Vomiting headache weakness causes in women

Everyone has at least once experienced a headache that ruins their mood and reduces their productivity. Sometimes it is combined with nausea, which makes it much more difficult to tolerate. If such symptoms become regular, this may indicate the development of serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important to know why a headache with nausea may occur, when you should see a doctor, and how to get rid of it.

Features of symptoms

It is the headache that poses the greatest danger, because... it often appears in people against the background of the development of serious illnesses. All unpleasant painful sensations spread along the nerve endings, going to separate parts of the brain, from where they are transmitted to human perception. Pain receptors that detect any irritation are located in the following parts of the head:

  • Periosteum;
  • Subcutaneous tissue;
  • Eyes;
  • Vienna;
  • Arteries;
  • Muscles;
  • Nerves;
  • Mucous membrane;
  • Nasal sinuses.

Other parts of the head (bones, vascular plexuses, brain nerve tissue) are not susceptible to any pain, because do not have corresponding receptors.

Description of attacks

Headaches can manifest themselves in different ways. A detailed description of the patient’s sensations allows the doctor to immediately determine what diseases could cause discomfort in the head with nausea. The main criteria for describing pain are:

  1. Frequency of attacks.
  2. The connection between the occurrence of the problem and a certain time of day.
  3. Pain intensity, localization, influence of external factors.
  4. Does good sleep help get rid of feelings?
  5. Does pain with nausea go away after vomiting?
  6. Are there any other symptoms?

You need to pay attention and remember all the features of the symptoms before going to the doctor, because At the hospital you will need to tell us about your condition in as much detail as possible.

Cephalgia is the scientific name for headache. It is divided into several types: neuralgic, tension pain, vascular, liquorodynamic, infectious-toxic.

Why do I have a headache, fever and vomiting?

Flu and ARVI are diseases that provoke the development of various symptoms. When the temperature rises, suspicion most often falls on them. Against the background of infection, intoxication of the entire body occurs. The temperature during ARVI and influenza is usually stable and fluctuates between 37.5-37.8 degrees. If a person has a headache and fever, they most likely have an infectious disease.

But with meningitis, the patient experiences a very severe headache, vomiting and nausea. The condition is complemented by other symptoms. The occipital muscles are very tense. If a person experiences this condition, a team of doctors should be called immediately.

With the flu, the headache is less severe. It affects the temples, eyes and forehead.

This disease can be easily distinguished by specific symptoms: pain, fever and muscle weakness.

If the nervous system is experiencing a more serious pathology, other symptoms will tell you about it: headache, nausea and vomiting. If such manifestations occur, do not delay going to the doctor.

Main reasons

In most cases, headaches with a feeling of nausea appear with one-time or constant exposure to the external environment, natural changes in the body and minor health problems. All this does not require urgent treatment, and sometimes even goes away on its own without taking any medications. There are many reasons for the occurrence of such a condition.


After extreme physical or mental stress, pain in the back of the head may appear, which is accompanied by mild nausea. Sometimes pain affects the temple or neck. They are pulsating or aching in nature, accompany a person all day and intensify in the evening. Symptoms especially often appear during severe mental stress towards the end of the working day.

Lack of sleep

With regular lack of sleep, the human body does not have time to rest, which is why more and more fatigue gradually accumulates. After some time, dizziness, pain inside the head, and other unpleasant symptoms appear. They all intensify as night approaches.

Poor nutrition

With an incorrect diet, a person does not receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins, and instead of them, the body is saturated with harmful substances that have a negative impact on well-being. Those who like to eat in fast food cafes and girls who exhaust themselves with strict diets can encounter this. Headaches with nausea are also accompanied by dizziness, decreased quality of memory and performance, abdominal pain, heartburn, and increased gas production.

Food poisoning

When eating low-quality or spoiled food, the body becomes intoxicated. Poisoning makes itself felt a few hours after eating, and the person’s condition worsens for several days. Such intoxication may be accompanied by severe vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, and high body temperature. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required.

Bad habits

Smoking and regular alcohol consumption cause a significant deterioration in health after just a couple of weeks of presence in a person’s life. After a one-time drinking session, you may experience an unpleasant hangover, which causes weakness, nausea, depressed mood, and dry mouth. If you go on a binge and drink every day, the symptoms will weaken, but your health will suffer much more, and the person will constantly shiver. The worst thing for the body is the consumption of vodka and stronger drinks.


With sudden changes in weather, severe headaches and nausea may occur, which are accompanied by drowsiness, weakness, bad mood, and chills. In older people, joints may also ache, because... they are much more susceptible to environmental influences.


Spending a long time outside in the heat causes severe overheating of the body, which increases blood pressure, pain and nausea. Therefore, on hot summer days, it is recommended to limit the time during which you can be exposed to the sun's rays, and after returning home you should definitely take a cool shower.


Psycho-emotional stress leads to severe stress, which causes poor health, increased irritability, insomnia and headaches with nausea. With prolonged exposure to stress, the nervous system becomes depleted, which may require taking medications.


This phenomenon causes a spasm of blood vessels, in which they narrow. This usually happens to particularly impressionable people in stressful situations. Thermoneurosis is not a disease and does not require treatment, but when it occurs, headaches, nausea, weakness, rapid pulse, and an increase in body temperature up to 38°C may appear. A person can remain in this state for up to 2 weeks.


With disorders of the autonomic-vascular system, the most common problems are headaches, accompanied by nausea, dizziness and weakness. Sometimes the symptoms are so debilitating that a person completely loses interest in the world around him. Most patients cannot clearly describe their sensations. The head may burst, squeeze, burn, and there are often feelings of numbness or internal emptiness.

Hormonal changes

Women very often experience unpleasant sensations due to changes in the body associated with hormones. This happens during puberty, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. In this case, as a rule, one begins to feel dizzy and also have a very severe headache. Symptoms appear constantly, sometimes getting worse.


Migraine attacks are one of the most terrible phenomena for people who have encountered them at least once. They often last for several hours or even days. The pain is very intense, affecting only the left or right side of the head. Typically accompanied by nausea, photophobia, noise intolerance, breathing problems, chills, pale skin, spots before the eyes and dizziness. Most often, attacks occur in the morning or after eating.

Colds and viral diseases

A person who has a cold or caught a virus always experiences a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Sore throat and head, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, red eyes, weakness, nausea, elevated body temperature, sweating - all these symptoms appear during a cold almost simultaneously. They may intensify when tilting the head. Often the patient begins to feel slightly sick just one day before the sudden manifestation of the disease.


An equally common cause of pain with nausea is osteochondrosis. Curvature of the spine can also be accompanied by severe dizziness, loss of coordination, decreased brain activity and concentration, and darkening of the eyes. People whose activities involve lack of mobility during the day, as well as all those who suffer from excess weight, are most susceptible to this problem.

Dental problems

The inflammatory process in the teeth causes severe pain, which almost always radiates to certain areas of the head. If the problem is related to the molars, then the sensations will appear at the back of the head. When the front teeth are inflamed, all symptoms will be felt in the forehead, and from the fang the pain will be reflected in the temple. A person may feel slightly nauseous from a toothache, and the symptoms sometimes persist for several weeks.

If the causes of headaches and nausea are related to the problems listed above, then there is no need to worry. If necessary, it is allowed to take painkillers or any specialized medications. However, if the symptoms are too pronounced and frequent, it is still worth visiting a doctor.

Nausea and lower back pain in women

As a rule, many people associate lower back pain with problems of the spine, but if nausea and even vomiting occur along with this, then completely different diseases occur that arise in the internal organs. Most often, such symptoms occur in diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, urolithiasis.

Nausea and lower back pain

In addition, similar symptoms are characteristic of stomach ulcers, appendicitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of pain after a thorough examination.

In women, lower back pain and nausea may indicate diseases of the pelvic organs. In pregnant women, these signs often indicate a threat of miscarriage.

Causes associated with serious illnesses

There are other reasons why such unpleasant symptoms appear. They are associated with the development of dangerous diseases. If signs of their appearance are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics to begin treatment. Delay in such cases can lead to serious complications and even death. What can cause headaches with nausea?

Pinched nerve

Pinching occurs in the cervical spine. It causes problems with blood circulation, which further worsens a person’s well-being. The pain is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, tingling of the upper extremities, and decreased performance. They are shooting, piercing, burning or tearing in nature. In severe cases, speech problems and paralysis may occur.

Brain tumor

People who have begun to develop a tumor in the brain complain of mild attacks of nausea, combined with dizziness, headache and weakness. Gradually the patient's condition will worsen. In some cases, problems with hearing, vision or speech appear. If the tumor size is critical, death is possible.

High blood pressure

A huge number of people suffer from hypertension. It manifests itself in the form of constantly elevated blood pressure and is accompanied by nausea, throbbing pain inside the head, radiating to the back of the head and each temple, numbness of the fingers, weakness, rapid heartbeat, blocked ears, and a feeling of fear. Hypertension can lead to a hypertensive crisis, which causes pain inside the chest, cramps, vomiting and confusion.

Increased intracranial pressure

This pathology occurs in adults due to infections, strokes or tumors. Sometimes it can be congenital, which is observed in a child at an early age. Patients experience intense headaches, nausea, sweating, decreased visual acuity, and they can see very blurred, and also have noticeable bags under the eyes. Often this problem leads to disturbances in brain activity.

Traumatic brain injuries

As a rule, it is men who experience head injuries. A slight blow can cause a full range of unpleasant symptoms, and sometimes even seizures, memory loss and disruption of visual or auditory function. Impacts of great force carry a risk of death. Therefore, it is very important to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner.


One of the most common thyroid dysfunctions is hypothyroidism. It appears when there is a lack of hormones or a decrease in their biological effectiveness. It is not possible to detect the disease immediately, which complicates future treatment. It can manifest itself as a deterioration in the patient’s appearance, pain inside the head and muscles, decreased brain activity, bad mood, and insomnia.

Ophthalmic diseases

A common cause of painful sensations inside the head, which causes nausea, is problems with the visual apparatus. Almost every serious illness can cause such symptoms. However, any of them can increase blood pressure, cause dizziness, severe lacrimation and weakness.


This illness is called stomach flu. It is a virus that manifests itself in the same way as food poisoning. Distinctive symptoms appear only after a couple of days. Among them: sore throat, redness of the eyes, sharp pains inside the abdomen, yellow stool, chills. Anyone can get it, but gastroenteritis poses the greatest danger to older people and children.


Inflammation of the meninges is characterized by very acute symptoms. The patient's body temperature rises to 40°C, he develops fever, headaches and muscle pain, weakness, and nausea. Painful sensations intensify with any movement. A day later, the condition worsens, brain swelling appears, blood circulation is disrupted, and consciousness is confused. In the absence of medical care, the patient may fall into a coma already on the third day. There is a high risk of death.


With encephalitis, a person experiences the same symptoms as with meningitis. Pain, nausea, fever, weakness appear, and the temperature rises. Symptoms are supplemented by epileptic seizures and indigestion. Without medical intervention, death can occur.

Lyme disease

The second name of the disease is borreliosis. It is contracted by a tick bite. The patient experiences a headache, aching joints, nausea, sore throat, and dry cough. It is important to go to the hospital right away to get the most effective and quick treatment. At the same time, you cannot throw away the tick, because... it will help determine the presence of infection.

If a child complains that he has a headache and is slightly nauseous, then you need to find out if he has fallen or eaten any pills or, for example, berries on the street. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and place the child on the bed.

Causes of nausea in an elderly woman

A feeling of nausea in an older woman, accompanied by other symptoms, can occur for a variety of reasons. As a rule, at this age the body is susceptible to a large number of diseases, among which the most common are diseases of the digestive organs, heart, and neurological disorders.

Nausea in older people occurs for many reasons

Nausea in older women can occur due to severe pancreatitis, intoxication, diabetes, cancer, stroke, or due to minor malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs or poor diet and daily routine.

The causes of headaches and nausea in older women can be associated with various diseases, therefore, it is also important to consider the presence of additional symptoms. In particular, it may be associated with diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular system and neurological disorders.

Nausea and headaches in older women can occur with diabetes, pancreatitis, stroke, cancer, as well as minor disorders of the functioning of internal organs.

First aid, diagnostics

If pain occurs, you need to understand what exactly to do to make it easier, and also know what examinations to prepare for. This information can help speed up the search for the root cause of unpleasant symptoms and the treatment itself.

First aid

If you have a headache and nausea, you need to follow a number of simple steps that will help alleviate the condition in a short time. It is recommended to perform them in the specified sequence. What do we have to do:

  1. Get rid of all irritants (loud sound, bright light, strong smell).
  2. Take painkillers.
  3. Lie down and relax. Breathe calmly, massage your head.
  4. Drink a cup of green tea.
  5. Open the window to get some fresh air.

You should only take painkillers in cases where the pain seems unbearable.


It is imperative to consult a doctor if pain with nausea has become regular, is accompanied by other symptoms, or there is reasonable suspicion of the development of dangerous diseases. The doctor will conduct a survey and prescribe all the necessary examinations. As a rule, the patient is sent to:

  1. Blood and urine tests.
  2. CT, MRI.
  3. Angiography.
  4. Pressure monitoring.

In some cases, additional examinations may be prescribed or the patient may be referred to other specialists.

Nausea and pain in the lower abdomen, causes in women

During menstruation, painful, uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen and nausea are a common phenomenon that is considered normal and no longer surprises anyone. But if pain and unpleasant sensations of nausea occur separately from menstruation, then you should seriously think about your health, and better yet, rush to the doctor without hesitation.

Lower abdominal pain and nausea

Diagnosis of the condition depends entirely on the accompanying symptoms, since abdominal pain and nausea themselves can indicate a huge number of different diseases. Moreover, one should not assume that these symptoms relate only to the organs of the reproductive system.

Lower abdominal pain and nausea may occur with:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • infectious diseases (they are usually accompanied by fever)
  • problems of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis)
  • endometriosis
  • uterine fibroids
  • oncological diseases
  • ectopic pregnancy

Nausea and pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy


When a diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe all the necessary medications that will help eliminate the root cause of the unpleasant symptoms. After this, treatment should begin immediately. The therapy itself may consist of several methods of influencing the body, each of which has a special effect.

Painkillers and adsorbents

They can be taken even before visiting a doctor. It is recommended to do this only in cases where the pain with nausea has become very severe or appears too often.

Painkillers may cause side effects in people with serious chronic illnesses. Therefore, before taking, you must read the instructions and make sure they are safe. The most popular tablets:

  • Nurofen;
  • Citramon;
  • Tempalgin.

Activated charcoal is great for eliminating nausea. It can also be replaced with Motilium, Sorbex or Cerucal. If symptoms persist, then you should not increase the dosage, because this can cause even more problems.

Fighting the Root Cause

To combat the root cause of the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe special remedies. You must take them without fail, strictly adhering to your doctor’s instructions. If the cause of pain and nausea is not treated, the symptoms will not go away, and the condition will only get worse. In some cases, hospitalization may be required because... Treatment of some diseases at home is impossible.

Particularly dangerous diseases and their complications require surgical intervention. Therefore, there is a possibility that an urgent operation will be prescribed, which will be the main step in the fight against the root cause. After the procedure, the patient will be observed in the hospital for several days, and then go home to complete treatment and recover.


Various massages, gymnastics and compresses show good effectiveness. They allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms when there is no need for treatment, and also help prevent relapse of the condition after the main therapy. It is worth using the following methods of influence:

  1. Massage. It is enough to massage the temples, forehead, bridge of the nose, ears, cheeks. This should be done with light movements, pressing on the head with the pads of the thumbs.
  2. Gymnastics. You need to move your eyes alternately in different directions: left-right, up-down, draw three circles in one direction, and then in the opposite direction, close your eyes tightly and open your eyes. Repeat all exercises three times.
  3. Compresses. Moisten a soft cloth with cool water and place it on the patient's forehead for 10 minutes.

These simple steps will help you alleviate the condition in a few minutes. However, it is worth understanding that in case of serious illnesses, such physiotherapy does not make sense.

Traditional methods

The use of traditional methods can help if a person has a severe headache and nausea. However, as in the case of physiotherapy, with serious underlying causes, no significant result can be achieved using this method. You should use traditional methods only in cases where symptoms are caused by fatigue, weather or minor illnesses.

Best remedies:

  1. St. John's wort decoction. Pour boiling water over a small amount of the herb, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew. Take twice daily. Not recommended for men, because... St. John's wort has a negative effect on their hormones.
  2. Corn oil. Take 2 tsp. once a day for 2 weeks. It is recommended to gradually increase portions so that by the end of the course you take 3 tsp. at a time.
  3. Rowan bark decoction. Boil the bark (400 g) for about 2 hours, remove from heat and let it brew. Drink one spoon 3 times daily. The course of admission is one month.

There are other folk methods that can have a positive effect against headaches or nausea. But it is recommended to give preference to those listed above.

Preventive measures play an equally important role. They should be used even if pain and nausea have already begun. To do this, it is enough to eat right, sleep at least 8 hours, be physically and mentally active, stay in the fresh air longer, and give up bad habits.

What to do

If you have a history of some kind of chronic disease that leads to headaches, vomiting, nausea, then most likely this condition will cause another exacerbation or attack. For example, those who suffer from diabetes may feel dizzy or weak when their sugar suddenly drops. This means that you probably already know how to act in such a situation.

If you have been working for a long time, then headaches, nausea and vomiting could be caused by your activity. In this case, you just need to rest, and in the future manage your working time more wisely.

But you should urgently call a team of doctors if you encounter the following problems:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe headache or dizziness that lasts more than two hours;
  • a feeling of severe weakness in the limbs and muscles;
  • if you have hypertension or diabetes;
  • if the pain is accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Dizziness and weakness

The causes of nausea, dizziness, headache and weakness can be associated with serious and complex diseases, however, such symptoms do not always indicate a critical condition. Often, a similar condition is observed before menstruation, and there is a completely scientific explanation for this.

The causes of nausea and headaches before menstruation are associated with fluctuations in hormone levels, which can cause a significant deterioration in well-being. In addition, the menstrual cycle is a small, but blood loss. It can provoke the development of anemia.

The causes of nausea, headaches and dizziness may also be hidden in low blood pressure. The following factors can lead to the occurrence of these symptoms:

  • insufficient intake of nutrients into the body;
  • starvation;
  • frequent stay in a stuffy room;
  • stress;
  • excessive physical activity.

Often, discomfort can occur during menopause, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. In addition, all these signs can be observed during pregnancy.

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