What are gainers and can you drink them if you have pancreatitis?

Glad to welcome you, friends! To be honest, I didn’t plan to write such a harsh note about pancreatitis and bodybuilding, especially at the end of the year, but what can’t you do for your readers. I'll do everything, I'll hurt myself :). Actually, why such a narrow topic was taken, how to conduct your training and adjust the nutrition process, having such an illness, is what we will talk about today.

So, please sit down, let's start slowly.


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Is bodybuilding and pancreatic inflammation compatible?

With the development of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas, the main principles of treatment are “cold, hunger and rest.” This means that the patient, in addition to taking medications to reduce the symptoms of inflammation, must remain in bed, eat nothing, and avoid heat exposure to the abdominal area and the entire body as a whole.

Bodybuilding is a sport associated with increasing overall muscle mass, increasing volume and improving the relief of the muscles of the body. The basic principles of this sport are increasing the amount of protein in the diet and regular intense physical activity on all muscle groups. The exercises that bodybuilders perform cause some negative effects on the body:

  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure,
  • increased intracranial pressure,
  • increased load on the endocrine part of the pancreas: during physical activity, more insulin is required to transfer glucose from the blood into glycogen, necessary for muscle growth,
  • significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

The latter is the most dangerous effect on the body during pancreatitis, since with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the pressure on the pancreas and its ducts increases. This causes stagnation in the gland, disruption of the outflow of its secretions into the duodenum and such a dangerous condition as acute inflammation and autolysis (destruction by its own enzymes) of gland tissue.

Thus, bodybuilding and pancreatitis in the acute phase are absolutely incompatible.

When a long-term stable remission of the disease is achieved, in some cases the doctor may allow you to resume this strenuous sport, but the load will still have to be reduced. In addition, you will regularly need to take special blood tests and undergo an ultrasound examination of the pancreas and other abdominal organs.

Reasons for stopping muscle growth

By eating right, engaging in permitted types of physical activity and getting plenty of rest, you are guaranteed to start gaining weight. However, be prepared for the fact that muscle gain may stop. This is a pressing problem faced not only by people with pancreatitis, but also by healthy athletes. The reasons for its occurrence may be:

  • high energy expenditure (you spend more calories than you take in);
  • lack of sleep;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • improper execution of exercises;
  • lack of protein in the diet;
  • change in metabolic rate;
  • rapid fatigue and overtraining.

If muscle growth stops, talk to the doctor who is treating your pancreatitis, as well as consult with a nutritionist and, if possible, a professional trainer. You may need to change your diet and exercise schedule, take extra protein or vitamins, or change your daily routine. The support of specialists is extremely important at each stage of treatment and recovery of the body.

We hope you don’t need this article! Be healthy!


Features of nutrition when playing sports

Sports nutrition for bodybuilders requires compliance with several rules:

  • Drinking protein shakes containing proteins, amino acids and other substances that promote the growth of muscle fibers and increase muscle mass, since muscle tissue consists of protein.
  • In order to have enough energy for sports, especially during high-intensity workouts that include strength training and heavy lifting, carbohydrate foods are recommended before starting a workout.
  • To normalize metabolism and accelerate anabolic processes (which underlie the increase in muscle mass), an increased intake of vitamins and minerals into the body is necessary. It is quite difficult to obtain such an amount from food, so professional athletes are often forced to take special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Features of protein consumption

In case of pancreatitis, it is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician regarding drug treatment and normalization of nutrition. You can take medications regularly, but without a diet you cannot get rid of the painful manifestations of the pathology. In acute pancreatitis, experts prohibit taking protein - the daily diet is strictly limited, and after an attack, any food can cause serious harm.

Athletes with chronic pancreatic pathology can drink protein, but under strict medical supervision and at certain hours.

The positive effect of this protein on the body is explained by its easy digestibility. Proper fractional nutrition without breaking the diet will give athletes the desired result - a beautiful body shape without deteriorating health. It is important to observe the proportions that are agreed upon with the attending physician, since exceeding the daily norm can cause negative consequences, in particular, overload of the digestive organs. In this case, muscle mass will not increase, and the person will suffer from pain in the abdominal area.

If the patient does not have protein intolerance, and the disease is in stable remission, then protein can be drunk according to the established schedule. The main contraindications include:

  • liver pathologies;

In case of congenital and infectious liver diseases, hepatitis, cirrhosis, drinking protein is strictly contraindicated

  • increased sensitivity to proteins in general and protein in particular;
  • abnormalities in kidney function.

People who are actively involved in sports with pancreatitis need to be attentive to their well-being and also monitor their body weight. Only proper nutrition and timely treatment will help you quickly get back into shape.

Sports nutrition complexes for the patient

Sports nutrition for a person with pancreatitis has its own characteristics:

  • The consumption of light carbohydrates is excluded or minimized, as they place a greater burden on the pancreas. To absorb glucose and convert it into muscle glycogen, increased production of insulin by the endocrine tissues of the gland is required, and when it is inflamed, this function is disrupted. It is healthier for a patient with pancreatitis to consume complex carbohydrates found in cereals, vegetables and some fruits.

  • Among protein products, animal proteins are recommended, which are easily digestible and are the material for the formation of new muscle fibers.
  • It is allowed to consume some powder cocktails with a high content of amino acids, purchased in specialized sports nutrition stores. It is imperative to pay attention to the composition of the product: it should not contain flavorings, preservatives, or any unnatural ingredients that put stress on the pancreas and the entire body as a whole. Before drinking such protein shakes (casein, whey or soy), you should definitely consult a specialist. These cocktails are strictly prohibited in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis or any digestive disorder.
  • Limit fat intake.

How to eat with cholecystitis and pancreatitis

What to eat. In this case, the basis of your diet should be plant foods: give up heavy foods altogether and switch to an alternative.

Well, for example, many people love pork. It takes up to 8 hours to digest, if we talk about complete digestion. Now multiply all this by the inadequate functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder. The intestines will suffer greatly. Therefore, meat, if you cannot give it up completely, should be lighter - turkey or chicken. No options.

Regarding plant foods. Eat a lot of salads, especially in the summer, during the season of fruits and vegetables. Add fiber to your diet: both in ready-made form, such as flaxseed flour, which can be sprinkled on any dishes, and in food products of plant origin (all types of cabbage, etc.).

All this is necessary because the food is easily digestible: even if its volume is large, it will be much easier to digest by the body, and over time it will relieve intestinal inflammation (it will not solve the problem of diseases, but the consequences will be easy).

Meal frequency. In order for bile to be produced more often and not stagnate and fill the liver, you need to constantly eat, that is, eat often. And even though you are used to three meals a day, you can have snacks between main meals, which, by the way, is also necessary for gaining weight. After all, calories are necessary to gain mass! Therefore, 5 or more meals a day (small and large in total) is great from many points of view.

Liquid. Train yourself not to drink food immediately after finishing your meal. Many people prefer tea or a drink after meals. Forget about it. By diluting gastric juice, you remove the load from the stomach and shift it to the intestines, which has a bad effect on it. Wait half an hour - then you can. And drink your quota of water per day: this “drink of the gods” has life-giving powers, no joke.

Drink liver herbs. You can buy them at a regular market from your grandmother (a friend did this) or somewhere else. Try Google: you'll probably find it. Just pour boiling water over two tablespoons of the liver mixture, let the tea steep and you’re done. I have to warn you - the tincture is very bitter, but it is a good choleretic agent, which will slowly, but safely and surely improve the flow of bile.

A couple of tablespoons of these herbs per 300 ml of boiling water. Take 5 sips: in the morning on an empty stomach and immediately after each large meal. The recipe is generally simple. For the lazy, I would say. By the way, do not strain the tincture: it will then spoil very quickly.

Additional funds. Among the pharmaceutical products I can highlight “Pancreatin” (digestive enzymes) and “Hofitol” (French choleretic agent). And if everything is clear with the second one, then “Pancreatin” will help you digest food better, making life easier for your pancreas. The only thing is, do not take these enzymes on a regular basis: the body gets used to it and their effectiveness drops significantly. Just take breaks. But this is also stated in the instructions for the medicine.

High calorie protein shakes

For a patient with pancreatitis, the use of high-calorie cocktails is allowed only after achieving a stable long-term remission. The doctor allows the use of cocktails for sports nutrition if the patient is not bothered by complaints of abdominal pain, there is no nausea, vomiting, or bowel problems.

In addition, to resolve protein in pancreatitis, the indicators of a general, biochemical blood test, and coprogram must be within normal limits. When conducting an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, there should be no signs of inflammatory changes in the pancreas or its ducts; the gallbladder and bile ducts should be normal. And also, ultrasound symptoms of stagnation of bile, pancreatic juice, and signs of cholelithiasis should not be detected.

Recipes for approved cocktails

In order to be confident in the natural, healthy composition of a protein shake, it is better to prepare it yourself at home from high-quality products, after consulting with your doctor. You can make a healthy drink rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals using simple recipes:

  • Boil oatmeal (half a glass), mix it with chopped banana, add half a glass of low-fat cottage cheese and pour half a liter of whey over it all. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender until smooth.
  • Mix homemade low-fat yogurt with pre-baked apple and cooked buckwheat as much as possible. The consistency of such a cocktail should be homogeneous: the mixture is whipped with a blender.

What is pancreatitis

The diagnosis of pancreatitis is made to patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas. The causes of this pathology can be different, but the most common of them are:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking certain medications;
  • mechanical damage and injury;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • abuse of fatty, smoked and other unhealthy foods.

Statistics: the average age of incidence of chronic pancreatitis has decreased from 50 to 39 years. The frequency of detection of the disease in children in Russia is 9-12 cases per 100,000.

Regardless of the prerequisites for development, the disease follows the same pattern. The pancreas begins to produce an increased amount of enzymes, but they do not enter the intestines due to a violation of the outflow of secretions. As a result, digestive problems arise, severe pain in the abdomen (stomach area), the patient suffers from diarrhea, first loses fat and then muscle tissue.

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