Side effects after irrigoscopy
Health is the most important thing a person has. There are tens of thousands in the world
Festal for bloating: instructions for use
Release form and composition The dosage form of Festal is a combination of various chemical and biological
Pain in the right side under the ribs, in the back, in the front, on the side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, when inhaling. Diagnosis and treatment
Burning in the right side under the ribs in front
Why can healthy people feel discomfort on the right side under the rib? If the appearance of discomfort with
Gastric resection
When is gastrectomy used and how is it performed?
Most methods of combating excess weight are based on restricting diet and increasing physical activity.
Irritable bowel syndrome: what is it and how to treat it
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - symptoms, causes, treatment, diet
Anticholinergic drugs Such medications have an antispasmodic effect, that is, the smooth muscles of the irritated part of the intestine
Irritable bowel syndrome in children: symptoms and treatment, causes
It is probably impossible to find a person in the world who has never had intestinal discomfort.
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