“Mezim”: before or after meals, what to take with it, how long it takes to take effect


The instructions provide information about the indications, method of administration, as well as contraindications. In addition to this information, the leaflet contains information about the release form, possible overdose, as well as drug combinations. In order for a person to have a complete understanding of the medicine, the article also presents data such as possible analogues, price, as well as patient reviews.

pharmachologic effect

The action of Mezim Forte is ensured by the main component in its composition - pancreatin. This substance replenishes the supply of amylase, lipase and protease. Due to this effect, there is an active restoration of the functionality of the digestive tract, bowel movements and certain types of metabolic processes. Mezim Forte is especially recommended for patients with chronic pathologies of the pancreas, stomach and gallbladder, as well as for people who abuse fast food or fatty foods.

Pharmacological properties:


Indications for use:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, as well as the large and small intestines, liver;
  • Chronic form of pancreatitis, muscovicidosis, as well as other similar diseases;
  • Liver cirrhosis, alcoholic and toxic liver damage;
  • Impaired circulation of bile acids due to dysbacteriosis, dyskinesia, and malabsorption;
  • Large loss of bile acids after cholecystectomy;
  • Preparation for x-ray examination or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • Disruption of the process of bile formation in chronic forms of duodenitis, gastritis, and cholecystitis.

In addition, this remedy is also used to digest food in the normal state of the gastrointestinal tract in case of malnutrition, prolonged immobilization, and physical inactivity.

Method of administration

Mezim Forte should be taken orally before or during meals. It is not recommended to chew or crush the tablets. They should be swallowed whole, because... otherwise, the effectiveness of this medicine is reduced or completely lost.

For adult patients, the dosage should be 1-2 tablets before meals. The reception is divided into 1-3 times. If there is such a need, then it is prescribed to take another 1-4 tablets during meals.

The course of treatment varies from a single to 3-day dose (can be taken in case of overeating or food incompatibility). In case of serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the drug can be taken from 3 months to 2 years.


Pink tablets have the characteristic smell of pancreatin.

  1. The medicine contains pancreatin, as well as colloidal silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, carboxymethyl starch salt (sodium), magnesium stearate.
  2. The composition of the shell includes hypromellose, dispersion (dry weight), azorubine varnish, talc, triethyl citrate, simethicone emulsion, polysorbate 80, sodium hydroxide, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide, simethicone emulsion (dry weight).


As a result of taking medications that contain pancreatin, a decrease in the absorption of folic acid may be observed. The effect of drugs that lower sugar, for example, miglitol, acarbose, can be significantly reduced.

When Mezim Forte is combined with drugs that contain iron, a decrease in absorption of the latter may be observed. Simultaneous use with antacid medications that contain magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate may reduce the effectiveness of the latter drugs.

Indications for the use of enzyme tablets

Mezim is a medicine intended both for the treatment of various pathologies and for the prevention of digestive disorders. Gastroenterologists recommend taking the drug before an upcoming celebration, where food that is heavy for the stomach is expected. Mezim will help quickly break down fats and carbohydrates and avoid indigestion. But the main area of ​​use of the drug is to alleviate the human condition with diseases of the digestive tract. These include:

  • death of beneficial intestinal microflora, causing dyspeptic symptoms;
  • chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • intestinal dyskinesia;
  • impaired motility of the digestive tract;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • flatulence.

Mezim is also used for constipation or diarrhea, but only if these symptoms of peristalsis disorders accompany a serious illness. The drug does not have fixative or laxative properties. Only a doctor should treat diarrhea or constipation after determining the cause of its occurrence. Mezim forte is prescribed to patients who are undergoing endoscopic examination or surgery. The drug will help to quickly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of undigested food residues.

Use in children

Digestive disorders are often diagnosed in young children. Natural curiosity and restlessness help them explore the world, and for parents they become a source of anxiety and worry. Unwashed fruits straight from the tree, berries freshly picked from the bush are put into the mouth by hands that recently petted a stray cat or dog. It is not surprising that after a couple of days the child develops an intestinal infection. Children suffer from the following symptoms:

  • bloating, rumbling and bubbling;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • reduced motor activity.

The use of a pharmacological drug helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract when taken simultaneously with medications that destroy pathogens of intestinal infections. Mezim for bloating in young children is also prescribed after eating fatty and fried foods.

Advice: “Parents should take into account one feature - when giving a child a tablet, it cannot be divided or dissolved in water. The active substance must penetrate the intestines, so the drug shell cannot be damaged.”


Digestive disorders can be treated with Mezim during pregnancy only if you follow a gentle diet.

Use during pregnancy

Heartburn, bloating, and increased gas formation are frequent companions of a pregnant woman. At this time, numerous changes occur in her body aimed at fully bearing the baby. Digestive disorders can occur as a result of hormonal changes. But the main reason for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is the growing uterus. It compresses internal organs, preventing the normal processes of food digestion.

Recommendation: “You can avoid the symptoms of flatulence during pregnancy without taking medications. A woman should avoid eating foods that cause fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach and intestines. These include all legumes, whole milk, and sweet pastries.”

The annotation attached to Mezim Forte does not prohibit the use of tablets for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. But manufacturers warn that the question of using the drug should be decided by a doctor. He will correlate:

  • benefits for the expectant mother;
  • possible risk to the baby's growth.

As a rule, Mezim is prescribed to pregnant women only in case of serious dysfunction:

  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder.

That is, for diseases associated with insufficient production of enzymes or their improper absorption. A deficiency of nutrients and biologically active substances will negatively affect the development of the child, therefore in all these cases Mezim is recommended for use. But in case of overeating or consuming foods high in fats and carbohydrates, if a medicine is prescribed, it is only once. Gynecologists and gastroenterologists advise women to exclude such dishes from their daily diet while pregnant.

This drug belongs to the clinical-pharmacological group of enzymes. Mezim forte replenishes missing enzymes for better digestion of food. It is available without a doctor's prescription, which is not a reason for the uncontrolled use of this drug.

Before using it, it is advisable to consult a specialist: a gastroenterologist or therapist. Particular caution should be used when using the drug to alleviate the condition of children and the elderly.

Side effects

When taking this medicine, the patient may experience such side effects as:

  • Allergy, which is expressed in itching, redness of the skin, cough, runny nose, Quincke's edema;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Constipation and diarrhea;
  • As a result of long-term use, the patient may begin to develop hyperuricosuria or increase the level of uric acid in the blood.

If these or any other conditions appear, then you need to stop taking the drug, carry out treatment and go to the hospital to select a safer analogue.

When taking a medication in a dosage many times higher than the maximum permissible norm, the patient experiences side effects and an increase in temperature. If these conditions do occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug and treat based on the symptoms.


Episodes of overdose with Mezim Forte have not been recorded in medical practice, but with prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, the risk of adverse symptoms increases. The medication may cause dyspeptic disorders (pain in the digestive system, attacks of nausea, vomiting) or diarrhea. Excessive consumption of pancreatin over a long period of time can affect the composition of blood plasma.

To identify the degree of negative effects of an overdose on the body, a comprehensive examination will be required.


List of contraindications:

  • Acute form of pancreatitis;
  • Allergy to certain components of the drug;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

In addition, you should also refuse to take it if the patient has not reached 3 years of age. Also, if there is kidney damage, the drug should be taken with caution.


There is no confirmed data on taking the medicine during pregnancy. That is why medicine can be prescribed only in case of urgent need.

During the appointment, the girl must constantly be in sight of the doctor in order to monitor the effect on the fetus.

During breastfeeding, it is better to avoid taking this drug, because. the active substance of the drug, together with the mother’s breast milk, can enter the baby’s body.

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special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The ability to have a negative effect on the nervous system and psychomotor reactions has not been identified in Mezim Forte.

Pregnancy and lactation

Mezima Forte does not contain potent components. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy to eliminate digestive problems. If it is necessary to use medication during lactation, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Use in childhood

It is allowed to prescribe Mezim Forte in pediatric practice, but independent use of the drug for children is prohibited. For patients under twelve years of age, dosages are calculated not based on the data in the instructions, but individually.

For impaired renal function

There are no special notes on the use of Mezim Forte for pathological conditions of the kidneys in the instructions.

For liver dysfunction

The instructions for the drug do not contain any special notes on the use of Mezim Forte for liver diseases.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over-the-counter sale.

How much does Mezim Forte cost?

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, Mezim Forte No. 20 tablets cost 64-85 rubles. The average price of Mezim Forte 10000 No. 20 is 190 rubles. You can buy Mezim 20000 No. 20 tablets for 258-330 rubles.

The cost of the drug Mezim Forte in Ukrainian pharmacies (package No. 20) is 40 UAH. Package No. 80 in Kyiv, Kharkov and other large cities costs an average of 170 UAH. Price Mezim Forte 10000 No. 20 - 46-60 UAH, tablets Mezim 20000 No. 20 - 144-185 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Mezim about tablets k.p.p.o 20 pcs NOT DEFINED
    197 rub. order
  • Mezim forte tab. p.o n20 NOT DEFINED

    73 rub. order

  • Mezim Forte tablets p.p.o. 80 pcs. Berlin - Chemie AG / ZAO Berlin Pharma

    RUB 262 order

  • Mezim 20000 tablets p.p.o. enteric solution 20 pcs. Berlin-Chemie AG

    RUB 243 order

  • Mezim Forte 10000 tablets p.p.o. enteric solution 20 pcs. JSC "Berlin-Pharma"

    RUB 174 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Mezim Forte (tablet No. 20)Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini

    78 RUR order

  • Mezim Forte tablets 10000 units No. 20Berlin-Chemie AG/Berlin-Pharma ZAO

    RUB 188 order

  • Mezim Forte (table p/o No. 80)Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini

    RUB 277 order

  • Mezim Forte (table p/o No. 80)Berlin-Chemie AG/Berlin-Pharma ZAO

    RUB 275 order

  • Mezim Forte (tablet No. 20)Berlin-Chemie AG/Berlin-Pharma ZAO

    79 RUR order

show more


  • Mezim forte 10000 No. 20 tablets Menarini Von Heyden GmbH/ Berlin Chemi AG (Menarini Group), Nimechchina/Nimechchina
    101 UAH.order
  • Mezim forte 10000 No. 10 tablets Menarini von Heyden GmbH/ Berlin Chemi AG (Menarini Group), Nimecchina/Nimecchina

    51 UAH order

  • Mezim forte 20000 No. 20 tablets Berlin Chemi AG (Menarine Group), Nimechchina

    169 UAH order


show more


The exact cost of the medicine must be clarified at a specific pharmacy or online store. The article shows average prices.

The cost of a medicine is determined based on a number of factors, for example, the markup of the pharmacy, the region of sales, as well as the costs that will have to be incurred when transporting the goods.


The cost in Russia ranges from 84 to 236 rubles.


The cost of this medicine was set at 114.67 hryvnia.


Among the possible analogues, we can highlight such drugs as: Adzhizim, Biozym, Eurobiol, Zentaze, Gastenorm, Innozim, Kreazim, Creon, Kreonchik, Mezim, Mikrasim, Pangrol, Panenzym, PanziKam, Panzim, Panzinorm, Pancreatin, Pancreazim, Pankrelipase, Pankrenorm, Pancreatin, Pancitrate, Penzital, Uni-Festal, Ermital, Enzistal, Fermentium, Festal, Enzibene, Motilium, Espumisan, Cholenzym, Wobenzym, Penzital.

All gastroenterology clinics and medical centers in your city. Tests and ultrasound. Consultation with a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the digestive system. Find out more: - In Kiev (Hertz, Ilaya, Euromed) - In St. Petersburg (SM-Clinic, Longevity, Allergomed, Doctor +, BaltZdrav, Professor) - In Moscow (SM-Clinic, Medlux, Onmed) - In Kharkov ( TsMEI, Olympic, Victoria, Fortis, Ecomed) - In Minsk (Belgirudo, Art-Med-Company, Sinlab, Mikosha, GrandMedica, MedClinic) - in Odessa (Medea, On Clinic, Into Sano, Venus) - In Razyan (Trust + , Polyclinic-Pesochnya, Evrikas +) - in Nizhny Novgorod (Only Clinic, Alpha Center, EuroClinic, SOLO, Altea) - gastroenterological clinics of Tyumen (Doctor A+, Clinic "Vera", Avicenna, Medis, Sibirina, Your Doctor)


On the forums you can find mostly positive reviews. Patients note that the medication works quickly and normalizes the patient’s condition. In addition, patients like the low cost of the medicine, as well as a large list of similar products.

There are also reviews on the Internet of women losing weight who advise taking Mezim Forte daily after each meal. Doctors strongly do not recommend doing this, because... as a result, a woman can ruin her stomach.

There are also negative reviews in which people complain about the presence of side effects and contraindications.

pharmachologic effect

Taking the drug helps digestion!

Enzyme enzymes Mezim Forte compensate for the deficiency of the pancreas' own enzymes and help digest the main components of food - fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

The enteric coating of the tablets allows the drug to manifest its activity in the small intestine, where it reaches in full.

Absorption of pancreatin does not occur through the intestinal walls; it is excreted along with the contents. The activity of the main active ingredient of the drug is assessed by lipase activity and the proportion of trypsin.

For patients with cystic fibrosis, amylase activity is important. When using the drug, pancreatin interacts with digestive juices and bacteria of the digestive tract.

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