My stomach hurts after eating apples, what should I do?

When it comes to natural remedies, apple cider vinegar is one of the first to come up in the conversation. It is considered full of fiber and nutrients. Some believe that it can cure almost any disease, including diabetes and cancer. But, alas, many of these statements are not supported by anything. In fact, classic apple cider vinegar contains virtually no fiber, vitamins or minerals. There is no evidence that would confirm its healing properties. However, some of the properties attributed to him are true. Firstly, vinegar stimulates the stomach, causing more nutrients to be absorbed. But you don’t need to drink it to do this - you can just add it to salad dressing! Secondly, it controls the rise in sugar levels after meals, which helps control appetite and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Research has also shown that drinking apple cider vinegar before meals lowered the blood sugar levels of patients on the verge of diabetes by half. Impressive result! This is what will happen if you decide to test the effects of vinegar for yourself and take a spoonful of it before every meal.

Drinking apple cider vinegar after meals is much better

If you can't drink vinegar before meals, try drinking it after. After all, you don’t want to feel nausea and lack of appetite before eating? It's much better to drink water and vinegar after a meal, when you feel like you could have eaten something else. You will already have food in your stomach and you will not feel nauseous. At the same time, the desire to eat will disappear, and you will be able to resist eating cookies or other favorite sweets.

Ways to eliminate pain

There are some practical ways that can help relieve stomach pain after eating apples.

Abdominal massage is an excellent way to relieve stomach cramps. It only takes two minutes to do it. Abdominal massage can help a person relieve pain effectively.

A hot compress also has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach if painful sensations are detected while eating apples.

To do this, you need to fill a hot water bottle, then lie on your back, place a towel on your stomach and place the hot water bottle on it.

The warmth from this hot bottle can help relieve stomach pain. Of course, there can be many different reasons for stomach pain after eating apples.

Under any circumstances, a person with symptoms of stomach pain should see a doctor to determine the causes of this condition.

Only an experienced specialist can tell the patient why the stomach hurts and how to treat it.

This is especially necessary if the pain gradually intensifies, even if the person has stopped eating fruit, or if the pain prevents him from sitting still and accompanying symptoms appear, such as fever or vomiting.

You can burn your mucous membranes if you drink it incorrectly

Don't drink pure vinegar! Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with a glass of water and drink through a straw to minimize contact with your taste buds. You'll get the benefits without having to put up with the bad aftertaste.

With various gastric diseases, the question often arises about what food can be consumed, what is necessary, and what foods are strictly contraindicated. When different organs of the digestive system are affected, the diet prescribed by the doctor can vary greatly.

This principle also applies to gastritis. Patients with this diagnosis are recommended to follow a strict diet, but sometimes you just want to treat yourself to some forbidden fruit. Apples can be considered a healthy treat for gastritis.

What is gastritis, its types

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Gastritis is a change in the gastric mucosa during its inflammation, ending in degeneration of the affected tissues.

Epithelial cells of mucous tissues lose their ability to regenerate, atrophy, the tissue of healthy glands is replaced by fibrous tissue that does not contain living cells and is practically non-elastic.

The main consequence of gastritis is a violation of the secretory function of the stomach, which leads to dystrophic changes in the digestive processes. The disease may not manifest itself clinically, that is, without any specific symptoms.

And discomfort and pain can be mistakenly attributed to the symptoms of a digestive disorder - functional dyspepsia. But gastritis is a much more dangerous disease; it is considered a harbinger of cancer, and patients with such a diagnosis must undergo periodic medical examinations.

Gastritis manifests itself in acute and chronic forms. The acute form is accompanied by sharp pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness. The signs of chronic gastritis are the same as in the acute form, only less pronounced, as well as intestinal disorders, drowsiness, fatigue, even loss of interest in life.

The main cause of gastritis is damage to the organ by a spiral-shaped bacterium (“Helicobacter pylori”). In addition, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed due to:

  • poor nutrition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • parasite infestation;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • taking a number of medications;
  • past infections;
  • long-term stress, etc.

Gastritis is characterized by a significant factor – the acidity of gastric juice. With low acidity, digestion processes slow down and the ability to digest food decreases.

With increased acidity, the cells that produce protective alkaline components reduce their activity, and gastric juice begins to corrode the walls of the organ that actually secretes it.

Other causes of bloating after eating apples

Why do apples make your stomach hurt if all the recommendations are followed? The reason may be hidden not only in fruits. Increased gas formation occurs when the functionality of the pancreas is impaired, when the organ produces a small amount of enzymes.

If your stomach swells from apples, then the reason may be hidden in the presence of other diseases such as:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis in acute and chronic form;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the intestinal tract.

In diseases of the digestive system, the stomach begins to swell due to malic acid entering the stomach. This component causes increased production of gastric juice. Against this background, the mucous membrane of not only the stomach, but also the esophagus suffers.

An increase in the amount of gases also occurs after taking antibacterial agents. Treatment inevitably leads to a decrease in beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Because of this, the process of normal digestion of food and absorption of microelements is disrupted.

Is it possible to eat fresh apples if you have a stomach problem?

With gastritis, the acidity of gastric juice increases.

The benefits of fresh apples have long been proven. They contain many vitamins, minerals and other elements:

  1. vitamins A, C, H, PP, group B;
  2. iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  3. pectins;
  4. fiber (coarse fibers).

Fresh apples stimulate digestive processes, help accelerate cell regeneration and the growth of new ones, and are a preventive measure for deteriorating vision, constipation, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

On the other hand, apples, thanks to the same acids, can negatively affect the human body. When consuming large quantities of these fruits, tooth enamel is destroyed, resulting in increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods, sweet and sour foods.

Malic acid also affects the functioning of the stomach. If you suffer from gastritis, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of these fruits, the sour varieties of which (Antonovka, Semerenko, Granny Smith) are not recommended to be eaten. They are one of the causes of exacerbation of chronic gastritis.

In addition, the coarse fiber contained in apples in large quantities slows down their digestibility, adding stress to the digestive tract, which is already weakened. Fiber causes constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and bloating.

In case of acute gastritis, eating fresh apples is strictly prohibited. In case of chronic form, you can eat sweet apples in limited quantities (White Naliv, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Saffron).

In order for the fruit to be better absorbed, it should be consumed in its peeled and seeded form.

Before this, the apples must be thoroughly washed. You can cut the fruits into small pieces, but it is better to puree them by grating them on a fine grater or grinding them using a blender.

Adherents of traditional medicine consider applesauce to be a remedy for gastritis. In this case, it is recommended to take it in small portions once a day (exclusively in the morning) on ​​an empty stomach for several months, gradually reducing the frequency of doses.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is believed to have benefits. It should be diluted with water or mixed in a 1:1 ratio with carrot juice. If the acidity of gastric juice is low, you can take the following mixture: 1 tbsp. boiled warm water, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

In folk medicine, apple cider vinegar is endowed with a wide range of medicinal properties. To prepare it, washed apples, cleared of rotten and rotten parts, are crushed along with the peel and seed pod.

The crushed mass is placed in an enamel, wooden or glass container, diluted with warm water (5 parts water to 4 parts applesauce) and sweetened with honey or sugar (100 g of sweetener per 1 liter of puree diluted with water). The workpiece is kept at a temperature from 20? C to 30? C in a dark place, without covering, for 10 days. The mixture is stirred several times a day.

After the expiration date, the mixture is squeezed through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid can be sweetened a little more. Then it is poured into a vessel, covered with gauze and again placed in a dark, warm place for 1.5-2 months. After which the liquid is filtered, poured into vessels and sealed, placing it in a cool, dark place for storage.

How to answer the question why apples make your stomach hurt

Sometimes after eating fresh apples, bloating, increased gas formation, and pain are observed. Why do apples make your stomach hurt and how to avoid it? After all, apples are a product familiar from childhood, familiar to our stomachs, natural and environmentally friendly. So what provokes the body’s rejection of this fruit?

Causes of abdominal pain

Your stomach may hurt after eating apples for several reasons. This:

  • excess gluten;
  • excess iron levels in the body;
  • incorrect food temperature;
  • fruit acids;
  • stomach acidity.

Most often, a delay in digestive processes is caused by gluten or gluten, which is found in significant quantities in cereals. It is gluten that becomes the main disruptor of the stomach. As a result, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole worsens.

It weakens, inflammation occurs in it, it stops coping with certain foods without being digested, they begin to ferment in the intestines and provoke unpleasant sensations. To get rid of such pain, it is enough to reconsider your diet and reduce the consumption of baked goods, various cereals and pasta.

It is advisable to replace white bread with whole grain bread, and it is better to avoid pasta and baked goods, at least while the proper functioning of the stomach is restored.

Excess iron in the body

The answer to the question why apples give you a stomach ache may lie in the chemical composition of apples. Apples are known to have high iron content.

This microelement can impair intestinal motility, which leads to constipation and flatulence, the stomach growls and hurts.

Iron is contained in large quantities in apples, and when consumed regularly, it accumulates in the internal organs. The following organs are capable of storing iron in reserve:

  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • intestines;
  • Bone marrow.

To maintain the correct balance of iron in the blood, one medium apple per day is enough, provided they are consumed daily. And you should pay very close attention to other products containing this microelement (liver, buckwheat) in order to prevent its excess.

Excessive iron levels lead to severe illness over time. There are many signs by which you can understand that there is too much iron, the most striking of them is increased pigmentation of the skin.

Eating cold foods

Many people do not like to eat hot or even warm food. They have lunch and dinner without heating their food, and for breakfast they prefer sandwiches instead of hot porridge. Such food is very harmful to the body and the spleen is the first to suffer from it.

As soon as raw plant foods (an apple snack), white sugar (sweet tea, coffee) are added to cold foods, fermentation processes immediately begin in the stomach, the intestines react with bloating and flatulence, and kidney function decreases.

But the spleen suffers the most. It is responsible for proper nutrition of tissues and muscles, sufficient water content in them, as well as for the correct distribution of moisture throughout the body.

Cold food in combination with raw plant foods leads to deterioration in organ function, which affects the condition of the entire body.

A person feels a decrease in appetite, abdominal pain, gases accumulate in the intestines, and muscle tone weakens.

Some varieties of apples are very rich in tannins - unique tannins that provoke flatulence and constipation. Tannins directly penetrate into the blood and precipitate protein present in tissue cells.

As a result, such a layer of protein settles on the intestinal mucosa and slows down its work. Food moves slowly, food masses are digested worse, staying longer in the walls.

This leads to increased absorption of nutrients from them, resulting in drier and harder stool.

Sour apple varieties have a high content of natural acids that block the production of the enzyme ptyalin, which regulates salivation. It decreases, food in the mouth is not sufficiently processed by saliva, digestion slows down, and the load on the digestive system increases.

To avoid this, you should avoid combining certain foods. It is not recommended to eat fruits with cereals, season pasta with sour sauces, or combine proteins and carbohydrates.

After all, their digestion requires different enzymes, the production of which overexerts the body and rarely copes with the task.

Natural acids, lactic acid and even ordinary vinegar help thin the blood and help cleanse blood vessels of harmful substances.

From this it follows that for good prevention of the cardiovascular system, you need to eat apples in large quantities, and their acids will easily cleanse the veins and arteries.

To ensure the safety of such cleaning, it is necessary to follow a special diet, the basis of which is meat and its derivatives.

Therefore, before you self-medicate, you should definitely consult a specialist and take a test for iron levels in your blood. Often, such methods have the opposite effect: digestion worsens, not only abdominal pain appears, but also skin irritations, respiratory problems, heart failure, and disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

Many have heard about the principles of separate nutrition, when some foods are not recommended to be consumed together with others. This division is due to the fact that with improper nutrition, the components of foods “come into conflict” with each other, as a result of which digestion worsens, food is retained in the stomach, fermentation processes begin and pain occurs.

The benefits of baked apples for digestion

Eating baked apples is very useful for gastritis.

In heat-treated apples, coarse fiber is destroyed and they become more digestible.

Baked and stewed fruits are recommended for pregnant women, in baby food, and for dysbacteriosis; they reduce cholesterol in the body and help improve digestion.

In order to bake apples in the oven, take sweet, ripe fruits without blemishes and wash them thoroughly. Pour a little water onto a baking sheet and place the fruit on it, having previously cut out the core with the stalk.

You can put a teaspoon of sugar or honey into the resulting depression. Place the baking tray with fruit in an oven preheated to 180? C for 30-40 minutes. If the apple pulp is not soft enough, you can keep them in the oven for another 20 minutes.

An alternative to baked apples is stewed apples. The washed and cored fruits are cut into cubes with a side length of 1.5-2 cm. Place in a thick-walled frying pan or saucepan, add a little water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until softened.

The fruits can be sweetened with sugar or honey. In stewed apples, fewer useful substances remain than in baked ones, since some of them are boiled, but a sufficient amount of minerals, pectins and other elements are preserved.

Before consuming apples in any form, you should consult with your treating gastroenterologist, because only he can determine whether consuming them will harm you at the current stage of the disease. By following the doctor’s recommendations, the patient will sooner achieve the desired recovery.

This video will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis:

Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of this disease involves not only taking medications prescribed by a doctor, but also following a certain diet. After reading today's article, you will understand whether it is possible to eat apples with gastritis.

Effect on the stomach

Since the fiber found in the apple peel is not absorbed by the body, it accumulates and causes the stomach to swell. At the same time, due to rapid movement, food does not have time to be digested, and flatulence—excessive accumulation of gas—intensifies. If you eat the fruit half an hour before meals, there will be no fermentation in the body. A large amount of food under the influence of malic acid will cause unpleasant reactions.

Pectin, which is part of the apple, slows down digestive processes, stops the absorption of sucrose, and causes fermentation. Eating cold fruits increases the risk of bloating. The intensity of gas formation depends on the type and amount of tannin. It is not recommended to eat apples before bed, due to fermentation of the pulp. Malic acid causes increased secretion of the stomach and, as a result, pain, flatulence, and belching appear. A similar reaction occurs when drinking packaged sour apple juice, as well as freshly squeezed one.

Features of using apples

When consuming the fruit, you should adhere to the following rules:

One fruit per meal is enough.

  • The portion must be adequate. You need to eat 1-2 apples at a time. A large amount is fraught with stomach upset, since the body cannot cope with the absorption of fiber.
  • Maintaining hygiene. Fruits should only be eaten washed. Dirt, moisture and germs cause bloating and poisoning.
  • Fruit integrity. Apples must be undamaged. If there are defects, they need to be cut out. You cannot purchase fruits that have been stored for a long time due to deterioration in their composition.
  • Ripeness. Unripe fruits contain a large amount of acids that act as laxatives. You should only eat fully ripe fruits.

Apples processed under the influence of temperature do not irritate the stomach and contain easily digestible vitamins. Apple jam or jam is safe for the stomach. When eating sweet red apples, the risk of bloating is less, unlike sour green ones. By trimming the peel and removing the core, which contains a lot of fiber, the digestive process improves. If the pulp is crushed into a pulp, the fruits will be digested faster.

Blistering is also caused by overripe apples, which cause fermentation processes when ingested.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Fruits after cooking do not provoke an allergic reaction.
Allergies and fructose intolerance can lead to stomach upset. If it's an allergy, you can't eat fruit. If you have allergic reactions to raw apples, you can eat boiled ones, since heat has a destructive effect on allergens. Stomach pain can be caused by too much fructose. The body does not produce enough enzymes to absorb fruit sugar. If there is insufficiency, you can eat only a few pieces.

Other reasons why apples cause stomach pain include:

  • a large amount of gluten;
  • high iron levels;
  • eating cold fruits;
  • stomach acidity.

Rules for eating fruits

You should not eat fruits on an empty stomach or after a hearty meal. You should wait two hours. Since gastric juice is produced in smaller quantities in the evening, it is better to consume apples in the first half of the day. It is useful to combine this fruit with hard, not overripe bananas, as well as other fruits. If flatulence processes are observed, eating apples should be combined with other foods. The fruit is not recommended to be eaten with eggs, meat dishes, nuts, bread products, or potatoes.

What to do?

White coal will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the stomach.
If you experience stomach pain, vomiting, fever, or dehydration, you should seek medical help to identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is recommended to use medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Charcoal, which is an effective sorbent, will help remove toxins when the stomach is swollen. The following drugs are also used:

  • "White coal";
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Sorbex";
  • "Espumizan".

To restore microflora, probiotics are used, which ensure the supply of bifidobacteria that enrich the gastrointestinal tract. Known drugs:

  • "Linex";
  • "Acilact";
  • "Lactobacterin".

Painful sensations in the stomach are relieved with a hot compress. To do this, place a bottle filled with hot water on top of a towel on the patient’s stomach. For preventive purposes, “Monastic tea” is used, which consists of 9 medicinal herbs that are beneficial for digestion. To relieve cramps, it is useful to do abdominal massage or drink dill water.

The effect of fruits on the gastrointestinal tract

Apples contain a fairly high concentration of fiber. It is this component that makes them difficult for the stomach, but very beneficial for the intestines. Our distant ancestors knew about the benefits of these fruits. Both sweet and sour apples for gastritis are necessary for better absorption of iron and the breakdown of organic acids. In addition, they are rich in pectin, which helps activate metabolism and prevent constipation.

Regular consumption of these fruits improves intestinal motility and reduces bad cholesterol. They also normalize blood flow and sometimes slightly increase blood pressure.

Composition and beneficial properties

Apples are considered a “storehouse” of plant dietary fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They contain pectins, which are considered natural prebiotics that protect the digestive system from signs of intoxication.

Fruits also contain components called polyphenols - plant antioxidants that protect the body from the aggressive effects of environmental factors. The fruits contain a large amount of water. This is important, since during diarrhea the body loses a large amount of fluid, and the presence of these fruits in the diet makes up for this deficiency.

Treatment with fresh fruits

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat apples with gastritis, you need to say a few words about how to eat them. It should be noted that not only the concentrated substances prepared from these fruits have a healing effect, but also the fruits themselves.

People suffering from gastritis are often recommended to eat green apples. Pre-washed fruits along with the peel are grated on a fine grater. The resulting pulp is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. You cannot eat or drink anything for four hours after this. During the first month, apples are consumed daily. Then this is done with a daily break. Starting from the third month, they are eaten once a week.

There is another recipe. It is almost the same as the previous one. However, this time, for every three hundred grams of apples, 20 g of natural honey is added. Take this drug according to the scheme described above.

What are the benefits of baked apples for gastritis?

Such fruits are good because they can be consumed even during an exacerbation of the disease. They contribute to a significant improvement in the general condition of the body. During baking, the fiber-rich fruit pulp changes its structure. It becomes very similar to puree, so the patient’s digestive system can easily cope with this product.

Baked apples contain unique enzymes that have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach. Doctors who studied the effect of various diets on the restoration of epithelium in the tissues of the digestive system of people suffering from gastritis found out a rather interesting fact. According to this study, the best results were recorded in those patients who consumed baked apples for breakfast and dinner.

Cooking recommendations

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat baked apples with gastritis, you need to say a few words about how to cook them correctly. Almost any ripe fruit is suitable for these purposes. Before starting the process, you must prepare the selected fruits. They need to carefully cut out the part where the tail is located and remove the core. Sugar should be poured into the formed depression. Fruits prepared in this way must be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. Readiness can be judged by the foam bubbling on the surface of the fruit and by the structure of the peel. It not only changes its original shade, but also becomes lumpy.

For gastritis, it is advisable to bake apples on a baking sheet with high sides, since during heat treatment they will begin to release juice. As for the amount of sugar, it varies depending on the sweetness of the fruit itself. If the patient is prescribed a strict diet, then you can do without this ingredient altogether. To soften fruits with excessively hard skin, you can pour a little boiled water onto the baking sheet.

Causes of pain

So, what is the cause of pain when eating such a popular fruit? Why are apples capable of causing discomfort in the form of pain and discomfort in the stomach?

Apples are one of the most nutritious foods that can be found almost anywhere.

They contain fiber, which improves digestive health, and antioxidants, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

But all these benefits will not bring any benefit if your stomach hurts after eating this fruit.

The most likely causes of abdominal pain are allergies and fructose malabsorption, which leads to indigestion from eating apples.

If the former is true, then the person will have to give up apples.

If the second option is observed, the person will still have the opportunity to continue to eat a small amount of this fruit.

Before making any changes to your diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor and find out why abdominal pain is developing.

Despite the wide variety of fruits that can cause an allergic reaction in people, apples are one of the most common culprits of allergies.

Apples can contain several different substances from some classes of food allergens, so symptoms will vary depending on the individual.

Standard symptoms including itching and swelling of the lips, mouth and throat are the most common, however stomach pain is also a very popular symptom.

Allergy symptoms typically appear fairly quickly after the food enters the body, within a few minutes to about one hour.

An allergist can determine whether a person is allergic to apples and answer the question of why abdominal pain occurs.

If the stomach pain is due to an allergy, the patient may have to give up apples completely.

A food allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a normally harmless substance that has been identified as a threat.

In addition to stomach pain, food allergies can cause other symptoms that can be very serious and even life-threatening, such as trouble swallowing and airway obstruction.

According to studies, symptoms may be more or less severe in different cases.

Even if a patient experienced a mild attack of stomach pain after eating a few apples last month, the next attack could be much more serious.

Sometimes people who are allergic to raw apples are able to eat them boiled, in part because heat destroys the allergens.

Fructose is a natural sugar found in vegetables and other foods. It is also widely used in the food industry to add sweetness to dishes.

Some people experience stomach pain when eating too much of this substance in general or processed foods because their body is unable to absorb this type of sugar.

The cause of this condition, called malabsorption (failure to absorb certain nutrients in the small intestine), is currently unknown, but several factors may contribute to its development, including bacterial infections in the intestines, inflammation and stress.

Fructose malabsorption is not life-threatening, but it can cause discomfort and even depression in some people. Therefore, it is very important to find out an accurate diagnosis from your doctor.

Having malabsorption does not mean that a person should completely eliminate apples from their diet or eliminate all foods containing fructose.

A person with this condition can eat several pieces of apple a day even if they have minor digestive problems.

It is also allowed to eat apples along with other foods high in glucose, since the latter promotes the absorption of fructose.

Baked Apples Recipe

A dish prepared using this technology is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is often recommended to be included in the diet of people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Once you are convinced that you can eat apples for gastritis, you must remember this simple recipe. Before preparing a simple diet dessert, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen. This time you will need:

  • A couple of full teaspoons of sugar.
  • Three ripe apples.
  • A teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Pre-washed and seeded fruits should be placed in a deep frying pan, lightly sprinkled with sugar and poured with a small amount of boiled water.

After this, the dishes with the prepared fruits should be placed in a preheated oven. It is advisable to add water to the pan as needed. This is necessary to prevent possible burning of the baked fruit. Place the finished apples on a plate and lightly grease them with vegetable oil.

Causes of abdominal pain

Your stomach may hurt after eating apples for several reasons. This:

  • excess gluten;
  • excess iron levels in the body;
  • incorrect food temperature;
  • fruit acids;
  • stomach acidity.

Most often, a delay in digestive processes is caused by gluten or gluten, which is found in significant quantities in cereals. It is gluten that becomes the main disruptor of the stomach. As a result, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole worsens. It weakens, inflammation occurs in it, it stops coping with certain foods without being digested, they begin to ferment in the intestines and provoke unpleasant sensations. To get rid of such pain, it is enough to reconsider your diet and reduce the consumption of baked goods, various cereals and pasta. It is advisable to replace white bread with whole grain bread, and it is better to avoid pasta and baked goods, at least while the proper functioning of the stomach is restored.

Cautions and Limitations

It should be especially noted that before consuming this fruit, it is still better to consult with your doctor. For example, sweet apples for gastritis with high acidity will only contribute to a speedy recovery. And vice versa. Sour green fruits are strictly contraindicated in such cases.

In addition, there are general rules for eating fruits, neglect of which will only aggravate existing health problems. First of all, you need to remember that under no circumstances should you eat even slightly rotten fruits. Before eating the fruit, it must be thoroughly washed and removed from the seeds, which contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid. For gastritis, it is better to first cut whole fresh apples into small pieces or make a puree from them.

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