Headache with pancreatitis: causes, treatment methods, review of drugs

Headache with pancreatitis is a constant companion of this disease, significantly aggravating the general well-being of patients. It is quite difficult to determine the specific cause of the development of these pains in pancreatic lesions of the pancreas. In most cases, the level of intensity and frequency of occurrence of this symptom depends on the stage of the underlying disease and the general condition of the patient’s entire body. Headache (cephalgia) with the development of pancreatitis can occur during a pancreatic attack, complicated by an elevated temperature level to subfebrile levels.

Headaches due to inflammation of the pancreas

Headache with pancreatitis is a constant companion of this disease, significantly aggravating the general well-being of patients. It is quite difficult to determine the specific cause of the development of these pains in pancreatic lesions of the pancreas. In most cases, the level of intensity and frequency of occurrence of this symptom depends on the stage of the underlying disease and the general condition of the patient’s entire body. Headache (cephalgia) with the development of pancreatitis can occur during a pancreatic attack, complicated by an elevated temperature level to subfebrile levels.

Pain in chronic form of inflammation of the pancreas

Chronic pancreatitis is often asymptomatic. When the first clinical signs appear in the inflamed organ, serious disorders are already observed. Headaches in chronic pancreatitis occur due to poor diet.

During exacerbations, patients complain of severe, constant discomfort in the abdominal area, radiating in a circle in the back. The pain is accompanied by nausea, frequent vomiting, and stool upset (diarrhea abruptly gives way to constipation). A person constantly eats poorly and loses weight. To maintain normal functionality, the body begins to take nutrients from the so-called “reserves” - fatty tissue. Lipid metabolism is disrupted, which leads to the development of other pathologies, the symptom of which is headaches.


Many patients suffering from pancreatitis often wonder why headaches may occur due to damage to the pancreas and what is the connection?

One of the most common and serious consequences of pancreatic damage to the pancreas is the development of an intoxication process.

Disturbed fermentation processes in the pancreatic cavity contribute to the formation of toxic substances that arise during the breakdown of food products. In other words, the development of acute forms of pancreatitis provokes a slowdown in food processing processes, during which many unprocessed substances remain, which subsequently begin to be redirected to other parts of the intestine, which contributes to the formation of the fermentation process and the development of toxic bacteria. The resulting harmful bacteria cause intoxication processes throughout the body.

The parenchymal gland is responsible for the following processes in the human body:

  • regulation of gastric juice formation;
  • normalization of fermentation processes;
  • control over the level of glucose concentration in the blood and increase it if necessary.

With the development of inflammation in the cavity of this organ, the processes for the production of useful enzymatic substances in the gland are disrupted. This leads to increased negative effects of toxic substances on the patient’s entire body. The result of this may be a sharp change in the concentration of sugar in the blood, which will lead to a significant worsening of the patient’s general condition. Moreover, a chronic or acute pathological process in the pancreatic cavity can provoke inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which is expressed in the appearance of severe pain in the facial area.

When a headache begins, the cause of these symptoms may be:

  • development of the intoxication process with the spread of toxins throughout the body;
  • deficient levels of beneficial nutrients;
  • impaired digestive processes;
  • inflamed lymph node;
  • the development of insomnia can also provoke headaches;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • changes in blood pressure, dizziness.

The presence of these problems can provoke disruption of the functionality of other internal organs.

The connection between inflammation and headaches

The development of pancreatitis and cephalgia are two inextricably linked components that occur with the development of an inflammatory process in the pancreatic cavity against the background of diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts, such as cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and others.

The pancreas is one of the most important organs of the gastrointestinal tract, responsible for the secretion of enzymatic substances such as glucagon, somatostatin, as well as insulin and others. When the functioning of this organ is impaired, intoxication processes in the body and dystrophic disorders in the tissue structures of the affected organ begin to develop, which can result in disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system of organs, the brain and the central nervous system.

It is important to know that the development of pancreatitis begins to manifest itself precisely with the occurrence of headaches, general weakness of the body and a sharp change in pressure. Then disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract begin to appear.

When the disease is aggravated, patients are prescribed a 2-3 day fast, during which the patient’s body begins to receive a minimum level of food, and the nutritional components are not fully absorbed due to the impaired functioning of the gland. The result of this is insufficient nutrition of cellular structures, which leads to the development of attacks of dizziness and the formation of headaches.

When the first symptomatic signs of pathology appear, it is necessary to urgently visit a gastroenterologist, undergo a full diagnosis and begin the necessary treatment. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can begin to progress sharply, causing the development of serious complications in the form of pancreatic necrosis, cancer, and other pathological processes.

Treatment of the disease

Specific treatment aimed at eliminating headaches is not prescribed. If your head starts to hurt from lack of sleep, then to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms, you just need to rest and get a good night’s sleep.

In some cases, medications or remedies from traditional healers can be used to eliminate cephalgia. Let's take a closer look at them.

Eliminating cephalalgia with medications

Sometimes attacks of pain and dizziness can occur due to untimely eating. In such a situation, it is necessary to take an antispasmodic drug that helps relieve abdominal cramps and eliminate pain in the head and lie down to rest. The following medications can be used to relieve pain:

It is important to remember that after taking the painkiller and the pain subsides, you must eat.

If there are malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of organs, doctors prescribe medications that help improve blood circulation processes, as well as taking a vitamin complex.

Self-medication for pancreatic damage to a parenchymal organ is highly not recommended. Since such actions and incorrectly selected drugs can cause the development of serious complications, as well as vascular aneurysms, manifested in the form of red spots on the skin of the back, abdomen and chest. Therefore, it is so important to consult with your doctor before taking any medication.

Folk recipes

Recipes from traditional healers are an excellent addition to the therapeutic treatment of pancreatic pathology, which can also help eliminate pain in the head area.

Freshly prepared mint tea has a good calming effect. To prepare it, simply pour a glass of boiling water over a sprig of peppermint and let it brew for at least 15 minutes.

Linden tea prepared using the same technology has the same effect. To enhance the healing effect, it is recommended to combine these two plants by brewing them together, which will help relieve nervous tension.

An equally effective medicinal collection of herbs such as lemon balm, valerian root and medicinal chamomile. In order to make infusions from this collection, it is necessary to use the listed herbs in dried form. Take equal amounts of each ingredient and mix. The prepared mixture must be taken in the amount of one teaspoon and pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 60 minutes. The finished infusion is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, half a glass.

Fighting methods

Therapy for excruciating pain due to inflammation of the pancreas is based on the specific causes that caused it.

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The headache is not only due to the basic etiology: functional failures of the pancreas, poor digestion of food and subsequent intoxication of the whole body. Pancreatitis causes weakness, insomnia, lack of structure in nutrition due to exacerbation, which also causes severe headaches.

Treatment is selected by a doctor and includes:

  • medications;
  • traditional medicine;
  • vitamin complex;
  • diet.

Elimination with medication

To eliminate spasms and headaches due to malfunctions of the pancreas due to pancreatitis, painkillers and antispasmodics are used:

  • Spasmalgon;
  • No-shpa;
  • Askofen;
  • Citramon;
  • Solpadeine.

These medications are recommended in cases where pain occurs due to untimely eating. It is advisable to wait for the body’s response to taking painkillers, after which the person must eat. If necessary, add enzyme preparations: Mezim, Creon or Pancreatin.

You cannot take painkillers on an empty stomach, as this will worsen the person’s condition. If cardiovascular problems are detected in a patient during the diagnosis of pancreatitis, then appropriate medications are prescribed, as well as a complex of vitamins.

For dizziness, bed rest is recommended. Neck and head massage are helpful.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine offers decoctions and infusions of herbs for the treatment of headaches with pancreatitis.

It’s easy to prepare a soothing infusion (tea) of mint: pour a sprig of the plant with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. In the same way, linden tea is brewed or a combination of herbs and linden flowers is made. When using dried mint, the same volume of boiling water will require 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.

We recommend reading: Can there be a temperature with pancreatitis?

Headaches due to pancreatitis have a different etiology, so to enhance the effect, a complex (collection) of sedative and anti-inflammatory herbs is used: mint, lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, oregano. All dried herbs are taken in equal quantities and mixed well.

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water and infuse for 1 hour under the lid. The infusion is taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals. It can be warmed up before use.

For severe cramps, an infusion of oregano from 1 tbsp helps. l. dried herbs, poured in 2 cups of boiling water.

For severe cramps, an infusion of oregano from 1 tbsp helps. l. dried herbs, poured in 2 cups of boiling water. The herb is infused for 30 minutes under the lid. You should take a third of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedies are used in combination with drug treatment of pancreatitis as an adjuvant.


If pain occurs due to underlying pathology, measures are taken to relieve exacerbation of pancreatitis. In difficult cases, doctors recommend a three-day fast and a strict subsequent diet.

In difficult cases, doctors recommend a three-day fast.

For less significant signs of the disease, the diet recommended for pancreatitis and which does not allow overeating is used:

  • a complete ban on fatty, fried, spicy foods that provoke the pancreas to produce gastric juice in large quantities;
  • refusal of smoked meats and canned food;
  • reduction of spices, hot seasonings;
  • avoidance of foods containing large amounts of sugar;
  • reducing fluid intake;
  • avoidance of carbonated drinks;
  • complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • reduction in baked goods consumption.

The diet includes sea fish, white meat (chicken, rabbit), veal, vegetables in the form of salads, fruits high in iron and other easily digestible foods.

We recommend reading: Why does plaque appear on the tongue during pancreatitis and how to deal with it?

You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions; the use of enzyme preparations is required to improve digestion.

Can headaches occur with pancreatitis?

Headache with pancreatitis very often accompanies the disease itself. It is quite difficult to identify the primary cause of headaches, but such a possibility exists.

It is generally accepted that one of the main reasons for these painful sensations may be pancreatitis. The nature and intensity of pain depend on the health of the pancreas and the entire human body in general. In the case of acute pancreatitis, headache can be observed during an attack of the disease along with fever and other symptoms.

Alternative Pain Treatments

If nothing helps with headaches due to pancreatitis, you can try various traditional methods of treatment. The most effective are teas and infusions. Calming herbs include herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate not only headaches, but also have a healing effect on the inflamed organ.

To prepare the drink, take a teaspoon of the dry mixture and pour a glass (250 g) of hot water. When the tea has cooled to an acceptable drinking temperature, it is drunk before meals. You can brew in advance by storing the drink in the refrigerator. The tea is heated before use.

There are various ways to eliminate headaches due to pancreatitis, the main thing is that the method does not cause more harm.

What is pancreatitis and why is it dangerous?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The disease is classified into the following types:

  • spicy;
  • acute recurrent;
  • chronic.

What is the danger of diffuse changes in the pancreas.

Read about the symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis here.

Each type of pancreatitis has its own symptoms. However, headache is observed with each of the above types of disease. As you know, the inflammatory process of the pancreas poses a huge danger to humans. This organ is located in the abdomen on the left side, next to the intestines. Iron plays the most important role in the formation of digestive enzymes. Due to difficult access to the colon, destruction of organ cells occurs, penetration of harmful substances into the blood and degenerative changes in tissues. The result of this is a change in the structure of the brain, disruption of the heart, respiratory system and kidneys.

At initial symptoms of the disease, you should contact a gastroenterologist, who will refer the patient to donate blood and stool. Together with these tests, it is necessary to do a biopsy and undergo an ultrasound examination of the organ.

Symptoms of pancreatitis can vary. Initially, a person begins to suffer from headaches, general weakness of the body and disruption of the stomach. A complication of pancreatitis can be pancreatic necrosis - complete destruction of the pancreas, as well as cancer. The risk of cancer increases without treatment.

How to understand that it is the pancreas that hurts and how to start treating it in time? Read about this in the article.

Causes of headaches

Pain in the head during inflammation of the pancreas can be observed due to variability in blood pressure, which is influenced by common poisoning.

As practice shows, the onset of intoxication is associated with an exacerbation of pancreatic disease. As a result of poor digestion of food, harmful substances and poisons formed after the breakdown of foods penetrate into the blood.

In other words, during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, food is processed worse by the stomach, as a result of which fermentation occurs and a positive environment is created for the proliferation of microbes and harmful substances that cause intoxication.

At the same time, the pancreas is responsible for regulating the production of a large number of enzymatic substances. For example, inulin helps lower the concentration of glucose in the blood, and glucagon increases its content. The pancreas also controls the production of somatostatin, which is responsible for regulating the secretion of glands and a polypeptide that produces the secretion of gastric juice.

When the pancreas malfunctions, the production of these enzymes is disrupted. In this situation, enzymes found in the human body can have a toxic effect on the body. With a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar levels, a person becomes ill, dizziness and changes in blood pressure appear. This is the cause of the headache.

In addition, during an exacerbation of the disease, food products do not enter the body in full due to poor processing. Thus, the body needs useful substances required for normal functioning. At the same time, there is a nutritional deficiency in healthy cells of the body. As a result, a person develops anemia, dizziness, low blood pressure and headache.

Thus, headache with pancreatitis appears in the following cases:

  • intoxication with harmful decomposition products;
  • with nutrient deficiency and poor digestion of food;
  • when there is a malfunction of the pancreas.

These phenomena lead to various disorders in the human body, resulting in a drop in blood pressure, decreased immunity and diseases of other organs. In this regard, a person experiences poor health associated with disruption of vital organs.

Treatment of headaches with pancreatitis

In case of headache due to lack of sleep, the therapy is rest. To do this, you need to take maximum time to restore strength and get a good night's sleep.

When pain occurs due to untimely consumption of food, you need to take a painkiller and lie down for a while. For example, you can use Spazmalgon, Askofen, Citramon or Solpadeine. It should be remembered that in case of pancreatitis, taking medications on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited.

If after taking the medicine it is not possible to rest, you should carry out all movements smoothly and slowly, then the medicine will have the same effect. As soon as your head stops hurting, you should eat and return to your previous activities.

You should follow a strict diet. A person's diet should not include foods with a lot of sugar. At the same time, it is necessary to control fluid intake and avoid difficult-to-digest foods. Experts recommend taking an enzymatic drug, for example Mezim or Pancreatin, with meals.

A person experiencing a headache due to pancreatic disease should seek help from a gastroenterologist. After undergoing a full medical examination, a specialist will be able to determine the cause of headaches due to pancreatitis. You should not ignore this disease, even if the pain goes away after taking the medicine. As practice shows, in most cases pancreatitis leads to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Headache with the development of pancreatitis is a common occurrence that appears against the background of weakness and exhaustion of the body. At the same time, the inflammatory process of the pancreas is not accompanied by high body temperature, but in most cases manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the skin of the face and body.

Localization of pain in pancreatitis and the causes of its occurrence

One of the main signs of pancreatitis of any form is pain. Its localization depends on the site of inflammation of the pancreas. So, if the head of the organ is affected, then the painful sensations will be located exclusively in the right hypochondrium.

If the disease began its origin in the body of the pancreas itself, then in this case the localization of pain will be in the epigastric region of the peritoneum. If the disease is located in the tail of the pancreas, then pain will occur in the left hypochondrium. If it happens that the entire pancreas is affected at once, then the pain will have a girdling character and may radiate to the back.

The nature of pain can be completely different and have a certain daily cycle. So, pain with pancreatitis can be like this:

As a rule, any pain during pancreatitis most often gains strength when the patient is in a horizontal position, lying on his back or bending forward.

Such pain can be quite short (from 3 to 5 hours), or long-lasting (from a week to a month). A pose with knees bent and pulled up to the stomach allows the patient to feel better and relieve pain.

Pancreatic pain, of any nature, most often gains strength in the late afternoon or night, and practically subsides in the morning.

Pain caused by pancreatitis is definitely caused by eating food that does not correspond to the diet prescribed by the doctor, drinking alcohol, or eating too much at a time.

It is worth taking into account that fasting for pancreatitis completely eliminates the presence of pain, and this, in turn, often forces patients to refuse food, mistaking this method for treatment. Against the background of this daily regimen, most often patients with pancreatitis sharply lose weight. In this case, due to general exhaustion with pancreatitis, the patient may also begin to experience a headache.

Among the additional causes of pain with pancreatitis are the following:

  • Various gallbladder pathologies;
  • Trauma and surgery in the abdominal cavity;
  • Increased and uncontrolled use of medications (most often antibiotics);
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Tumors of the abdominal organs.

It is worth remembering that pain and accompanying headache can bother the patient in both chronic and acute pancreatitis. In any case, you should not put off treatment for a long time.

How to recognize acute pancreatitis?

If the disease becomes acute, the affected pancreas begins the process of self-digestion. This threatens the patient with necrosis of the diseased organ, which can result in death.

Timely intervention by specialists and qualified treatment can help the patient alleviate suffering, relieve pain, save a vital organ, and return to a more or less usual way of life.

So, the acute form of pancreatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain that is acute and localized in the right hypochondrium;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Painful sensations that are girdling in nature and often intensify in the back;
  • Pain that goes away or significantly weakens when taking a sitting position with your knees tucked under you;
  • Distension of the intestines or quite severe bloating;
  • Complete aversion to any food and water including;
  • Low blood pressure, headache and rapid heartbeat.

If you observe even some of the listed symptoms, then immediately contact a specialist. This could save your life!

Which doctor should I contact if I have pancreatic pain?

Treatment of pancreatitis and accompanying pain should begin with a visit to a therapist. Your local doctor, after listening to your complaints and making a preliminary diagnosis, will definitely send you to a gastroenterologist. This specialist will take a close look at the diseased pancreas and offer you treatment, during which you will need to visit an endocrinologist, nutritionist, and, most likely, a surgeon.

Only coordinated work of a team of doctors and absolute obedience of the patient can lead to improvement in pancreatitis.

Treatment of pain due to pancreatitis

The simplest ways to help relieve pain from pancreatitis, which has a different nature, are hunger, cold on the pancreas area and taking a knee-elbow position.

Experts, in order to relieve pain in the peritoneum and back during acute or chronic pancreatitis, offer the following technique, which involves treating the diseased organ:

  • An absolute constant diet, completely excluding alcohol, spicy, fatty or fried foods;
  • Prescribing analgesic medications to relieve any pain, including back pain;
  • Prescription of enzyme preparations;
  • Surgical intervention for suspected hemorrhagic pancreatitis.

Prevention of pain during pancreatitis

In order for the treatment to be effective and the pain not to bother you too often, try to fully comply with all the instructions of your doctor and be attentive to your body.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not abuse alcohol, and eat well and regularly.

Following these simple rules will allow you to maintain health and longevity, and completely eliminate any treatment!

Be healthy and happy!

Author. Gaivoronskaya Violetta Vladimirovna, especially for the site Moizhivot.ru

Useful video about how pancreatitis is treated

Useful tips for people suffering from pancreatitis

To maintain smooth functioning of the pancreas during illness, it is necessary to maintain proper nutrition. Eating should be done no more than 5-6 times a day, and food should be consumed in small portions. The daily diet should include foods that are easily digestible by the stomach and high in vitamins.

A person suffering from pancreatitis should completely abstain from alcoholic beverages. Even the smallest dose of alcohol can lead to necrosis of the pancreas.

Experts do not recommend consuming foods such as fatty meats, rich broths, spicy seasonings, canned products, pastries and drinks with gases. During the diet, a person should receive a sufficient amount of proteins and healthy vitamins contained in lean meats and white fish.

With pancreatitis, a person is not recommended to self-medicate, but should seek help from a doctor. A specialist will help you choose the necessary treatment, which will prevent serious complications.

So, the appearance of a headache with the development of pancreatitis is considered a symptom that obliges a person to seek medical help. If the signs of the disease are ignored, serious disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas and the entire body can occur.

Other manifestations of pancreatic diseases

Knowing how the pancreas hurts and what the accompanying symptoms of its damage are will help you seek medical help in time and prevent health-threatening complications. With pancreatitis, the temperature often rises, the skin becomes pale, the heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, the blood pressure decreases, and there may be repeated vomiting. These phenomena are usually observed in the acute form of the disease. If pancreatitis is chronic, then all the symptoms are not so pronounced. Signs of dyspepsia come to the fore:

  • poor appetite;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • diarrhea, undigested food fibers and drops of fat are visible in the stool.

If chronic inflammation lasts for years, it can lead to disruption of the pancreas in the form of insufficient insulin production. In this case, signs of diabetes mellitus develop: thirst, frequent and excessive urination, weight loss, and sometimes, on the contrary, obesity. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most malignant and fastest growing tumors. Therefore, patients become exhausted in a short time, and symptoms of intoxication occur: headache, weakness, chills, heavy sweats.

Why does a headache occur with pancreatitis: a nonspecific symptom of a dangerous disease

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is characterized by an intense pain reaction in its projection and disruption of its function. General symptoms are characterized by intoxication syndrome with general weakness, increased fatigue, and cachectic manifestations. Headache with pancreatitis, which is a common symptom of the disease, is also possible.

Pancreatitis may cause headaches

Pathogenesis of the symptom

The main cause of headaches that occur with pancreatitis is intoxication of the body. Inflammation of the pancreas leads to disruption of its function - the secretion of enzymes into the intestinal lumen that facilitate the digestion of food. Insufficient enzymatic activity causes digestion problems, which leads to the absorption of toxins and a lack of structural elements, vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. This leads to the formation of intoxication syndrome, accompanied by fever, drowsiness, and weakness.

Disorders of the pancreas lead to pathological changes in all organs of the gastrointestinal tract

The main treatment for the disease is fasting; a person does not receive enough of what is necessary for normal functioning and well-being. Lack of nutrients, especially glucose, for adequate energy metabolism in brain tissue also leads to starvation of nerve cells. Against this background, your head may hurt.

Often, inflammation of the pancreas provokes the development of diabetes. This aggravates the course of the disease, since, against the background of nutrient deficiency, there is a deficiency of insulin, which transports glucose into the cell. This leads to even greater dystrophic changes in the nervous tissue.

Energy deficiency also has a pathological effect on the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure, which leads to even greater insufficiency of blood supply to the brain. The chronic course of pancreatitis is often accompanied by gastropathy, ulcerations of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, and disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. This leads to disruption of the synthesis of Castle factor, which promotes the absorption of vitamin B12 and manifestations of deficiency anemia. All these reasons only aggravate the pain in the head and complement it with other disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Increased headaches can also occur due to depression and stress against the background of the patient’s worries about his well-being. A long-term diet also significantly worsens the patient’s mood and contributes to the development of psychosomatic symptoms.

Associated symptoms

A frequent companion to headaches due to inflammation of the pancreas is dizziness. In particular, an increase in the symptom is observed against the background of prolonged fasting.

Pancreatitis is accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, dizziness

In the chronic course of the disease, the development of encephalopathy with cognitive decline and manifestations of pain syndrome is possible even during the period of clinical remission. This is due to the fact that during exacerbations, nerve cells undergo degeneration and may die. Areas of cell death impair brain function, which can be accompanied by chronic pain in the head, decreased memory, attention, and so on.

Causes of pain

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of pancreatic tissue. Its main symptoms are pain in the epigastric region and left hypochondrium. The pain is constant and intensifies when taking fatty, salty foods, citrus drinks, and alcohol. The pathology clinic is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting with bile. With pancreatitis, headache is not considered a characteristic symptom, although it often accompanies the disease.

The main function of the pancreas is to produce enzymes for processing triglycerides, proteins and carbohydrates. With pancreatitis, the enzymes produced by the gland are not released, but are activated in it and destroyed. The toxins and enzymes that are released enter the bloodstream and through it to other organs, causing their destruction, accompanied by pain.

Headache due to inflammation of the pancreas also occurs due to lack of nutrients. Pancreatic secretion is involved in the neutralization of chyme. When the digestion process is disrupted, nutrients enter the blood in insufficient quantities. A constant deficiency of salts, minerals, and vitamins leads to the destruction of the action potential of neurons. The receptors of the peripheral nervous system are in constant stimulation of nociceptive pain in the head.


Headaches due to pancreatitis require consultation with a neurologist.

Based on the collection of complaints, medical history and neurological examination, the doctor has the right to prescribe additional diagnostics:

  • Complete blood count with determination of red blood cell and hemoglobin levels.
  • Blood test for sugar, glucose tolerance.
  • Duplex ultrasound examination of the vascular apparatus of the head and neck.
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Encephalography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in vascular mode.

The results of additional methods will help clarify the diagnosis and adjust therapy.

Therapeutic measures

To relieve pain due to pancreatitis, the following drugs are allowed:

    No-spa is an antispasmodic that can reduce pain not only in the head area, but also in the projection of the pancreas. The muscle relaxant effect allows you to expand the gland ducts and vascular lumen, normalizing perfusion and blood flow to the brain.

Antispasmodics are the best way to reduce pain

The medications should be taken after meals. Their use is limited, since agents with anti-inflammatory effects contribute to the destruction of the gastric mucosa and the formation of ulcerations. And antiplatelet drugs increase the risk of bleeding.

Preventive therapy

For prevention and as the main treatment of encephalopathy, nootropic drugs are used. They have a cerebroprotective effect, protecting nerve cells from hypoxia and sugar starvation. Most drugs can regulate nervous processes, calm a person, reducing the manifestations of asthenic and depressive states due to the underlying disease.

The most commonly used drugs:

Drugs that protect brain tissue from starvation - nootropics

Metabolic drugs that normalize metabolic reactions in the nervous tissue and promote regenerative processes will also be useful in therapy.

For prevention use:

  • Actovegin;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Solcoseryl and others.

It is important to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist. Meals should be fractional and contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. During an exacerbation, it is necessary to use pancreatic enzymes (drugs Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin and others). For chronic patients, constant medical supervision is required, including monitoring of sugar levels.

Headaches with pancreatitis: treatment with tablets

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, additional symptoms may occur, such as headaches associated with pancreatitis. There are several versions of the appearance of neuropsychiatric disorders in gastrointestinal diseases, but the exact cause is still unknown.

Often, the frequency and intensity of migraines depends on the form of the disease. Similar signs can occur during exacerbation and remission.

Sometimes headaches due to pancreatic dysfunction are accompanied by fever. Therefore, people with a similar pathology should know how to get rid of migraines that occur against the background of inflammation of a parenchymal organ.

What to take for headaches with pancreatitis: review of drugs

When unpleasant sensations arise, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. If you can’t stand it, you have to take therapeutic measures. The easiest and most effective way to get rid of pain is to take medicine.

With a large selection of drugs, it is difficult to figure out which ones are worth taking and which ones are not. To make it easier to understand, for example, what Askofen is for, you need to know which pharmacological group it belongs to.

Analgesics are used for pain. They are non-narcotic and narcotic. The latter are available exclusively by prescription and are under control. Non-narcotic analgesics are inferior to narcotic painkillers, but have significantly fewer side effects. For inflammation of the pancreas from a headache, you can safely use any of these drugs:

  • Salicylic acid derivatives: Aspirin.
  • Pyrazoline derivatives: "Analgin".
  • Aniline derivatives: “Cefekon”, “Nurofen”, “Askofen”, “Next”, “Rinza”, “Solpadeine”.
  • Organic acid derivatives: Ibuprofen, Ortofen.
  • Oxycams: Piroxicam.

Antispasmodics also help with headaches: “No-shpa”, “Spazoverin”.

Causes of headaches with pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas can be acute, recurrent, chronic and reactive. Neuropsychiatric disorders can appear in any form of the disease. In addition to migraine, damage to the NS is often accompanied by anisoreflexia, sensitivity disorder, psychomotor agitation, dizziness, and epilepsy.

Failures in the fermentation processes occurring in the pancreas lead to the appearance of toxins formed during the breakdown of food. The occurrence of acute pancreatitis slows down the process of digesting food, which is why a mass of unprocessed food residues accumulates in the organ.

Subsequently, these substances enter the intestines, causing fermentation and the appearance of toxins. This is how the whole body is poisoned.

The pancreas regulates a number of processes:

  1. normalizes fermentation;
  2. promotes the formation of gastric juice;
  3. controls blood glucose levels.

When a parenchymal organ becomes inflamed, the processes of synthesis of useful enzymes are disrupted. Next, toxins are activated, the result of their negative impact can be a sudden change in blood glucose levels, which worsens the patient’s health.

Also, disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas can lead to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This causes a symptom such as pain in the face area.

Doctors suggest that headaches with pancreatitis occur due to inflammation of the lymph nodes and a drop in blood pressure, which is often accompanied by dizziness.

Other causes of migraines due to inflammation of the pancreas:

  • disruptions in digestion processes;
  • lack of nutrients in the body;
  • insomnia;
  • taking certain medications.

The relationship between pancreatitis and headaches is that with poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, not only poisoning of the body occurs, but also tissue degeneration. This negatively affects the functioning of other systems and organs - the brain, heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system.

Often the first sign of pancreatitis is migraines, accompanied by weakness and pressure changes. After this, the patient begins to feel discomfort in the abdomen.

During the treatment of inflammation in the pancreas, as with cholecystitis, the patient has to follow a diet or resort to therapeutic fasting. Against this background, the body does not receive enough nutrients and its cells begin to starve, which also causes migraines and dizziness.

To prevent progression of the disease when the first symptoms appear, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.

The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound and tests, which will allow for quick and adequate treatment, preventing the occurrence of unwanted complications (pancreatic necrosis, oncology).

What to take for headaches with pancreatitis during pregnancy?

Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease that often causes artificial termination of pregnancy. The problem is that the inflammatory process often occurs with mild clinical manifestations, which the woman mistakes for toxicosis. Constant headaches during pregnancy may well be a sign of pancreatitis.

Pathology is usually detected during the first screening (10-13 weeks of pregnancy). By that time, toxins may already have a toxic effect on the fetus. The advisability of an abortion is determined after numerous examinations. In any case, therapy for pancreatic inflammation is prescribed.

Various pain sensations accompanying the pathology are relieved with the help of medications. The gynecologist decides whether or not Spazmalgon can be used for pancreatitis for pregnant women. According to the instructions, due to the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus and perinatal complications due to platelet aggregation, the use of the drug in the first 12 and last 6 weeks is contraindicated.

Medicines for headaches with pancreatitis

If migraines due to inflammation of the pancreas occur due to lack of sleep or insufficient rest, then you need to get a good night's sleep and regain strength. Migraines and dizziness often occur due to untimely consumption of food.

In this case, antispasmodics can help relieve acute pain.

To stop getting rid of unpleasant symptoms you need to take one of the following drugs: Caffeine, No-Shpa, Solpadeine, Spasmalgon, Solpadeine.

It is better not to drink Citramon if you have pancreatitis. The tablets contain aspirin, which is prohibited for gastrointestinal diseases. The medicine increases acidity, which can cause bleeding.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the use of antispasmodics is supplemented with medications that activate blood circulation.

And to strengthen the whole body, it will not be superfluous to use vitamin complexes.

Eliminating headaches with medications

Many people are interested in the question of whether a headache with pancreatitis can be caused by poor quality sleep and lack of sleep. There is such a cause for pain, and its treatment consists of passive rest and recuperation.

In some cases, if the patient has difficulty falling asleep, relaxing herbal decoctions and herbal infusions may be prescribed, since sleeping pills are prohibited in this case.

Pain and dizziness with pancreatitis can occur due to the fact that a person does not eat on time. In such cases, you should lie down and take medications that relieve spasm and pain, these include:

  • Spasmalgon;
  • Noshpa;
  • Askofen;
  • Citramon;
  • Solpadeine.
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