How to correctly perform blind probing of the gallbladder at home

Many people suffer from gastrointestinal diseases - one type of pathology is cholestasis, that is, stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. This condition develops due to difficulty in evacuating contents through the ducts. The disease occurs if the gallbladder is atonic or spasmodic. Such patients periodically feel pain under the right rib, they experience constipation, sometimes vomiting, and the condition of the skin worsens. The symptoms are not clearly expressed, so patients often do not attach any importance to them and do not consult a doctor. This is erroneous behavior, because stagnation of bile leads to the formation of stones and the appearance of a serious pathology - cholelithiasis. To prevent the development of cholelithiasis, it is sometimes necessary to do blind probing of the gallbladder at home.

What is this method

The blind probing method is a forced evacuation of bile from the bladder, which is carried out without the use of additional equipment. You can perform probing of the gallbladder at home, but before the procedure you need to consult with a specialist and do an ultrasound to identify stones, since stones may move during drainage and close the bile duct. In this case, the gallbladder will overflow with bile, which will cause acute cholecystitis and cause urgent hospitalization.

Passing a diagnostic test is a prerequisite that must be completed before performing blind probing of the gallbladder.

The purpose of the procedure is to force the opening of the bile ducts and cause the bladder to contract so that stagnant bile can move freely from the ducts into the intestines.

Duration of the cleaning course

To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, you need to determine how often you can clean. It is not enough to clean only once, even if you do everything according to the rules described above.

To completely cleanse the gallbladder and improve the functioning of the organ, it would be correct to undergo about 15 procedures, which are carried out once a week.

If the reason for tubing is cholecystitis, then tubing is done once a week, for about 3 months. If the essence of this cleaning is purely preventive, then it is enough to carry out this procedure 4 times a year.


As mentioned above, this technique cannot be used by people with gallstones, as this can lead to blockage of the ducts.

In addition, a contraindication for tubage is a duodenal ulcer - as a result of the procedure, the patient’s condition can greatly worsen. It is not recommended to do tubage at home during and before menstruation in women.

If there are any contraindications for cleaning with sorbitol (for example, ascites, intestinal irritation or excessive sensitivity to the substance), then doctors recommend doing it with other choleretic substances, for example, a decoction of the bearberry plant.

According to numerous reviews from patients who have tried this procedure on themselves, the blind probing method significantly improves the general condition, improves the process of food processing, the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

In addition, the procedure is effective even in the fight against various parasites, in the treatment of obesity, allergies, and acne.

It simply improves a person’s condition after the holidays, when alcohol and heavy food are abused.

It is very good to do a gallbladder tube after removal of the bladder, since in such cases bile stagnation often occurs. In such cases, mineral water and xylitol are usually used.


Reviews about gall tubing claim that the greatest effect can be achieved if you properly prepare for the procedure. It is better to start such preparation 2-3 days in advance.

In some cases, gallbladder tubing may even be prescribed to a child. In such cases, cleaning is carried out with mineral water with magnesium, which also has a laxative effect.

The dose of the supplement should be calculated by the doctor, taking into account the weight and characteristics of the child.

It is important to understand that although tubing of the gallbladder is a safe procedure for humans, it can be done at home only after consultation with a doctor who will assess all the risks and feasibility of cleaning and tell you how to properly cleanse the gallbladder.

Probing of the gallbladder is a procedure aimed at preventing cholestasis and improving the flow of bile into the duodenum.

In alternative medicine, this healing procedure is called tubage.

Women who are prone to being overweight have started doing it for the purpose of losing weight at home, although doctors do not recommend doing tubing just for the sake of achieving this goal.

Examination of the gallbladder can be performed using two methods: blind and duodenal.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Doctors recommend blind tubing to be performed at home for chronic diseases of the biliary tract to prevent the development of cholelithiasis. Even if the pathology occurs without visible symptoms, such a procedure must be done to prevent stagnation of bile in the bladder and prevent the appearance of stones.

The technique has its contraindications. It cannot be carried out in the following situations:

  • bearing a child;
  • lactation;
  • period;
  • housing and communal services;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic processes.

Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


To eliminate the stagnant process leading to the formation of stones, therapeutic cleansing is recommended, which does not require the use of a probe. The procedure is carried out using mineral water, sorbitol, magnesia, and you can use the help of choleretic plant herbs.

If the gallbladder is free of stones, and the doctor has approved tubeless cleaning at home, you should prepare for the tubage procedure according to certain rules:

  • 3 days before cleansing, adjust your diet by eliminating meat, heavy and fatty foods from your diet.
  • Follow the principles of a dairy-vegetable diet with the consumption of fermented milk products (low-fat), fruit and vegetable dishes, and cereals.
  • On the day before tubage, give up any type of bread, hard vegetables, as well as potatoes, fast carbohydrates.

At the stage of preparation for blind probing, it is recommended to eat vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil.

You will also have to reduce the portion for one meal by half, and eating after 18.00 is prohibited. Bring the daily volume of liquid to 2-3 liters, giving preference to pure mineral water (still). Strong tea and coffee, as well as alcohol, are included in the list of prohibited drinks.

The main task of blind probing is to strengthen the contractility of the walls of the gallbladder for painless cleansing of its ducts. Restoring motor skills at home protects the liver from bile stagnation and normalizes digestion.

What effect does blind probing bring?

Many patients who have undergone tubing at home note its positive effect on the condition of the body. After the manipulation, they note the following:

  • liver functioning improves;
  • the bile ducts are cleansed;
  • bile movement increases;
  • Cholestasis and stone formation are prevented.

Often, cleansing the gallbladder helps improve digestion and intestinal motility. It rids the body of harmful substances accumulated during life, removes excess bile and bilirubin.

Blind probing is a procedure that can be done at home. It is able to resume the flow of bile from the gallbladder.

What is duodenal intubation

What is duodenal intubation of the gallbladder? It is a procedure for collecting bile from the human body in order to examine it, make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary adequate therapy. Patients who have encountered this manipulation in their lives, and those who have heard about its existence at least once, simply call it probing. But if you approach it competently and from a medical point of view, then the correct name is exactly that – duodenal intubation.

This procedure is prescribed not only for collecting a portion of bile for analysis. Sometimes, with serious stagnation of bile, for example, when cholecystitis is diagnosed, duodenal intubation is done in order to “drain” the accumulated and stagnant fluid from the bladder. In addition, during this manipulation and with the help of microscopy, research can be carried out on the liver and biliary tract, and find out whether there are pathologies in these systems. In addition, such probing is indicated for duodenitis and when there is duodenal obstruction.

Indications for use

The reasons why doctors send patients to undergo this manipulation may be different, but they are mainly related to pathologies and malfunctions of the digestive system.

The patient will be recommended to undergo the procedure in the following cases:

  • The person often experiences nausea. It may simply be sluggish, or it may turn into vomiting. And other studies have not revealed the cause of this condition.
  • Complications occur after removal of gallstones, or the patient does not experience relief from the operation, and it is necessary to find out the reason why this is happening.
  • If you are concerned about exacerbation of gallstones, you can often also do this procedure to clarify the factors contributing to this.
  • In inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.
  • I am concerned about a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of the liver, as well as the entire biliary system as a whole, is necessary.
  • There is a suspicion that the patient is developing a hemangioma.
  • The patient almost continuously experiences bitterness and a putrid taste in the mouth, and other tests have not identified the reasons for this.
  • A person experiences frequent pain in the right hypochondrium, the etiology of which remains unclear.
  • The patient experiences constant stomach and gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, nausea with vomiting, excessive gas formation and flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • There is a suspicion of the presence of parasites in the body, whose vital activity has a detrimental effect on the liver and other neighboring organs.
  • Stagnation of bile can also be eliminated by probing the gallbladder.

This manipulation is carried out in clinics, see, that is, there is no need to go to the hospital specifically for this procedure . Typically, the number of portions of bile taken for testing is required to be no more than three (four).


Probing itself is divided into types, depending on how it is carried out and for what purpose.

Here are the types of duodenal intubation:

  • Blind – is therapeutic. They also say that they perform probing of the liver using a tube. This procedure is carried out to “drain” the bile that has stagnated in the bladder and ducts.
  • Most often, patients are shown fractional sounding. This procedure is divided into five stages, during which several fluid samples are taken after the same amount of time (about five minutes).
  • Chromatic. In order to perform this manipulation, the patient's bile is dyed - literally. The day before the study, the patient is given a special dye to drink, and the procedure is performed in the morning. With its help, doctors can find out whether a patient has a problem with duct obstruction. If there is no colored bile in the fluid sample taken for analysis, it means that the currents are clogged and are not working.
  • Classic. It is carried out in three stages, during which three portions of bile are taken, which are conventionally called A, B and C.
  • Minute method. It is carried out almost the same way as the classic one, only it differs in that the phase in which bile is obtained for test tube “B” is lengthened. This is necessary when the bile does not flow or is released too thick and almost black.

To have a more complete understanding of how this or that type of probing is carried out, you can watch a video of the procedure. There are a lot of such videos on the Internet.

Proper preliminary preparation

Before performing tubing at home, you need to find out for sure that there are no stones in the gall bladder, liver, and their flows, so that the procedure does not cause an aggravation. To do this, you need to undergo an ultrasound of the organs, and if there are no stones, the patient can prepare for manipulation.

Further preparation involves maintaining proper nutrition for three days before the procedure. During this period, it is advisable to eat vegetarian dishes and avoid animal, fatty and bloating-causing foods. You need to increase the amount of fluid you drink; it is especially useful to drink freshly prepared juices from apples and beets. Before the manipulation, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.

First you need to select the means with which the probing will be performed. Tubage at home is carried out with magnesium or with the following products:

  • sorbitol;
  • mineral water;
  • honey;
  • olive oil;
  • yolks.

The doctor should advise which product to choose for performing the manipulation, because each component has its own characteristics of action. Magnesia is not used in patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction; they can take sorbitol, and patients with pancreatic diseases should not use olive oil. Doctors recommend probing in the morning before meals.

Blind probing with magnesium at home

Blind probing at home is a manipulation to cleanse the channels of the gallbladder and liver without the use of a probe. It allows you to cleanse the liver of toxins, improve the functioning of the organ, and speed up regeneration processes. With the right approach, the procedure is completely safe, painless and effective.

How blind probing of the liver with sorbitol is carried out at home, the effectiveness of manipulation, indications and medical prohibitions, recommendations - we will consider in detail.

What is blind sensing and efficiency?

Liver diseases do not manifest themselves at an early stage, therefore, when some pathology is detected, complications from the gland or other internal organs and systems are simultaneously diagnosed. In cases of severe inflammation and stagnation of bile secretions, doctors recommend blind probing (tubage).

Thanks to manipulation, it is possible to improve the process of bile discharge, eliminate congestion, and accelerate regeneration processes in the liver.

Liver drainage at home is carried out through the use of specialized medications that have a choleretic effect. Against the background of their use, an intense contraction of the walls of the gall bladder is observed - the organ is quickly freed from stagnant secretions, mucus, salts, and bacteria.

Improvements are observed almost immediately, the patient feels better, discomfort in the area of ​​​​the liver projection goes away, and problems with the digestive system are leveled out.

Cleaning provides the following effects:

  • Emptying of the gallbladder not only from stagnant secretions, but also from other dangerous components.
  • Improving liver functionality.
  • Restoration of liver cells.
  • Increased motility of the gallbladder.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract.

There are many blind probing techniques. Each method involves the use of some kind of drug that has a pronounced choleretic effect. The most popular options include magnesia, sorbitol, a combination of oil and lemon juice, and mineral water.

To obtain the desired therapeutic effect, it is not enough to carry out one manipulation on your own. Thus, cleansing the liver with mineral water or oil with lemon requires a course until congestion in the gallbladder is eliminated.

Indications for use

Blind probing of the liver at home, or “drainage”, as patients call it, has certain indications:

  1. Diagnosed stagnation of bile (diagnosis is made based on the results of ultrasound examination).
  2. Violation of bladder motility.
  3. Failure in the functionality of the bile ducts.
  4. Non-calculous form of cholecystitis.
  5. Inflammation affecting the mucous membrane of the duodenum.
  6. Parasitic diseases.
  7. Symptoms such as attacks of nausea, vomiting, pain in the right side, general deterioration of health along with yellowness of the skin.
  8. Long-term constipation.

Sometimes blind probing is recommended for hepatitis of viral origin, when digestive processes are disrupted.

Medical restrictions

Blind probing is recommended only after examination. It can be carried out in a hospital - in a hospital, or, if necessary, at home - if there are no severe disorders of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

  • Severe intoxication.
  • Suspicion of pus in the liver (abscess).
  • Infectious diseases of any localization.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Critical days for women.
  • Time of bearing a child.
  • Lactation.
  • Ulcerative lesion of the stomach.
  • Chronic inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Tuberculous lesions of any location.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Cardiac ischemia.

It is not recommended to carry out this at an early stage of congestion, since in this case the body can still independently fight the disorder.

Features of patient preparation and action

The benefits for the liver and gallbladder from blind probing are beyond doubt, but manipulation requires preparation, proper implementation and subsequent “exit” from therapy.

Preparation includes a number of activities. First of all, you need to make sure that there are no stones in the gall bladder, and the presence of stagnation is identified. The diet is changed in 2-3 days. It is necessary to give up heavy foods and switch to plant-based products - this is an important point and cannot be excluded.

The diet does not have strict restrictions; there are a number of foods that a person can eat. The following products should not be consumed:

  1. Fatty foods.
  2. Conservation.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Fried foods.
  5. Broths – fish, meat.
  6. Buns, candies and other sweets.
  7. Some varieties of fermented milk products.
  8. Sour berries, fruits.

Preparation includes a ban on the consumption of any alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. You can only drink clean still water.

How is blind probing performed?

If the preparation has been completed, then you can proceed directly to the procedure, which is designed to cleanse the liver and gallbladder. In the evening, on the eve of the procedure, you need to have dinner before 18:000.

Food is only light, for example, boiled vegetables with the addition of a teaspoon of olive oil. Eliminate salt; you can replace it with a couple of drops of lemon or lime juice. Everything necessary for sounding must be prepared in the evening. They begin to cleanse the body at 6-7 am.

To keep the heating pad warm as long as possible, it is recommended to wrap it in a thick towel. Since the patient needs to drink a certain amount of liquid, it is difficult, doctors recommend drinking small sips, and at this time you need to walk.

  • After the manipulation, the patient remains in a horizontal position, but should not lie on his stomach or left side - he should lie on his right.
  • One hour after the procedure, drink another 300 ml of water at room temperature with lemon juice.
  • After lemon water, 20 minutes later, eat a choleretic breakfast - a chicken egg with the addition of a small amount of butter. You can drink it with clean water.

Blind tubing at home is carried out using different methods - using mineral water and magnesia. Cleaning with raisins is no less effective and has many positive reviews.

Execution order

The evening before the procedure, you need to open the mineral water so that the gas comes out. In the morning, magnesium or sorbitol (1 tablespoon) is added to the water (1 glass). The mixture is heated to 40 C and drunk. After this, the patient lies down, turns to the right, placing a heating pad with warm water under his side. You need to lie like this for about two hours. During the manipulation, patients may experience pain on the right side - this is a sign that the gallbladder is contracting and the movement of bile begins.

Cleansing with magnesium is carried out once a month to prevent bile stagnation. This medicine relieves spasm from smooth muscles, thereby relaxing the bile ducts and promoting the removal of stones accumulated in the bladder. As a treatment for cholestasis, the manipulation is repeated twice a month.

It should be borne in mind that magnesia can lower blood pressure, so patients with hypotension need to choose a different remedy for tubing.

For blind drainage, mineral water is used: Essentuki, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya. They have a strong choleretic effect and are most often used for manipulation.

Tubing at home can be done with sorbitol without the use of mineral water. To do this, dilute the product in an amount of 20–30 g in warm water and drink. Further steps are the same as in the previous method. After 3–4 hours, active bowel movements occur, and the stool has a characteristic greenish-yellow color. This is a sign that the probing was correct and the bile entered the intestines.

If after probing there is no cleansing, then this is a sign of poor preparation of the patient for manipulation (the intestines are overloaded). Therefore, tubage should be repeated after 2 weeks. After 4–5 cleansing procedures, the symptoms of cholestasis disappear: bitterness in the mouth, nausea, constipation.

The second method is blind probing using sorbitol. To carry it out, 3 tbsp. spoons of the substance are mixed with a glass of rosehip infusion (pour 20 grams of fruit with half a liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight). Repeat the procedure 6 times every 3 days. During the treatment period, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and eat light foods so as not to create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

Blind probing (tubage) of the gallbladder at home

The liver passes through itself about 1.5 liters of blood every minute. The organ utilizes toxins and free radicals that enter the body along with air, food, and drink, which appear inside during natural metabolic processes. The liver becomes clogged if a person:

  • works in hazardous conditions;
  • lives in an unsatisfactory environmental situation;
  • consumes alcohol or hepatotoxic drugs;
  • eats incorrectly.

The organ loses its ability to effectively cleanse the blood of toxins. The bile-forming function of the gland also suffers. Result of negative changes:

  • development of inflammatory processes in the liver parenchyma, gall bladder;
  • stagnation in the ducts;
  • formation of stones.

Complications can put a person under the surgeon’s knife, who will solve the problem at once by removing the gallbladder.

Prevent chronic stagnation of bile and accumulation of toxins by adhering to a balanced diet. It should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein products. If a person eats harmful foods or has bad habits, it is worth resorting to an emergency cleansing measure - a gall tube.

Traditional medicine practitioners consider the procedure useful for everyone, since in modern living conditions there are too many unfavorable factors.

Representatives of traditional medicine prescribe tubage for cholecystitis, stagnant processes in the gallbladder (accompanied by the accumulation of bile flakes), and for lipid metabolism disorders.

Indications for tubage include biliary dyskinesia and a person's tendency to constipation. Activation of bile synthesis is needed against the background of reduced gastric acidity and weak gastrointestinal motility.

The secretion of the liver activates the work of the entire digestive tract.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Tubage is contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis. This is the most stringent limitation for blind probing. The risk of stone advancement and duct blockage is high. The result of such cleansing will be an urgent operation - cholecystectomy.

The procedure is not recommended for people with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Probing causes the greatest damage in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The irritating effect of bile can turn small erosions into large ulcers, causing perforation of the walls of hollow organs and the development of peritonitis.

Contraindications include conditions of acute intoxication and diseases accompanied by fever. Tubage should not be performed in case of acute disorders of the kidneys and heart, or severe forms of hypertension. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the procedure.

A doctor can confirm the absence of contraindications for tubing. Before the procedure, you should consult with a therapist and hepatologist.

Preparatory activities

Liver cleansing courses should be carried out up to 4 times a year. It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for cleansing. The first step is to visit a medical hospital.

To make sure there are no gallstones, you should undergo an ultrasound of the liver. You need to take a biochemical blood test: the level of aminotransferases and bilirubin should be normal.

Exceeding the indicators indicates destructive processes in the liver. The patient will need to consult a hepatologist.

The second stage of preparation begins at home 3 days before the tubing procedure. A person switches to light plant foods - vegetable salads, stews, casseroles, cereal porridges, seasonal fruits, freshly squeezed juices. On the eve of blind probing, you should have dinner at 18-00. A salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil is ideal. Later you can only drink water.

Rules for effective tubing

The tubage is designed to relax the smooth muscle muscles of the bladder, clear the cystic and hepatic ducts of bile accumulations, and promote its excretion during bowel movements. To ensure effective cleaning, auxiliary methods are used:

  • special choleretic solution;
  • a heating pad with warm water;
  • complete physical and nutritional rest.

Despite the increased activity of the gall at night (from 23-00), tubing is carried out in the morning immediately after waking up. At this time, the intestines are activated and all toxins released from the liver will be eliminated from the body.

After waking up, a person should drink the solution prepared in the evening. As a choleretic agent you can use:

  • mineral water;
  • sorbitol solution;
  • egg yolks;
  • a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • honey drink

The drink should be warm (40-45 °C). Drink it in small sips, in 1-2 approaches.

Next, the person lies down in bed on his right side. Place a warm heating pad on the liver area. It is important not to freeze during tubing. You can put on socks and cover yourself with a blanket. You should lie in this position for 1-2 hours. It is forbidden to stand up and roll over. There may be nagging and aching pain in the right hypochondrium. If they are easily tolerated and do not get worse over time, this is a variant of the norm.

The choleretic solution starts the process of releasing bile into the small intestine. Heat relaxes the muscles of the bladder and bile ducts. It is necessary to lie on your side so that the bile comes out better (along with possible clots and flakes).

You should get out of bed slowly and gradually, carefully monitoring how you feel. You can do a few light exercises to tone your abdominal muscles. Afterwards, you are allowed to have breakfast with vegetables and do your usual activities.

After some time, the urge to empty your bowels will arise. They cannot be suppressed. The effectiveness of cleansing is indicated by soft or liquid plentiful stools, greenish or marshy in color.

This indicates the presence of a large amount of bile in the feces and high-quality cleansing of the liver.

Blind Probing Tools

For tubing of the gallbladder, specially prepared solutions are used. For the first procedure, it is better to choose mild products. Subsequently, drinking drinks with intense irritating effects is allowed.

Mineral water

Weak or moderately mineralized waters have a moderate choleretic effect and do not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. You can drink Essentuki No. 4, Smirnovskaya, Narzan, Borjomi.

Recommended volume: 400 ml or 2 glasses. In the evening, you need to open a bottle of water to get rid of carbon dioxide. Before ingestion, mineral water is heated.

Drink in small sips at a time.

Sorbitol solution

Sorbitol is a sweetener. Sold in a pharmacy. For tubage, dissolve 2 tablespoons of powder in a glass of warm water. To make the cleansing process more active, sorbitol can be dissolved in heated mineral water.

Mania sulfate

Magnesia powder can be purchased at a pharmacy. 1 tablespoon of powder (or 1 packet) is dissolved in half a glass of warm water. For people weighing up to 70 kg, 1 dose is sufficient. If you weigh over 70 kg, you need to drink a double portion of the solution. Magnesium sulfate is contraindicated for intestinal inflammation.

Egg yolks

Drink 2 raw egg yolks raw on an empty stomach. It is allowed to mix them with a small amount of sugar or sorbitol. For cleansing, it is better to purchase fresh homemade eggs.

Oil mixture

Mix half a glass of cold-pressed vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The drug is drunk in small sips at a time. To prevent nausea and vomiting, the mixture can be taken with a small amount of water. Tubage with oil is contraindicated for:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis.

Popularly, gall tubing is recommended to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body, and accelerate weight loss.

Blind probing is a serious procedure with a number of indications and contraindications. It is advisable to carry it out as prescribed by a doctor after a medical examination. Before performing tubing yourself, it is necessary to examine the liver and gallbladder with ultrasound.


Preparation for the procedure

In order for probing to bring the expected effect, you need to properly prepare for it. Preparation begins a few days before the procedure. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that cause increased gas formation: legumes, cabbage, sweets, alcohol. It is also recommended to stop taking choleretic, laxative and enzyme medications. It is also undesirable to take vasodilators and antispasmodics at this time.

The probing procedure itself is usually carried out in the morning. It must be done on an empty stomach; before this, you can have your last meal no later than 18:00. The process of swallowing a probe is quite unpleasant, for many it is almost impossible due to the increased gag reflex. In this case, psychological preparation is also necessary. And to facilitate insertion of the probe, local anesthetics can be used.

It is important for the patient to properly prepare for the probing procedure

Contraindications for blind probing

Only after a complete examination can the doctor prescribe blind probing, but there are also contraindications. There are categories of diseases for which this method is excluded from use:

  • The presence of an infectious disease in any organ of the human body.
  • The presence of gallstones and the rapid release of bile masses can provoke a shift in formations.
  • People who have the initial stage of bile stagnation. Their body is in normal condition and will be able to fight on its own, or use another, more gentle method of treatment.

Separately, it is worth saying that blind probing is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during the menstrual period.

Cleansing with sorbitol

If the first cleansing with mineral water was effective, then you can perform a blind tube of the gallbladder with sorbitol. To do this, add a little natural sweetener to the mineral water. This procedure allows you to cleanse the liver, gallbladder, its ducts and kidneys, and prevents the formation of sand and stones in the organs.

Sorbitol with mineral water cleanses the liver, gallbladder, its ducts, kidneys, warns cholelithiasis

Blind Probing Stages:

  1. Dilute 1 dessert spoon of sorbitol in 150 ml of still mineral water. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the powder.
  2. Drink the choleretic solution in small sips over 10 minutes, and then wash it down with 100 ml of mineral water.
  3. Lie on your right side, applying a heating pad to it in advance, pull your legs towards your stomach.
  4. After 1–2 hours the procedure is completed.
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