Features of gastric lavage in case of poisoning at home

How to rinse the stomach at home is an important topic, since the situation requires immediate action. The stomach is washed in cases where poisoning occurs. Gastric lavage at home is possible when the poisoned person has not lost consciousness and is able to perform this procedure, at least drink water. In severe cases, assistance in removing toxic substances from the stomach is provided only in a medical facility. Correct and timely actions in such cases help save lives.

Gastric lavage technique

To lavage the stomach, it is recommended to drink as much boiled water at room temperature as possible in one go (this should be approximately 5-6 glasses). After this, two fingers press on the root of the tongue, artificially inducing vomiting. It is recommended to do this procedure until the vomit becomes clear. After this, rinse your mouth with clean water and drink some warm sweet tea. To rinse the stomach, use a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, take a little powder and dissolve it in boiled water at room temperature (you should get a pale pink solution). Then pass the solution through a paper filter or multi-layer gauze. This procedure is very important, since undissolved potassium permanganate crystals can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus.

If there are acute digestive disorders, it is better not to use potassium permanganate solution for gastric lavage.

Also take 2 tbsp. table salt and dissolve in 5 liters of water. The solution prepared according to this recipe prevents the penetration of poisons from the stomach into the intestines. The solution is taken orally and vomiting is artificially induced. First aid for acid poisoning is a 2% soda solution. But in case of alkali poisoning, you should immediately rinse your stomach and drink absorbent drugs.

The temperature of the solution should be 35-37 ° C - this will slow down the process of absorption of toxins and poisons by the body.

Stomach cleansing by doctors

In case of poisoning with acids or alkalis, gastric lavage is carried out by doctors from the ambulance team. To do this, they use a gastric tube through which water is poured in and out.

With this cleaning, you can prevent repeated contact of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and oral cavity with aggressive alkalis and acids. These substances cause chemical burns or necrosis of the walls of the esophagus, and they can also damage the lungs and trachea if the chemicals are thrown into the respiratory tract.

After washing the gastric cavity through a tube, the victim is hospitalized in a hospital, and subsequent treatment is prescribed by doctors from the hospital.

How to rinse a child's stomach

It is better to start the washing procedure when the poisoned child is in a sitting position. The child's chest is covered with oilcloth and a towel, after which the child is given the prepared warm solution to drink. Then the child is placed across the bed (his head should hang down) and a basin is placed below for the vomit. They put a finger in the child's mouth and induce vomiting. To rinse the baby’s stomach, prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution with kitchen salt (take 3 tablespoons of salt for 7-10 liters of water). A child 6-9 months old needs to drink 700-800 ml of solution, from 9 to 12 months - 900-1000 ml, and after a year, an additional 1 liter of solution is added for each year lived (but not more than 10 liters).

Beauty Health


When faced with various life situations, we must be ready to take all necessary measures. For example, your loved one has been poisoned by food, alcoholic beverages, medications or other substances, and he needs to be provided with first aid. How can this be done? To do this, you need to know how to rinse the stomach at home, since this procedure will help avoid severe intoxication of the body. It will also help alleviate the condition of a patient suffering from gallbladder dyskinesia, acute gastritis, and high acidity.

First aid to the patient


Very often, the health and even life of the victim depends on the actions of loved ones. Before specialists arrive, it is necessary to provide first aid to reduce the intensity of intoxication and alleviate the patient’s condition. It is important to respond to the problem quickly and correctly:

  1. It is necessary to assess the severity of the condition and try to find what was the source of poisoning.
  2. If a patient is poisoned by chemicals, it is important to avoid further contact with them.
  3. If a person is conscious and able to answer questions, it is necessary to find out what substance or product was used, how long ago, and in what quantity.
  4. If the victim is conscious, there are no contraindications to the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. At the end, the patient is given a sorbent.
  5. To alleviate the condition, ice wrapped in a piece of cloth or a towel is applied to the patient's head and liver.
  6. If your body temperature drops or rises, it is important to try to normalize it. Reduce temperature that exceeds 38 degrees. If the patient is freezing, it is necessary to warm him up.
  7. To reduce the negative impact of poisons on the body, it is recommended to lavage the stomach with any of the possible solution options.


What to take for alcohol intoxication

Flushing the gastrointestinal tract at home

Gastric lavage is necessary as soon as the patient has the first signs of nausea, malaise, and vomiting. This will make it possible to quickly rid the body of toxic substances.

Washing should begin with the patient taking 5-6 glasses of warm boiled water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The second stage is inducing vomiting. For a gag reflex to appear, you need to touch the root of the tongue with 2 fingers. After the food remains are released, the walls of the stomach are thoroughly washed by drinking water and inducing vomiting.

Recipes for solutions

To flush the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink 3 liters of solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of warm boiled water) in order to thoroughly cleanse the stomach of toxic substances.

After this, the patient must be placed on the bed. You can apply a heating pad with warm water to your stomach for 10-15 minutes. It is also recommended to give the patient activated charcoal (several tablets) after cleansing the stomach.

You can use a solution of table salt. To prepare it you need 2 full tablespoons. dissolve salts in 5 liters of warm boiled water.

Gastric lavage in children

If a child under 3 years of age is poisoned, it is necessary to use a sodium chloride solution, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. If this is not possible, but you have activated carbon on hand, it can be used to prepare a solution. For 1 kilogram of weight you need to take 1 tablet of the drug.

Enterosgel or Polysorb can be used as a washing agent. The suspension is prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of the drug in a glass of warm boiled water.

Gastric lavage at home is recommended as first aid or for mild poisoning. Severe cases require immediate hospitalization of the patient.

In case of poisoning of various kinds, gastric lavage is required immediately. But the ambulance can take a long time to travel, and in these situations time passes by seconds and if you don’t make it in time, then even death is possible. For this reason, you need to know how to rinse your stomach at home. This procedure will help not only restore the functioning of the food system, but also greatly improve the patient’s condition.

Gastric lavage at home may be necessary at any time.

Methods of carrying out the procedure

You cannot provoke gastric emptying on your own without a doctor’s prescription. Flushing using the probe method is carried out only by specially trained personnel.

How to do gastric lavage:

  • using a thick probe;
  • thin probe;
  • at home.

You can independently purchase special medications at the pharmacy, on the basis of which a washing solution is prepared. Probing requires special skills; one person cannot cope with the procedure.

Why flush your stomach?

Before you start cleaning your stomach, you should find out in advance why it is needed. This manipulation is quite unpleasant, but it is necessary to ensure the normalization of the digestive system.

There are two types of stomach cleansing. The first type is performed in the form of therapeutic therapy, and the second is used for diagnosis. At home you need to do cleansing with a therapeutic effect.

Therapeutic cleansing is done during poisoning with harmful components, during intoxication during gastritis, when eating food, in these situations there is an increased secretion of mucus. But before performing it, it is worth studying the indications for its implementation, as well as, most importantly, how you can wash the organ yourself in case of poisoning of various types.

Lavage is usually necessary in case of poisoning or to remove food or foreign objects from the stomach

For what indications is rinsing performed?

Stomach cleansing is required when the body is poisoned. This must be done quickly, because harmful components are absorbed into the blood (this process takes only two hours). The procedure can be done immediately after the first signs of poisoning appear - nausea, discomfort in the abdomen, weakness, malaise.

If cleansing is carried out on time and as accurately as possible, this will help greatly speed up recovery and also prevent the occurrence of complications.

But first, let’s study the indications for which this procedure is required:

  • during acute food poisoning (this can occur as a result of eating spoiled food);
  • in case of alcohol or drug poisoning;
  • if various toxic elements have entered the body;

Washing is also necessary for alcohol intoxication.

  • if intestinal obstruction occurs;
  • indigestion that occurs during overeating;
  • weakness of stomach muscle tone;
  • over-medication.

Cleansing the stomach can significantly alleviate the condition of patients who have pathologies such as kidney and liver failure. In these situations, urea may be released into the lumen of the stomach.

Video: washing in the hospital for a child and an adult

Read further:
What powder to take in case of poisoning for children and adults ▶

What should you feed your dog in case of poisoning?

The parrot was poisoned: first aid and treatment, symptoms and consequences

How to give a pear enema at home

Soda poisoning - how to treat, proper preparation of soda solution for children and adults

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Emergency rinsing

In case of poisoning, for example, if a person has eaten spoiled food or chemicals from household detergents have entered his body, then a quick rinse can be performed at home. But it is recommended only for mild poisoning. You can also perform it on yourself. Before starting this process, it is worth finding out how you can rinse your stomach at home. For emergency cleaning, it is recommended to use warm water with a little salt.

Let's look at how you can rinse the stomach of a child and an adult at home in case of poisoning:

  • first the patient should drink warm, slightly salted water, from 500 to 700 ml;
  • then, using a spoon or similar object, irritates the root of the tongue and thereby provokes vomiting;
  • The first two steps should be completed until clear liquid appears.

To flush the stomach, you need to drink warm water and induce vomiting.

You should not perform this procedure if you are poisoned by turpentine, gasoline, alkali, or strong acids. If passed in reverse during vomiting, they can cause severe harm to the esophagus or respiratory system.

Be sure to call a doctor, a specialist will be able to accurately determine whether all harmful substances have left the body. He will also be able to perform control cleaning through a probe.

How to rinse the stomach at home with a simple remedy

The main purpose of washing is to remove poisons and toxins from the body, which can lead to irreversible consequences. It is good to know what exactly caused the poisoning, but even if there is no such information, there are simple and accessible remedies that are useful in this situation.

And knowing what to wash with when the case is absolutely atypical, you can hold out until you arrive at the hospital, where they will provide the necessary assistance.

The simplest remedy, known since childhood, for any poisoning except acid poisoning is rinsing with plain warm boiled water. If there is no time left for boiling, you can even use tap water; it will still leave the gastric cavity after a short time.

The main trick in this process is to induce vomiting in a person. This is especially difficult if the washing is to be done by a child, an elderly, helpless person with impaired biomotility.

It is almost impossible for someone who is unconscious (this often happens when poisoned with sleeping pills). Therefore, there are several methods that will help perform the procedure in case of poisoning:

  • rinsing with water when vomiting, which can be caused by the patient himself, after drinking a significant amount (here you just need to determine how much water to drink so that the gag reflex occurs);
  • cleansing the stomach using a probe method - when, to induce a conditioned reflex, the root of the tongue is pressed with a teaspoon or tablespoon, or a similar improvised means;
  • approximately the same way as they wash the stomach in a hospital: very carefully pour water through a funnel inserted into the throat, and then turn the victim onto his stomach and force him to vomit, pressing on the root of the tongue.

There are several cases of poisoning or toxic injuries when rinsing is strictly contraindicated. Therefore, it would be nice to know in what cases it is impossible to rinse the stomach and to find out what exactly is indicated for different types of toxic damage.

You can watch videos that show how to correctly carry out the procedure in different cases, depending on the age and condition of the patient. But it’s better to remember what you can and cannot use, because in some cases you can’t even use water.

Washing methods

Cleaning can be done in two ways - inducing vomiting and probing. How to cleanse the stomach by vomiting was described earlier. This method is considered the simplest and easiest and can be done for both adults and children.

Gastric lavage with a probe is also possible at home

Probing is considered a difficult manipulation, which is performed using a special device - a probe. If this device is in the first aid kit, then this manipulation can be performed at home.

It is important to first find out how to carry out this procedure correctly, as well as how to rinse the stomach at home. To get started, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • first, the required volume of liquid for cleaning is prepared, for adults 5-7 liters are enough, for a one-year-old child - from 800 ml to 1 liter;
  • You will definitely need a container into which all the liquid from the stomach will be removed;
  • the system must be carefully prepared; the probe is moistened with warm water.

Prepare the required volume of water for rinsing in advance.

Features of washing

Below there are instructions that will help you understand the main issue - how to perform gastric lavage at home for an adult. Let's look at each point:

  • The patient's head must be tilted slightly and the probe must be inserted behind the root of the tongue. This device is inserted to the indicated location on the tube. During this, the patient must breathe through his nose, and he must also be asked to constantly swallow. All these actions will facilitate the penetration of the tube through the pharynx into the esophagus.
  • The patient should sit on a chair, while his chest is covered with oilcloth or waterproof cloth. Opposite you need to place a basin or any other container.
  • The tube must go directly into the stomach. If noisy breathing occurs, a strong cough syndrome occurs, and the lips begin to turn blue, this will indicate that the probe has entered the tracheal area. For this reason, the tube must be inserted slowly and carefully.

When washing, be sure to follow all rules and procedures

  • Then the funnel, which is located on the free edge of the tube, is filled with liquid.
  • After this, it rises above the level of the stomach, and the liquid begins to slowly pour in.
  • By moving the funnel below the level of the mouth, the liquid will pour out with the contents of the stomach.
  • The probe is then carefully removed.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for the procedure is an important step, which cannot but affect the effectiveness of rinsing. First of all, the medical worker must establish psychological contact with the patient, explain to him the purpose and technique of the manipulation, and obtain the patient’s consent to the planned actions.

Afterwards, you should decide how to rinse the stomach in case of poisoning. For this purpose, several types of solution can be used. The rinse mixture is prepared immediately before use. It should be heated to a temperature of 36-37°C. This will avoid stomach cramps.

Before starting work, the specialist is recommended to put on an apron and give the patient a sitting position. For unconscious patients, the procedure is performed lying on their back or side.

For washing you should prepare:

  • Vaseline oil;
  • Probe of the required size;
  • Janet's funnel or syringe;
  • Bucket;
  • Container with washing liquid;
  • Oilcloth;
  • Gloves.

It is better if the procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor

The procedure in the classic version is more convenient to carry out with an assistant, so you should make sure that you have one in advance. If the patient is unconscious, he is intubated.

If spontaneous breathing is maintained, transfer to mechanical ventilation is not necessary, however, for the convenience of work, it is permissible to use muscle relaxants with a regular connection of the patient to an artificial respiration apparatus.

Note: in conditions of emergency washing, the instructions allow you to exclude some preparation points. So, if necessary, the solution need not be heated, conversation with the patient can be minimized, and rinsing can actually be done alone.

Washing in children

Separately, you should consider how to perform gastric lavage at home for a child. For children, cleansing is recommended through vomiting. Before you start cleaning your child’s stomach, you should pay attention to several recommendations:

  • for a child from six months to 9 months, the volume of liquid for rinsing should be no more than 800 ml, it is given in 2-3 doses;
  • for children over one year old, the amount of liquid can be increased to a liter, and this volume should also be drunk in 2-3 doses;
  • then add 1 liter of liquid for 1 year;
  • If the baby is weakened, it is recommended to turn him on his side so that his head is lower than his body.

For children, the best option is to rinse by inducing vomiting.

What is rinsing?

Gastric lavage in case of poisoning helps to quickly improve well-being by removing poisons from the body. The purpose, in fact, of this procedure is to get rid of poisons. Today, there are only two ways to wash the digestive organ: conventional and using a probe. In the first case, everyone can cope with the task at home, but in the second case, one cannot do without medical specialists and special equipment. When a person is in critical condition, inserting a probe into the digestive organ and pumping out fluid from it is the only way to cleanse the stomach. These are very complex actions that require special medical knowledge and special care.

To provide help at home, you need to clearly understand how you can rinse your stomach at home. First, you need to ask the person what he ate or drank, assess his condition: does he answer questions adequately, does he show drowsiness, check the pulse - is it thready or not palpable. Then the picture and scale of the problem will be clear. And the washing procedure must be carried out in such a way as not to cause harm, not to cause asphyxia when liquid enters the lungs, or to rupture the digestive organ. How to do gastric lavage correctly? First you need to know in what situations rinsing is indicated and in which it is contraindicated.

What to do after washing

The patient should be immediately placed on the bed, and a heating pad with hot liquid should be applied to the legs. This will help eliminate spasms and chills. In this case, you need to lie on your side for 30-40 minutes, during this period the nausea will pass. If vomiting no longer occurs, then sorbents can be given:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb.

These remedies will help cleanse the stomach of toxins and restore the mucous membrane. About half an hour after taking these medications, the patient should be given a cup of strong coffee or sweet tea; these drinks have a calming effect on the nervous system. Then you need to go to bed and call an ambulance. Doctors will conduct a full examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Additionally, it is recommended to take a sorbent, for example, Enterosgel


Before figuring out how to rinse your child’s stomach at home to avoid unpleasant problems, it is important to determine possible limitations. These include:

  • stomach bleeding when blood clots are released;

Washing during pregnancy is not advisable.

  • increased pain in the stomach;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system - heart attack, manifestations of angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, arrhythmia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • oncological pathologies that can cause narrowing of the esophagus;
  • epileptic condition, tendency to seizures, convulsions;
  • damage to the mucous layer of the throat and oral cavity.

Gastric ulcer is a contraindication to lavage

Gastric lavage is performed taking into account recommendations, rules, and contraindications. This procedure must be done correctly so as not to harm the patient. But after this you need to call a doctor, the specialist will be able to fully examine the patient and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If you want to know how to rinse correctly, watch this video:

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