Propolis for inflammation of the colon

Every day our body resists various negative external and internal factors. It happens that the stomach loses in this fight, being exposed to unpleasant diseases as a result, which means it needs effective protection. A whole series of medications have been developed for the treatment of gastritis. However, not everyone is able to take them due to the high price and possible allergic reactions. Folk remedies are increasingly gaining popularity. Propolis tincture in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, gastric erosion) is a vivid example of this.

The benefits of propolis for the gastrointestinal tract

Propolis is a special substance obtained from a resin with the help of bees to cover the cracks in the hive. It contains a combination of botanical resins processed by the secretions of the jaw glands of bees with the addition of pollen and wax, which is also interesting for humans.

Most gastrointestinal diseases lead to ulcerations, erosions, and internal swelling of the mucous membrane. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, pathologies tend to turn into ulcers or esophagitis of the esophagus.

Propolis for the stomach is a real salvation, since it has a whole host of medicinal properties. It protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from negative effects. This property allows the mucous membrane to quickly renew and completely revive. And regular intake of bee gifts significantly reduces the risk of re-development of ulcers. Propolis has proven its effectiveness in:

  • gastritis with high acidity, bringing the latter back to normal;
  • elimination of unpleasant sensations;
  • destroying the root cause of the disease associated with Helicobacter pylori;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of appetite and intestinal motility.

The bee product can affect inflammatory signs, have a disinfectant effect, strengthen the immune system, and be an optimal oxidant. The therapeutic properties of the product are under active study.

Beneficial properties of propolis

Propolis, black glue, beeswax, or ouse contains about 200 active beneficial substances, most of which are pollen (5–10%), wax (30–70%), essential oils, flavonoids, trace elements and nitrogen, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, inclusions in the form of enzymes, resins, fatty acids and alcohols, organic and inorganic fats.

Sometimes propolis is stronger than even antibiotics

It has pronounced antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal properties. Propolis is an excellent reparative, which allows it to be used for colitis and Crohn's disease. It reduces pain, relieves inflammation, is a good antiseptic, stimulates the body and increases endurance, strengthens the immune system, and can be combined with antibiotics, potentiating them. Successfully fights pathogenic microflora that provokes inflammation, without affecting the normal microflora. As a result, the functioning of the intestines is improved, the frequency and shape of stools are normalized.

Rules for the use of propolis in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

To get rid of abnormalities in the digestive system, various forms of delivery are used. Regardless of the treatment organization, if you have stomach problems, you need to remember clear rules:

  1. Propolis tincture is used in strong concentration, preferably diluted in a glass of milk or warm tea.
  2. Traditional medicines are used one hour before meals and 2 hours after.
  3. Follow the recommended concentration so as not to provoke a potential allergy.
  4. There is no place for propolis if chronic diseases have worsened.
  5. Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to be treated for more than two months. Otherwise, immunity may decrease and acidity may increase.

How to treat colitis with propolis

Acute and chronic forms of colitis are effectively treated with alcohol tinctures based on beeswax. But you should know that the daily dose of a substance dissolved in alcohol should not exceed 3-10 g. During an exacerbation, the dosage is reduced, and in chronic stages it is increased.

In very rare cases, black wax can cause allergies, so you need to start treatment with small doses, gradually increasing them. As a rule, allergic reactions to bee glue are effectively blocked with the help of antihistamines, however, before using propolis-based products, it is better to consult a doctor.

Indications for the use of propolis in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

If you correctly follow all medical recommendations, then treatment with propolis for problems of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the following indicators:

  • the mucous membrane gradually heals;
  • the inflammatory process stops, the pain goes away;
  • the content of gastric juice changes, and the degree of acidity decreases;
  • flatulence slows down;
  • the path to erosion is closed, scarring occurs;
  • antibiotics, antacids, inhibitors, histamine blockers are enhanced in their effect with the presence of bee glue.

Propolis for gastritis

Propolis tincture is effective in the treatment of gastritis. It will drive away inflammation, eliminate painful syndrome, and protect the mucous membrane. The product is indicated for the corresponding disease with any level of acidity and development, for example, it treats the atrophic version of gastritis with stomach pain and difficulties in digesting food. Treatment options and quantity:

gastritis with high aciditygastritis with low acidity
Drink 25 drops of the product diluted in 100 ml. water, three times a day 1 hour after meals Drink 20 drops of propolis tincture in alcohol, diluted in 100 ml, three times a day 5 minutes before meals

Propolis tincture for gastritis

The main thing here is to take an integrated approach with proper nutrition and diet, following the doctor’s advice, and giving up bad habits.

Propolis for ulcers

Propolis is often used for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Alcohol tincture for ulcersWater tincture for ulcersPropolis with butter
Dilute 20 drops of 20% infusion with 200 ml of water or milk and drink 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals.Drink 100 ml. 2 times a day before meals The oil is mixed with propolis 10:1, steamed for 15 minutes, filtered, and taken a teaspoon 3 times a day

Experts prefer an extract in water or oil. And for greater effect, you need to simultaneously drink warm drinks with honey.

Propolis tincture for stomach ulcers

Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis is unthinkable without a strict diet and getting rid of bad habits. It is a godsend for people suffering from ulcers and having difficulty with regular food intake. The bee product does not completely cure peptic ulcer disease, but it helps significantly.

For pancreatitis

The properties against microbes and inflammation of the described medicine and its vitamin composition optimally combat pancreatitis.

Add 20 drops of alcohol tincture to 100 ml of water or milk. Take 3 times a day an hour before meals, 10-14 days, after 2 weeks the course can be repeated.

Propolis tincture for pancreatitis

In addition, you can add 20 grams. This helps fight flatulence and intestinal cramps. The procedure is also used for cholecystitis.

Treatment of colitis

Treatment of acute and chronic colitis with propolis also includes therapy with water tincture.

Add 30 ml of water tincture to 100 ml of water. Take 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for a month.

Propolis tincture for colitis

Treatment of gastric erosion

Treatment of stomach erosion is also carried out with propolis.

Add 15 grams of crushed product to 100 ml of alcohol and store in a dark place for 2 weeks. Next, add 50 drops of the resulting tincture into a glass of warm milk and take it for 3 to 5 weeks.

There is also the option of mixing in a 1:1 ratio and storing in a dark corner for 3 days. Next, the mixture passes through a gauze cloth, followed by taking 15 drops half an hour before the expected lunch for 3 weeks or a little less. It is important not to interrupt therapy even with a sharp improvement in well-being.

Propolis tincture for stomach erosion

We make candles ourselves

The recipe above mentioned special suppositories for rectal use based on miraculous bee glue. To stay as close as possible to the canons of traditional medicine, you can prepare “bee candles” at home.

For this you will need:

  • propolis (50g);
  • beeswax (50g);
  • base (200 g - petroleum jelly, lanolin, animal fat, etc.).

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The process of creating a candle takes several stages:

  1. Place the bee glue and wax in the freezer and let it freeze. This will give them a shape that makes the ingredients easy to grate. Grate and get shavings.
  2. Place the base in a metal bowl.
  3. Heat the base using a water bath and add shavings of glue and wax.
  4. Stir to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  5. “Mold” the candles: take the consistency into a syringe and distribute in equal parts into oblong shapes (the easiest way).
  6. Freeze for (about) 7 hours.

You should get an oblong “sausage”: diameter - 1 cm, length - 5 cm. It is better to narrow one side in order to comfortably use the final medicinal product - a suppository with propolis for colitis.

Health to you!


The described beekeeping product for the gastrointestinal tract is effective and safe. This “folk drug” has virtually no contraindications, with a few exceptions.

Bee glue is excluded for:

  • people with personal incompatibility of the components of the product;
  • those who do not drink or tolerate alcohol;
  • I will give it to pregnant women under 3 years of age. Older children are allowed a dose that is half that prescribed for adults;
  • patients with stones in the urinary system and acute liver problems.

And most importantly, it is not recommended for anyone to abuse treatment. You need to remember the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and dietary nutrition.

Treatment of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases with propolis is prescribed personally and strictly under medical supervision. This bee product has unique properties, the use of which is advisable only in combination with a set of therapeutic measures, including medications.

Propolis heals the stomach and intestines: effective and simple treatment, sure healing!

Treatment of the stomach with propolis, especially for ulcers and gastritis, can bring long-awaited relief within 5–7 days from the start of therapy.

Almost all patients note a decrease in pain, a decrease in gastrointestinal discomfort, and the disappearance of nausea and flatulence.

The use of a bee product is possible at home, but it is necessary to remember possible contraindications and side effects.

Is this treatment for gastritis justified and what are its benefits?

Let us say right away that only the erosive form of gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can be treated with alcohol. But many doctors have a negative attitude towards this traditional treatment method, since alcohol affects the diseased organ in the following way:

  • alcohol cauterizes stomach ulcers and this helps destroy bacteria;
  • At the same time, alcohol causes irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Therefore, decide for yourself whether to use this folk method or not.


Treatment with propolis is prohibited not only in case of individual intolerance to the substance, but also during pregnancy and breastfeeding. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should also avoid such therapy.

You should not start treatment without permission; any action must be discussed with your doctor: only after its approval, propolis and medicines based on it can be included in the general treatment course.

Propolis is an effective natural remedy, which, provided there are no contraindications, is acceptable in the treatment of pancreatitis. Proper use of the substance will provide a beneficial effect on the body and speed up the healing process.

How to treat erosive gastritis with alcohol

First way. Buy 250 g of medical pure alcohol at the pharmacy. In the morning on an empty stomach, first eat a tablespoon of butter, and then wash it down with two teaspoons of alcohol. After this you need to drink two raw eggs. Do this every morning until the alcohol runs out.

Second way. On an empty stomach in the morning, drink a teaspoon of alcohol, then eat it with a teaspoon of high-quality honey and also eat a teaspoon of butter. Breakfast is allowed only an hour and a half after these manipulations. The course of this treatment is one week and many people have noted that their condition improved.

Third way. An innovative elixir for ulcers and gastritis based on propolis. Cleanses the body of waste and toxins, suppresses the process of fermentation and decay, destroys bacterial flora, including the vital activity of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Fourth way. The most progressive method, although you will also have to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. But in this option, you should drink the alcohol solution not in its pure form. And with the addition of propolis.

This tincture destroys pathogenic flora, stopping the process of decay in the patient’s body. Below we will look in detail at how to properly prepare and drink propolis tincture in alcohol for gastritis.

Fifth way . Milk thistle tincture in alcohol for gastritis.

Beneficial properties of propolis

Bee glue contains a huge amount of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. All this gives the product the following properties:

  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller.

But the most amazing property of propolis is that, while suppressing pathogenic flora, it is able to not cause damage to the native flora. On the contrary, bee glue can give impetus to the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.

Most often it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since its mild wound-healing and antimicrobial effect does not harm human internal organs.

That is why even doctors prescribe propolis for the stomach to their patients.

Propolis with alcohol for gastritis

Propolis has amazing properties and is often used in many areas of medicine. This is not a panacea, but results and patient reviews indicate that the product works!

For those who don’t know, propolis is a waste product of bees. They use it to “glue” the home together like glue. Propolis is yellowish or brownish in color with a distinct cinnamon scent. It feels both bitter and astringent at the same time.

Judging by numerous reviews, a tincture of propolis and alcohol has proven itself especially well for gastritis with high acidity. The secretion of gastric juice returns to normal, inflammation decreases, and symptoms disappear. But the dosage must be carefully observed.

Reckless and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol-containing liquids can aggravate your condition. Moreover, you should not replace medical alcohol with vodka or cognac when preparing the tincture. Any doctor will tell you that the tincture is prepared only on the basis of medical alcohol.

You can buy a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy or make it yourself.

Benefits of propolis for the stomach

The vast majority of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract boil down to inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of erosions and ulcers. The first case is characterized by the development of gastritis, provoked by increased acidity of gastric juice or bacterial microflora. Left unattended, the pathology quickly turns into an ulcer.

The effectiveness of bee glue for gastrointestinal diseases is explained by a number of medicinal properties of the substance. Propolis has an interesting ability to envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from irritating factors.

Attention. This feature allows the affected mucosa to renew and recover faster.

Treatment of the intestines with propolis is effective at all stages of the disease. Its use gives the following effect:

  • normalization of gastric acidity;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • activity against Helicobacter pylori allows you to destroy the root cause of the disease;
  • restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased appetite and intestinal motility.

Long-term studies have proven that regular use of beefoot-based drugs reduces the risk of re-development of ulcers.

Recipe: Propolis tincture with alcohol at home

We will need three components:

  • 70% ethyl alcohol;
  • dark glass containers;
  • propolis.

The concentration of the resulting solution varies from 5 to 40%. If you are a beginner in this treatment method, start with a weak 5% solution.

Take the components in appropriate proportions: 5 grams of propolis and 95 g of alcohol base. If you see that your health has changed after use, you can make a “stronger” composition, a 10% solution.

For it you should take 10 grams of propolis instead of 5. And for a 15% tincture, you will need 15 grams, etc.

  1. Propolis is pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. Then, grate, wash with water and dry. Organic mixtures are completely useless in this composition, so they are washed off.
  3. The crushed substance is poured into a dark glass container and filled with 95 grams of alcohol.
  4. After the components are mixed, you need to put the tincture in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks.
  5. Do not forget to shake the container 2–3 times during this period.
  6. On the last day we begin to filter the mixture. It must be passed through several layers of gauze. In this way, undissolved residues are separated from the finished product.

If you did everything correctly, you will end up with a transparent brown product. The shade can vary from light to dark depending on the concentration. Interestingly, the final version is stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 years without losing its beneficial properties.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with propolis

Propolis for intestinal cancer is used in the form of a solution, which consists of a mixture of rosehip oil, vitamin E and the bee product itself.

To treat other diseases of the intestines and stomach, a mixture of vegetable oils and propolis is used.

If well tolerated, the treatment of peptic ulcer is characterized by the use of 20% tincture and propolis oil, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve spasms.

Propolis oil for the intestines has a positive effect on its condition.

For gastrointestinal diseases, the use of propolis suppositories is typical. For the best effect, it is recommended to combine them with the use of aqueous propolis extract and oil enemas with the addition of vitamin E.

Propolis milk also has healing properties, which cleanses the intestines and stomach of pathogenic microflora, helping to restore the mucous membrane of these organs.

Recommendations or how to drink propolis with alcohol for gastritis?

Method No. 1

Take 100 grams of water and dissolve 20 drops of tincture. We use it three times a day. Treatment period is at least 2 weeks, maximum – a month. The break between courses is 2 months.

Method No. 2

We will need 150 ml of milk. We dilute 30 drops of infusion. Drink 2–3 times a day, preferably before meals.


Recovery after illness

Intestinal colitis leaves behind such unpleasant consequences as vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia and dysbiosis . Therefore, within a month after the disease, it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course.

It is necessary to take vitamin complexes, iron preparations (Sorbifer Durules, Actiferrin) and calcium (Calcemin, Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium gluconate) orally.

To normalize digestion during meals, it is advisable to take enzyme preparations - “Creon”, “Mezim Forte”, “Festal”, “Pancreatin”.

To restore the intestinal flora, in addition to probiotics and prebiotics, you can use medicinal decoctions of gentian, yarrow, and calamus root, 100 ml before each meal. All infusions are prepared in the following way: pour a spoonful of herbs with hot water (180 ml), bring to a boil and let stand for an hour.


If you have intestinal colitis, it is important to drink plenty of fluids ; this can be black tea with sugar, boiled or mineral water. You should limit your food intake during acute attacks of colitis, and best of all, give complete unloading to the intestines and drink only liquids during the day.

In the acute stages, you can eat unsweetened crackers, low-fat chicken broth cooked on skinless breasts, and rice porridge with water. Food can be lightly salted before eating.

For chronic colitis, it is necessary to adhere to a diet in which the following foods are allowed :

  • Lean meat: chicken breast, boiled without skin, sirloin of beef or veal;
  • Boiled or steamed fish;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Baked apples;
  • Steamed or water-cooked vegetables;
  • Porridges cooked in water, mainly rice or oatmeal;
  • Crackers, biscuits;
  • Compotes, berry fruit drinks and jelly.

It is strictly forbidden to consume fried and baked foods, fatty meats, bakery and confectionery products, milk and dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese. And also foods that contribute to flatulence: legumes, fresh baked goods, cabbage, nuts, grapes, black bread.

You should eat food in small portions 5-6 times a day, preferably soups cooked in a second broth, porridge, steamed cutlets.

Treatment options

If you suspect colitis, you should first consult a doctor, take the necessary tests and undergo an examination. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right therapy, which will combine medications with traditional medicine.

Propolis for colitis is used in different forms. Microclysters, alcohol and water tinctures, propolis milk - each medicine has its own method of preparation and dosage, which must be taken into account when starting treatment with this natural product.


Enemas with black wax will help heal wounds on the intestinal mucosa, calm the inflammatory process and reduce pain. For treatment, you can use a 4% aqueous solution of uza or propolis oil.

To prepare a 4% solution, you need to pour 4 g of glue into 100 ml of hot water and simmer in a thermos for at least a day. Strain and cool before use.

To prepare propolis oil, take 10 g of wax and add 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is heated by placing the container in a water bath for about half an hour, freed from impurities and debris and cooled to room temperature.

At the beginning of the procedure, the intestines are cleansed using a regular enema. After preliminary cleansing, an aqueous solution of propolis or propolis oil is injected into the large intestine and left until the morning. The procedure is carried out every day for a month.

Alcohol tincture

A tincture of beeswax with alcohol will help get rid of colitis. In the chronic form of the disease, the daily dose of the active substance contained in the tincture should be 8-10 g. During exacerbations, the amount of the active substance is reduced to 3 g per day.

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