How can you get a stomach ulcer? how to get a stomach ulcer quickly?? Diseases

Not eating right

In case of illness, a therapeutic diet is prescribed. This means that you will have to give up your favorite spicy, salty, smoked, pickled dishes and fast food. But this is not for us. We asked ourselves the question of how to get an ulcer. Therefore, you need to eat in such a way as to reach this goal.

  1. We eat fast food. In unlimited quantities. And wash it down with sweet soda. The ulcer will be very happy about such a reverent attitude towards the stomach and will quickly visit it.
  2. Don't forget about smoked meats.
  3. The fattier the dish, the more beneficial it is for the stomach.
  4. We eat marinades in large quantities. Possible daily. No bread or side dish.
  5. We put hot spices in all dishes. The more the better for our purpose.
  6. Be sure to eat foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. We do not disdain them.
  7. It should be remembered that an ulcer occurs only after gastritis and gastroduodenitis appear. Therefore, if doctors make any of these diagnoses, there is no need to listen to them. Follow a diet? Fi, what else. We continue to eat everything and more.
  8. We don’t neglect strong coffee and tea. Especially tea with lemon.
  9. We lean on citrus fruits. They are useful in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with strong coffee.
  10. Don't forget about baked goods, muffins and sweets. We eat fresh white bread, pies and buns. Chocolates, marmalade and other goodies. We can't live without them, right?

Reasons for increased aggressiveness of gastric juice, complications of ulcers

The main reasons for increased aggressiveness of gastric juice include: - alcohol, - smoking, - irregular meals, - hasty eating, - excess in the diet of irritating, coarse, spicy foods, fast food.

These factors have a stronger effect on the gastric mucosa in the presence of stress, negative emotions, coffee abuse, taking certain medications (Analgin, Indomethacin, Aspirin), as well as in the presence of Helicobacter.

Factors that increase the aggressiveness of gastric juice act more strongly if the patient has the first blood group.

A complication of stomach ulcers is bleeding (10-15% of cases). Patients experience vomiting mixed with blood and black stools. In 6-20 percent of patients, the ulcer is accompanied by perforation (the appearance of a hole) in the abdominal cavity. In 15% of cases, the disease affects other organs (pancreas, liver). With a long course of the disease, 6-15% of patients develop a narrowing of the affected area (scar).

We are for an unhealthy lifestyle

All gastroenterologists, when treating the gastrointestinal tract, unanimously advise leaving bad habits in the past. Alcohol and smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and the abuse of junk food are directions for getting an ulcer and more.

However, we are firmly focused on getting stomach ulcers quickly. And we will not listen to specialists in white coats. Nobody forbids their vision on this matter. We continue to eat everything and also follow the following recommendations:

  1. A candidate for peptic ulcer disease should definitely continue to smoke if he has this habit. And the more cigarettes he smokes a day, the better. And for the stomach, and for the pancreas, and for the lungs.
  2. Smoked ribs, croutons, chips, etc. are very tasty. And it tastes twice as good with beer. The future patient should not limit himself in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. In case of gastric ulcer, abdominal injuries are unacceptable. But anyone thinking about how to quickly get an ulcer should not pay attention to this. Continue to pump up your abs, play sports, focusing on your stomach. And if there is a possibility of injuring him, then that’s a good thing.

Contact with people with ulcers

A common recommendation to get a stomach ulcer is to try to come into contact with a carrier of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. An effective remedy will be to constantly eat from the same utensils with the sick person.

Such a remedy will lead to the disease becoming chronic and relapsing, and it will subsequently be impossible to get rid of the pathology.

In order for Helicobacter infection to occur faster, it is necessary to eat foods that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The specified food products include radish, fresh cabbage, black bread, sorrel, spices and salty dishes, fried dishes, sour, spicy and bitter foods.

Everything is very bad

What if two or three days after the crisis, nothing has changed? Yes, and vomiting blood was added. And the pain is absolutely excruciating. Congratulations, you've almost reached the goal of how to get an ulcer.

Of course, in this case you need to call an ambulance. And go to the hospital for a couple of weeks. In the department, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, eat according to the diet and don’t be capricious. Do not ask loving family and friends to bring rich soup, stewed potatoes with meat and more instant coffee. So that the evil doctor does not see and scold.

But when they are discharged, then your stomach will go to heaven. We forget how seriously we shook our heads while listening to the doctor. How they ate everything pureed, in microscopic portions and 6 times a day. We throw away all the brochures on proper nutrition that were provided at the hospital. We continue to eat as before, despite the protests of our household. They don't understand anything about this matter. Just like doctors.

Tips for students

If you are a student, then the possibility of developing stomach problems is quite high. Students are always hungry people, rushing to lectures. I ate some dubious pie or a pack of chips on the run, and that’s it – I’m full. What do students need to know to be sure to get an ulcer?

  1. The dining room must be neglected. And if you go there, then buy the cheapest salad, preferably spicy, and a bottle of sparkling water. Ideally, sweet.
  2. Forget about first courses. They are expensive, at least in student canteens, and you never know what they are made of. Better than a salad with spices - more benefits.
  3. For those who live there, eat instant noodles in the hostel. And what? Fast, tasty, and most importantly, with such nutrition it becomes obvious how to get a stomach ulcer.
  4. If you are completely tired of noodles, you can go home for the weekend. And take a jar of homemade marinades from your mother or grandmother. For example, pickled tomatoes or cucumbers with bread are extremely tasty.
  5. It would be good to drink coffee on an empty stomach. A bite with a cigarette, for students who smoke. If the “martyr of science” is not friends with the “health stick,” then you can simply drink strong black coffee without sugar.
  6. If you begin to experience stomach pain, continue to lead your usual lifestyle. Ignore the painful sensations.

How quickly does an ulcer appear?

After the start of active actions aimed at developing a stomach ulcer, the conscript must closely monitor his well-being. He can suspect the development of this dangerous pathology by the appearance of characteristic symptoms:

  1. Heartburn appears, which does not go away either after eating or after drinking soda or other drugs.
  2. A severe pain syndrome develops, localized in the upper abdominal cavity. Patients may experience dull, pulling, stabbing or cutting pain. The intensity of pain will directly depend on the size, type and location of the lesion. Pain can radiate to various parts of the body, for example, to the lower back, pelvis, subcostal space, back, upper limbs, sternum. In most cases, people experience such discomfort on an empty stomach, or within several hours after eating food. During the period of exacerbation of this pathology, night pain may occur.
  3. Abdominal bloating and a feeling of severe heaviness.
  4. Disruption of defecation processes. Most often, this category of patients suffers from constipation.
  5. Fast saturation. Patients who have developed ulcerative pathology, even after eating a minimal amount of food, feel severe overeating.
  6. Vomiting reflex.
  7. Belching, which may be foul-smelling.

We are soldiers, we are not to blame

How to quickly get an ulcer in the army? It is even easier for soldiers to do this than for students.

Firstly, eat only main courses. The first is not to take or give to a friend. And wash down your food.

If it is possible to drink coffee, as in the advice to students, service members can be advised to drink it on an empty stomach, without milk or sugar.

Be sure to start smoking. Even if you've never tried it. Cigarettes are our everything in order to get an answer to the question “how to get a stomach ulcer in the army.”

When parents come, and in some parts you can go at least every week, ask them to bring more food from a rather famous “restaurant” with a picture of a clown. And eat this food all week. Until their next visit.

Do you have the opportunity to go to the store? Buy a beer and enjoy your freedom properly. And it will come to an ulcer faster, and the foreman will come to the fullest. Double benefits for the body.

Are you experiencing stomach pain? Stay silent and continue moving towards your goal. Even when it’s already completely unbearable. Even if he lost consciousness from pain. Well, then the comrades will intervene and the foreman will pump it out.

How to cause a stomach ulcer quickly: options that contribute to the appearance of the disease

A stomach ulcer is a serious chronic disease in which a defective formation appears on the gastric mucosa. It is one of the most common anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract. Many young people, after receiving a summons, decide and look for how to cause a stomach ulcer quickly, despite the dangerous and unknown consequences of using harmful advice.

How to quickly get a stomach ulcer

Despite the danger of peptic ulcers, many are interested in how to cause a stomach ulcer, especially for those who are of conscription age, since the military registration and enlistment office is not guaranteed to accept someone with an ulcer into the army.

There are several options that can contribute to the appearance of this disease. Let's look at them in more detail below.

Uncontrolled use of medications

Regular use of aspirin in large quantities has an extremely negative effect on the gastric mucosa, since the elements included in the medicine injure and corrode it over time.

This method of acquiring an ulcer is very dangerous for human life, because severe bleeding, perforation of the ulcer or peritonitis can occur. If the ulcer begins to bleed, the patient will need urgent medical attention, and in its absence, he will most likely die. Ulcerative perforation and peritonitis are also deadly for the human body.

Stress experienced

It is well known that stress and nervous tension have a negative effect on the body and the functioning of all organs and systems. Constant worries can become one of the reasons for the formation of many diseases, including ulcers. Therefore, a person wondering how to get a stomach ulcer quickly should try to put himself in a stressful state.

He needs to constantly think about bad things, take any comments addressed to him to heart, worry about any reason. In combination with poor sleep and an unhealthy lifestyle, an ulcer is guaranteed.

But there is a great risk that, in parallel with the ulcer, a more dangerous disease will begin to develop, since stress also contributes to the development of deadly diseases, for example, oncology.

Alcohol abuse

Frequent use of alcohol significantly harms the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the body. Such therapy with alcoholic beverages will lead to the development of ulcers in a short time.

But at the same time, severe changes in the liver or ulcers may develop, the walls of blood vessels may be destroyed, and hormonal levels and metabolic processes may be disrupted. In addition, alcohol often becomes a provocateur of impotence and mental retardation.

Smoking on an empty stomach

Nicotine is also harmful to the stomach, especially if smoked frequently on an empty stomach. If you smoke a cigarette without eating before for a long time, the body will begin to produce juice, which will eventually corrode the mucous membrane, and the question: how to make a stomach ulcer will disappear by itself. In addition to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, smoking provokes the development of diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems.

Poor nutrition

A person who is eager to get an ulcer is advised to stop eating any healthy food and eat only fried, salty, sweet and spicy foods.

You should not have breakfast in the morning; it is better to just drink a cup of strong coffee, and after a certain time drink sour juice. You can dine on any unhealthy food, such as fast food. Cakes and other confectionery products will help well. Instant noodles seasoned with harmful spices are perfect for the evening. You should also wash down your food with strong brewed coffee.

Nocturnal lifestyle

According to statistics, people who lead an active lifestyle instead of sleeping at night are more likely to develop a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

So to get it, you should significantly reduce the number of hours of sleep, especially at night.

You can get a job on the night shift, visit nightclubs, where drinking alcohol and smoking are also allowed, which is also very “good” for ulcers, or just sit at the computer all night.

Working in hazardous conditions

Hard physical labor coupled with little rest wears out the body and gives impetus to the formation of peptic ulcers. Particularly severe damage is caused by round-the-clock shifts, work in hazardous workshops, or nervous, stressful work.

Intentional infection with Helicobacter

It is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori that provokes the appearance of stomach ulcers after entering the human body. People become infected with this bacterium through household means.

Therefore, to become infected, you will need to find an infected person and establish close household contact with him. For example, you can try using his towel or eating food from his dishes.

Using personal care items that belong to an infected person is also likely to lead to infection.

Is it possible to get a stomach ulcer while serving in the army?

How to get a stomach ulcer quickly in the army? The body is forced to endure great physical activity and stress, especially at the beginning of its service.

Also, the soldiers eat food of poor quality and often smoke. All this leads to the development of peptic ulcer disease.

And if an employee has a weak character and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the likelihood of an ulcer is even higher.

Getting an ulcer while on duty is also a good option, since if a life-threatening complication occurs, the soldier will receive immediate medical care from qualified specialists in the hospital.

What can happen if you intentionally get sick?

The appearance of malignant neoplasm, pulmonary tuberculosis, angina pectoris, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, hormonal imbalances, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, organic pathologies of the central nervous system and much more is possible.

How dangerous peptic ulcer disease is and what you need to know about it we will learn in this video.

What do doctors say about this?

Of course, doctors warn patients against such ideas, since according to statistics, more than 80% of patients who tried to provoke the appearance of an ulcer ended up with a perforation of the stomach. Very often, aggressive substances, after entering the abdominal cavity, continue to cause irreparable damage to the intestines, as a result of which the person dies.



We found out how to get an ulcer. What are the consequences of this disease? Pain in the stomach, sometimes so strong that a person loses consciousness. Constantly taking medications and consulting a gastroenterologist. This is for those who want to live. Oh yes, by the way. The ulcer is fatal if its progress is not stopped in time.

For those who are determined to pursue their goal until victory, there is good news. An ulcer can cause stomach cancer. Which is then amputated. Not completely, of course. They will leave 1/5 of the total volume. And you will have to eat your favorite food in very tiny portions.

If you continue to eat your usual food, then at some point your stomach will not stand it. And music will play in the house, which the sick person will not hear. But these are such trifles, he achieved his goal.

By the way, death from cancer is very painful. Especially when painkillers stop helping. Therefore, it is worth thinking about whether it is really necessary to develop an ulcer in order to then die in terrible agony?

Have you changed your mind?

Have you decided that you don’t need to get the answer to the question of how to get an ulcer through your own experience? Perfect solution.

To prevent stomach-related diseases, you should listen to the recommendations of doctors:

  1. Proper nutrition is one of the first steps to avoiding diseases.
  2. Let's leave bad habits in the past.
  3. Less stress and worries.

These are three “Atlantas” on which the health of the gastrointestinal tract is based.

How to quickly get a stomach ulcer?

All conscripts who do not want to give up a year of their life to the army sooner or later learn that according to the law in Russia they are not allowed into the army with an ulcer, even if it is not extensive and in a state of stable remission. Many, after receiving a summons, decide to quickly develop a stomach ulcer, despite the dangerous consequences. The worst thing about this method of derailment is that a young healthy guy may not live to see the medical examination or become disabled.

There is only one option in which such an act is partially justified - the presence of a serious form of gastritis in combination with an asthenic type of character. Chronic depression coupled with high physical activity and questionable nutrition is guaranteed to lead to the development of ulcers while on duty, so it may make sense to get one in a controlled setting. In all other cases, only arguments against are given.

Although one ulcer or scar is enough to avoid joining the army, there is no way to control their development. When ulcerative symptoms appear, they sometimes affect the entire stomach.

It can take more time and money to treat an ulcer than will be lost over its lifespan. An ulcer sufferer has lifelong restrictions on nutrition and physical activity; the body's reserves and overall life expectancy are reduced.

How to get an ulcer?

Two types of advice will help you quickly get a stomach ulcer: harmful and suicidal. The first ones will “help” you get an ulcer in a natural, relatively safe way, but will require some time, depending on the health of your stomach and heredity. Suicidal recommendations can ruin your stomach and health in a matter of hours, but are extremely life-threatening.

Bad advice:

  • You need to smoke and drink more at the same time, preferably on an empty stomach. Alcohol damages the epithelium of the stomach and provokes increased acid formation, nicotine constricts small vessels and provokes hypoxia of the mucous membranes. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it - alcohol-nicotine therapy can quickly cause a perforated ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver or acute pancreatitis. The anesthetic effect of alcohol will drown out the first pain symptoms, so when pain appears, it is already too late to go to the hospital.
  • Stress can help you get an ulcer. You need to be nervous about any reason, at work you have to do everything through force, in your free time you have to think with horror about how bad it will be to get into the army, you have to practically not sleep at night, drinking and smoking your grief.
  • Sports and other types of active physical activity are strictly contraindicated. It’s better to sit on the Internet for days and look for advice on how to avoid the army.
  • You need to change your diet. In the morning - strong coffee without milk and a sandwich, sour fruit juice, no food. For lunch - instant noodles or a trip to McDonald's. Then you can spend the whole evening eating sweets, chips, crackers, beer, soda, spicy foods, saltiness, smoked foods, and marinades.
  • The final chord should be the absorption of large amounts of fried food with hot spices and pickled snacks before bed. It is necessary to completely exclude milk, cereals, soups, and any boiled foods. If after a heavy meal you suffer from discomfort in the stomach, lemon juice will “help”. One big BUT - problems with the pancreas or bile ducts against the background of such a diet will quickly save you from the army and life forever.

If you diligently follow all the harmful advice at the same time, you can quickly develop a stomach ulcer in a week. Some people advise looking for a way to become infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori from a patient - you shouldn’t do this. Helicobacter pylori causes the transition to chronic recurrent forms, which are not at all necessary to be present in order not to be drafted into the army.

How quickly can an ulcer appear?

The ulcerating effect of non-narcotic analgesics has long been known. Taking one of these regularly on an empty stomach will greatly speed up the development of ulcers. The traditional and most effective remedy is considered to be simple aspirin - 3 months of taking one tablet a day will help even someone who didn’t want it to get an ulcer. If there is no time left, experienced conscripts advise taking 4 tablets in the morning and not eating at all until the afternoon. Large doses are more likely to cause liver and kidney failure, disruption of hematopoiesis and brain function than an ulcer.

An even more dangerous and quick way is to combine aspirin with vodka. Even a small dose of such a cocktail may be enough to cause irreversible changes in the mucosa. It is better to drink inside a hospital, since even a perfectly healthy stomach turns into a leaky bag from this drink.

There are even more extravagant and quick ways to lose your health, and sometimes even your life - drink vinegar, take a bleach tablet. Since no one can predict how a particular dose of these substances will affect the stomach and esophagus, these methods are akin to drinking sulfuric acid.

Let's summarize

So, we looked at the possibility of getting a stomach ulcer. What is needed for this, remember?

  1. Irregular meals. Eating large amounts of fast food, smoked meats, marinades and pickles. The ulcer also loves spicy foods.
  2. You should only drink strong black coffee and black tea with lemon. Do not add sugar or milk to these drinks. Don't forget about sweet soda, it will help the ulcer to attack the stomach faster. Especially in combination with fast food.
  3. Forget about avoiding stress and hassle. To freak out and worry as much as possible.
  4. In times of stress, it would be good to smoke. And drink a cup of coffee and a cigarette.
  5. There will be alcoholic drinks! Drink beer in unlimited quantities, snack on chips, crackers and other goodies.
  6. Continue to engage in sports that can injure your stomach. Or start doing it.
  7. After gastritis or gastroduodenitis appears, do not pay attention to the doctor’s recommendations. Continue your normal lifestyle. Diet and giving up bad habits? Did not hear.
  8. The ulcer has finally found its owner. The desired goal has been achieved. Now you need to hold on during times of severe pain and not go to the hospital for examination.

How to get a stomach ulcer in the army

Stomach ulcer is a serious chronic disease, accompanied by disruption of the normal secretion of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, and damage to the walls of the stomach.
The trophic function of the walls of the digestive system, the function of motility of the stomach and intestines are disrupted. You can get the disease without completely wanting such an outcome.

Mechanisms of development of peptic ulcer

The reasons leading to the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers lie in many active factors.

Unpleasant feeling in the stomach

Aggressive factors

  1. Long-term stressful situations with low intensity of impact, acute severe psychotrauma, negative emotional experiences.
  2. Chronic diseases of the digestive system - cholecystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis.
  3. Hormonal disorders of the body, for example, thyroid endocrinopathy.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Infectious effects. It has been proven that the causative agent of gastritis and ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  6. Reverse reflux of duodenal contents and bile into the stomach.

Defense Mechanisms

  1. Alkaline reaction of duodenal contents, pancreatic secretions, saliva.
  2. Production of large amounts of mucus in the stomach and pancreas.
  3. The ability of epithelial cells to regenerate.
  4. Normal blood circulation in the walls of the stomach.

It is possible to quickly acquire a peptic ulcer in the presence of already developed chronic gastritis. The main cause of gastritis is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.

The pathogen is widespread among residents of Russia, affecting every tenth adult.

In the process of metabolism, Helicobacter releases ammonia compounds, which produce a pronounced toxic effect on the gastric mucosa. The body's response is to increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach cavity.

Why does the aggressiveness of gastric juice increase?

The main reasons that provoke the aggressive effect of gastric juice, allowing you to quickly develop a stomach ulcer, are the following:

  1. Abuse of alcoholic beverages of any strength.
  2. Constantly smoking cigarettes.
  3. Irregular nutrition with systematic violation of food intake.
  4. Swallowing food in a hurry without chewing thoroughly.
  5. Constant eating of fast foods, heavy fatty, salty or spicy foods.

The impact of factors is enhanced by a stressful situation, abuse of caffeine and drinks containing it, including energy drinks. A number of medications can increase the acidity of gastric juice - analgin, aspirin and other representatives of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to get an ulcer

Some people are looking for ways to get ulcers. The decision is unreasonable, since the chosen methods allow you to achieve the goal quickly, leading to subsequent lifelong disability or death of the patient at a young age and prime of life.

Pain due to stomach ulcers

The article provides methods that can easily prevent stomach ulcers. Let’s roughly divide “advice” into two types – harmful and suicidal.

Harmful recommendations

Such “recommendations” will allow you to get a stomach ulcer quickly in a relatively safe manner. It will take time to implement the plan. The other group of methods is more likely to be suicidal, capable of getting rid of the army and life.

  1. Long-term, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages in fair quantities, mainly on an empty stomach. You can achieve the desired result faster by drinking cheap drinks of dubious quality. Alcohol leads to the destruction of cells in the stomach lining. Possible rupture of the mucous membrane and bleeding.
  2. Smoking a large number of cigarettes, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
    Under the influence of nicotine, the blood vessels of the stomach walls narrow. Excessive use of the recipe can lead to perforation of the ulcer and possible death within hours. In addition to ulcers, a “bouquet” of diseases is acquired: alcohol addiction, liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis. Alcohol in the first hours of the disease will have an anesthetic effect, which will cause late seeking help. Give up bad habits
  3. A chronic stressful situation contributes to the development of peptic ulcers. In people who are worried about any reason, the onset of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is recorded much more often. If you constantly sleep poorly, at night imagining the coming day with horror, an ulcer is guaranteed. It is better to wash down a stressful state with alcohol, smoke more, constantly drink coffee, sweet carbonated drinks. Chronic stress combined with such a diet will allow you to get an associated ulcer in the shortest possible time.
  4. Playing sports is strictly not recommended.
  5. It is “useful” for getting a stomach ulcer to spend more time at the computer, looking for ways to get a stomach ulcer quickly.
  6. The diet will have to change radically.
    In the morning, be sure to drink a cup of coffee without sugar and milk, and do not eat food, even sandwiches. In addition to a cup of coffee, it is better to take a glass of sour juice. For lunch, eat noodles from instant packages. As an alternative, constantly eat fast food. During the day, try to eat crackers, chips, snacks, carbonated sweet water, spicy or salty foods. Wrong diet
  7. For dinner, cook fatty foods in large quantities. The more hot and salty seasonings and spices there are in the diet in the evening, the faster a peptic ulcer will occur. The diet must be extremely irregular. The optimal solution would be to fast during the day, making do with only black coffee or beer; at night it is better to eat heavily.
  8. You will need to exclude dairy products, porridge, and boiled foods from your diet. Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help increase pain in the epigastric area.

Suicidal recommendations

If you diligently adhere to the described “recommendations,” you will develop a stomach ulcer within the next week. These methods of acquiring gastric or duodenal ulcers are popular and in demand among young people seeking to avoid military service for health reasons.

There are known ways to get a stomach ulcer in a matter of days. It is necessary to use drugs from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The ulcerating effect of drugs on mucous membranes is known to doctors and patients. The most common way to get an ulcer quickly is to take aspirin tablets on an empty stomach.

With such treatment, even those who have never sought the disease can get an ulcer.

Seasoned “conscripts”, accustomed to avoiding military service for several years, take 4 aspirin tablets on an empty stomach in the morning, fasting until the afternoon. Exceeding the dosage does not lead to peptic ulcers, but to damage to the kidneys and liver.

Contact with people with ulcers

A common recommendation to get a stomach ulcer is to try to come into contact with a carrier of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. An effective remedy will be to constantly eat from the same utensils with the sick person.

Such a remedy will lead to the disease becoming chronic and relapsing, and it will subsequently be impossible to get rid of the pathology.

In order for Helicobacter infection to occur faster, it is necessary to eat foods that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The specified food products include radish, fresh cabbage, black bread, sorrel, spices and salty dishes, fried dishes, sour, spicy and bitter foods.


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