10 Foods to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea

What can you eat if you have diarrhea?

  • Diet for diarrhea should include foods high in pectin: applesauce, bananas, yogurt. Pectin, a water-soluble fiber, helps relieve intestinal upset.
  • Pay attention to foods rich in potassium - fruit juices, jacket potatoes, bananas. When there is an intestinal disorder, the body actively loses potassium and needs to be restored.
  • Don't forget to add salt to your dishes. Diet for diarrhea should include salty soups, broths, crackers, etc., which will help retain water in the body and avoid dehydration.
  • Get enough protein. If you have diarrhea, you can eat lightly cooked beef, turkey, chicken or hard-boiled eggs to avoid fatigue and tiredness.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits after hot processing. Some raw vegetables and fruits can make diarrhea worse. When following a diet for diarrhea, try a simple soup with asparagus, carrots, beets, zucchini, mushrooms or celery, cream soup or jacket potatoes.

Diarrhea from walnuts: reasons, how to avoid

Walnuts are a healthy product with a unique composition. For example, they contain more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits. And vitamins A and E are combined with zinc and selenium, which is especially important for the reproductive system.

This product should be included in the diet of everyone who cares about the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, as well as their memory and intellect. However, in some cases, diarrhea may occur from eating walnuts.

When and why does this happen, and what can be done to prevent it?

Chemical composition

Walnuts are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in proteins, which makes it successfully used in lenten and vegetarian diets, replacing meat.

And also in terms of the content of amino acids and healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, the fruit is superior to other nuts. Therefore, it is an excellent natural aging retardant and antioxidant.

It is indispensable for the health of the reproductive system, heart, blood vessels, skin, hair, as well as the prevention of cancer.

The nut contains a lot of fat. For this reason, it should not be abused: fats in excess cause a serious blow to the liver and can provoke bowel disorders. This is a very high-calorie product, so people watching their figure should limit their consumption.

Walnuts are rich in vitamins K, E, A, group B, P, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, potassium, selenium, folic and ascorbic acid.

Thanks to this composition, walnuts are an indispensable product for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and brain. It is useful for the reproductive system, slows down the aging process, and reduces the risk of cancer.

In what form is it useful for diarrhea?

Walnuts are consumed fresh and lightly roasted. They are added to salads, appetizers, main courses, and desserts. In all these forms, they are nutritious for the body. But is it possible to eat nuts if you have diarrhea? And will it be useful? If the diarrhea is not caused by this product, then yes. Nuts will help the body regain all the minerals and vitamins lost during diarrhea.

To do this you need:

  • remove the kernels from the skin;
  • grind;
  • pour one spoon with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • simmer over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • strain.

The resulting drink should be drunk throughout the day, in small portions.

A decoction of walnut partitions is also useful for diarrhea. They, as well as the shells, can be used to prepare an alcohol tincture that can also stop diarrhea.

Some people are allergic to nuts and their components. In this case, you cannot use the nut, as well as its derivatives - infusion, tincture for diarrhea. Both the kernels and the shell or partitions can cause an allergic reaction.

When can walnuts cause diarrhea?

Walnuts contain a lot of fiber - this is indigestible dietary fiber. They act as a sorbent, like a natural sponge, collecting all harmful substances along the way in the intestines.

As a result, the body is freed from all waste products, waste and toxins. Digestion and intestinal motility improves. The tannin and juglone contained in the product help relax its muscles.

Fats have a laxative effect.

However, with moderate and proper consumption of nuts, they bring only benefits, no harm. Here are the cases in which they can cause diarrhea:

  • individual intolerance;
  • nut allergy;
  • digestive disorders;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract;
  • abuse of this product.

Failures are also possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when a woman’s body is especially sensitive to any changes in diet. Elderly people and young children are also at risk.

If you have already had a bad reaction to this product once, this does not mean that it will persist for life. As time passes, you can try nuts again, the main thing is to introduce them into your diet gradually.

An infant may experience diarrhea from the milk of a mother who has consumed nuts. At this age, the body is especially vulnerable and it will be more difficult for it to cope with disorders. Therefore, it is better for a woman during lactation not to eat too many nuts.

How to prevent and stop diarrhea from nuts

Diarrhea from walnuts will not occur if you eat this delicious fruit correctly:

  1. Do not eat darkened, dry fruits with a rancid taste and unpleasant odor. There will be no benefit from such nuts. Fresh and healthy – moderately soft, fatty, light in color, with a pleasant characteristic taste and aroma.
  2. Purchase peeled kernels only in sealed, transparent (so that you can evaluate their appearance), unblown packaging of small volume - enough to eat in 2-3 times. If you plan to store the nuts for a long time, you should buy them in shell. Clean immediately before use.
  3. Don't eat a lot at one time. The maximum serving is 8–10 kernels, even less for children, the elderly, and pregnant women.
  4. Do not combine with large quantities of other foods rich in fiber - raw vegetables, fruits. And also with fatty foods.
  5. Do not consume a lot during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during loose stools and digestive disorders.

However, all these recommendations apply only to those people who tolerate nuts well. In case of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction, one nucleolus may be enough to cause diarrhea.

If the problem has already arisen, then the first thing to do is stop using this product. It will be useful to take activated carbon, in the amount of one tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight, or other sorbents. In emergency cases, take medications that stop diarrhea: Loperamide, Imodium and others.

During treatment of diarrhea and after its completion, you need to drink a lot of plain, clean water. Green and black tea, herbal infusions that promote normal digestion, and unsweetened berry fruit drinks will be beneficial.

Raw vegetables and fruits, all fatty, fried, spicy foods, sweets, dried fruits, and milk are prohibited. To make diarrhea go away faster, the basis of the diet should be porridge with water, dietary meat and poultry, rye bread, hard-boiled eggs, low-fat broths, boiled or baked potatoes.


So can nuts cause diarrhea? Yes, just like from any other fatty, high-calorie and fiber-rich product, if you overeat it, or if you have an individual intolerance.

To prevent this from happening, you need to consume this delicacy correctly, wisely, and not overuse it. And also carefully monitor the condition of your body.

Diarrhea is an alarming signal that all is not well with your health and you need to listen to it.

Source: https://bezponosa.ru/pitanie/ponos-ot-gretskih-orehov.html

What should you avoid if you have diarrhea?

  • Avoid drinks and foods that contain caffeine or are very hot or cold. It will irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • When dieting for diarrhea, avoid fatty, fried and heavy foods. Eating this way will only make your intestinal upset worse.
  • If you have diarrhea, avoid foods that cause gas accumulation in the intestines - chewing gum, carbonated drinks. They irritate the digestive tract.
  • Limit milk and dairy products. They may be hard to digest.
  • Avoid nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, bran and whole grain bread in your diet. They irritate the digestive tract.

Try not to smoke or drink alcohol.

A complete list of what to eat for diarrhea is contained in the “Table No. 4” diet.

Dairy food

Lactose contained in dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, cream cheese, ice cream, sour cream) is a substance that is difficult for a weakened stomach to cope with during diarrhea. If there is a large amount of this carbohydrate, it enters the colon, and the body's condition usually worsens. However, dairy products with a low lactose content (natural yogurt, kefir or hard cheeses) can soothe the digestive system.

If a person suffers from hypolactasia (lactose intolerance), then the likelihood of developing diarrhea when consuming dairy products increases significantly. Other symptoms of lactose intolerance include flatulence, cramps, bloating and bad breath.

What is diarrhea and how to treat it

Diarrhea (diarrhea) refers to frequent loose stools accompanied by excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes. Intestinal upset occurs when the contents of the gastrointestinal tract move too quickly, causing fluid and nutrients not to be absorbed.

To quickly stop diarrhea (within 1 hour), IMODIUM ® Express lozenges are recommended, which will help normalize intestinal function, restoring the natural rhythm of its work. The tablets dissolve directly on the tongue in 2-3 seconds, do not require drinking water and have a pleasant mint taste.

The benefits of walnuts for diarrhea attacks

The peculiarity of the fruit is its high content of tannins, antibacterial elements, and vitamins. Due to their composition and numerous medicinal properties, nuts are often used for attacks of diarrhea, because herbal remedies act in several directions at once:

  • thicken stool;
  • normalize microflora in the intestines;
  • destroy infections, pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea;
  • relieve pain in the abdominal area;
  • prevent intoxication of the body;
  • improve general condition;
  • contribute to the restoration of the body.

It is recommended to use green fruits of the tree, partitions, and leaves for preparing homemade medicines. Usually, decoctions and tinctures are prepared based on plant raw materials. Fruits consumed without processing will bring undeniable benefits.

Healing properties

The product has gained popularity among many people due to its many beneficial properties. The medicinal effect has been demonstrated for many years in various forms of preparation of the fruit. The main aspect in achieving the success of the fruit of a tree is its biochemical composition. It contains:

  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fatty acid;
  • starch;
  • ash;
  • macro and microelements;
  • vitamins, including beta-carotene, group B, C, E, K, PP.

Diarrhea is often provoked by diseases such as pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, and gastrointestinal pathologies. Eating treats allows you to normalize organ function and restore normal stool. Due to the fiber contained in the product, diarrhea may develop from walnuts. Therefore, if there is a risk of stool disorder, it is not recommended to consume large amounts of nut tree fruits. In case of frequent and excessive eating of healthy treats, the situation can be aggravated, which will cause severe diarrhea. In any case, it is necessary to consume the healing product in doses.

If the patient has been diagnosed with frequent constipation, then the doctor and nutritionist may advise regularly consuming the fruit, because walnuts are debilitating. If an unpleasant and always unexpected symptom occurs, you should stop eating treats for a while until the signs of stool disorder go away. Nut kernels are ideal food for the brain. Omega-3 acids included in the composition improve the functioning of nerve cells in the brain. In order to fill the daily requirement, it is enough to eat 5 kernels per day. Walnuts reduce cholesterol, which is very important for those who are at risk of cardiovascular diseases. To avoid blockage of blood vessels, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the norm of consumption of the medicinal fruits of the nut tree.

Thanks to vitamins and antioxidants, fruits help preserve youth and keep the skin toned. Macro and microelements improve the condition of nails and hair. Has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

Contraindications and prevention

If diarrhea can be caused by eating nut kernels, then you should be aware of the following precautions:

  • do not exceed the dosage. The higher the calorie content, the fewer kernels you should consume;
  • minimum number of fruits for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies (3-5 kernels);
  • minimize nut kernels for overweight people;
  • Pregnant women and children should be careful.

Prevention methods include purchasing unpeeled fruits in sealed containers, avoiding bitter kernels, and eating foods high in fiber. It is better to organize cleaning of nut seeds immediately before eating.

We recommend: What to do and how to treat watery diarrhea in a child?

Diarrhea from nut tree fruits

The healing product in its raw form should be consumed in moderation. Diarrhea from walnuts can be caused in the following situations:

  1. Excessive consumption and overeating;
  2. Individual intolerance to one or more components included in the composition;
  3. Food allergic reaction;
  4. The presence of chronic diseases or congenital anomalies that worsened when eating the product;
  5. As a result of a weakened immune system after a serious illness or surgery;
  6. Improper storage or consumption of spoiled nuts;
  7. Poorly cleaned kernels, since the shell contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria, should be thoroughly cleaned. Especially if the fruits were bought at the market or in a supermarket.

Contraindications for use

You should avoid this product if you have an individual intolerance to nuts and their protein. In rare cases, it can even lead to anaphylactic shock. Serious intestinal disorders, poor blood clotting, pancreatic diseases, liver and skin diseases are obstacles to consuming walnuts. You should drink preparations based on walnuts, especially those from the leaves and shells, which contain toxic components, with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

If you follow the terminology, it turns out that a diet is restrictions and rules when eating foods. Moreover, this concerns not only the choice of products themselves, but also the method of their preparation, acceptable quantity and quality. Diet for indigestion has a number of quite serious prohibitions. Therefore, if such problems appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist who can prescribe proper nutrition.

Each dietary nutrition system is aimed at its own specific goal, and if everything is clear with weight loss, then for disorders of the body’s functioning, a preliminary study and diagnosis of the patient is required. Only a doctor, based on test results, can clearly say what should be excluded and what should be left and in what quantity.

Diet for intestinal disorders is a mandatory point of treatment. It is a balanced diet that can cope not only with unpleasant symptoms, but also stop the development of the disorder. In doing so, the products can help speed up recovery.

Important! Any diseases of the intestines and stomach, including diarrhea, remove a lot of useful substances from the body. It is for their restoration that a properly balanced diet is required. This also includes drinking plenty of fluids.


Walnut kernels have a laxative effect. For some people, such food is absolutely contraindicated for consumption. These include patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation, with blood pathologies in which increased coagulability is observed. Not allowed for use with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Not recommended for obese people, as well as those with individual intolerance to the fruits of the tree. If consumed, walnuts may cause diarrhea.

The presence of plant fiber in combination with tannin and juglone enhances intestinal motility, which has a pronounced laxative effect. Due to this property, the kernels are widely used in folk medicine to treat constipation, even in chronic forms. Stimulating the liquefaction of feces leads to relief for the patient who suffers from fecal obstruction. If diarrhea occurs after eating nut tree fruits, you should first stop eating the kernels and monitor the person’s general condition. If necessary, call an ambulance, because diarrhea causes severe dehydration, which is extremely dangerous to the life and health of both adults and children.

Walnut Recipes

To prevent the above diseases, the product can be consumed in everyday nutrition. It will be a good addition to salads, retaining all the beneficial properties without exposure to high temperatures. The following are recipes for products made from various parts of the plant, used in folk medicine.

Infusion of leaves for atherosclerosis


  • dry crushed nut leaves - 2 tsp;
  • water - 200 g.

A useful infusion is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Pour boiling water over the leaves.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour.
  3. Strain the infusion. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Diet rules for diarrhea

Many people ask whether it is possible to eat nuts if they have diarrhea, because they do not understand what their diet should be if they have an intestinal disorder. In this case, until the cause of this disorder is clarified, it is better to adhere to a strict diet - give up fatty, salty, sweet and starchy foods. It is recommended to include steamed vegetables and cereals cooked in water in the diet. Protein foods can be consumed no earlier than the third day after poisoning, and it is better to cook protein dishes by steaming or baking.

From the third day, if there are no other symptoms of diarrhea, you can supplement the diet with other foods. However, it should be remembered that with diarrhea it is important:

  • Restore water-salt balance. It is the latter that ensures the normal course of all reactions. A shift in balance in any direction leads to various disorders - from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to the transmission of nerve impulses to working tissues and organs. Another important nuance is that with diarrhea, not only fluid is removed, but nutrients (micro- and macroelements, vitamins) are also washed out. It’s easy to prevent this type of development - just drink at least one and a half to two liters of water (boiled) a day and don’t forget about proper nutrition.
  • Restore intestinal microflora. The nature of intestinal dysfunction depends on the cause of the disorder. Ordinary poisoning is one thing, and helminthic infestation (damage to the digestive organs by parasitic worms) is quite another. In a normal state, the intestines contain “good” bacteria that stimulate the digestion process, and “neutral” ones. The latter do neither harm nor benefit. As the disease develops, metabolic products begin to accumulate in the intestines, which for some reason cannot be removed. If the cause of the disorder is helminthiasis (helminthic infestation), metabolic products accumulate in the intestines, including parasites, as well as “bad” bacteria. Because of this, a person suffers from diarrhea, bloating, nausea and flatulence.
  • Normalize intestinal function. On the one hand, you need to strengthen the chair. To do this, foods with an astringent effect (bananas, cottage cheese, oatmeal, rice) are introduced into the diet. On the other hand, the body suffers from a lack of nutrients. This is why the diet must be balanced. And finally, dishes should not subject the digestive organs to additional stress. It is better to steam them or bake them, adding a minimum of salt and fat.

Types of nuts and their properties

The most popular types of nuts are:

  • Peanuts are a source of protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat (the healthiest fat, lowers total blood cholesterol), niacin, folic acid and vitamin E.
  • Pine nuts are useful for immunodeficiency conditions, allergic diseases, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, including peptic ulcers and cholelithiasis.
  • Almonds are recommended for those who limit themselves in carbohydrates. Nuts contain a large amount of nutrients, but without starch. The fats found in almonds are mostly monounsaturated. The phytonutrients contained in almonds are beneficial for the heart muscle. Raw almonds, not peeled, are the most beneficial.
  • Cashew nuts. Nut kernels contain substances that disinfect harmful bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. They are also recommended for strengthening the immune system.
  • Pistachios contain large amounts of vitamin E, group B and minerals. Lutein contained in pistachios has a beneficial effect on vision, and vitamin E (tocopherol) fights free radicals. The high fiber content in pistachios has a positive effect on intestinal function, improves peristalsis and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Nuts also improve liver function, activate bile flow, and cleanse the ducts.
  • Walnuts are high in protein and are a good addition to a vegetarian diet. They are indispensable for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular problems and type 2 diabetes. Nuts strengthen bones, promote weight loss and prevent obesity.
  • Hazelnut. These nuts help fight cardiovascular diseases. The kernel of nuts contains potassium and calcium, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase the elasticity of the heart muscle. Hazelnuts are used in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and problems with capillaries. It contains paclitaxel (an anti-cancer substance), which helps in the prevention of cancer.

Treatment of diarrhea

If diarrhea develops after eating nut fruits, it is necessary to select medications with extreme caution. The duration of the eating disorder should be monitored. If, after stopping taking kernels, the stool does not return to normal within two days, you should visit a doctor.

Treatment of diarrhea includes first aid. It is first necessary to replenish the water-salt balance. Mineral water or boiled salted water, Regidron solution, will do. Then perform the following steps:

  • take adsorbent medications: activated carbon, Smecta. The drugs will cleanse the intestines, remove toxins from the body, and you can artificially induce vomiting;
  • adjust your diet by refusing to eat for several hours. You can drink two or three glasses of strong tea.

The first days after diarrhea you should follow a diet. Remove difficult-to-digest foods from your diet: salty, spicy, fatty, alcoholic. You can include porridge, hard-boiled eggs, dried bread, weak broth, baked or steamed vegetables, fruits.

Pharmacy remedies for diarrhea, in addition to sorbents, include medications that restore intestinal microflora. Effective medications: Linex, Immodium, Bifiform.

Treatment of diarrhea by eating nuts

If the diarrhea is not too severe, there are no side effects or complications, it is recommended to use fruit kernels to eliminate unpleasant attacks.

To remove the problem, it is important to calculate the quantity correctly - adults need to eat at least five nuts. Take your time - the kernels need to be thoroughly chewed, soaked in saliva, and swallowed. It is not recommended to drink any liquid (even plain water).

Women expecting the birth of a baby are allowed to use traditional treatment, but reduce the number of fruits - to eliminate the unpleasant problem, it is recommended to eat only 3-4 nuts.

Be sure to monitor the body’s reaction - if after a home remedy you experience unpleasant signs (rashes on the dermis, attacks of nausea), refuse to continue taking it, resort to other alternative medicines, after consulting a doctor.

Dosage for children is only two nuts. The use of fruits is allowed only from 4 years of age; giving herbal remedies to children who cannot chew is strictly prohibited - even crushed nucleoli can cause damage to the mucous membranes and malfunction of the digestive system.

Usually one dose of natural medicine is enough to eliminate the problem. If the diarrhea does not stop, repeat the use of the product after 3-4 hours.

The lack of results even after repeated use is a signal to immediately seek medical help; there is a possibility that diarrhea is caused by serious diseases that require drug therapy.

Contraindications to the use of walnut-based medications

It is not always possible to use medicines made from walnuts. It is necessary to refuse its use in the fight against diarrhea in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to plant proteins;
  • allergic reaction to walnuts;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased blood clotting.

Nuts have no age restrictions, and can also be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children.


Eating large amounts of nuts increases the risk of stomach upset. However, diarrhea occurs even after a small portion of the product eaten. For example, walnuts contain juglone and tannin, which speed up metabolism and relax the intestinal muscles.

The causes of diarrhea due to consumption of nut products are as follows:

  • postoperative period;
  • excessive use;
  • individual intolerance to nut elements;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, diarrhea from walnuts more often indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fruits generally stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber content allows you to quickly remove toxins through the intestines. To more accurately determine the source of bowel dysfunction, to understand whether diarrhea is caused by an allergy or the amount of food eaten, it is necessary to monitor the body’s reaction to the amount of food eaten.

Features of nuts

The diversity of the plant world allows you to choose nut kernels according to your own taste preferences, properties, and price. Each variety of fruit has individual characteristics:

  • hazelnuts - beneficial for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Contains calcium and potassium, which strengthen the tone of the walls of blood vessels and serves as a preventive agent for oncology;
  • pine nuts - favor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, ischemia, and heart disease;
  • walnuts - contain a decent amount of fat and protein. Beneficial microelements of the fetus strengthen bone tissue and promote smooth metabolism;
  • Almonds are a nut that contains more protein than others. The benefits of the product are enormous for the heart, brain, intestines, and skin. Serves as a prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. The greatest benefits of almonds come when consumed raw;
  • cashews - strengthen the immune system, disinfect;
  • pistachios - include a high concentration of vitamins E and B. They improve the condition of the skin and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peanuts - lowers cholesterol levels, contains a significant amount of protein and fiber.

Important! Excessive consumption of any type of seeds can cause diarrhea. The fruits are eaten in limited quantities - no more than thirty grams per day.

Beneficial properties of nuts against obesity

Due to the fact that the walnut kernels and its partitions contain large quantities of tannins and antibacterial substances, they can stop diarrhea as quickly as possible. Tannins have astringent properties, which is why loose stools soon stop. The antibacterial properties of the plant are necessary in the treatment of diarrhea for the reason that they ensure the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, which, penetrating into the body with water or food, as well as dust and soil, lead to acute intoxication of the body and intense diarrhea. In addition, due to the large amount of microelements, walnuts help to quickly improve the patient’s condition and help him recover fairly quickly.

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