How many days to take phlebodia for hemorrhoids

Positive aspects of Phlebodia

The drug Phlebodia is a special angioprotective agent. The active components and substances included in its composition influence exclusively the significant strengthening of the walls of the veins. The main substance is diosmin, its overall effect is directly aimed at complete protection and serious strengthening of numerous blood vessels. The drug contributes to a significant improvement in overall venous tone. The veins have a general strengthening effect, reducing the extensibility of the veins, their fragility and harmful permeability.


Almost immediately after using the drug, harmful lymphatic pressure is reduced, the process of microcirculation of the blood flow is seriously improved, and the throughput in the vessels is increased.

The tablets effectively stimulate general metabolic processes in the walls of numerous blood vessels. This improves the flow of lymph and supplies oxygen to all nearby tissues.

After the first days of use, signs of inflammation decrease, swelling goes away, and pain is completely eliminated. Among other positive characteristics of the drug, the following factors can be noted:

  • Elimination of the original cause of the drug, that is, the difficulties of blood outflow in the veins go away;
  • Complete relief of signs and painful symptoms of the pathology, as well as the total duration of possible exacerbations;
  • During an exacerbation, the drug removes all pain, reduces swelling and various inflammatory symptoms, thereby completely improving the patient’s health;
  • The drug is characterized by minimal side effects and various contraindications.

Phlebodia 600 tablets are very quickly absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract after use. The maximum concentration of the main substance is present in the plasma for another 5 hours after administration. From the blood, the substance gradually spreads to all organs and tissues of the body. Its maximum concentration is observed in the vena cava of the legs.

In the kidneys, liver and lungs, the active substance accumulates in a minimal volume, which can automatically be attributed to the advantage of the drug. The peak accumulation and main effect of the substance is observed approximately 9 hours after taking the tablet. This effect lasts for 96 hours. the drug is excreted through the kidneys, and the entire remaining volume is excreted through the intestines. Phlebodia 600, reviews for hemorrhoids, collects only positive reviews on the Internet, some of them can be found at the end of the article.

Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Phlebodia 600 has virtually no contraindications for use. Therefore, the drug is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvis.

The exception is an allergic reaction to the main active ingredient - Diosmin or auxiliary components. These manifestations in the form of skin rash disappear quite quickly as soon as the drug is stopped.

Phlebodia is not prescribed to 600 children under 18 years of age. And also for women during lactation. This is due to the fact that there is no data on whether Diosmin is able to penetrate into mother’s milk and affect the baby. Therefore, if you are to be treated with this drug, breastfeeding must be completed.

The instructions for use of Phlebodia 600 warn that in some cases adverse reactions occur to the drug taken. They appear several hours or even days after taking the medicine.

Frequent side effects are nausea and stool upset. These manifestations are very inexpressive and mostly go away on their own. It is possible that you may experience headaches and dizziness. An allergic reaction most often manifests itself in the form of skin rashes. There is no data on the effect of the active substance Phlebodia 600 on the ability to drive vehicles.

If the price of Phlebodia 600 is prohibitive for the patient, you should definitely tell the doctor about this. He will certainly select an analogue - a medicine that also includes Diosmin, or one that has a similar effect. You cannot replace Phlebodia 600 on your own, since each drug requires its own regimen of use.



Treatment of hemorrhoids is a long process that requires an integrated approach. Therefore, the use of Phlebodia 600 or another drug as monotherapy may not be effective enough. To relieve symptoms, it is advisable to use nonspecific anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic or, conversely, anti-thrombosis medications.

Author: Andrey Ivanovich Vasiliev

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Instructions for use

Blood circulation in the pelvis

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the proctologist prescribes a seven-day course of Phlebodia 600. The tablets are to be taken orally, and can be washed down with a sufficient amount of water during meals. The recommended dose is 2-3 tablets. per day. After stopping the acute stage, take 1 tablet. per day for 1-2 months.

If you miss a single dose, you do not need to double the next dose. In the future, use Phlebodia 600 as before. If after 3-5 days there is no positive dynamics at all, it is recommended to consult a proctologist unscheduled and adjust the treatment regimen.

Side effects

Phlebodia 600 is well tolerated, side effects are extremely rare and are limited to local and allergic reactions. It is possible that a small rash, urticaria and itching may occur if the components of this venotonic are intolerant. Digestion may also be disrupted and headaches may worsen, but such cases are rare in practice.

If side effects occur, treatment must be stopped unscheduled, and the daily dosage must be adjusted or the medication changed. The risk of drug interactions in the complex therapy regimen is also taken into account (in most cases it is absent). Self-medication is contraindicated.

Phlebodia's analogs

A drug such as Phlebodia for hemorrhoids is an angioprotector, and its action is aimed at combating vascular insufficiency and eliminating venous stagnation.

In proctological practice, medications with identical effects are widely used for the treatment of hemorrhoids at various stages. The following analogues of the drug provide a good effect in the fight against the disease:

  • Diovenor 600
  • Vasocket;
  • Detralex;
  • Ascorutin;
  • Anavenol;
  • Antistax;
  • Diovenor.

Such medications have an effect similar to Phlebodia, but the difference lies only in their cost. For example, the cost of a drug such as Vasoket is significantly higher than the price of Phlebodia 600.

Phlebopha is an analogue of Phlebodia, which is an angioprotective agent and bioflavonoid. This medication is used to treat microcirculatory disorders of hemorrhoids, lymphatic disorders and venous insufficiency. Studies have shown that taking this drug does not have a negative effect on the developing fetus, so it can be used during pregnancy. At the same time, during breastfeeding it is still better to refuse to take Phlebof.

Often, many patients wonder which drug to choose in the treatment of hemorrhoids. From reviews of which is better, Detralex or Phlebodia, you can find out that the two drugs are effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Along with Phlebodia, Detralex is distinguished by its high efficiency in the fight against the disease. The main active ingredient of this product is diosmin, and it is available in tablet form. In the production of Detralex, the latest micronization technology of the main active ingredient is used. Due to this, the diosmin present in the drug is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract much faster. Taking into account this feature of Detralex, the maximum plasma concentration of the active ingredient is observed just a few hours after taking the tablet. This is precisely what distinguishes Detralex from a drug such as Phlebodia 600.

Patients need to remember that the drug Phlebodia, like other drugs for the fight against hemorrhoids, is prescribed as part of complex therapy. This means that it is possible to get rid of the pathology only by simultaneously taking pills, using ointments and suppositories, as well as by observing a whole range of additional measures. This includes special nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and physical therapy.


Phlebodia 600 has a number of analogue drugs. Analogues have the same active ingredient - diosmin, and can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But before replacing with another medicine, you must consult with a proctologist - the therapeutic effect of taking the drug, even with an identical composition, may decrease. Before treatment with analogue drugs, it is important to read the instructions, especially paying attention to the list of contraindications and side effects. The dosage may also vary.

Popular substitute drugs with a similar active ingredient (generics) include:

  • Diovenor 600. A French drug based on diosmin, available in tablet form. Belongs to the category of venotonic agents. Diovenor is successfully used in the treatment of acute hemorrhoids to relieve pain and inflammation. The cost of Phlebodia and Diovenor is almost identical - around 650 rubles for 15 tablets.
  • Phlebofa. A domestic drug, included in the category of bioflavonoids and angioprotectors. Release form: tablets. Phlebofa quickly relieves symptoms of acute hemorrhoids and increases the elasticity of the rectal veins. Prices for the drug start at 800 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.
  • Venolek. A medicine with a venotonic effect, produced in Russia. The dosage of diosmin in 1 tablet is 500 mg. The therapeutic effect of Venolek is aimed at increasing capillary resistance and eliminating venous stasis, due to which the medicine is successfully used in the fight against hemorrhoids. It is one of the budget drugs - the average price of a package of 30 tablets is 370 rubles.

The category of generics Phlebodia also includes other drugs based on diosmin - Venarus, Vasoket, Diosven, Detralex. The peculiarity of the latter is that it is completely eliminated from the body with feces (through the intestines), which makes Detralex indispensable in the treatment of hemorrhoids in people with kidney and heart diseases.

In addition to generic drugs, there are a number of analogues that differ in composition, but have identical therapeutic effects:

  • Ascorutin. Tablets with rutin and ascorbic acid. Increases the strength of blood vessels, strengthens capillaries. The drug can be used for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids due to its ability to relieve swelling and inflammation in hemorrhoids.
  • Antistax. A preparation based on red grape leaf extract. Antistax is produced in the form of capsules, each of which contains 180 mg of active substance. The medicine is used to cure hemorrhoids due to its ability to protect blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Anavenol. A drug with a combined composition belongs to the category of capillary-protective drugs. The active ingredients are dihydroergocristine, esculin and rutoside. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating excess vascular permeability of the rectum.

Analogues of Phlebodia are also drugs based on troxerutin - Troxevasin and Phleboton. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, they are used for oral administration - tablets, and externally - gels, ointments. Troxevasin and Phleboton reduce capillary fragility and prevent the formation of blood clots, relieve pain and bleeding.

Pharmacological properties

The main mechanism of the drug’s effect on hemorrhoids is due to the therapeutic effects of diosmin and is as follows:

  1. "Phlebodia 600" has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, and helps improve metabolic processes in the hematopoietic system.
  2. Eliminates congestion in the venous vessels and enhances the tone of the veins.
  3. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates pain and reduces swelling.
  4. Improves lymphatic drainage and helps increase the outflow of venous blood.
  5. The use of the drug normalizes metabolism in the venous network and increases the supply of oxygen to tissues.
  6. Reduces the adhesion of leukocytes in the walls of venous capillaries, blocks the production of free radicals and enhances the vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline.

The medication is instantly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and has the most positive effect. At the same time, it has absolutely no prohibitions or side effects.

The drug is used not only for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, but also has a pronounced therapeutic effect in eliminating a number of other ailments that are associated with venous insufficiency. The main indications for the use of the drug are the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Hemorrhoids (a disease that is associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion, forming nodes around the rectum).
  2. Blood microcirculation disorders.
  3. Chronic lymphovenous insufficiency (a disease caused by impaired venous outflow in the lower extremities).
  4. Varicose veins (pathological process in the veins, which is manifested by their expansion, tortuousness).

Tablets are often recommended for use after surgery to eliminate the manifestations of orthostatic hypotension, which is expressed in a sharp decrease in blood pressure when the patient moves to an upright position. In addition, the medicine has been successfully used to prevent hemorrhage after surgery to remove varicose veins.

The medication is successfully used in the treatment of lymphovenous insufficiency in women in an “interesting position.” Elimination of hemorrhoids must be carried out with the drug during pregnancy in the second and third trimester; in the first three months, the drug is usually not prescribed.

Pharmacological features

An advantage of Phlebodia 600 treatment for hemorrhoids is selectivity in work. It spreads evenly and concentrates in the saphenous veins, mainly in the lower extremities and the walls of the vena cava. The process less affects the venous system of the upper part of the body: the main direction of Phlebodia’s work is improving venous circulation in the pelvis and lower extremities.

Phlebodia tablets have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands. Due to the vasoconstrictor effect, the synthesis of adrenaline is enhanced. They block the appearance of “inferior” molecules called free radicals and reduce the process of platelet synthesis during inflammation.

Phlebodia is based on the substance diosmin. Positively affects the venous system:

  • relieves the effect of “stretching” the vein;
  • increases the tone and resistance of the capillary;
  • venous congestion decreases;
  • relieves lymphatic pressure;
  • increases oxygen diffusion.

The kidneys excrete part of the active substance - 79%, another 11% is excreted by the intestines, the rest - by bile.

How to use the medicine correctly

This drug has angioprotective and venotonic effects. Each tablet contains 600 mg of the main active ingredient, diosmin.

Composition of the drug: dioxide, talc, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, various additives: wax, dyes.

The drug is presented in the form of tablets and packaged in cardboard packs. One package contains 15 tablets. It is recommended to store the medicine in a place protected from children. The storage temperature should not exceed 30 degrees; it is unacceptable to leave the medicine exposed to direct sunlight. The storage period is three years. This drug can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Proper use of Phlebodia 600 for hemorrhoids shows good results in the treatment of this disease. Patients complain less of bleeding, swelling and pain in the anal area. The nodes become smaller. Please note that only your attending physician prescribes the course of treatment and the number of daily tablets. The dose will depend on the type of disease, concomitant pathologies, test results and diagnostics.

Do not think that immediately after you feel an improvement, Phlebodia can stop drinking. This is wrong. In order for the drug to be fully effective and to continue its effect after use, the minimum course of treatment must be at least 3 weeks without interruption. If you forget to take a dose of tablets, you should not exceed the previous one, drink as usual.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes 1-2 tablets 2-4 times a day. We remind you that only the doctor prescribes the frequency of dosage and the number of tablets. The main principles are:

  1. For chronic hemorrhoids and varicose veins, the patient takes 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-8 weeks.
  2. If the patient has an acute stage of hemorrhoids, open trophic ulcers, bleeding, hematomas, the doctor prescribes 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. So you should take Phlebodia 600 for 3-5 days, then switch to reducing the dose.

But if treatment of acute stage hemorrhoids with Phlebodia does not give the desired effect, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. After all, this disease can be easily confused with pathologies of the anus and anal colon. A more detailed diagnosis will help the doctor identify the problem.

Correctly selected dosage allows you to quickly normalize your well-being and cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Phlebodia in tablets is classified as angioprotector. The active ingredients of the drug help strengthen the venous vascular network, the permeability of which sharply decreases during hemorrhoids. The therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating the main cause of hemorrhoids - obstruction of venous outflow.

With a course of treatment, blood supply and metabolic processes in the blood vessels of the rectum improve, and lymph stagnation is eliminated. The drug has a beneficial effect on the veins dilated due to hemorrhoids - it narrows their lumen to a normal state and reduces distensibility, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding. The drug relieves the negative symptoms of hemorrhoids in the form of pain, swelling, burning in the rectum. The drug also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

The medicinal effect after taking the drug begins quickly. The active components are quickly absorbed from the digestive tract, accumulating in the walls of blood vessels. The maximum concentration of active substances in the blood plasma occurs 5 hours after taking the medicine. After finishing taking the drug, the therapeutic effect can last up to 4 days. It is excreted from the body in the urine and through the intestines.

Phlebodia 600 has a number of advantages compared to other drugs with angioprotective properties:

  • ease of use - the tablet form allows you to take the medicine regardless of the situation;
  • A course of taking the drug slows down the progression of the disease and prevents the development of complications;
  • You can purchase the medicine without a doctor’s prescription;
  • The drug has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects.

Phlebodia for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids in the first stages is possible with conservative therapy. The treatment regimen includes numerous groups of internal and local drugs, which together help get rid of the pathology.

Phlebodia for hemorrhoids refers to venotonic drugs that reduce congestion in the venous vessels, tones them, and also helps improve microcirculation and increase capillary resistance.

The drug has a pronounced positive effect and is very often part of the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

Release form and composition

Phlebodia 600 is in tablet form. One blister contains 15 round, pink, film-coated tablets with a grey-brown center. Available options allow up to 2 records to be included in the package.

Diosmin (600 mg) is the main active substance, the properties of which provide the drug with a therapeutic effect. The component has the following effects:

  • tones venous vessels;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • reduces and prevents venous stagnation;
  • improves blood supply to tissues;
  • helps normalize lymph outflow;
  • increases the resistance of capillaries to various factors;
  • prevents excessive vascular permeability;
  • has a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • eliminates and prevents inflammatory processes;
  • eliminates pain and swelling;
  • helps improve lymphatic drainage.

Phlebodia contains:

  • microcrystalline cellulose (910 mg);
  • talc (10.24 mg);
  • colloidal silicon dioxide (3.5 mg);
  • stearic acid (50.05 mg);
  • opaglos 6000 (beeswax and palm wax, 95% ethanol, gummilak)

The shell is formed by: hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol stearate 400.

This is what Phlebodia tablets look like

Mechanism of action

Already 2 hours after taking the drug, the blood contains a fairly large amount of its active ingredients. Peak concentrations in plasma, from where it is distributed throughout the body, are observed after approximately 5 hours.

Most Phlebodia occurs in the inferior vena cava and external veins of the legs, less - in the liver, kidneys and lungs. In other tissues and organs, the components of the drug are observed in small quantities.

The maximum selective concentration is achieved 9 hours after taking the drug.

Detection of traces of the drug on the walls of venous vessels is possible after 96 hours after its administration.

Enterohepatic circulation of Phlebodia components leads to their long-term removal from the body. Initially, molecules of substances are released into the bile, and then they are reabsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enter the blood.

The body is cleared of diosmin through the kidneys (79%), through the intestines (11%) and bile (2.4%).

Therapeutic effect

Reviews of Phlebodia for hemorrhoids are extremely positive. This is due to the following effects of the drug:

  • reduces the fragility and permeability of blood vessels and capillaries, promotes increased tone. Prevents the distensibility of veins;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • eliminates congestion in the veins, relieves swelling;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • relieves inflammation, eliminates pain;
  • prevents cellular aging;
  • improves lymphatic drainage;
  • prevents the effects of free radicals by blocking their production.

Phlebodia 600 for hemorrhoids has a positive effect on the affected vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses, with significant relief of the patient’s condition and accelerated recovery.

In addition to the positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids, the advantages of the drug include:

  • ease of use. Phlebodia is available in the form of tablets for oral use, which allows them to be used regardless of the situation. This property of the drug greatly facilitates the treatment of such a delicate disease as hemorrhoids;
  • Phlebodia fights the main cause of the disease – obstructed venous blood flow;
  • symptoms after taking the drug disappear in a short period of time, which significantly improves the quality of life;
  • the drug suppresses the progression of the disease;
  • prevents complications;
  • has a small number of contraindications;
  • has few side effects that occur quite rarely;
  • has an affordable price.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions for use of Phlebodia precisely define the groups of patients for whom the drug is not recommended. The product is not used:

  • with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug;
  • during lactation;
  • in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Phlebodia is not recommended for children and adolescents

In rare cases, use of the drug may lead to:

  • to dyspeptic symptoms in the form of diarrhea, heartburn, nausea or vomiting;
  • headaches or dizziness;
  • allergic reactions (redness, rashes, itching);
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

It is possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations after stopping taking the drug.

Clinical manifestations of a drug overdose, as well as its interaction with other medications, have not been described.

Pregnancy and lactation

We recommend you read: How much Detralex to take for hemorrhoids

There is no information about the drug passing into breast milk, which excludes undesirable effects on the baby’s health. But, the active component of the medicine can negatively affect the body of a newborn, as a result of which it is not recommended to take Phlebodia during lactation.

During pregnancy, no negative effects of Phlebodia on the woman and fetus were detected.

The use of the drug improves the condition of the patient, perfectly eliminates pathological changes in hemorrhoids and is well tolerated.

Also, during the research, it was discovered that Phlebodia helps restore impaired uteroplacental blood flow.

However, in each specific case, a specialist must compare the risk to the health of the unborn child and the need to use the product. In some cases, it is advisable to replace Phlebodia with a more gentle local treatment.

During pregnancy, the use of Phlebodia should be treated with extreme caution.

In any case, it is customary to prescribe the drug only from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, and stop taking it a month before the planned birth, in order to avoid the risk of bleeding during labor.

In the acute stage of hemorrhoids, Phlebodia is prescribed 1-2 times a day for a week, together with meals, in the dosage recommended by the doctor.

As a preventive measure or for chronic hemorrhoids, the duration of treatment is 1–2 months, once a day with meals. The dosage is determined by a specialist.

Features of therapy for expectant mothers

Reviews of phlebodia during pregnancy with hemorrhoids, as well as reviews in all other cases, are positive. The medicine did not have any negative effect on the woman’s body, but in order to avoid undesirable consequences, doctors advise women in an interesting position to take this medicine only after 12 weeks.

Therapy for hemorrhoids involves the following regimen during pregnancy:

  1. During the period of relapse, patients are advised to take 2-3 tablets, after which therapy should be continued with a lower dosage.
  2. Treatment must be stopped 30 days before the expected birth.

The opinions of women who have given birth and pregnant women about taking this medicine are similar: with its help it is possible to significantly improve their well-being and achieve a pronounced positive effect. Moreover, this medicine is well tolerated and does not cause any side effects.

Tests conducted during a wonderful period indicate the safety of the drug, but no studies have been conducted during breastfeeding. Therefore, during the period of breastfeeding, it is recommended to abandon this remedy in order to avoid the risk of negative consequences.

What pathologies does the drug treat?

"Phlebodia" - tablets with a venotonic effect, affect the condition of the veins in the pelvis and legs. The drug is prescribed by a doctor if there are indications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoids (acute, chronic);
  • diabetic microcirculation disorder in the legs;
  • lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities;
  • increased capillary fragility;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • rectal bleeding.

“Phlebodia” is sometimes prescribed for hypotension and a sharp drop in pressure, which is often observed in patients after surgery.

Clinical studies have proven that even women can take the drug during pregnancy, since Phlebodia does not have a dangerous effect on the body. The drug does not interfere with getting pregnant, but after conception you need to stop taking the drug.

The use of "Phlebodia" for acute forms of hemorrhoids is carried out according to an identical scheme: 2 tablets at a time, then with a gradual reduction in dosage to 1 capsule. Course of treatment – ​​1 month

It is important to stop drug therapy immediately before birth to prevent severe postpartum bleeding.

During breastfeeding, the effect of the tablets has not been studied, so it is better for women to avoid taking Phlebodia, since there is a high probability of the active components passing into breast milk.

The drug "Phlebodia" does not have a teratogenic effect on the body, although the instructions for use do not say whether it can be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation. It has not been studied at what concentration the active substances can penetrate the placenta and how this can affect the fetus if the drug is taken in the early stages of pregnancy.

Phlebodia is indicated for external and internal nodes

The instructions indicate that the maximum therapeutic effect of treatment with the drug can be achieved by observing a balanced work and rest regime. It is necessary to avoid prolonged sitting or standing, lifting heavy objects, and staying in stuffy rooms. Therapeutic exercise enhances the effectiveness of the drug.


There is no data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs. "Phlebodia" is considered an angioprotector, and is also part of a large group of pharmaceutical medications, the effect of which is aimed at preventing venous stagnation and vascular insufficiency.

Often, proctologists prescribe similar drugs: Vasoket, Detralex, Venarus. For example, "Detralex" containing diosmin is identical in pharmaceutical effect.

"Phlebodia" is applicable in complex therapy of hemorrhoids in combination with suppositories, ointments with similar properties, composition, and therapeutic effect. You can drink it together with Troxegel, Phleboton, Ascorutin, Antistax, Troxevasin, Anavenol.

The drug has a rapid effect, for which it has earned gratitude among patients. However, despite the sale of Phlebodia in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, dosages and treatment regimens should not be neglected. Therapy should be selected exclusively by a proctologist to achieve the desired results. If you self-medicate, then negative consequences, cases of overdose and side effects can aggravate the course of the disease.

Hemorrhoids are a common problem. Some of the provoking factors are a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity in patients. In addition, the cause may be hereditary predisposition and poor nutrition.

The first signs of the disease cannot be ignored: itching, burning, discomfort, pain in the anus, rectal bleeding, prolapse of hemorrhoids

It is important to direct treatment to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and the causes that caused it.

"Phlebodia" is an excellent venotonic with an angioprotective effect. Biologically active diosmin quickly makes you feel better, reduces symptoms of the disease, relieves pain, relieves inflammation and swelling during exacerbations of the disease.

Venarus is an analogue of the drug Phlebodia

The drug has few contraindications. The effect is stable and long lasting. Its beneficial effect on metabolic processes and microcirculation has been proven. The product has a vasoconstrictor effect and relieves inflammation. Quickly absorbed, evenly distributed in the vena cava. Phlebodia is indicated for use to prevent bleeding that may occur after phlebectomy.

The main features of the drug are the uniform distribution and accumulation of active components exclusively in the walls of the saphenous veins, normalization of blood flow. The product can be used for various conditions and forms of hemorrhoids. To achieve a sustainable effect, it is recommended to carry out treatment in combination. Additionally, it is important for patients to adjust their diet, take vitamin complexes, and local medications (suppositories, ointments) to relieve inflammation and swelling. Be sure to use medications with wound healing effects.

Use during pregnancy

The described drug is completely safe during pregnancy. This factor has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. During the examination of patients for teratogenicity, a negative result was obtained. This is proof of the absence of a dangerous effect of the drug on the body of both the mother and the unborn baby. Despite this, doctors do not recommend taking the treatment during the first three months; this applies to all drugs without exception. This period is important because it is in the first 12 weeks that the most important organs are formed.

During the rest of pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed both for treatment and for guaranteed prevention of complicated hemorrhoids and serious varicose veins. The general treatment regimen during pregnancy is exactly the same as in normal times. During an exacerbation, two tablets are taken, then the dosage is reduced to one tablet. After this, therapy is stopped for about a month, just at the time of childbirth. This will help avoid possible bleeding.

The use of a drug such as Phlebodia 600 in the treatment of hemorrhoids has proven to be most positive

As pregnant women themselves note, the medicine quickly produces a positive effect; this is important for women during pregnancy. The drug is perfectly tolerated by the patient and does not give any unpleasant effects.

This group of patients is under special control, since the woman is carrying a child, and medications can affect its blood flow and development. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women appear in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. This is due to the pressure of the uterus and fetus on the internal organs, intestines, and gall bladder. Sometimes the future mother's taste preferences cause constipation. All these factors cause varicose veins of the lower extremities and rectum.

Of course, doctors avoid prescribing tablet dosage forms to pregnant women, but sometimes this is necessary. Namely in such cases:

  • severe swelling of the limbs;
  • hemorrhoids with the formation of lumps;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • predisposition to varicose veins.

It is worth noting that in the 1st trimester, the use of Phlebodia, like other medications, is undesirable. At this time, the baby’s organs and vital systems are formed.

Phlebodia is absolutely safe during pregnancy, this has been confirmed by clinical studies

The issue of use for hemorrhoids in pregnant women has not been fully studied. In medical practice, there is no mention of cases of negative effects of the drug on the course of pregnancy and fetal health. But in the 1st trimester of pregnancy you should refrain from taking it, replacing it with safer medications.

The instructions allow pregnant women to use the product starting from the 2nd trimester, but with caution. Only a doctor should prescribe the drug if the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risk to the unborn child.

Taking Phlebodia in pregnant women helps not only alleviate hemorrhoids, but also improve blood supply to the placenta. But a month before the expected date of birth, the drug is discontinued in order to avoid uterine bleeding.

The dosage for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is standard - 2-3 tablets per day during the period of relapse, 1 tablet after recovery from an exacerbation. The treatment course lasts 30 days. In case of insufficient placental blood flow, a daily dose of 600 mg is prescribed for a month.

Doctors have proven that Phlebodia 600 does not harm either the woman or the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, it is allowed to be taken, however, only after consulting a doctor. Usually these tablets are prescribed to the expectant mother for varicose veins or hemorrhoids, which often occur during pregnancy.

If everything goes as it should, then these tablets eliminate venous congestion, relieve heaviness in the legs and therefore make it easier to bear a child. The drug also has a positive effect on the appearance of the expectant mother, as it normalizes blood supply.

If side effects from Phlebodia 600 are observed or it does not give the desired result, then its use is canceled and a drug with a similar effect is prescribed.

It is not recommended to take this medication during lactation due to the likelihood that it may have a negative effect on the child. Although studies have not proven that active components can enter milk, doctors still advise not to risk it.


Alina, 37 years old, Murmansk: “For hemorrhoids, I took Phlebodia 600 as a two-week course. The first 5 days - 3 tablets per day, then another 10 days - 1 tablet with meals. The pain went away on the 3rd day, but the doctor insisted on completing the full course. I drank it on drink and didn’t regret it.”

Svetlana, 42 years old, Omsk: “The medicine is expensive, but effective. The drug is imported, in my case it worked without side effects. I drank it for a week and forgot about the pain for a long time. But still, the node did not disappear, the proctologist said that it can only be removed surgically.”

Elena, 48 years old: “I combined Phlebodia 600 with Relief Ultra rectal suppositories. The pain went away after a couple of days, as did the inflammation. I’ve been living without exacerbations for a year now, but I regularly adhere to preventive measures.”

Factors determining the cost of the drug

The formation of the price characteristics of a medicine is influenced by a number of factors. First of all, it is necessary to note the weight of one round and biconvex tablet, represented by 600 mg of diosmin in capsules.

Under the pink film shell there are talc, silicon dioxide, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, a mixture of dyes, and opagloss.

Under the pink film shell there are also the following excipients:

  • talc;
  • silicon dioxide (colloidal);
  • stearic acid;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • mixture of dyes;
  • opagloss.

The last component, in turn, is a mixture of shellac and ethanol (95%), palm and beeswax.

15 tablets of the drug are packaged in blisters and cardboard packs. One cardboard package may contain one or two blisters (that is, 15 or 30 pieces). Shelf life of the medicine: three years.

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Composition of the drug, release form

The active ingredient is diosmin (600 mg), the pharmacological properties of which provide a positive therapeutic effect. Diosmin is a substance from the group of flavonoids, whose effect is aimed at enhancing general and local blood flow, increasing the strength and eliminating the fragility of capillaries.

In addition to diosmin, the composition contains other components:

  • silicon colloidal dioxide;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • mineral talc.

The film-like shell covering the tablets consists of dietary fiber, hypromellose, macrogol, wax (carnauba and beeswax), and dyes.

The drug is produced in tablet form. One tablet contains 600 mg of diosmin in the form of granules. Phlebodia 600 tablets are round in shape, convex on both sides. The upper film shell is pink in color. The product goes on sale in cardboard packages, packed in 15 or 30 tablets. The tablets are packed in foil blisters, 15 pieces each. The shelf life of the medicine is no more than 3 years.

Side effects and serious contraindications

This drug has virtually no contraindications. Exceptions include personal intolerance to the incoming components, the first months of lactation and age under 16 years. In other situations, the drug helps ideally, quickly and effectively exerts its beneficial effects.

The drug is tolerated quite well, with the exception of isolated cases. Infrequently occurring side effects include:

  • Dizziness and severe periodic headache;
  • Various intestinal disorders - vomiting, nausea, smell in the mouth;
  • A severe allergic reaction - rash and small rashes, itching on the skin, redness.

Such manifestations and signs do not require special treatment; everything goes away on its own as soon as there is a break in the treatment process.

If the effects last a long time, if the symptoms are severe, the specialist will consider stopping the drug or adjusting the dosage.

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