Mezim - cheaper analogues (list), comparison of effectiveness

Snacking on the go, sedentary work, stress, and diet disorders lead to digestive disorders and the development of diseases of the digestive tract. To normalize the condition, medications with active enzymes are suitable, which do not mask discomfort, but help digestion return to normal. Most often, Pancreatin or Mezim are prescribed. These are analogue drugs, but they have differences.

How they affect the body

Due to pancreatin (the active substance), both drugs are able to quickly restore digestion and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. The drugs are suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for restoring intestinal function after overeating, poisoning, diet and other changes in the usual routine.

The active substance of the medicine helps the pancreas break down fats, proteins and sugar. As a result, nutrients are absorbed faster and digestion is accelerated. The maximum effect of the drugs is observed half an hour after administration.

Both types of tablets have a protective coating that protects against aggressive gastric juice. Due to this, the active substances enter directly into the intestines.

Pharmacological characteristics of "Pancreatin"

This drug is based on pork pancreas juice. Other components are enzymes - protease, amylase, lipase. The special coating that covers the tablets is designed to protect the enzymes it contains from the effects of stomach acid. At the same time, it is this acid that activates their action.

"Pancreatin" is recommended for use by those people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis, enzyme deficiency, gastritis, flatulence and any disturbances in the digestive process.

People often ask which is better - Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin.

At the same time, the drug is contraindicated in those patients in whom its animal component causes intolerance. Plus, it should not be consumed by pregnant women or those suffering from acute pancreatitis.

As a rule, no problems arise when taking Pancreatitis, but in some cases reactions in the form of nausea or vomiting are possible. As for pregnancy, the effect of the contents of the drug on the health of the fetus and the maternal body has not been studied, since appropriate tests have not been conducted.

What is better “Mezim” or “Pancreatin”? There are a lot of reviews on this matter.

Indications for use

Medicines are prescribed in the following cases:

  • chronic pancreatitis beyond the acute stage;
  • recovery after radiation;
  • non-infectious diarrhea;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Botkin syndrome;
  • preparation for operations and studies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • slow digestion;
  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • colitis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • other diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • weak pancreas function;
  • increased gas formation;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Due to its lower enzymatic activity, Pancreatin can be taken for any type of gastritis and chronic pancreatitis. This remedy is best used after overeating or eating fatty foods. Mezim has a stronger effect, so it is not recommended to take it for mild digestive abnormalities.

Which drug should I choose?

Many patients with digestive disorders do not seek medical help, but try to treat the symptoms on their own. This is dangerous for health and life, since minor discomfort and nausea can hide serious conditions, for example, intestinal bleeding, pancreatitis, etc.

In this regard, you should not self-medicate. For any dyspeptic symptoms, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

When talking about how Mezim differs from Pancreatin and which drug should be chosen, doctors’ reviews differ. This is due to the fact that both drugs have the same active ingredient (pancreatin), but in different dosages.

Gastroenterologists give the following recommendations on the choice of medications:

  • The domestic drug can be used for mild symptoms. It is believed to contain a small amount of enzymes and has a “mild” effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, “Pancreatin” can be used to treat children;

  • "Mezim" is characterized by high enzymatic activity and ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic effect. However, it is not a complete replacement for complex therapy prescribed by a doctor. For serious disorders of the pancreas and small intestine, it is used in combination with other medications.

Before taking any of the two drugs, you should read the instructions. It is important to choose the right dosage and frequency of taking the medication. In the case of Pancreatin, adults take 2-4 tablets 3-4 times a day, usually during or after meals. "Mezim" is prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. It should be drunk with meals.

People experiencing problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot always find time to consult a doctor, and when they see an advertisement, they ask themselves which drug to give preference to - “Pancreatin” or “Mezim”, believing that they are the same thing.

Only a doctor can give you recommendations on the use of the drug that is right for you.
In any case, before starting active use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Due to the fact that the drug contains different amounts of enzymes, it is necessary to obtain professional advice on what specific amount is needed in a particular case. If you take medications uncontrollably, you may encounter a situation where complications caused by incorrect use will consume much more time and money than a trip to the doctor.

Most often, “Pancreatin” is prescribed in cases of mild digestive upset, while “Mezim”, containing a larger number of enzymes, is prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases indicated in the instructions. However, it is important to remember that both of these drugs cannot be a panacea in case of serious or acute diseases; the patient will require complex, professional treatment. You can also find out on our website Creon or Mezim which is better.

In other words, regardless of which drug looks more attractive, for everyone concerned about the health of their gastrointestinal tract, one decision will be correct - first visit a doctor.

Is there a difference between medications

Medicines are analogues of each other. They contain the same active ingredient, they have similar indications and contraindications for use. But there are also differences. The main difference is the enzyme activity indicator. But the side effects and characteristics of administration also differ in different categories of patients.

Indicators of minimal enzyme activity

Both drugs are enzyme preparations. They contain lipases, proteases, and amylases. In Mezim, the amount of each enzyme is calculated; in Pancreatin, only the general range is indicated. Conventionally speaking, one Mezim tablet corresponds to approximately three Pancreatin tablets in terms of enzyme activity.

Pancreatin has a milder effect than Mezim. This difference is taken into account when choosing treatment depending on the characteristics and severity of the disease.

What is the difference between Mezim and Pancreatin?


Both drugs contain the same active ingredient - Pancreatin. It is a powder from the pig's pancreas, which includes a complex of enzymes - biologically active substances that promote the digestion of food, breaking it down into short molecules, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. The concentration of enzymes for each drug may be different; the specific dose of Pancreatin is indicated on the packaging.

The drugs are available in the form of enteric-coated tablets. The shell contains substances that are resistant to the influence of hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Enzymes begin to be released only after entering the duodenum.

Mechanism of action

The pharmacological properties of the drugs are similar. They compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes: proteases (for breaking down proteins), lipases (processing fats) and amylases (affecting carbohydrates). By improving the processes of digestion and absorption of food, symptoms such as diarrhea (diarrhea), bloating (flatulence), pain, nausea, and heaviness in the abdomen are eliminated. In addition, the nutrients entering the body are better absorbed.


For Pancreatin:

  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) with insufficient production of enzymes;
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) with low acidity of gastric juice;
  • chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines (enterocolitis);
  • digestive disorders associated with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, when the excretion or formation of bile is affected;
  • impaired digestion of food due to an unbalanced diet.

For Mezim:

  • decreased production of pancreatic enzymes due to pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis (a congenital disease that disrupts the functioning of almost all body systems, including the digestive one);
  • chronic inflammation of the stomach, intestines, liver, bile ducts;
  • symptoms of impaired digestion that occur after abdominal surgery, radiation therapy, or poor nutrition;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • preparation for diagnostic manipulations in the study of the gastrointestinal tract (radiography, ultrasound diagnostics).


Are common:

  • acute stage of inflammation of the pancreas;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


  • 20 enteric tablets of 100 mg - 30 rubles;
  • 50 tablets of 125 mg - 50 rubles;
  • 60 tablets of 250 mg - 50 rubles;
  • 20 tablets of 25 units - 22 rubles;
  • 60 tablets of 25 units - 75 rubles;
  • 60 tablets of 30 units - 42 rubles;
  • 60 “Forte” tablets - 101 rubles;


  • 20 enteric tablets “Forte” - 64 rubles;
  • 80 “Forte” tablets - 249 rubles;
  • 20 tablets “Mezim forte 10000” - 183 rubles;
  • 20 tablets “Mezim 20000” - 256 rubles.

Directions for use and dosage

Pancreatin should be taken after meals or during meals. The average dosage is one to three tablets three times a day. The general course of treatment depends on the disease.

Mezim should be taken before meals. The average dosage is one to two tablets three times a day. The dosage can be increased to 4 tablets at a time. The total duration of therapy is selected individually.

When treating children, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. The dosage is calculated based on the child's weight.

In both cases, the overall course of treatment can last from one day to several years.

Other analogues and substitutes

Now let’s dwell a little on lesser-known, but no less effective drugs, which can be called a Mezim substitute. Let's start with the most highly concentrated one.

  1. Mezim Forte 10000 or Mikrasim 10000 are absolutely similar medications. But our second “hero” is also available with an amylase dosage of 25,000;
  2. Panzinorm 10000 has the same list of indications, mechanism of action and differs only in the size of the tablet;
  3. Penzital has a lower amount of amylase - 6000. It is indicated for the treatment of situational disorders of the digestive system, which can be effectively treated if the prescribed dosages are followed.

Mezim can be replaced with a drug such as Motilium. It does not contain Pancreatin, but even has some advantages over enzymatic preparations, since it is able to stop attacks of vomiting, cope with gas formation and bloating, improves gastric and intestinal motility, and promotes high-quality excretion of feces during stagnant processes.

Knowing what to replace Mezim with, making a choice will no longer be so difficult, and unfamiliar names will not have such a terrifying effect on the patient’s psyche. But it should be remembered that Mezim analogues are cheaper than itself and are not a way out of the situation, especially if the drug was prescribed by a specialist to solve certain problems.

Share information on social networks, like and be healthy without drugs. But it is useful to know about them, since health is a very fragile thing.

In modern society, almost all of us have at least once encountered digestive problems, especially during the holidays. An excess of fatty, fried and spicy foods, which the stomach inevitably encounters during long feasts, leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

To maintain the digestive process in pharmacology, there are medications containing special enzymes. Their range is quite wide; in any pharmacy you can find a large selection of drugs, varying in both price and country of origin. The most purchased drugs in this line are traditionally “Pancreatin” and “Mezim”.

Is there a difference between these drugs and how significant is it? Which is more effective and can we say that one medicine is better than another? Below we will try to understand this issue.

special instructions

Medications reduce iron levels, so it is recommended to combine medications with nutritional supplements. If treatment lasts less than 14 days, then iron supplementation is not required. When treating severe gastrointestinal diseases, it is useful to adhere to a gentle diet.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to read the instructions for use included in the package with the medicine.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to take medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the baby, then the doctor may allow it.


Both drugs can be used by children from three years of age (the tablet cannot be divided into several doses). If the child can swallow a whole tablet, then administration at an earlier age is allowed. The dosage is calculated by the doctor individually, based on body weight.

Elderly age

Admission allowed. In older people, pancreatic secretion decreases, so larger doses of drugs may be needed. Treatment can only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Brief description of the drug Pancreatin

But Pancreatin is, first of all, a drug that replenishes the deficiency of so-called enzymes. And it is prescribed not only for such a disease as pancreatitis, but in many other cases. For example, this drug can be used for gastritis, dispersion, cirrhosis, cholecystitis or flatulence. And this is not the entire list of possible diseases for which it would be advisable to use this drug.

Pancreatin contains enzymes that allow your stomach to fully digest food. Please note that doctors do not recommend using this drug during pregnancy. It should also not be given to children under three years of age.

The main active ingredient in the drug is pancreatin (but only of pork origin). Therefore, people who are very poorly able to tolerate this component, taking a Pancreatin tablet, can provoke an allergic reaction.


Olga Viktorovna, gastroenterologist: “I most often recommend that patients take two Pancreatin tablets with meals. It works out well for the price, and the effect is noticeable. But it is important to understand that the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient.”

Maxim Gennadievich, gastroenterologist: “If the disease is not serious, or we are talking about poor nutrition, then patients are given a choice. In this case, I don’t see any difference in the medications. But if we are talking about a serious gastrointestinal disease, then I conduct a full examination of the client, study the tests and choose a drug and dosage regimen. In some cases, it is necessary to very clearly understand and calculate enzyme activity. Only Mezim will help here.”

Alexey, patient: “After every hearty and stomach-heavy feast, I take a Mezim tablet. In my opinion, it’s a good remedy for eliminating heaviness or preventing fermentation after junk food. I can’t say anything about the medicinal properties.”

Margarita, patient: “When I have heaviness in my stomach, I take both Mezim and Pancreatin (depending on what I can find). But if chronic gastritis makes itself felt, then only Pancreatin. I follow my doctor’s recommendations.”

Pancreatin or Mezim – which is better?

It is not so easy to compare these medications, since they have almost identical indications and contraindications for use. Mezim has a wider range of applications due to the fact that it has been better researched. In particular, it is prescribed for:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • digestive disorders after surgery or radiation treatment;
  • the need to prepare for diagnostic procedures (x-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal organs).

According to the official instructions, Pancreatin is not indicated in such situations. However, in practice it is also prescribed for all of the above conditions.

There have been no official comparative studies of the effectiveness of Mezim and Pancreatin, so when choosing an enzymatic agent, you first need to focus on the individual properties of the human body. Some people tolerate both drugs equally well, while others may be more sensitive to one of them. Such features are usually established experimentally.

The main difference between Mezim forte and Pancreatin is the manufacturer. Mezim is produced in Germany by the pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie, Pancreatin is a Russian analogue of Mezim, produced by several domestic pharmacological enterprises. Therefore, despite the similar composition, Mezim is considered a more reliable remedy.

“German quality” is not just a common expression: in Germany, not only the drug itself is subject to mandatory certification, but also the raw materials from which it is made (this also determines the higher price of the drug). There is no such practice in Russia, so it is impossible to be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the active component itself.

Pancreatin is a cheaper substitute for mezim, its price is 2 times lower, and for some dosage forms the difference in cost is even greater.

Reviews for these medications are mixed. Many patients prefer Mezim, since it is a more advertised product from a European manufacturer. Others point out that Mezim is not more effective than Pancreatin, but the latter is much cheaper. There is also a third party: patients who believe that it is better for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers to buy Mezim, since it is safer, and everyone else can safely use Pancreatin.

People who have taken both drugs note that they are both quite effective, but Pancreatin begins to work more slowly. It is better to drink it in a course, but with a single dose (for example, if you break your diet), it has a weaker effect.

Mezim better relieves bloating, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, and diarrhea, but has a lesser effect on pain.

To summarize, we can highlight the following positive and negative points for each of the drugs.

Difference between Mezim and Pancreatin

Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system can be temporary or permanent. Treatment is necessary to replenish missing enzymes when their production is reduced. Then medications containing digestive enzymes are prescribed. Patients with stomach problems often cannot decide on the choice of medications.

Many people buy a cheap drug, thinking that analogues of different price categories have no differences. However, it is important to understand that each drug has its own purpose, and despite the similar composition, they are different. When faced with an illness for the first time, many people think about pancreatin or mezim, which will better help get rid of the torment.

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