What to do when hemorrhoidal cones appear: treat or observe?

Ointments for node thrombosis

What ointments are used for hemorrhoidal thrombosis?

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

If hemorrhoidal thrombosis has been diagnosed, the ointment should contain substances to resolve blood clots.

In case of thrombosis, it is recommended to lubricate the external hemorrhoid with Hepatrombin G ointment. It has the most pronounced thrombolytic effect, as it improves tissue metabolism and promotes rapid regeneration of epithelial cells. Many proctologists often prescribe Proctosedyl and Proctoglivenol to patients.

Treatment should be comprehensive and long-term (about 7-14 days).

Note! Timely contact with a specialist will help prevent the development of adverse consequences and help avoid surgical interventions. Ointment for hemorrhoidal cones can be used without consulting a doctor. In case of acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should consult a proctologist.


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

Therapy of internal nodes

Internal hemorrhoids located on the rectal mucosa should be treated with suppositories or rectal creams. They are equipped with a special applicator, with the help of which the drug is injected into the rectum and envelops the walls.

To increase the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy, before administering the suppository, you need to empty your intestines so that feces do not interfere with the drug’s distribution along the rectum. To do this, you just need to go to the toilet, do a cleansing enema or microenema.

To cure hemorrhoidal cones, you need to use rectal suppositories or creams that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, wound healing, and regenerating effects. If bloody discharge suddenly appears from the rectum, a drug containing a hemostatic component is prescribed.

They mainly use suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil or methyluracil, as well as Anestezol, Relief, Procto-Glivenol, Ultraproct, etc. The required drug, frequency of use and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. Even if the pain has passed, under no circumstances should you stop taking the medications, since the disease may relapse again in the near future.

How to cure external hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal lumps often bother people with varicose veins in the anorectal area. External hemorrhoids are distinguished by the circumanal location of tricky formations; with internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are located inside the rectal organ. Nodules do not appear on their own; the formation of lumps always has a reason. Patients often come to the proctologist with the question of how to cure external hemorrhoids and how to remove a lump that has begun to bother them.

If external hemorrhoids bother you, how can patients remove the lump? The first thing you need to know is that any disease must be treated in a timely manner so as not to worsen the situation. Advanced hemorrhoids are difficult to treat and most often require surgical treatment. For timely treatment, you need to seek the help of a proctologist.

What is the danger of hemorrhoids

Venous dysfunction in the pelvic area is caused by poor circulation due to viscous blood and thrombosis. In this case, the walls of the vessels are stretched, deformed, and nodes are formed. Hemorrhoidal cones do not allow the free release of compressed feces. Hemorrhoids are aggravated by constipation, so with tight stools, the mucous tissues of the rectum are injured, if the nodes are large, feces cannot pass out freely. Tight feces damage not only the rectum, but also hemorrhoidal cones with the anus. Anal fissures appear, and an infection can enter the bloodstream through injuries to the nodes.

Large hemorrhoids located inside the intestine narrow the intestinal lumen. Evacuations become unbearably painful, most often the patient simply cannot pass without an enema. When hemorrhoids become severe, the nodes fall out of the intestines, sometimes even without strain. Initially, the cones are reduced on their own; without timely treatment, over time, the cones cease to be reduced, which threatens the patient with pinching of the node by the sphincter.

The fallen nodes are injured when sitting, walking, and begin to bleed and crack.

Without adequate therapy, complications may occur in the form of:

As can be seen from the list of serious hemorrhoidal consequences, at the last stage of the disease it is necessary to remove the cones of internal hemorrhoids; sometimes proctologists suggest undergoing long-term complex therapy.

Surgeries to remove hemorrhoids

The only way to permanently get rid of hemorrhoids is surgical treatment. For stages 2-3 of the disease, minimally invasive operations are suitable. For grade 4 hemorrhoids, only hemorrhoidectomy will help.

Minimally invasive treatment

Minimal intervention procedures are designed to treat small bumps. Gentle operations do not require long recovery and are performed under local anesthesia. The patient goes home the same day.

An effective method is coagulation of enlarged nodes with infrared radiation. The heat impulse burns the cone from the inside, it shrinks and soon dies painlessly. A laser coagulator is equipped with a similar operating principle. The targeted laser beam causes a limited thermal burn. In its place, necrosis develops, closing over time with connective tissue.

Electrocoagulation is carried out by applying polar electrodes - anode and cathode - to the enlarged node. The circuit closes, current flows, the proteins of living tissues fold and become non-functional. Instead of a swollen bump, a small scar forms.

Substances with unpronounceable names sodium tetradecyl sulfate and polidocanol are sclerosants. The sclerosant is injected into the cavity of the dilated vein. The walls of the vessel stick together and become overgrown. This method is suitable for cases where acute hemorrhoids have passed, but the lump remains.

Pulling the stem of the hemorrhoid with a latex clamp is called ligation. The bandaged vessel does not receive nutrition, the tissue begins to be rejected and necrotic. A small stump forms in place of the dead vessel.

Liquid nitrogen instantly freezes the hemorrhoid. Limited frostbite heals in a few days, and the disease is no longer a concern.

Under Doppler ultrasound control, arteries supplying blood to the cavernous plexuses of the rectum are identified and clamped. Desarterization of the feeding arteries leads to the death of the nodes.

The use of minimally invasive operations has made life much easier for those suffering from hemorrhoids. Conservative measures do not help with prolapsed nodes and large cones.

Surgical treatment

When the development of the disease reaches its maximum phase, surgery is performed to remove hemorrhoids. Excision of nodes is done in a hospital setting. Before the operation, a fasting diet is observed, and the intestines are cleansed with an enema. General anesthesia is given intravenously. Surgery has several approaches to eliminating painful nodes. The classic Milligan-Morgan technique leaves the wound edges open. The excised tissue heals naturally.

The wound edges are sutured using a modified Ferguson-Heaton method. The recovery period is easier and faster. The method of operation is selected individually. The form of the disease, the location and size of the nodes, the age and health status of the patient are taken into account. A modern electric or ultrasonic scalpel makes the operation anemic, the vessels are sealed and do not bleed. Surgeries are contraindicated for pregnant women, children, the elderly, and cancer patients. Surgical intervention in case of extensive thrombosis or purulent inflammation is postponed until the patient’s health improves.

Hemorrhoids occur when the rectal veins become inflamed and complicated by thrombosis. If left to its own devices, the process threatens node necrosis, bleeding, and damage to the rectum. A swollen lump can be treated conservatively or surgically. Doctors have a wide range of tablets, ointments, suppositories, compresses and minimally invasive procedures at their disposal.

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Drug treatment

How to remove a formed lump from hemorrhoids with medication? Pathology is better treated at the beginning of its development. Treatment should be comprehensive using external and internal agents. First of all, it is necessary to improve plasma circulation by relieving and strengthening the vascular walls. In addition to improving the performance of blood vessels, lymph outflow increases and swelling is eliminated. During treatment, it is necessary to prevent ruptures and blood loss. To maximize the effectiveness of therapy, treatment should be prescribed and monitored by the treating proctologist.

The doctor tells you how to reduce hemorrhoids after a thorough examination, tests, visual and instrumental examination. Therapy is selected based on the patient’s condition; each specific case is individual.


How to remove a lump from external hemorrhoids? External hemorrhoidal inflammation is eliminated with the use of oral medications in the form of tablets or capsules. Such drugs are usually taken in combination with local agents. The treatment regimen is selected by a proctologist.

Contraindications noted:

  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes.


An effective venotonic agent for strengthening blood vessels and preventing further development of hemorrhoids. Detralex contains hisperidin with diosmin aimed at strengthening vascular walls, improving circulation, relieving heaviness and pain. The drug is effective in the treatment of initial hemorrhoids and helps stop the formation of large nodes.


Tablet medicine based on diosmin, prescribed for internal use in case of poor blood circulation. The drug eliminates inflammation in damaged vessels. The product has no contraindications, the course of therapy is 7-21 days.


The drug is based on flavonoids, helps to reduce formed nodes, protects cones from injury and damage. The tablets are prescribed to be taken three times a day before meals. The best effectiveness of the drug was noted in combination with ascorbic acid.

How to remove external hemorrhoids with ointments? The most popular form of antihemorrhoidal medication is an ointment. After using the local product, the nodes are covered with a protective film, irritation and inflammation disappear, and small cracks with bleeding wounds quickly heal. Ointment compositions cool inflamed nodes. Products should not be applied to wet, suppurating or massively bleeding skin.

Heparin ointment

Recommended for reducing inflammation, reducing bumps, reducing fever with pain and itching. The effect of the composition is noted immediately after use. The product contains heparin to improve lymphatic drainage and thin the blood. Heparin ointment is also used as a pain reliever. The course of therapy is 1.5-2 weeks, the medicine is prescribed for use in compresses and rubbing into damaged tissue.


How to quickly remove formed hemorrhoids at home? For these purposes, patients often use rectal suppositories. It is better to choose the remedies with the treating proctologist. Suppositories are considered a highly effective dosage form for reducing and eliminating hemorrhoids. The products not only reduce the size of the nodes, but also prevent bleeding, relieve swelling, burning and itching.


Venotonic, analgesic suppositories for strengthening blood vessels, pain relief, improving lymph outflow, relieving swelling and inflammation. The drug contains tribenzoid, which is aimed at strengthening the venous wall and reducing hemorrhoidal cones. Proctoglivenol contains lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic. Suppositories are prescribed for painful, aggravated hemorrhoids. It is allowed to administer 1-3 suppositories per day. The product is recommended in complex therapy with the additional use of Proctoglivenol ointment.

Gepatrombin G

An effective anticoagulant that restores blood and blood vessels. Normalizes platelets, reduces viscosity, improves outflow. Among the active components, the composition contains heparin to reduce the size of hemorrhoids, eliminate swelling and inflammation. The drug is prescribed to relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids. Proctologists prescribe Hepatrombin G suppositories in complex therapy along with other local and oral medications.

Symptoms and stages

The classification of hemorrhoids distinguishes four forms of pathology

Symptoms of hemorrhoidal prolapse occur suddenly! When straining, the patient feels severe, even unbearable, pain. The prolapse is sometimes accompanied by bleeding.

The progression of the disease can be judged by the fact that with slight straining, defecation, sneezing or coughing, the nodes begin to come out of the anus. At this stage, they themselves return to their place due to the functioning of fibromuscular tissue and sphincter. The patient walks with the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, and to prevent the nodes from falling out, he needs to strain the sphincter. At this stage of the disease, inflammation may develop, bleeding may increase, and the risk of damage to the pathological node increases.

At the third stage of the disease, the impetus for the prolapse of the node can be difficult defecation, a sudden change in body position, lifting weights, and even calm walking. The nodes do not return to their original position on their own. You can put them in place only with your hands. The cause of disease progression is dystrophic changes in the muscle tissue of the perineum and rectal walls, as well as loss of sphincter function. At this stage of the disease, the patient is bothered by pain and itching in the anus, and rectal bleeding.

The last stage of the disease is characterized by the replacement of muscle tissue of the perineum and anus with connective tissue. Hemorrhoids fall out constantly. It is not possible to adjust them even manually. From constant contact with the environment, for example, during hygienic procedures, sitting on a chair, defecation, the walls of pathological nodes are injured, become rougher and thicken. The disease can be complicated by thrombosis, heavy bleeding, and infection.

Folk recipes

How to remove inflamed hemorrhoids at home? For medicinal purposes, baths with cool, hot and warm medicinal compositions are used. The herbs used for the products are wormwood, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, and eucalyptus. After taking a cool sitz bath in the herbal infusion, patients notice a significant improvement in their condition. The swelling disappears, the bumps move freely into place. After repositioning the node, the anorectal area must be lubricated with a bactericidal composition.

What to do if conservative measures do not help

How to remove severely enlarged hemorrhoids without conservative treatment? For these purposes, doctors recommend minimally invasive therapy. To do this, tightening, latex ligation or resection of the lump is prescribed. Minimally invasive treatment is caused by cutting off the nutrition of a large lump, due to which it becomes smaller and then dies completely.

If the patient has very large nodes that often become inflamed, surgical excision is recommended to avoid thrombosis. For this, a scalpel, laser beam, or ultrasound equipment is used. After operations, the wounds are sutured, a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed.

Preventive actions

How to remove an enlarged hemorrhoid at home? It is better to remove the nodes under the supervision and recommendations of a proctologist. At home, you can only alleviate the condition, relieve pain, discomfort and inflammation. To select effective therapy for eliminating hemorrhoids, a specialized approach with a comprehensive treatment regimen is required.

The selection of therapy is carried out on an individual basis. Medicines are selected taking into account the size of the nodes, the patient’s condition, the severity of the pathology and the characteristics of the body.

Features of the disease in pregnant women

While waiting for the birth of a child, many women experience hemorrhoids. This is due to increased intra-abdominal pressure due to an enlarged uterus. As a result of the restructuring of the body, many bumps are formed.

During this period, many medications cannot be used, so doctors offer only the most harmless means for external use to eliminate symptoms.

Often, experts insist on postponing treatment until the postpartum period, when it will be safe for both mother and child.

Groups of ointments for hemorrhoids

The following types of external remedies for hemorrhoids are available:

    . Their purpose is to reduce blood clotting. The main component of such drugs is heparin. It is an active ingredient in Heparin ointment and Hepatrombin G.

Most external agents have a combined effect. This allows you to achieve results faster, be treated at home and save a significant amount of money.

Which ointment to choose?

The choice depends on the degree of the disease and the patient’s well-being. Nodules, or bumps, appear almost immediately. At the initial stage, they become inflamed, enlarge, and at the last, fourth stage, they no longer move inside the rectum.

Only radical methods can definitively cure hemorrhoids - sclerotherapy or surgical removal of nodes.

It is difficult to name the best ointment for hemorrhoids with external lumps. With general signs of the disease, each case is individual. When purchasing you should consider:

  1. If hemorrhoids are complicated by the appearance of blood, then anticoagulants are prescribed.
  2. If you are concerned about severe pain, then the composition of the product should include anesthetics.
  3. For inflammation that spreads to adjacent tissues, ointments with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects are used.

In case of complications, men and women are usually prescribed complex remedies.

Use of venotonics

If hemorrhoids do not respond to local therapy, systemic agents must be included in complex treatment. For this, phlebotonics are used, which activate blood circulation and eliminate congestion. Effectively strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their tone and elasticity. Prevents blood thickening and blood clots.

Phlebotonics are used in a course; in order to remove hemorrhoids, it takes quite a lot of time. The minimum duration of treatment is about 2-3 months, depending on the initial condition of the patient's blood vessels. In some cases, it is possible to extend treatment to six months or even longer. Among phlebotonics, the most commonly prescribed tablets or capsules are Phlebodia, Detralex, Venarus, etc.

To cure hemorrhoids as quickly as possible, you should regularly visit a specialist for examination. The doctor will be able to assess the degree of effectiveness of the therapeutic regimen and, if necessary, replace certain medications or supplement prescriptions.

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