapid diagnosis of influenza, it is fast, but expensive. For influenza, a clinical picture is sufficient. There is no seasonality at all for rotavirus; infection occurs all year round. In principle, there is no need to diagnose it. Yes, and ARVI includes about 200 viruses. They all proceed in a similar way and, to one degree or another, have overlapping symptoms that do not require specific treatment,” says the doctor.

How long does rotavirus live in the external environment?

RVI (rotavirus infection) occurs rapidly and is accompanied by pronounced, bothersome symptoms. If one of the family members or a child in a child care facility has suffered from an illness, this is not a reason to relax. All household items and premises must be treated with disinfectants. Rotavirus perfectly adapts to environmental factors. The vital processes of the microorganism are not stopped by the action of ethers, chloroform, or ultrasonic waves. Low temperatures do not have a negative effect on the virus.

In order to carry out high-quality treatment, specialists from sanitary and epidemiological stations use 95% ethanol, since it is more effective in comparison with chloramine and formaldehyde. All things, household items, are boiled, ironed, and treated with concentrated acids and alkalis.

Interesting fact! Rotavirus comfortably lives on things and household items for up to two weeks. When placed in the refrigerator with food, microorganisms remain active for up to a month. Doctors recommend following preventive measures after recovery for at least 7 days.

Before returning to society, visiting and welcoming friends in your home, it is worth checking with a specialist how long rotavirus is contagious.

How to eliminate rotavirus from objects?

To stop the virus from reproducing or to prevent its appearance, it is important to properly treat toys, surrounding objects and objects in general.

Disinfection for rotavirus should be comprehensive and consist of specific measures:

  • cleansing space with ultraviolet light;
  • disinfection of floors and walls;
  • inventory processing.

Disinfection should be carried out by specialists with experience in this field. When processing objects, only active compounds with biological components in the structure are used.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wet cleaning is carried out daily, paying special attention to the bathroom, toilet, cleaning door handles, taps, and plumbing fixtures.
  2. Soft toys and carpets are cleaned with a brush moistened with disinfectant compounds.
  3. Toys should be treated twice a day. To wash dishes, use a soap-soda solution.
  4. Bed linen and pajamas should be changed every day. If washing is not carried out immediately, the items are placed in a cellophane bag.
  5. Clothing soiled with feces and vomit should be soaked and boiled.

Doctors recommend wiping the kitchen table with disinfectants and using disposable paper napkins and utensils.

An available means for treating and sterilizing surfaces against rotavirus is acetic acid. Prepare a solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 2 and spray the liquid with a spray bottle.

Flaxseed oil is considered an excellent antiseptic. By wiping down wood surfaces, you can get rid of germs and prevent their reappearance in the future.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor from vomit, use ammonia.

All activities carried out for disinfection are best carried out in conjunction with ventilation and wet cleaning, which will allow you to quickly get rid of the virus.

Rotavirus in children

Every child under 5 years of age has experienced bothersome symptoms of rotavirus infection. Most cases of diagnosis are recorded from October to April.

On average, the illness lasts a week, but sometimes signs of rotavirus persist in children for up to 14 days. It is important to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, since the main threat from RVI in children is loss of fluid. Dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea causes rapid loss of electrolytes, followed by signs of detoxification.

First aid

There is no medicine that would destroy rotavirus infection. Therapy is symptomatic, eliminates the main symptoms, improves well-being, restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. During the first few days, normalization of the water-salt balance is required. With diarrhea, a large amount of fluid is lost, the intestinal walls will not absorb it, and dehydration may occur. Intake of water is a prerequisite for recovery. The child should be given food in small portions (no more than 50 ml at a time) so as not to lead to vomiting. Boiled water is suitable. And for older children, the Regidron solution is suitable.
  2. In newborns and infants, dehydration occurs quickly. It leads to serious consequences. If the illness occurs before one year, you should call a doctor.
  3. You should not force your child to eat food. During recovery, you should eat as much as you want, but in small portions. At the first signs of illness, dairy products are excluded from the menu.
  4. Whatever the age of the patient, you should call a doctor. The symptoms of rotavirus are similar to salmonellosis and cholera. The pediatrician will make an accurate diagnosis.

Timely assistance will help prevent complications. After a short time, you can notice an improvement in the child's condition. Better yet, take your baby to the doctor.

Rotavirus in adults

The virus affects patients of any age group. Rotavirus infection in adults occurs with the same symptoms as in children, but the symptoms are smoothed out. Although the disease does not cause any particular problems, the person is a carrier of the virus and poses a threat to others.

When visiting China, you should pay special attention to hygiene, since on the mainland it is possible to become infected with rotavirus B, which causes diarrhea in adults (ADRV - Adult Diarrhoea RotaVirus) in all age categories. This virus causes severe gastroenteritis.

About the disease

The disease is also called intestinal flu or rotavirus gastroenteritis. This disease is young. It was discovered in the 1970s. Only a few years later it was discovered that the cause of the disease was rotavirus. Groups of this virus that can infect humans have now been studied.

The infection can be transmitted through water, food, and household contact. Children are more likely to suffer from the disease, but adults also become infected, and their disease occurs in a milder form. A person will be a carrier of the virus immediately after it enters the body. The incubation time is 2-5 days, it all depends on the body’s resistance.

The course of the disease usually lasts up to 7 days, and then some resistance to the virus serotype develops. It is difficult even for doctors to determine how long the disease will last, because its course is individual. Therefore, you need to know how to alleviate the condition.

Signs of rotavirus infection

Symptoms of rotavirus infection resemble those of a cold. A patient diagnosed with RVI has:

  • hyperthermia (38 – 39 degrees);
  • cough, snot;
  • discomfort in the throat, sore throat;
  • prostration;
  • migraine, headache;
  • intestinal upset is a characteristic symptom of rotavirus in adults and children;
  • diarrhea up to 14 times a day, lasting 7 – 14 days;
  • vomiting during rotavirus infection is observed mainly in the acute phase.

All symptoms of rotavirus infection in children and adults are accompanied by cramps and abdominal pain, aggravated by pressure with fingers. In young patients the signs are clearly pronounced, while in patients of the older age group the clinical picture is almost not manifested. Temperature with rotavirus infection is tolerated in the same way as with a common cold.

How long does it take for the disease to appear?

The first symptoms of rotavirus gastroenteropathy in children are observed 13-15 hours to 5-7 days (usually 1-2 days) after infection . The incubation period of rotavirus infection in children depends on factors that affect the state of the immune system:

  • nutrition,
  • susceptibility to infections,
  • the presence of concomitant diseases, including congenital or acquired lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The virus usually affects children between 1 and 5 years of age . During this period, the child’s immunity is formed, so during this period children are more vulnerable. If the baby is bottle-fed, maternal immunoglobulins are not transferred to him, and such children are at risk of contracting rotavirus infection.

How long does it last

The duration of the incubation period is influenced by the infectious dose - the number and activity of rotaviruses, as well as the general condition of the body . If the immune system reacts late or not strongly enough to pathogens, they begin to actively multiply, accumulate and spread throughout the body.

The incubation period ends when the first symptoms begin (with rotavirus infection the onset is acute), and before that the immune system produces antibodies that can be detected in the child’s blood even before the clinical picture of the disease appears.

Since rotavirus affects the gastrointestinal tract, its incubation period is longer than that of respiratory infections, because on the way to enterocytes (intestinal epithelial cells) there is hydrochloric acid and bile (they destroy the protein shell of viruses). A shortened incubation period is a poor prognostic sign.

Treatment of rotavirus infection

The approach to treating patients diagnosed with ARVI is individual. The doctor selects therapy taking into account the age, general condition of the patient, and the presence of concomitant ailments.

Mostly therapeutic actions are aimed at relieving symptoms. To eliminate signs of intoxication, sorbents, anti-diarrhea medications, and enzymes are prescribed. To restore water balance and electrolyte levels, use Regidron. Enterosgel, Pancreatin, Nurofen contribute to the rapid restoration of the mucous tissues of the digestive system.

During the treatment of rotavirus infection, it is necessary to maintain a diet.

After a viral infection, the digestive system cannot cope with the digestion of vegetables and fruits, carbohydrates and dairy products. Pediatricians recommend offering children porridge with water, jelly, and dried fruit compotes.

Treatment of rotavirus infection at home is not recommended, since in some cases wasted time and incorrectly selected medications can aggravate the problem and, in cases with children, lead to dehydration and even death.

An incorrect diagnosis at home leads to an ineffective selection of funds. Although the symptoms are similar to a cold, antiviral drugs are not effective for rotavirus infection.

Recently, it has been popular to treat diarrhea at home with cola, but with rotavirus infection, this method carries serious risks. Conservative medicine prohibits such experiments. RVI is the cause of death for 4% of the child population.

Nutrition for rotavirus infection

Since the disease leads to dehydration, the patient should be kept hydrated. Children often refuse water, therefore, it is necessary to choose a drink that the child agrees to drink:

  • water-salt solution;
  • raisin decoction;
  • herbal, chamomile tea.

After the patient recovers, drinks can be varied with a decoction of rose hips or blueberries.

It is prohibited to force a sick child to eat. If you have an appetite, you can offer porridge with water or soup with a second broth (empty).

In adult patients, the food is no different from what can be consumed by children.
Dishes must be dietary. The first days - rice or semolina porridge with water, the subsequent days - oatmeal and corn. After porridge, doctors allow rabbit, turkey, and chicken to be added to the diet. Basic principles of a therapeutic diet

Dietary meats (boiled, steamed)Meat and fish of lean varieties
Fat-free soups with cerealsSmoked meats, semi-finished products
Porridge without oil and saltFruits and vegetables without steaming
Boiled vegetables, baked apples (without peel)Confectionery
Fermented milk products with bifidobacteriaButter pastries
Boiled egg (1 time every 4 days)Pasta, barley porridge and barley

A child after rotavirus infection must eat a special menu, which during the period of illness and during rehabilitation should be agreed upon with the attending physician.


The main measure of protection against rotavirus is frequent hand washing. Children need to be taught this habit from childhood. This is done after visiting public places. You can take cleaning products with you. Children should drink only boiled milk and water. Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly.

For lasting immunity, vaccines that include a weakened live virus are used. If other family members are sick, they should be isolated. Adults are more susceptible to infection. Children should not be put at risk. If a child continues to have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for several days, do not self-medicate. You need to call a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, which will allow you to recover faster.

Source: fb.ru

Prevention of rotavirus

It is possible to prevent rotavirus in children. From an early age, parents should teach their children to observe basic, daily sanitary and hygienic rules:

  • Drinking water should be boiled, as rotavirus is killed by high temperatures;
  • bottled water is purified in advance and does not pose a threat to health;
  • vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly, even if peeling is intended;
  • product proximity should be observed on store shelves and refrigerator shelves;
  • for cutting different groups of products, it is worth using individual boards (for bread, for fish, for meat, etc.)
  • You need to be especially careful when handling perishable products, paying attention to expiration dates and storage rules;
  • the basic canons of personal hygiene are strongly recommended to be strictly followed (wash hands before cooking, after using the toilet, contact with animals);
  • The living area should be kept clean.

Children need to be taught order. The kitchen, bathroom, and rooms are cleaned in a timely manner. It is recommended to ventilate the premises. Prevention of rotavirus infection is an important measure to avoid severe symptoms.

How to avoid getting rotavirus?

No doctor will give guarantees of safety, even if all precautions are taken, since there are a great many ways for infections to enter the body. By strengthening your immune system and maintaining cleanliness in your home, you can significantly reduce the risk of disease.

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