How to properly treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels the movement of her baby inside herself, and this is one of the most wonderful sensations of pregnancy and an important indicator of the normal development of the child. At this time, women, inspired by their pregnancy, are actively engaged in arranging the nursery, buying toys and other cute little things.

Changes in the body at 22 weeks of pregnancy

If the pregnancy is going well and the expectant mother does not have any complications, then at week 22 her health is quite satisfactory. The inevitable companions of the second half of pregnancy in the form of heartburn, bloating, and periodic dizziness are no longer so painful for a woman. At this time, there is a steady increase in her weight. If it is insufficient, then this may indicate gestosis (late toxicosis). However, the mother should not panic prematurely, because if initially her weight was small, then the body first makes up for the missing kilograms, which are so necessary for it to fully function while carrying the baby.

By the 22nd week of pregnancy, a woman’s tummy becomes even more rounded, and still, her uterus has now reached only half the size that it will acquire before giving birth. Now its bottom can be felt at a height of 2 cm above the navel.

Why do hemorrhoids bulge during pregnancy?

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a chronic pathology associated with impaired elasticity of the venous walls against the background of altered hormonal levels and congestion in the anorectal area. This is an independent pathology in which subcutaneous enlargement of the corpora cavernosa around the anus occurs. In the second half of pregnancy, every second woman encounters this situation. There are several causes of the disease:

  • an increase in progesterone in the blood, which relaxes the uterus, and with it all the smooth muscles, including the anus and venous wall;
  • constant pressure from the growing uterus on the vessels of the rectum with disruption of regional blood flow;
  • constipation due to weakened intestinal motility;
  • forced physical inactivity;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition.

Condition of the fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy

By week 22, the baby becomes even more like a normal person. Due to the increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat, skin folds are smoothed out. The active development of the fetal brain continues, in which a full set of neurons has already been formed, as well as its nervous system. The baby's coordination of movements improves. He can move his head, throw his arms behind his head, touch his face. By week 22, the change in body proportions, approaching the natural appearance, becomes very noticeable. There is an increase in bone density.

The baby's height at this time is about 28 cm, weight reaches 500 g.

Causes of pathology

In a healthy person, hemorrhoidal formations are found on the outside (under the skin) around the anus and in the middle part of the rectum under the mucous layer. The structures are filled with venous blood and create a “cushion” for the muscle sphincters that compress the outlet. Their role is to enhance the tightness of the intestinal closure. After defecation, the blood flows away and the cavities collapse.

Pathological enlargement is caused by:

  • insufficiency of the venous walls that hold and push blood in the opposite direction (congenital and acquired);
  • mechanical obstruction to the outflow from the veins of the rectum (due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, the influence of neighboring organs).

As a result, stagnation forms in the cavernous bodies, which spreads to external formations and manifests itself as lumps under the skin of the anus. For decompensation to occur, provoking factors are necessary that influence both mechanisms of stagnation. During pregnancy they play different roles.

Possible sensations at 22 weeks of pregnancy

At 22 weeks, the expectant mother may suffer from anemia - an imbalance between the number of red blood cells produced, red blood cells, and their breakdown. Anemia leads to weakness, increased fatigue, and dizziness. This happens because by week 22, a pregnant woman’s body’s need for blood increases by about 40%. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to organs and systems. Their main component is hemoglobin, and it is by the level of its content in the blood of a pregnant woman that the presence of anemia is determined. A hemoglobin level in the blood of 12 g/l is considered normal. Iron supplements are usually used to treat anemia.

At this stage, pregnant women often face problems such as hemorrhoids. It occurs due to dilation of blood vessels in and near the anus. The best preventive measure against hemorrhoids in pregnant women is to eat foods rich in fiber (bran, unrefined whole grain cereals, fresh fruits and vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, fermented milk products). If hemorrhoids do occur, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor who will prescribe safe and effective treatment.

At week 22, many expectant mothers notice an increase in the amount of discharge. If they are light or slimy and are not accompanied by itching, then there is no need to worry. The presence of an unpleasant odor, itching, greenish or brown color is a reason to consult a doctor.

Also, the expectant mother may experience bleeding and sore gums during this period. To solve this problem, you should choose the appropriate toothpaste and take multivitamins.

Often, pregnant women from 22 weeks may complain of nosebleeds and nasal congestion. There is no need to panic about this; at this time it is considered normal. Nasal congestion should be combated with nasal drops based on sea salt, which are completely safe for the unborn baby.

At week 22, the expectant mother may notice that her libido has increased. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, without contraindications, then you should not refuse sex, since at this stage sex cannot harm the fetus, which is reliably protected by the amniotic membranes.

Therapeutic measures

What to do if the disease appears during pregnancy? External hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution. Many components of medications cannot be used during this period. Some of them are prohibited in the first or second trimester. Preference is given to natural composition. In any case, the decision must be made by the doctor.

Medicines allowed during pregnancy:

  • Suppositories or ointment Gepatrombin G. Narrows the area of ​​edema and inflammation, reduces itching and burning. Relieves pain and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Prevents the formation of blood clots. Treatment of hemorrhoids is allowed only from the second trimester.
  • Relief. Ointment or suppositories promote rapid healing of wounds and cracks and resolve seals. The product quickly relieves pain.
  • Natalsid. Damaged areas heal quickly, spasm and pain are reduced, and inflammation is eliminated. Increases local immunity of the rectal mucosa.
  • Posterizan suppositories and ointment are approved for use not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. They contain E. coli cells and a hormonal component - hydrocortisone. The drug not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also increases the activity of the body's defense cells.
  • Bezornil. The ointment has a natural base. Helps reduce the area of ​​swelling, inflammation, stops bleeding and heals anal fissures.
  • Fleming. The ointment reduces inflammation, eliminates itching and burning. Relieves cracks in the anal area.
  • Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia. If the condition is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding, then a decision may be made to take venotonic tablets. They give strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow. But they should be taken with caution, since the drugs make changes to the entire circulatory system.
  • Heparin ointment. The product, penetrating into the inflamed area, relieves swelling and inflammation, resolves bumps, eliminates itching and prevents the formation of blood clots. The benzacoin contained in the composition copes well with pain.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Prevents the development of inflammation, improves local blood circulation. Relieves swelling and pain, disinfects the damaged surface.

How to treat hemorrhoids if suppositories, tablets and ointments do not help? There are cases when conservative methods do not help get rid of the disease or alleviate the condition only for a short period of time.

In this case, surgical intervention is indicated. The main indication is prolapse of nodes or their thrombosis. The condition is dangerous because during childbirth there may be a rupture of the rectum or other serious complications.

Minimally invasive (gentle) methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids, allowed during pregnancy:

  • Cryotherapy. During the procedure, the node is frozen with liquid nitrogen.
  • Ligation. The stem of the cone is tightened with a special thin latex ring. As a result, the power to the node stops and it disappears.
  • Sclerotherapy. A special substance is injected into the cavity of the hemorrhoidal node, which glues the plexuses and nutrition is stopped.

Necessary medical supervision

At week 22, studies are conducted to identify abnormalities in fetal development. It's time to undergo the third planned ultrasound, during which the doctor will pay special attention to the structure of the baby's body, checking the development of his limbs and musculoskeletal system (legs, fingers, spine), internal organs (kidneys, heart, brain). He will also examine the phalanges of the fingers, the upper lip (so that it is not “cleft”), and look at how the child moves. Mom and dad of the child will finally be able to find out his gender, and then go on an exciting shopping trip to buy clothes for their baby, because the time of birth is approaching, after which parents are unlikely to have time for such shopping (probably the most beautiful thing in the world ).

General recommendations

Many pregnant women already suffer greatly from edema by the 22nd week, so the question of the amount of fluid that the expectant mother should consume is relevant. However, what is more important here is not quantity, but quality. You should limit drinks such as strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and juices in packages, which are more harmful than beneficial, and give preference to pure water, fresh juices diluted with water, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes. You should also drink less at night to prevent swelling and frequent urination. When edema appears, it is better to avoid salty foods, which increase thirst and retain fluid in the body. The doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe diuretics, and without consulting a doctor, the mother can take a rosehip decoction, which will also help strengthen her immunity.

Traditional medicine against hemorrhoids

What can you do at home? During pregnancy, medicinal herbs should be used with caution. Many of them can cause allergic diseases and complications during pregnancy.

  • A decoction of yarrow will help when the first signs of the disease appear, stop bleeding and reduce pain.
  • A decoction of buckthorn and nettle leaves will help relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.
  • A decoction of blueberries will help relieve bleeding and pain.
  • Steam treatment with milk and onions helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  • A decoction of knotweed can eliminate pain and inflammation and stop bleeding. In addition, the decoction has a mild laxative effect.
  • Potato candles. The starch contained in the vegetable envelops the walls of the rectum, creating a protective film. As a result, pain and inflammation reduce their intensity.
  • An ointment made from propolis, honey and melted butter can relieve inflammation and pain, quickly heal cracks and abrasions.
  • Ice chamomile candles are prepared from a decoction of medicinal flowers. It is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. After the liquid has hardened, it can be used for its intended purpose. Cold can constrict blood vessels. As a result, the pain goes away, the bleeding stops, the swelling subsides and relief comes.
  • Candied honey candles have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • If there is loss of nodes, a compress of grated carrots and beets will help. The procedure promotes natural resorption of nodes and relieves pain.

A pregnant woman is responsible not only for her own condition, but also for the health of her unborn child. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and select your own remedies. Only a gynecologist and proctologist can outline a treatment plan based on the characteristics of pregnancy and the severity of hemorrhoids.

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