Hemorrhoids during breastfeeding: which suppositories to choose

Hemorrhoids are expressed by inflammation and dilation of the veins in the lower rectum. The pathology most often affects females during pregnancy and after childbirth and is associated with physiological processes during these periods.

To eliminate the disease, medications, as well as traditional recipes and physical therapy can be used. It is important that medications enter the bloodstream and are excreted in milk, so during breastfeeding you need to carefully select medications (tablets, suppositories or ointments).

Why do hemorrhoids occur after childbirth?

Hemorrhoids develop as a result of a disturbance in the condition and activity of the vessels located in the rectum.

During pregnancy and childbirth, these changes can be caused by the following reasons:

Long and difficult labor in 90% of cases provokes the development of hemorrhoids. Additionally, after childbirth, hemorrhoids can be caused by changes in hormonal levels, weight gained during pregnancy and a sedentary lifestyle.

Traditional medicine tips

What suppositories can be used from traditional medicine? Products based only on natural ingredients are considered safe. At home, you can form your own candles.

  1. Candles can be cut from the core of beets or potatoes. Their size should be small, about half the size of a little finger. Before insertion, you need to lubricate the tip of the candle with Vaseline or water. Itching, irritation and inflammation disappear after two days, but treatment must be carried out in full for up to 10 days.
  2. Candied honey candles. Honey can disinfect the surface, relieve inflammation and prevent the spread of germs.
  3. Ice chamomile candles. This remedy is especially useful for exacerbation of symptoms. Thanks to the cold, the blood vessels narrow, the blood stops, and the swelling subsides.
  4. You can make candles from aloe juice. The plant increases local immunity, heals wounds and stops bleeding, and has an antimicrobial effect.
  5. You can make candles from garlic and butter. Garlic has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects.

During breastfeeding, you should not self-medicate. This can lead not only to complications, but also to a deterioration in the baby’s health.

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Symptoms of postpartum hemorrhoids

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding are prescribed by a therapist or gynecologist based on the presence of the following symptoms:

  • discomfort and heaviness in the anal area;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • pain during defecation (the sensation is comparable to needles coming out of the anus) and when sitting;
  • presence of blood on stool and toilet paper;
  • itching and burning in the anus;

  • when hemorrhoids prolapse, they can be felt near the anus in the form of lumps and are painful on palpation;
  • constipation More often caused by a woman’s refusal to defecate due to the pain of the procedure;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation;
  • in severe forms, there is an increase in temperature, loss of appetite and pale skin due to lack of iron.

These signs allow the specialist to preliminarily determine the severity of the disease. If necessary, an examination with a proctologist may be scheduled.

Candles "Natalsid"

They are inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding. When the venous vessels of the rectum are damaged, rectal suppositories have a local effect.

The effectiveness of the medicine is explained by the direct contact of the damaged area with the active component, which guarantees the best anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids for women are homeopathic medicines based on natural ingredients. They are prescribed for exacerbation of the disease during lactation. The active ingredients of such medications pass through the blood into milk in small quantities, which is considered absolutely harmless to the baby.

If the damage to the hemorrhoid has entered an acute stage, conditionally safe drugs that contain small dosages of chemically active components can be used to treat the disease during breastfeeding. These include, for example, suppositories whose active ingredient is methyluracil.

Treatment rules for breastfeeding

Elimination of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding should occur in compliance with the following rules:

Additionally, hygiene is required to avoid infection in bleeding hemorrhoids.

List of safe drugs

In the overwhelming majority, the pharmacological group of prescribed drugs is determined by the symptoms of hemorrhoids, which must be relieved. Most often used:

  • Sea buckthorn suppositories - preparations based on sea buckthorn oil are good regenerants, relieve pain, inflammation, have anesthetic and hemostatic properties. Price – 70 rubles.
  • Relief - on meringue, shark liver oil exhibits hemostatic properties, constricting blood vessels, healing the rectal mucosa, and stopping inflammation. Cost – 350 rubles. Sometimes the drug is combined with an ointment of the same name, which enhances the effectiveness, but suppositories are contraindicated if there is a tendency to thrombus formation (blood viscosity is impaired), individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and agranulocytosis.
  • Hepatrombin is an anticoagulant, has a venosclerosing, anti-inflammatory, local analgesic effect, and is prescribed under the control of blood counts and medical supervision. Contraindications include fungal skin infections and infections of any origin. Price – 170 rubles.
  • Posterisan is a local immunostimulant, regenerant, relieves pain and inflammation. Price – 470 rubles.
  • Natalsid is a suppository based on sodium alginate from seaweed with a wide spectrum of action: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reparative, relieving anal fissures in the early stages of development. Price – 330 rubles.
  • Methyluracil suppositories improve tissue trophism, activate regeneration, relieve pain and inflammation. Cost – 50 rubles. Contraindicated for leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, tumor growth.
  • RectActive - suppositories with pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, tone the body during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, restore vein valves using escin from horse chestnut. Price – 250 rubles.
  • Witch hazel DN is a natural angioprotector, strengthens the walls of veins, tones, normalizes microcirculation of the anus, rectum, and eliminates congestion of the pelvic organs. Costs 100 rubles.
  • Proctis M - rectal venotonic suppositories based on hyaluronic acid, restore the structure of blood vessels, the elasticity of veins, relieve itching, burning, pain, pastiness of the anus, bleeding of hemorrhoids. Price – 450 rubles.
  • Propolis-based Propolis - suppositories that relieve pain, inflammation, and pastosity. Price – 526 rubles.
  • Ichthyol suppositories are excellent antiseptics. They cost 70 rubles.
  • Tea tree suppositories - relieve inflammation, swelling, disinfect the affected surface, preventing secondary infection. Cost – 200 rubles.
  • Calendula suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are a natural and therefore safe antiseptic during lactation. Cost – 95 rubles.
  • Glycerin suppositories - during breastfeeding, stimulate tissue regeneration, facilitate bowel movements, and prevent the formation of fecal stones. Price – 160 rubles.
  • Salofalk - suppositories based on mesalazine, antioxidants, relieve inflammation, pain, pastiness. Stimulate cellular immunity, suppress pathogenic microflora of the rectum, and regenerate tissue. They cost 529 rubles.
  • Propolis DN is a drug from the group of natural hemostatics. Price – 270 rubles.
  • Polyoxidonium – increases the body’s resistance to infections, convenient for lactation in the form of rectal capsules. Price – 905 rubles.
  • Genferon is a rectal suppository from the group of interferons with antiviral activity. They cost 497 rubles. Similar - Viferon for 238 rubles.
  • Fitomax PRO – anti-inflammatory homeopathic suppositories. They cost 100 rubles.

This is an incomplete list of rectal suppositories used to treat hemorrhoids during lactation. But there are also candles that are prohibited for use during this period.

Types of candles and their mechanism of action

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding differ in the nature of the effect and are divided into the following types:

Types of candlesDescription of action
Bactericidal and antiviralActive components help destroy bacteria and viruses, which reduces the likelihood of complications resulting from infection entering the rectum. The drugs are recommended for use in complex therapy, since they do not eliminate the cause of hemorrhoids.
PainkillersThese suppositories often contain lidocaine or novocaine. With a natural composition, the active substances are ichthyol or belladonna extract. The components provide a quick analgesic effect. The drugs also help relieve itching. This type of suppository does not help eliminate hemorrhoids, but only eliminates pain.
HemostaticThe active ingredients included in the suppositories are involved in stopping bleeding caused by hemorrhoids. The components have a vasoconstrictor effect and accelerate the healing process of bleeding cracks. Suppositories speed up the recovery process when eliminating hemorrhoids.
AnticoagulantsSuppositories help thin the blood and reduce platelet levels. Used to normalize blood circulation in the rectum. Do not use in the presence of bleeding. Blood thinning helps improve the condition of blood vessels and subsequently eliminate hemorrhoids.
PhlebotonicsSuppositories have an activating effect on blood circulation, improve metabolic processes and help restore the condition of blood vessels. This allows you to reduce the size of hemorrhoids and normalize vascular activity.
Anti-inflammatorySuppositories can have hormonal and non-hormonal composition. The main components have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce swelling and accelerate the process of vascular restoration. Additionally, suppositories help eliminate infection.
RegeneratingThe components are involved in accelerating tissue regeneration, including blood vessels.
UniversalSuppositories can simultaneously have analgesic, bactericidal and hemostatic (and other) effects. Used to quickly get rid of hemorrhoids.

The advantages of eliminating hemorrhoids using suppositories are:

  • the therapeutic effect is local, which means the effectiveness is higher;
  • the components of the drug do not penetrate the digestive tract, which reduces the likelihood of side effects;
  • suppositories are convenient and easy to use (no need to calculate dosages);
  • the ability to select suppositories with a specific action (antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory).

Additionally, suppositories have a laxative effect, facilitating the process of bowel movements, which is especially important if you have constipation.

Popular candles for nursing mothers

What suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used during breastfeeding so as not to harm the baby? The selection of drugs depends on the clinical symptoms and stage of the disease. It is preferable to use inexpensive and effective hemorrhoidal suppositories, which during breastfeeding will help eliminate the main symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation and bleeding of the rectum:

  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Natalsid;
  • Anuzol;
  • Ichthyols;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Propolis;
  • Proctosedyl M;
  • Olestesin;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Relief.

More information about suppositories for hemorrhoids used during lactation is described below.

Important! The information is for informational purposes only, the final choice of drugs and dosage selection is made by a doctor.

Relief and Gepatrombin

Relief suppositories and ointment help stop itching and stop bleeding in the anus. Blood circulation in the pelvic tissues improves, the level of inflammation decreases, and pain goes away. Due to the strengthening effect, the vessels become more elastic, hemorrhoids decrease in size. Such medications should be prescribed to women during the breastfeeding period by a doctor.

Hepatrombin - ointment and suppositories that resolve blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones, also have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic effects. Gepatrombin suppositories are intended for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, when they are complicated by the formation of nodes and the development of severe inflammation.

Procto-Glivenol and Natalsid

These suppositories for hemorrhoids do not pass into breast milk, therefore they are considered safe and effective for nursing mothers. But some mothers complained of the development of allergic reactions while using suppositories, so before use you should consult a doctor and make sure there is no intolerance to the components of the drugs. Procto-Glyvenol is a suppository containing lidocaine; they should be used with caution.

Note! Natalsid is a product with a natural composition; it contains brown algae extract. Heals and restores the rectal mucosa, helps relieve inflammation and pain. Natalsid suppositories have a low number of side effects, so their use is safe during breastfeeding.


This product contains a complex of inactivated E. coli, which strengthen the local immune system and stimulate the production of phagocytes. Only the affected areas are affected, and healthy areas remain unchanged, as a result of which the body independently fights inflammation.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids Posterizan promote the healing of microcracks in the mucosa and restoration of vascular tone. They can be used during lactation, since they do not have a negative effect on the baby and do not change the composition of milk.

Candles with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is famous for its healing and dermatotropic properties, so the presence of its extract in suppositories for hemorrhoids helps restore the rectal mucosa, relieve inflammation and pain. In addition to the above actions, sea buckthorn oil helps strengthen local immunity, eliminate itching and burning, and heal microcracks. Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids do not contain preservatives or chemicals, so they are safe during breastfeeding and help to quickly relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Suppositories with propolis

Propolis is a well-known anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, which in the form of suppositories helps to quickly relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids in women during lactation. The use of propolis suppositories is indicated in the initial stages of the disease and for the prevention of hemorrhoids; they can be used in the absence of allergies to bee products. List of propolis-based suppositories:

  • Hemo-Pro;
  • Propolis DN;
  • Phyto Propolis;
  • Prostopin.

These medications contain lanolin and cocoa butter as additional components and are considered safe and effective for treating hemorrhoids during breastfeeding. When using propolis suppositories, local immunity increases, wounds heal, and hemorrhoids tighten.

Other candles

There are a number of other drugs approved for use by nursing mothers for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. Calendula DN is a homeopathic preparation; the suppositories contain natural calendula extract. They help cope with pain and inflammation, are safe during breastfeeding and do not cause side effects.
  2. Neo-Anuzol - suppositories for hemorrhoids, which contain iodine, zinc oxide, resorcinol and bismuth nitrate. Iodine and zinc help get rid of pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation. Other components have a drying effect, strengthen local immunity, increase capillary elasticity, and relieve pain.
  3. Olestesin is a suppository that relieves signs of hemorrhoids thanks to the extract of sea buckthorn oil and anesthesin. They effectively relieve pain, stop bleeding and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

It is preferable to use herbal suppositories for hemorrhoids in the initial stages of the disease, when hemorrhoids have not yet formed in the rectum. But since stronger drugs are prohibited during breastfeeding, the use of these suppositories is the only way to cure the disease and not harm the baby.

Safe and conditionally safe suppositories for hepatitis B

When breastfeeding, a specialist initially prescribes suppositories of natural composition, as they are considered safe for the child and mother (Natalsid, Posterizan, Neo-Anuzol).

If after a course of use the therapeutic effect is not achieved, then conditionally safe drugs are already used (they contain chemical components). The name of the product (Procto-Glyvenol, Anestezol, Relief), dosage and course of treatment with suppositories for hemorrhoids are determined by the doctor.


You can order suppositories for hemorrhoids while breastfeeding in online stores in any region. Their catalogs present a wide range of drugs recommended for use during lactation. On the pages of the online store you can find reviews from customers who have already used suppositories to treat hemorrhoids. Prices in different regions differ; the average price for the Moscow region is presented in the table:

Name of the drug Amount in a package Cost (rubles)
Gepatrombin G 4 181,0
Relief 10 424,0
Anuzol 6 96,0
Procto-Glyvenol 4 453,0
Natalsid 10 357,0
Sea buckthorn candles 10 114,0

Rectal medications approved for nursing mothers

During lactation, choosing suppositories for hemorrhoids on your own is prohibited. Since it is important to consider not only contraindications for the mother, but also the possible risk for the child. In this regard, it is recommended to purchase drugs that have a natural composition and have a quick therapeutic effect.

The list of approved drugs for hemorrhoids during lactation includes the following types of suppositories:

Candle namesComposition and action of suppositoriesTherapeutic courseContraindications and possible adverse reactions
Sea buckthornThe main component of suppositories is sea buckthorn oil, which has the following therapeutic effect:
  • accelerates the healing process of cracks;
  • prevents the development of the inflammatory process and swelling;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • helps eliminate constipation, as well as burning and itching;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the tissues of the anus;
  • promotes vascular restoration;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells.

Also has antibacterial properties.

Candles are used in the morning and evening hours for 14 days. The course can be repeated after 30 days. Suppositories are prohibited for use in the presence of an allergic reaction to the components (occurs in rare cases) and the presence of diarrhea.
The components do not pass into breast milk. Treatment may be accompanied by itching, burning and loose stools. No drug overdose has been identified.
Gepatrombin GRefers to hormonal drugs. The active substances (sodium heparin, prednisolone and lauromacrogol 600) have the following therapeutic effect:
  • eliminate inflammation and irritation of rectal tissue;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots and swelling;
  • thins the blood;
  • help reduce bumps and itching;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • has an anesthetic effect.

Also, the components of the drug help eliminate allergic symptoms (itching, burning, swelling).

Suppositories are inserted into the rectum 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the treating specialist. Suppositories can cause irritation and itching of tissues due to an allergic reaction to the components (in rare cases).
Suppositories are contraindicated in the presence of bleeding, infectious dermatological diseases and poor blood clotting. During lactation it is a conditionally safe drug. No cases of overdose have been reported.
Relief AdvanceThe active ingredients (benzocaine and shark oil) have the following effects in the rectum:
  • prevent the development of the inflammatory process;
  • stop bleeding;
  • activate cell regeneration, accelerating the process of tissue and vascular restoration;
  • block nerve impulses, thereby providing an analgesic effect;
  • facilitate the process of defecation.

The use of suppositories also helps strengthen the immune system thanks to the shark oil contained in it.

Candles can be used up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and the dynamics of therapy. Suppositories should not be used if you have an allergic reaction or an increased level of platelets in the blood.
Application may cause tissue irritation, burning and other allergic symptoms. For women who are breastfeeding, the drug is conditionally safe. In case of accidental overdose, breathing problems, convulsions and increased blood viscosity are possible.
AnuzolThe active substances (xeroform, belladonna extract and zinc sulfate) have the following therapeutic effect:
  • normalize the tone of the rectal muscles;
  • eliminate spasms in muscle tissue;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • prevent the development of infection.

Additionally, they have a drying and astringent effect.

1-3 suppositories are allowed per day. In severe forms, the use of up to 7 suppositories is allowed. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the pathology and the dynamics of therapy. Candles are not prescribed:
  • during pregnancy;
  • in the presence of oncological formations;
  • for prostate pathologies;
  • if you are allergic to components;
  • for severe heart pathologies;
  • with increased intraocular pressure;
  • in the absence of muscle tone in the rectum.

Therapy may be accompanied by:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • allergic reactions (itching, burning);
  • dilated pupils;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • sensations of heart contractions;
  • deterioration in sleep quality. Suppositories are considered conditionally safe drugs during lactation.

An overdose of the drug can cause convulsions, nervous tension and disruption of the urination process.

Procto-GlyvenolThe main components (tribenzoide and lidocaine) have the following medicinal properties:
  • activate the activity of blood vessels, increasing their tone and strengthening the walls;
  • prevent the development of blood stagnation;
  • eliminate pain symptoms;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes.
Treatment consists of 2 days. During this time, it is allowed to administer 1 suppository 2 times every 24 hours. The course of therapy can only be extended by the attending physician. In case of an allergic reaction, liver dysfunction and dermatological diseases, suppositories are not used.
Therapy can cause the development of allergic reactions (itching, redness and swelling of the anus), including anaphylactic shock, as well as bronchospasm and cardiac dysfunction. Suppositories are conditionally permitted during lactation. Overdoses with this drug have not been recorded.
Suppositories with propolis (propolis DN, Hemo-Pro, Prostopin).Several types of suppositories are produced, where the active substance is propolis. It has the following therapeutic effect:
  • destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • activates tissue regeneration;
  • eliminate pain symptoms;
  • prevent the development of cancer formations;
  • normalize blood clotting;
  • normalize intestinal motility, which helps eliminate constipation.

Additionally, suppositories help strengthen the immune system.

The course of treatment consists of 3 single injections of suppositories into the rectum for 10 days.Candles are prohibited for use in the presence of allergic reactions.
They are also possible side effects during treatment. Suppositories are safe medications during lactation. No drug overdose was recorded.
Candles with calendulaCalendula is also the active ingredient in several types of suppositories. It has the following effects on the rectum:
  • eliminates inflammation and swelling;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • eliminates pain symptoms.
To eliminate hemorrhoids, it is necessary to administer suppositories into the rectum 2 times a day for no more than 14 days. The need to extend therapy is discussed with the attending physician. Suppositories are prohibited for use in the presence of hemorrhoids, bleeding from the anus and an allergic reaction to the components.
The use of suppositories may cause an allergic reaction. Suppositories are safe drugs for lactation. No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.
Homeopathic (Anti-K, Belladonna Extract, Fitomax).The basis of this type of suppository is only natural ingredients (sea buckthorn, propolis, brown algae). The natural composition of candles allows:
  • eliminate inflammation and swelling;
  • activate regeneration with subsequent healing of cracks in the rectum;
  • effectively eliminate pain and itching;
  • prevent infection;
  • help eliminate constipation.
Suppositories need to be administered 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days.Due to their natural composition, suppositories should not be taken if you have an allergic reaction to the components; they are also possible side effects.
Suppositories are safe medications during lactation. No drug overdose was recorded.

If there is no effect from the suppositories after 7 days or if there are side effects, it is necessary to replace the drug with an analogue, preferably a safe one.

Choosing an effective and safe product for mothers

In order to choose a fast-acting, effective, but at the same time completely safe remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones for nursing mothers, it is important to base not only on the cost, but also on the composition of the drug. It is best to opt for special medications intended for use during lactation. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


Semi-natural rectal suppositories of complex action, the main active ingredient in the composition: shark liver oil, phenylephrine. The drug has a pronounced ability to relieve irritation, soothe affected areas, accelerate wound healing and stop even the most severe rectal bleeding. Accepted with the permission of the attending proctologist.

  • Indications: hemorrhoidal disease of various forms, rectal ruptures, erosion and cracks in the walls of the colon, irritation of the anus, proctitis, ulcers, tears.
  • Contraindications: individual sensitivity, negative reaction of the immune system, lack of granulocytes in the blood, thromboembolism.
  • Side effects: skin irritation, dermatitis, rash, redness and itching.
  • Peculiarities of administration: applied 4 times a day, the course of treatment is purely individual and is calculated by the attending physician.


An effective remedy for rectal use from the class of venotonics, the main active ingredient in the composition: lidocaine, tribenoside. Suppositories quickly relieve pain, relieve burning and itching, eliminate dryness and soften the affected areas, help tonify the veins and vessels of the anal passage, and stabilize blood circulation.

  • Indications: stage 1-2 hemorrhoids, venous dilatation of the anal veins, cracks and tears in the walls of the anus.
  • Contraindications: liver failure, individual intolerance to the body, allergies.
  • Side effects: redness and rash on the anus, skin irritation and spots, itching, swelling of the facial and cervical area, discomfort in the anus.
  • Peculiarities of administration: suppositories are placed twice a day with a 6-hour interval, the course of treatment is calculated on an individual basis.


An effective local hemostatic medication in the form of suppositories based on brown algae, the main active ingredient is sodium alginate. The product is absolutely safe and harmless, helps to cope with the negative symptoms of hemorrhoids, is able to quickly stop bleeding, stimulate blood circulation, tone veins, and starts the process of rapid tissue regeneration.

  • Indications: hemorrhoids of any form with or without blood, proctitis, tears, microcracks and ulcers on the walls of the colon, erosion of the walls of the anus.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance and allergies to components.
  • Side effects: allergic reaction of the body, softening of stool and diarrhea.
  • Features of administration: twice a day, the treatment course is at least 2 weeks.


An effective natural remedy from the category of immunostimulants, available in the form of ointments and suppositories, the main active ingredient is methyluracil. The medicine has a beneficial effect on damaged and destroyed tissue walls, promotes their rapid healing, restores the beneficial microflora of the colon, and has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Indications: hemorrhoids with blood and complications, tears, ulcers and cracks of rectal tissue, inflammation in the anus, rehabilitation period after surgery to remove cones.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to components, hypersensitivity, poor body reaction.
  • Side effects: redness, itching, irritation, hyperemia, rash.
  • Features of administration: it is recommended to administer up to 4 suppositories daily with an interval of 4-5 hours, the course of treatment depends on the complexity and severity of the disease.


A well-known, inexpensive and effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of the development of hemorrhoidal cones after childbirth, it belongs to the category of hemostatic and venotonic medications, the main active ingredient is bismuth subnitrate, tannin, resorcinol, zinc oxide, iodine, methyl blue. It has a pronounced disinfectant and antibacterial effect, protects tissues and prevents relapse.

  • Indications: venous dilation of the anal veins, bleeding, acute and chronic hemorrhoids, tears and ulcers on the tissues of the colon.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity, allergies to one of the ingredients of the composition.
  • Side effects: redness, itching, burning, irritation of anal tissues, allergic rash.
  • Peculiarities of use: it is recommended to use suppositories twice a day, the course of treatment is individual, but not less than 7 days.


One of the safest and most delicate preparations for hemorrhoidal disease, suppositories are saturated with minerals, vitamins and oil extracts, the main active ingredient is: benzocaine, extraction of sea buckthorn berries in oil, sulphaethinol. Gently affects damaged and irritated wall tissues, restores and moisturizes them, provides an analgesic effect, and increases the immune function of the colon.

  • Indications: hemorrhoids, fistulas, ulcers and tears on the walls of the colon, irritation of the anus.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to components, negative reaction of the body to the drug.
  • Side effects: softening of the stool, constipation, allergic rash and itching in the anus.
  • Features of administration: 2 suppositories per day, the course of treatment is determined on an individual basis.

Sea buckthorn candles

They are completely natural and proven harmless; suppositories are made on the basis of a single component - sea buckthorn berry oil. Thanks to its natural basis, the product is considered a universal combination drug that is suitable for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoidal formations for patients of any age and gender, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Indications: stage 1-2 hemorrhoids, proctitis, ulcers on the walls, erosion of the walls of the colon, inflammatory processes in the anus.
  • Contraindications: diarrhea, allergy to sea buckthorn.
  • Side effects: loose stools, constipation, possible allergic rash.
  • Features of administration: suppositories are used twice a day for a period of 7 to 14 days.

Calendula based candles

A natural homeopathic remedy based on the extraction of calendula flowers, created on the basis of a single component with the addition of auxiliary substances: wax, petroleum jelly, water. It is considered one of the best, affordable and harmless medications recommended for use during lactation. It has many advantages, including minimal contraindications and the risk of side effects.

  • Indications: early stage hemorrhoids during feeding, varicose veins, tears and cracks on the walls of the anus.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance, prolapse of nodes, rectal bleeding, strangulation of hemorrhoidal cones.
  • Side effects: allergic rash, redness, pain and anal irritation.
  • Directions for use: 1 suppository per day, preferably at night, course of treatment for 5-7 days.

Candles according to traditional medicine recipes

Candles for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding can be made independently according to the following folk recipes:

  • candles with honey. To prepare, you need to melt and evenly mix 50 g of honey and butter. Pour the finished composition into suitable containers and place in the cold from 0 to -4 degrees. Use suppositories before bed until hemorrhoids are eliminated;
  • candles made from raw potatoes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into shapes similar to suppositories. It is important that the edges are smooth. To facilitate the introduction of the product into the rectum, the “potato candle” must be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. The procedures are carried out 2 times a day for 7-14 days. Ready-made candles are stored in a bag in the cold for no more than 48 hours. After insertion, the suppositories do not need to be removed from the rectum; they come out on their own naturally;

  • ice candles. To prepare them, you need to prepare a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage) and freeze them in the freezer in suitable molds. Administer suppositories in the evening for 20 days.

The simultaneous use of medicinal and traditional suppositories is prohibited due to the likelihood of irritation of the rectum and disruption of the bowel movement.

How to use suppositories during lactation

  • Carry out treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor;
  • Do not abuse or exceed the dosage;
  • Even if suppositories are approved for use during breastfeeding, they can cause allergies in mothers and infants. If a negative reaction occurs, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor;
  • Suppositories constrict blood vessels, which sometimes leads to increased blood pressure;
  • Use medications with caution if you have diabetes;
  • Maintain hygiene of the anal area;
  • Follow the instructions when using. Candles are placed 1-2 times a day in the morning and evening before bed for one to two weeks;
  • Keep the suppository in the anus until completely dissolved - you must not allow it to fall into the rectum! ;
  • Store candles in the refrigerator.

Rules for use and storage

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding must be used, observing not only the basic rules, but also the nuances of use during lactation.

They are:

  • It is recommended to feed the child before inserting the suppository into the rectum. Since the process of holding a candle and waiting for it to be absorbed takes time;
  • perform the procedure with clean hands (you can wear sterile medical gloves);
  • the intestines must be freed from feces. Otherwise, the procedure may provoke the process of defecation, and the suppository will come out without having a therapeutic effect;
  • Before use, you need to hold the candle in your hand for 1 minute to soften it slightly and make it easier to administer;
  • In order for the candle to enter the desired depth, you need to lie on your side and relax the anal muscles;
  • if the suppository needs to be used once a day, it is recommended to insert it into the rectum in the evening. Then the therapeutic effect will be higher;
  • when using suppositories several times a day, after administering the suppository, it is necessary to maintain a supine position for at least 20 minutes. Otherwise the candle will leak;
  • After completing the procedure, wash your hands.

Suppositories must be stored in a cool place to maintain their solid state. If the candles were stored warm (but not higher than 25 degrees), then before use they need to be placed in the cold for 20 minutes.

Benefits of rectal suppositories

In the complex treatment of hemorrhoids that occur during lactation, special suppositories are often used. They act directly on the source of the disease and work for a long time. Rectal suppositories usually have few contraindications; the substances included in the composition are not absorbed into the bloodstream, which is a big plus during lactation.

Traditional medicine suggests treating hemorrhoids during lactation not only with approved medicinal suppositories, but also with self-made ones. They are effective only in the first stage of the disease, but will significantly alleviate the symptoms.

Suppositories made from:

Safe remedy for hemorrhoids

  • from potatoes. It is cleaned, washed thoroughly, a candle is cut out without sharp parts, covered with oil or honey, placed in the anus before bedtime;
  • from propolis and wax. The substances are mixed in equal parts, heated, and after cooling to the desired state, candles are formed and used several times a day;
  • from honey and butter. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and cooled to a comfortable temperature. Injected several times a day.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are sold freely from pharmacies; a prescription is not needed to purchase them. But women with lactation cannot prescribe therapy for themselves; they must first visit a doctor and only then go to the pharmacy.

Prices for candles in pharmacies

The price range for hemorrhoid suppositories may vary depending on the region, the pharmaceutical company, and markups at the pharmacy chain.

The average price for the drugs reviewed is:

  • candles with sea buckthorn - 80-150 rubles;
  • Gepatrombin G - 180-350 rubles;

  • Relief Advance – 350-420 rubles;
  • Anuzol – 70-100 rubles;
  • Procto-Glyvenol - 380-520 rubles;
  • suppositories with propolis – 250-350 rubles;
  • candles with calendula – 70-270 rubles;
  • homeopathic suppositories – 60-280 rubles.

Suppositories are the best medicinal way to get rid of hemorrhoids. These drugs have fewer restrictions and side effects, since they have a therapeutic effect locally, bypassing the digestive tract. In advanced forms of the disease, surgical intervention with possible cessation of breastfeeding may be required.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Conditionally acceptable candles

There is a certain group of suppositories that are prescribed with caution for the fairer sex after childbirth. Such medicinal substances are stronger and therefore potentially dangerous. This is due to the fact that the active substances included in their composition can be absorbed into breast milk, and their safety for the baby’s body has not been fully studied.

However, with severe development of pain, a deterioration in breast milk production may occur. It is for this reason that proctologists are forced to prescribe stronger medications in the hope that they will relieve the patient of hemorrhoid symptoms in a shorter period of time.

If the risk to the baby is minimal, doctors may prescribe:

  • "Procto-Glivenol" - suppositories consist of two active components - lidocaine and tribenoside. They have a powerful analgesic effect and help reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process;
  • “Ultraproct” - using such suppositories you can get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids in a short period of time;
  • "Anestezol" is a complex drug that has a drying, astringent, antiseptic and analgesic effect. Almost all components of such suppositories are safe for patients and children;
  • “Arnica-Aesculus” - due to the presence of arnica extract in the preparation, suppositories have drying and wound-healing properties. Included in the list of conditionally acceptable medications due to the incompletely studied effect of the main component;
  • "Hepatrombin G" - suppositories have a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is included in this group because it has a large number of contraindications that the mother may have, and also because it contains a hormonal substance.
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