How to drink Borjomi correctly for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Well, who doesn’t know about the benefits of mineral water? We drink it often and without medicinal purposes - tasty, clean water pleasantly quenches thirst, especially during the hot season. Not everyone finds it difficult to understand the specific instructions of this or that water. But you should still pay attention to the composition of the water. So as not to harm. It is this principle, introduced into medical ethics, as historians say, since the time of Hippocrates, that one should not be lazy about applying to one’s health. And even better - help your body cope with problems (and everyone has them). One of them, quite common, is cholecystitis.

Cholecystitis: causes of the disease, features of its development and symptoms

More often, this disease is of an infectious nature (parasitic, viral or bacterial). Today, cholecystitis is one of the five most common diseases of the digestive system. In most cases, it affects people who are overweight or have gallstones. Much less often, cholecystitis occurs in people with normal or even low body weight. Women suffer from this disease more often than men.

The development of cholecystitis is caused by the penetration of microbes into the gallbladder. Microorganisms enter the gallbladder in an ascending manner - from the intestine through the bile ducts. The infection that causes cholecystitis can be carried through the blood and lymph. At risk are people with diseases of the intestines, genitourinary system and chronic inflammatory diseases of various organs.

The sooner you discover that you have cholecystitis , the greater the chance of completely curing the disease. Regular visits to the doctor, attention to symptoms and prevention greatly contribute to this. The main symptoms of cholecystitis include acute pain in the right hypochondrium, intensifying with a deep breath, the development of tension in the pectoral muscles, pain on palpation, nausea or vomiting with bile, fever, and, less often, jaundice. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Water that can be used for the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis and cholecystitis

There are many brands of mineral water on the market, and this means that your doctor will help you choose the right medicinal water that is right for you.

Here are the characteristics of some of them:

  1. "Borjomi". Manufacturers of this brand of sodium bicarbonate water claim that it is an excellent source of minerals, and is especially useful for damage to the pancreas. When warm, it can relieve spasms and reduce the intensity of inflammation. Promotes the adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to subsequent meals, eliminates toxic substances that appear due to the death of cells and tissue of the pancreas itself, and facilitates the discharge of organ secretions. According to statistical data, patients taking Borjomi to prevent relapses experience exacerbations much less frequently. However, do not forget: water has a beneficial effect only when consumed warm. Warm (body temperature) Borjomi relieves pain, and cold, on the contrary, can cause a new attack of exacerbation.
  2. "Essentuki". Mineral sodium chloride water is rich in microelements, enriched with organic substances and gases. Manufacturers claim that, thanks to its unique composition, it can normalize nitrogen metabolism, stimulate erythropoiesis, and promote an increase in hemoglobin levels. These properties of medicinal water are an additional advantage for patients with chronic pancreatitis complicated by anemia, especially in the acute phase. Also, “Essentuki” can help remove toxic substances and foreign agents (bacteria, viruses) from the body and increase the body’s defense systems (immunity). It is important to remember that this medicinal water is only available in a warm state. If Essentuki is cold, then it is equal to tap water.
  3. “Mirgorodskaya”: from the group of sodium chloride waters, allowed for use without restrictions as a dining room. For medicinal purposes, it can be used for colitis, liver diseases, impaired metabolism, and pathologies of the bile ducts. It is also important to observe the temperature regime of the healing drink.
  4. “Polyana Kupel”: contains a large amount of fluorine, belongs to the class of hydrocarbonate waters. It is able to reduce the level of free cholesterol in the bloodstream and is involved in reducing excess weight. Improves the condition of the inflamed gallbladder.
  5. “Luzhanskaya”: hydrocarbonate, with a large amount of silicic acid and fluorine. Used for diseases of the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. However, contraindications to its use will be disruption of the thyroid gland (especially in the direction of decreased function) and low stomach acidity.
  6. “Zbruchanskaya”: contains significant quantities of iron, chlorine, calcium, magnesium. Can be recommended for diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.
  7. “Shayanskaya”: part of the hydrocarbonate group, it is naturally carbonated (it exists in nature in this form). Useful for ill health of the gallbladder, liver, stomach, and in the treatment of hangover syndrome.
  8. “Bukovynska”: alkaline water, contains a lot of iodine. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the biliary system, liver, inflammatory phenomena of the small intestine. However, it has contraindications for use - inflammatory joint diseases, gout, severe headaches, migraines.

Whatever problem bothers you, you need to solve it only together with your doctor. He will be able to choose the right water for you. Since there are contraindications for drinking medicinal water, the risk of complications is high.

Effective treatment of cholecystitis: what is it based on

Since the underlying cause of the disease is infection, it is very difficult to manage without the use of antibacterial drugs. The sooner you start taking antibiotics, the greater your chances of not getting complications from the disease. Treatment of this disease must be comprehensive. First of all, this is detoxification therapy based on intravenous administration of solutions, as well as the use of painkillers, antibiotics, antispasmodics, and drugs that suppress gastric secretion.

Important conditions for effective treatment are bed rest and fasting, as well as the use of mineral water. "Donat Mg" provides significant assistance in the treatment of cholecystitis.

Our scientists conducted research on the effectiveness of taking this mineral water among patients with cholecystitis. Their results based on the course of taking Donat Mg water showed good dynamics. Patients experienced a decrease in cholesterol in the blood, and the concentration of bile acids in bile (different portions) increased by an average of 15-25 percent.

From canteen to mineral

Where does mineral water come from before it is bottled? That's right, from underground. It is extracted from underground sources by drilling wells. Water at great depths accumulates minerals and salt ions, which are “pulled” from the soil due to pressure differences. So by drinking healing water, we supply our body with fluoride, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, and carbon dioxide. Since these elements of the periodic table accumulate differently in liquids, waters are divided according to their content into hydrocarbonate, sulfate and chloride.

Another important factor is the mineral content per liter of water.

Based on this parameter, water is grouped as follows:

  1. Drinking canteen: it has the lowest content of mineral elements (reach one gram per liter), so there are no warnings for consumption
  2. Mineral table: the upper limit for the elements contained in this class of water does not exceed two g/l.
  3. Table and medicinal: for this class of water, recommendations for dosed use have already been introduced, since excessive intake threatens to disrupt the acid-base balance. The amount of mineral content is eight g/l.
  4. Mineral medicinal: allowed for use only after being prescribed by a doctor as part of treatment. Mineralization is significantly higher than eight g/l.

It is recommended to take mineral water only warm (the temperature should correspond to the temperature of the human body), but not higher than forty degrees. In this temperature regime, its healing properties are manifested.

How to treat with cholecystitis with Donat Mg mineral water?

A person diagnosed with cholecystitis needs to drink water 15-20 minutes before starting a meal in the morning, always on an empty stomach in the amount of 100-200 ml, and also 15-20 minutes before lunch and dinner in the amount of 150 ml.

Mineral water “Donat Mg” is very effective for the treatment of cholecystitis; it has no analogues in nature in terms of mineral composition and magnesium content. This miracle water is used to cleanse every human cell, as well as treat diseases of the metabolic systems and gastrointestinal tract, in particular to treat diseases such as cholecystitis.

Drinking mineral water is one of the oldest methods of treating gastrointestinal diseases. But in order for it to bring only benefits, it is important to choose the right composition and follow a drinking regimen in accordance with the specific disease. What mineral water to drink for pancreatitis and cholecystitis?

Definition and properties

It is important to understand what mineral waters are. They are located at great depths and are mined by drilling wells. In the depths of the earth, water is enriched by osmosis with many salts and minerals.

The main microelements that determine the mineral composition of water include the following:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • magnesium and others.

In addition to these elements, the deep liquid contains salts:

  • hydrocarbonates;
  • sulfate;
  • chlorides.

The content of minerals and salts in a liquid (mineral composition) is the main feature of the classification of mineral waters. Based on this composition, waters are divided into the following groups:

  • dining rooms (contain up to 1 g per liter);
  • table mineral (maximum concentration of microelements and salts 2 g per liter);
  • medicinal tableware (includes up to 8 g per liter);
  • medicinal (the amount of substance in one liter is 8 grams or more).

It is worth noting that independent consumption of medicinal table and medicinal waters can lead to a disruption of the acid-base balance and an imbalance of microelements. These changes provoke significant metabolic disorders in the human body and require infusion therapy.

general information

Gallstone disease is the formation of stones in the ducts and the bladder itself. According to statistics, it is considered common, and approximately 15 percent of the population suffers from its manifestations.

The pathological condition does not occur immediately; the development process itself is quite long. And a person walks around with stones for years and does not suspect that he has them until they reach large sizes. Elderly people, and especially women, are inclined to form them.

Many methods are used for treatment. Eating and drinking will be important, of course. Water obtained from natural sources and subjected to mineralization also plays an important role.

The main factors that lead to the appearance of dense formations in organs:

  1. obesity;
  2. sedentary lifestyle;
  3. hormonal system disorders;
  4. unhealthy food;
  5. excessive secretion of cholesterol;
  6. stagnant processes.

They vary in composition, but mostly consist of cholesterol masses.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium, which radiates to the back, neck or shoulders. They are especially aggravated by errors in nutrition. This is the consumption of fried, fatty and smoked foods.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Yellow skin, especially the sclera of the eyes - this manifests itself when completely blocked by dense neoplasms.
  4. Heaviness occurs in the right hypochondrium, mainly after eating.
  5. A sharp increase in body temperature to high values.
  6. Stomach upset.

Types of cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is a pathological condition of the gallbladder, which is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in it and dysfunction (primarily bile excretory). This disease is accompanied by attacks of pain in the right half of the upper abdomen.

Inflammation of the gallbladder can occur in acute and chronic forms. They are similar in clinical picture, but have different severity - acute cholecystitis is more intense, and the chronic course is represented by a more blurred picture.

There are the following types of inflammatory process:

  • calculous;
  • non-calculous;
  • catarrhal (simple);
  • purulent (phlegmonous, gangrenous);
  • necrotic.

There are situations when inflammation in the gallbladder is accompanied by additional pathologies that aggravate its course - liver cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

In the treatment of cholecystitis, it is possible to use various methods: herbal medicine, surgery, drug therapy, crushing, and, among other things, balneotherapy - treatment with mineral waters. However, in any case, you must adhere to certain rules: follow a diet, drink enough liquid, you need to lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits. That is, it is necessary to modify as much as possible the possible factors that encourage the development of this disease.

The benefits and harms of mineral water for the liver and gallbladder

This water is best suited for properly cleansing our body of unnecessary toxins and waste. Doctors advise periodically using it in your diet.

Mineral water is used both for the prevention and to combat pancreatic pathologies and liver problems.


For such diseases, it is recommended to drink medicinal water. It contains calcium, bicarbonate and many other important components.

These elements will enhance the excretion of bile, improve processes in the liver, relieve the painful process and prevent spasms. Another plus is that when consumed regularly, more hormones are produced, which contribute to better digestion.

Of course, mineral water cannot completely cure. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

In combination with medications, the doctor will prescribe the use of mineral water for pathologies of the digestive system.

This drink is divided into 3 types:

The first of them contains a large percentage of minerals and substances beneficial to the human body. But the mineralization of the liquid does not exceed 1 gram per liter.

To clean the liver ducts, doctors advise drinking medicinal water. Some of the best:

Basic rules for liver cleansing

Doctors advise performing this procedure on weekends. A person should not engage in physical activity during this period. You also need to take into account that in the acute period it is better not to use this method.

First you need to prepare and leave the liquid open overnight to remove gases. Since it should only be used warm, it means preheat it to about 55 degrees. To do this, you will need to leave a bottle of mineral water in a pan of boiling water for a while, periodically checking its temperature.

Now take a few sips and lie down for 3 minutes on your right side, placing a heating pad under it first. This is necessary in order to relax the excretory ducts, thus facilitating the outflow of bile.

After the time has passed, stand up, continuing to hold the heating pad, take 3 more sips and return to your previous position. You need to drink 0.5 liters, periodically getting up and going back to bed.

Next time, to increase the effectiveness of this method, also take a choleretic medication.

Contraindications and indications for use

The procedure must be taken seriously. The right thing to do would be to see a specialist for advice.

How to drink water correctly

How should people with cholecystitis drink mineral water? There is a unique technique that has been successfully tested at domestic resorts for decades.

Important! The technology of application depends on the diagnosis and general condition of the person.

In general, it is recommended to drink the products 30-40 minutes before meals. The food will be partially mixed with the water for some time. It lingers the longest in the stomach and stimulates its mucous membrane. This improves the production of hydrochloric acid.

If secretion is not impaired, then water is taken 45-50 minutes before meals. If secretory function is increased, then the optimal interval before meals is 60-90 minutes.

According to doctors, a mineral product taken during such a period enters the duodenum and causes inhibition of the secretion of the overlying section. This reduces the response of the gastric glands to food intake. This is very important against the background of increased acidity.

The regimen may vary depending on the patient's health status. Usually waters are prescribed in courses. During his stay in the sanatorium, a person regularly takes water, thereby saturating his body with much-needed salts and microelements.

By the time you return home, your body has formed a “reserve” of useful substances that will definitely be useful in the future.

All elements are deposited by the body in the subcutaneous tissue, spleen and liver. When the need for microelements arises, the body independently extracts them from the “depot” and distributes them to the organs in need. The purchased supply is enough for the body for 12 months. After a year, it is recommended to return to the resort and repeat the course.

If the main purpose of the intake is stimulation, or increasing juice secretion, then the water temperature should be low. Optimal - room temperature, 20-25 degrees. Eating after taking it is allowed within 15-30 minutes.

If a reduction in secretion is required, then a slightly warmed mineral liquid is used. Optimally - up to 40 degrees.

Carbon dioxide waters must be degassed before consumption. First, the bottle of water is slightly heated and left for some time. It is recommended to wait at least half an hour. Or better yet, 40 minutes. After this, the gas comes out. Then the person can consume the products without fear.

Water with medium and high mineralization is consumed within a strictly limited period. On average, the course lasts 25-30 days. Then you need to take a short break.

This is due to the fact that excessive saturation of the body with macro and microelements can lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, the patient must adhere to the prescribed deadlines. It is prohibited to change them yourself.

Depending on the presence of useful substances in the composition, waters are divided into:

  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate;
  • chloride

In 90% of cases, the patient is advised to take mixed products. There, in different proportions, there are both anions and cations.

This gradation of waters is associated with their healing effect. Hydrocarbonate products affect the body in the presence of an inflammatory process - when there is excessive mucus formation. In addition to cholecystitis, it can also be inflammation of the kidneys or any other organ of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sulfate products are used when there is a need to increase tone. One of the main indications is hypotonic type of biliary dyskinesia.

Chloride products are intended to stimulate metabolism. Medium and highly mineralized products are necessary for tubing.

Important! To improve the condition of the biliary tract, it is recommended to use Essentuki-17.

The patient should drink 200 milliliters. First, the water bottle is heated to 40 degrees. After taking it, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and turn on your right side. A heating pad is first placed under the side. You need to lie down for 60 minutes.

Waters such as “Borjomi”, “Essentuki-4”, “Narzan” can be consumed together with ½ teaspoon of magnesia. This is especially true for spastic constipation. If bowel dysfunction is accompanied by cholelithiasis, then magnesia should be abandoned. The reason is that the choleretic effect of these waters is already quite pronounced. In this case, tubing can only harm the body.

If there is no significant inflammation, then tubing can be carried out for several days in a row. You are allowed to do this for a week. But more often, tubage is done once a week, or every 10 days.

Siberian waters are widely used. Altai water “Silver Key” has a good effect. It can be used all the time.

This is water from the Bikhtimir spring. It is bottled by the Dawns over Biya sanatorium. This is a calcium-magnesium product. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It also has a positive effect on stones. Their nature doesn't matter. Drinking regimen – 1 glass (150-200 milliliters), 2-3 times/24 hours, according to indications.

Another effect of this product is a laxative. It is due to the high concentration of silver salts in the composition. This accompanies a decrease in inflammation in cholecystitis.

Mineral water is not used in the acute phase. You need to drink it strictly during the rehabilitation period.

Treatment with mineral water

Water obtained from natural sources is healthy and can not only quench thirst, but also cure many pathologies. Most often it is recommended for stones that form as a result of gallstone pathology.

You need to drink up to 2 liters per day, but if the organ’s motility is abnormal, its amount is reduced to 2 glasses per day. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate at home.

With the help of a doctor, the dose of fluid intake per day is selected. It is individual for each person. With large, dense tumors, it is dangerous to drink large amounts of liquid. This leads to blockage of the ducts and, as a result, immediate surgical intervention will be required.

In order to get the desired effect when consuming such a liquid, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Take water in small sips.
  2. Drink it only warm.
  3. Use it an hour before meals.

During this therapy, it is important not to forget to follow the daily routine, and also:

  1. Enrich food with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Walks in the open air.
  3. Do exercises.

In addition to all the above recommendations, the patient must follow a diet.

You should also drink it with caution if your gallbladder has been removed. This is required so as not to cause inflammation in other organs.

Rules for taking mineral water

Before starting to take mineral water, it would be good to consult a doctor. He will help you choose the right water for you and also tell you how to take it correctly. The average duration of hydrotherapy is about a month (3-4 weeks). An important point is maintaining the temperature: the water should be at human body temperature, but not more than forty degrees. Drink water before meals. A single volume is about three hundred milliliters (minimum - 50 ml). Patients with cholecystitis should drink 250-350 ml of alkaline water an hour before meals.

If the gallbladder and pancreas are unhealthy, the water consumed should be alkaline and warm; only if this condition is met, maximum effectiveness and benefit can be achieved.

Diet with mineral water

If a person has stones in the bile ducts, then following a diet is simply necessary. Errors in it provoke the formation of new stones and an increase in existing ones.

For cholelithiasis, diet No.5 is prescribed. It includes eating enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should completely avoid salt or reduce your consumption to 10 grams per day. All products must be steamed.

You also need to include mineral water in your diet. It will help enrich the body with minerals and improve the flow of bile. Thus, the patient will be able to improve his own well-being.

We must not forget that in the presence of large stones it is strictly contraindicated. A large stone blocks the duct, and this is a dangerous situation and requires immediate surgical intervention.

Application of mineral baths

With the development of cholecystitis, the use of hydrogen sulfide mineral baths is recommended. This procedure helps:

  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of the functioning of the bladder;
  • relieving inflammation.

Important! Baths are also taken strictly according to indications.

If a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, then one should refrain from this manipulation.

Hydrogen sulfide gas, which is the basis of sulfide baths, is intended to relieve even serious inflammation. At the same time, the pain is relieved; its nature does not matter.

Taking healing baths for patients with cholecystitis

During the procedure, it enters the human body through breathing, as well as through the skin. Penetrating into the vessels of the body, hydrogen sulfide has a beneficial effect on the walls of arteries, veins, and capillaries, promoting their expansion. Against this background, normal blood flow is ensured. At the same time, metabolic processes are activated.

During manipulation, a pronounced skin reaction is observed. The skin swells, pores open, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. Liver function is activated. The healing effect begins to be felt after the third procedure. They must be carried out daily. The total number of procedures is 10-12. The treatment regimen can be either minimal or maximum.

One of the wells is located on the territory of the Green Grove sanatorium.

Prevention to prevent cholelithiasis

  1. Quit alcohol and smoking.
  2. Normalize your weight to acceptable levels.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Optimal physical activity.

As a preventive measure, split meals of no more than five times a day will also act. If you have chronic diseases, such as diabetes or other liver pathologies, then you need to pay special attention to this problem.

Since this also affects the organs of the digestive system. Traditional medicine is still welcome for stones. Before using herbs, consult a healthcare professional.

Gallstone disease is a serious disease and requires dynamic treatment.

Water has been proven to help with this painful condition. Selected for each patient individually. It depends on the stage of the disease.

For small stones, it improves their passage and prevents the appearance of new ones. Liver cleanses are still necessary to prevent stones.

Doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits. Serious diseases often arise due to poor nutrition. And they are difficult to treat. Therefore, the use of water will serve as an excellent preventive measure to prevent the appearance of dense tumors.

It is economical in cost and does not impose any special costs on the budget.

It not only quenches thirst during the hot season, but is also considered a good method for preventing serious diseases. By consuming it, the body is saturated with minerals.

Features of balneotherapy

The history of hydrotherapy goes back many centuries. A famous ancient Roman saying went like this: “Seek healing in baths.”

Balneotherapy is widely used in the treatment of all forms of cholecystitis. In order for the bath to have an effect, you need to keep in mind two important points:

Very high requirements are applied to the water used in this procedure. The quality must be very high. It is advisable to select it individually.


The patient may also be prescribed capillary therapy. The founder of this treatment method is Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. In his opinion, impaired capillary circulation is one of the main factors in the development of any pathology, including cholecystitis.

Features of treatment for different types of lesions

Mineral water for various types of cholecystitis may have special properties. To do this, you should know the following:

Type of dyskinesiaRecommended type of mineral waters
Hypotension of the bile ductsthe use of mineral waters with increased levels of salts is indicated
Bile duct hypertensionIt is recommended to prescribe water with low salt levels
Hypotonicity of the bile ductslong-term intake of mineral waters enriched with sodium is indicated

About herbs and waters

– Is it possible to do without medications in the initial stage of cholecystitis, with the help of diet and herbal medicine alone?

– Diet and herbal medicine in many cases help to improve well-being. Immortelle flowers, corn silk, peppermint leaves, dill seeds, rose hips, and barberry root have a choleretic effect. They can be used individually or in a mixture in a 1:1 ratio. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed raw materials, let it brew, squeeze, strain and take 1/3 glass warm 3-4 times a day.

Pharmacies sell immortelle extract in tablets; it is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Another natural preparation, Cholasas, is made from rose hips. It should be taken 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day, can be dissolved in 1/2 glass of warm water. All of the herbal preparations listed should be taken half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. For hypomotor dyskinesia, tubazhi can be done.

– What mineral waters are good to drink for cholecystitis?

– Healing mineral waters stimulate the formation and secretion of bile. For cholecystitis, waters such as “Essentuki” No. 4 and No. 17, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Narzan sulfate” (Kislovodsk) and others are recommended. They should be drunk warm 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals for 14-21 days. It is not recommended to drink mineral water during an exacerbation, but during remission it is highly advisable.

During the period of remission, it is good to go to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters (Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk).

In the future - stones?

– When diagnosing cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), various research methods are used. Which ones are more informative?

– Is the wall of the bladder thickened due to inflammation, are there kinks, constrictions, deformation, impaired motor activity, the presence of stones - all this can be revealed by ultrasound. If necessary, duodenal intubation is used to assess the motor function of the gallbladder and its sphincter and to conduct a biochemical study of the collected bile. In difficult cases, computed tomography is used.

– If there is cholecystitis, will gallstone disease inevitably develop over time?

– The formation of stones is primarily caused by disturbances in the motor activity of the gallbladder, leading to stagnation of bile, as well as infection, disruption of the secretion of cholesterol, bile acids, and phospholipids by the liver. But 85-90% of stones that form in the gallbladder are cholesterol.

To prevent bile stagnation, you need to move more, eat 5-6 times a day at the same time. This is important: every meal stimulates the secretion of bile.

Diet No. 5 is recommended, including dairy and plant products, vegetarian soups - vegetable, cereal, lean meat and poultry dishes, vegetable oil. You should limit foods rich in cholesterol. You will have to give up rich broths (meat, chicken, fish, mushroom), fatty meats, poultry and fish, and lard. Fried, smoked, rich, spicy, seasonings and spices will have to be excluded, alcohol too.

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