small bowel resection
Resection of the small intestine - all about the features of the operation
The length of the small intestine in a healthy person is approximately 6 meters. Total surface area of ​​the thin mucosa
Using the product for stomach pain
Maalox - gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases
Symptoms of gastritis with high acidity Once upon a time the disease was called “reflux”, meaning erosive gastritis. Arises
Closing the colostomy postoperative period. Closing the colostomy
Closing a colostomy (reconstructive coloplasty)
Closing the colostomy postoperative period. Closing a colostomy If the stoma is temporary, surgery will be needed to close it.
Omez and Ranitidine: how they differ and which is better
Treatment of gastritis is based on the use of antiulcer drugs that normalize stomach acidity. When choosing a medicine
Heaviness in the right side under the ribs in front
The cause of discomfort in the right hypochondrium is most often gastroenterological pathologies. They require urgent medical attention
Is it possible to eat dill for gastritis and how to use it in traditional medicine recipes
Dill seeds for high stomach acidity
How is it useful? Dill is rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential oils, including beneficial acids.
Symptoms of peritoneal irritation: characteristic signs and methods of determination
Signs and treatment of irritated peritoneum in acute abdomen syndrome
Characteristics of the disease The abdominal cavity is divided into: pariental, vasceral. The surface of the abdominal cavity in humans is
side hurts when walking
What is located in a person’s right side in the lower abdomen and why does it hurt in this place at rest, after eating, when walking?
A considerable number of people complain that their right side hurts when
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Is it possible to eat biscuits if you have gastritis?
Cookies are not an essential product, but they are tasty and satisfying. Morning tea with
How to use badger fat for gastritis
How to properly take badger fat for gastritis Gastritis is a common disease among different people
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