Nutrilon mixture for colic and constipation: product composition, types, benefits

Nutrilon mixture for colic and constipation

baby formula for constipation is divided into several varieties, which differ in composition and the presence of lactose. Nutrition Nutrilon is perfectly balanced and closest to natural breast milk. When mixed or completely artificial feeding of a child, this mixture is an excellent solution for the treatment and prevention of intestinal disorders.

The effect of Nutrilon on the intestines

Nutrilon infant formula is produced by a global company that has long established itself in the baby food market. Its composition is not only rich in natural nutrients and vitamins, but is also as close as possible to human milk during lactation. Therefore, Nutrilon is easily absorbed by the newborn’s body and prevents bloating and constipation.

Nutrilon contains the following biological additives:

  • easily digestible unsaturated fatty acids;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the child’s body in the first year of life;
  • balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • gum and mucus;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • prebiotics and casein;
  • lactic acid bacteria.

It is the last three components that are responsible for the normal functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract and help eliminate existing problems with bowel movements. Nutrilon improves the contractile function of peristalsis, helps normalize the production of enzymes necessary for the absorption of food and makes feces soft.

Some parents claim that the mixture does not help improve bowel function, while others say that Nutrilon eliminates constipation. Reviews vary due to the fact that this food has several developed complexes that are designed for a certain age of the baby and the specific cause of bad stool:

  1. Fermented milk Nutrilon.
  2. Nutrilon comfort.
  3. Antireflux.
  4. Lactose-free.

In order for Nutrilon nutrition to have a positive effect on intestinal function, it is important to give the infant the mixture that is suitable for him. So, for example, if the package says for children from 5 months, then you cannot buy this mixture for a baby 1-2 months old. And if the cause of constipation lies in lactose intolerance, then fermented milk Nutrilon will not only not help, but will also aggravate the problem.

Reviews from pediatricians

Reviews from pediatricians regarding Nutrilon Comfort for newborns are only positive. Doctors say that the IMMUNOFORTIS prebiotic complex, nucleotides, vitamins, and minerals in combination help improve the child’s health and reduce the incidence of infectious diseases.

According to pediatricians, the correct ratio of BZHU allows you to fully satisfy the nutrient needs of a growing body. With age, when digestion improves, the baby can be transferred to the Premium line, and Nutrilon Comfort 2 will not even be needed.

Fermented milk Nutrilon for constipation

This mixture is intended for children from the first days of life to six months. It is distinguished by the number of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, which are several times more numerous in it than in other types of Nutrilon.

It is the additional enrichment of beneficial bacteria that has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and large intestine. However, this fermented milk mixture must be introduced into the child’s diet with caution. This Nutrilon can be given in parallel with breast milk, gradually accustoming the child’s body to new complementary foods.

If the baby does not have any undesirable reactions to the high content of lactic acid bacteria, then if there is frequent constipation, he can be completely switched to this type of Nutrilon. Fermented milk Nutrilon is recommended for colic and constipation for children with particularly sensitive digestion, which negatively affects intestinal function.

Nutrilon comfort for constipation in children

eliminates constipation due to the increased content of prebiotic, milk protein and lactose in the mixture. These components improve the digestion process and ensure normal bowel function.

Nutrilon comfort mixture is intended for children from 1 month and is thicker than others. The density minimizes the baby's swallowing of air during feeding, which prevents bloating, colic and associated constipation and other symptoms.

If there are frequent problems with emptying Nutrilon, comfort can be given to the baby constantly. But such a transition must be gradual.

Nutrilon comfort for colic and constipation has both positive and negative reviews. This is due, firstly, to the fact that not all children drink it with pleasure, due to the bitter taste. Secondly, this type of mixture contains lactose, which the newborn’s body may not tolerate well. Therefore, if the baby’s stool comfort is not restored after Nutrilon and, on the contrary, the condition worsens, then you should choose a different type of mixture.

Note to parents

The product contains prebiotics. Try to control the temperature of the water in which you are going to dissolve the powder. If the indicator is more than 37 C, then the beneficial properties of prebiotics are reduced, which means that the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the mixture worsens. To control the temperature, you can buy an electronic food thermometer, which can be found in any store that sells kitchen utensils, or you can simply order it online. In addition, such an accessory will be useful to you many times in everyday life.

We will answer frequently asked questions from parents:

  1. Why is Nutrilon Comfort bitter?
    This is due to partially broken down whey protein. In conventional mixtures it is not hydrolyzed.
  2. What is more effective for colic and constipation: Nutrilon Comfort or Similak Comfort?
    Both products are worthy of attention. But Similak is cheaper (375 g - 510 rubles), it does not contain palm oil, unlike Nutrilon, and it contains the 2′-FL oligosaccharide, which makes it even closer in composition to breast milk.
  3. Are there any advantages over Nan Comfort?
    Yes, they consist of a lower lactose content, due to which Nutrilon reduces the risk of developing allergies due to lactase deficiency.
  4. How to replace the mixture if it is not suitable?
    There are plenty of options. You can try the same Similak Comfort, Nan Triple Comfort, Hipp Comfort. Or you can choose Nutrilon Hypoallergenic, Pepti Gastro Premium, Antireflux, etc. You need to select nutrition depending on the symptoms that bother the baby.
  5. How to switch from Comfort to Premium Nutrilon?
    The transition should be gradual. First, it is recommended to replace 1 feeding with a new product. After a few days, 2 feedings and so on until the baby completely accepts the new food. Please note that the two mixtures cannot be mixed together.

After the introduction of Comfort, children often change their stool. It becomes greenish in color. Do not be alarmed, this is often a normal reaction to partial protein hydrolysis. However, loose green stools, diarrhea and a rash on the butt and body can be a sign of an intestinal infection. Therefore, to find out exactly the reason for the change in stool color, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Nutrilon Antireflux

This type of baby food is distinguished by the presence of such a natural component as gum. This substance acts as a bulk laxative. Gum adsorbs liquid, which ensures hydration of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Once in the intestines, Nutrilon antireflux increases the volume of its contents, envelops accumulated feces and ensures light and free stool. In addition, this mixture normalizes the process of regurgitation after feeding and prevents excessive vomiting.

Antireflux can be given to newborns from the first month. Due to the reduced fat content, the mixture is quickly digested and completely broken down. Since it does not stay in the stomach for a long time, the frequency of regurgitation is reduced and the likelihood of bloating is minimized.

Composition of Nutrilon mixtures

Although Nutrilon is presented as a mixture for baby food, this product can still be called a drug. Since, along with nutrients, it contains many biological additives, which are vital for a child in his first year of life. It includes:

  • BJU is normal;
  • mucus and gum;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • mineral substances mainly in the form of phosphorus and calcium;
  • vitamin-like substances;
  • complete vitamin complex.

The composition of Nutrilon, which can rightfully be considered ideal, provides the baby with balanced food, which normalizes the functionality of the intestines. But the drug also contains substances that help eliminate constipation.

Nutrilon for constipation caused by lactose intolerance

Lactose-free Nutrilon for constipation and colic is intended for children under one year old who have individual lactose intolerance. Often babies suffer from lactose deficiency from birth, which is accompanied by many symptoms, the main one being constipation.

The mixture is distinguished by the complete absence of lactose, which is replaced with glucose syrup. Feeding this type of Nutrilon can be either the main feeding or serve as an additional complementary feeding. However, you should buy lactose-free Nutrilon only as prescribed by your pediatrician.

How to dilute and prepare the mixture

The method of preparation and a description of the instructions for use are also indicated on the packaging.

It's simple:

  1. Wash the bottle.
  2. Measure the required amount of powder according to the dosing table and mix with water 37 C (30 ml of water is required for 1 scoop of powder).
  3. To stir thoroughly.

How much formula your baby will need depends on his age. For newborns, two scoops of powder (per 60 ml of water) per feeding are usually sufficient. A total of 7-8 such servings per day will be required. For children under 2 months, the amount of food should be increased to 4 spoons per feeding, but the frequency of preparing portions should be reduced to about 6 times. A six-month-old baby needs 6-7 scoops, but give 3-4 feedings per day.

To measure a serving correctly, you don't need to pile up a heaping amount of milk powder on a measuring spoon. Also pay attention to one nuance regarding how to dilute the mixture.

This particular powder is difficult to dissolve and so that it does not form lumps and clog the holes in the nipple, the bottle must be vigorously shaken in the first seconds after adding water, in a circular motion.

Constipation from Nutrilon

It is no secret that the most suitable nutrition for a newborn is mother's milk, so artificial formulas often cause intestinal dysfunction. No matter how balanced they are, formulas are still unable to completely replace natural breast milk.

Constipation from Nutrilon formula is not as common as from baby food from other manufacturers, but it still happens. Most often this happens due to the wrong type of mixture and the age discrepancy indicated on the packaging.

Also, stool retention can be observed in the first few days after the introduction of complementary foods. As soon as the body adapts to the new diet, intestinal function is restored on its own. If the stool does not return to normal within 2-3 days, then the mixture should be replaced with another, for example, Nutrilon with a prebiotic or gum

What should you remember when artificial feeding?

It is very important to follow the rules that will help restore the child’s body. When feeding, the child must consume enough liquid (this should be clean water). To make artificial mixtures easier to digest, you need to perform a simple tummy massage. It is recommended to ensure that the feeding mixture is not very thick.

Can Nutrilon itself cause constipation? Yes. Each child has a special body, and it reacts differently to certain foods. In most cases, Nutrilon helps restore the digestive system. The main rule is to select an artificial mixture, taking into account the age of the baby. If a mother uses Nutrilon and sees that the baby is constipated, you need to wait a couple of days: the baby’s body is just adapting to the new diet. To soften the stool, you need to give your baby water or a decoction of dill and fennel seeds.

Nutrilon for colic and constipation reviews

I want to write about my story of struggling with colic, gas, and constipation. The child began to have constipation and terrible colic, regurgitating half of what he had eaten since 2 weeks of age (mixed breastfeeding + formula), tried everything (Espumizan, Sub Simplex, Bobotik, Green Water, dill water (it only made it worse), Plantex (hell colic after it), warm diaper, heating pad, massage, laying on the stomach, priboitiki and others like them, lactazar, osteopath!, strict diet, change of formula (Nanny, Nan lactose-free, Nan 1, Nutrilon comfort, Nan triple comfort) etc. ) Doctors divorced. Continue reading →

We have had constipation for 3.5 months. The pediatrician insists that this is due to unformed digestion. poop using a straw or candle. We were fed the Nutrilon Pre mixture, we decided to switch to Nutrilon Comfort, for easy pooping and for colic, which just ended. Continue reading →

Our baby has been on IP almost since birth. I had very little milk, so after three weeks we started eating formula, since the baby was not getting enough. We had problems with the intestines and over the course of 4 months we tried a lot of mixtures. Nothing fit. Constant constipation (I couldn’t go to the toilet myself for several days, only with Microlax), my tummy hurt, gas, profuse regurgitation, almost after every feeding. The pediatrician did not know what mixture to offer us. We have tried many mixtures. Continue reading →

Nutrilon-comfort. who tried it - reviews?! We have colic and constipation during guarding, we want to switch to a mixture Read more →

Dashulya has been suffering from gas colic since our arrival from the maternity hospital. It was a planned cesarean section, so dysbiosis was inevitable, as I later found out from many sources. After returning from the maternity hospital, the crying at home was constant, my daughter was sulking, she couldn’t get away with it at all, it was simply unrealistic to put her anywhere. We slept like this together, in an embrace, I simply passed out without strength, she lay on me, fixed in my arms. Because of colic and this condition, my girl refused to suckle, this process brought her suffering and so did I. Continue reading →

First we ate simple Nutrilon like this: Continue reading →

A year has passed and now I can say with confidence that it definitely suited us, what didn’t, what we tried, what we shouldn’t take, what is worth taking in the first place! Although this is not a complete list, because... This is a review of a first aid kit for one baby, and for the second there may be something else (I will add and immediately write the date if I have updated it) + after a year or even three there will be other vitamins, medicines, etc. The post is quite long! I decided to post the maximum + advice from the maternity hospital, surgeons, resuscitators. Full list of medications. Continue reading →

Posts containing consultations from specialists began to appear frequently on Instagram. A separate question is how can a specialist consult without seeing the child, and mothers ask questions without showing the child, but at the same time being guided by the prescriptions that this specialist will give out in absentia... Moreover, the questions are often quite serious and the medications they recommend are serious... And many questions boil down to the same topic - enlargements detected on the NSG in a one- to two-month-old baby. And yet, I would like to write down my experience in the neurology of a child - most likely with growing ones. Continue reading →

The question is a new mixture or tablets. I’m already exhausted with my child, I don’t know what to do, I don’t have the strength. In general, it all started with the introduction of the mixture at 1 month, a lot and incorrectly, I started giving Nutrilon comfort, allergies, screams, frequent bowel movements began, the doctor said lactase-free week. and prescribed Lactazar and lactose-free Nutrilon Comfort (the analysis for carbohydrates was off the charts), after two days it didn’t get any better, the unfortunate doctor allowed me to switch to Frisopep Ac, then after a week it was completely iv, then after a week I started regurgitating a huge amount and pooping only with. Continue reading →

Reviews of the use of Nutrilon for constipation

Reviews about Nutrilon mixtures, in particular for constipation, are quite contradictory. Parents of babies are divided into two camps: some are very satisfied with the drug in the form of baby food, solving the problem of constipation and easing the well-being of their baby, but there are also those for whom the mixture not only did not help cope with them, but also caused additional constipation.

Elena: I had a difficult birth and, as a result, needed treatment in the postpartum period. And this, in turn, affected the baby’s condition. Constipation and colic began to haunt us literally from the first days. After being discharged, when we arrived home, we started feeding her with Nutrilon Comfort formula, since breastfeeding was out of the question. The mixture coped so well with the baby’s illness, which is simply amazing. It would seem like simple feeding, but here the treatment takes place immediately. The child's tummy became soft, constipation was eliminated and it was clear that the child was full. Good mix. While we were feeding her, we experienced practically no problems with the baby’s stomach.

Lyudmila: After the birth of our baby, we were forced from the first days to look for feeding options for her. Having purchased formula, we realized already in the second week that it needed to be changed. Constipation and intestinal colic did not give the child peace. This is how, changing one nutrition option for another, we got to the advertised Nutrilon mixture. We did everything according to the instructions, but apparently it didn’t work for us either, because the constipation that we had only got worse. Therefore, I cannot and will not recommend this drug.

Victoria: The mixture is wonderful. At first we combined it with breastfeeding, and then completely switched the baby to Nutrilon. The child ate it well; it was clear that he did not remain hungry and never suffered from digestion. I was so worried about when I would have to switch to formula that there would be constipation, but we only experienced this phenomenon a couple of times when we had not yet fed formula. And I myself broke the diet and the baby got something indigestible with my milk. So I recommend it to anyone who needs additional feeding. Nutrilon is what you need.

Nutrilon Comfort milk formula 900g from 0 months

Prices in the online store may differ from prices in retail stores

About the product

Dry mixture based on partially hydrolyzed whey proteins “Nutrilon Comfort 1”.

For feeding children from birth

  • For children with colic and constipation, to improve the composition of intestinal microflora
  • Relieves colic and constipation

Nutrilon Comfort 1

Colic, constipation and regurgitation occur in more than half of children during the first months of life. If breast milk is not enough, for such children it is especially important to carefully approach the choice of formula, because often colic and constipation prevent the baby from developing properly.

Nutrilon Comfort 1 is developed based on international recommendations to normalize digestion, providing 5 components of comfort: prevention of constipation, reduction of colic, normalization of microflora, easy digestion and reduction of air swallowing.

Thanks to the special composition of Nutrilon Comfort 1:

  • provides soft stools and prevention of constipation due to a special fatty component (beta-palmitic acid);
  • easy to digest thanks to specially split (partially hydrolyzed) protein;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora due to GOS/FOS prebiotics;
  • well tolerated by children with partial lactase deficiency, since it has a reduced lactose content;
  • prevents the swallowing of air due to its thicker consistency.

In addition, the formula for the new generation Nutrilon Comfort 1 with the unique Pronutri+ complex helps the development of your baby, as it contains special fatty acids ARA/DHA, which promote the development of his intelligence, and immunoactive prebiotics, which help strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of allergies and infectious diseases.

The effectiveness of Nutrilon Comfort 1 has been confirmed by international clinical studies.

The effectiveness of this mixture is due to the use, along with other components, of partially hydrolyzed milk protein. Therefore, the taste of the mixture is characterized by the presence of a bitter or tart note.


  • Breastfeeding is preferable for feeding young children.
  • Nutrilon is used as a breast milk substitute if breastfeeding is not possible.
  • Before using the mixture, consult a specialist.
  • Failure to follow the instructions for preparing and storing the formula may harm the child's health.
  • Never leave your baby alone while feeding.
  • For baby food.
  • It is not allowed to be administered to children who are allergic to any component included in the product.


  • Prepare food immediately before consumption!
  • Do not use leftover food for later feeding!
  • Do not heat the mixture in a microwave oven to avoid the formation of hot lumps of the mixture.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of mixture when preparing and do not add anything to the prepared mixture.
  • The new formula must be introduced gradually into the child’s diet. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Nutriclub Mom Expert Line.

COMPOSITION: Partially hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate, blend of vegetable oils (structured palm, rapeseed, coconut, Mortierella alpina, sunflower), glucose syrup, starch (potato and corn), prebiotics (galacto-oligosugars, fructo-oligosugars), lactose, minerals, fish oil , L-tyrosine, choline, vitamin complex, taurine, inositol, trace elements, nucleotides, L-carnitine, soy lecithin.

Composition of baby food

The infant formula is completely balanced. Nutrition can satisfy all the newborn’s needs for essential substances, since its composition is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk. Therefore, the mixture is well absorbed by the intestines, preventing the development of colic and constipation.

Important! With a mixed type of feeding, Nutrilon will be an excellent choice if the baby has digestive problems.

The product contains:

  • unsaturated, easy-to-digest fatty acids;
  • the most necessary vitamins and minerals for a developing organism;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions;
  • mucus and gum;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • prebiotics;
  • casein;
  • lactic acid bacteria identical in composition to those found in breast milk.

It is thanks to the presence of casein, lactic acid bacteria and prebiotics in the mixture that Nutrilon improves the functioning of the intestinal tract, normalizes the course of digestive processes, and also eliminates existing disorders.

The mixture is selected depending on the age of the baby

While breastfeeding, intestinal peristalsis (contractility) improves and the production of digestive enzymes necessary for the absorption and processing of food entering the intestine improves. In addition, stool softens. But in order to get the expected effect, it is necessary to take into account the existing problem and the characteristics of the child’s body.

What are the advantages of the product?

  1. First of all, the mixture has a composition identical to human milk.
  2. When Nutrilon enters the baby’s body, it is quickly absorbed, and along with it all the useful components.
  3. The product contains a large amount of milk proteins.
  4. Thanks to the optimal combination of fats and carbohydrates, the body fully receives the substances that are necessary for full functioning.
  5. It is worth noting that the product contains taurine and prebiotics, which improve the digestion process.

Additional components help improve intestinal motility and restore the enzymatic system. Why has Nutrilon become so popular? Most mothers note that it helps the baby overcome constipation. The active ingredients in the composition soften stool. However, it is worth remembering: formulas for artificial feeding are selected taking into account the age of the baby.

Nutrilon Comfort

Nutrilon Comfort for colic and constipation is designed specifically to solve this problem. This adapted baby food, made from hydrolyzed whey protein, has a low amount of lactose. The formula of the mixture is designed specifically for babies with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrilon Comfort also prevents the occurrence of such pathologies in absolutely healthy children.

Infant Formula IngredientsImpact on the child's body
Beta palmitic acidHelps normalize intestinal motility, prevent constipation, and has a beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium in the body
Prebiotics in the form of galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharidesMaintains an optimal balance of intestinal microflora, strengthens the body's defenses, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)
Polyunsaturated fatty acidsSupports the functioning and condition of the brain and central nervous system, promotes the proper functioning of the visual analyzer, and has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the baby

There are several formulas of Nutrilon Comfort baby food:

  • Nutrilon Comfort 1 – for newborns and infants up to six months;
  • Nutrilon Comfort 2 – from six months and older.

If we compare the consistency of the mixture with other baby food options - in finished form - then it turns out to be thicker.

Increasing the density reduces the volume of air swallowed during sucking, which ultimately prevents the development of colic due to the increased content of gases in the intestines and constipation associated with increased gas formation.

Important! If your baby suffers from frequent constipation and severe colic attacks, Nutrilon Comfort can be used constantly.

The peculiarity of this type of product is the presence of a bitter aftertaste, so the child may refuse it. The reason for changing the diet is the lack of positive changes, i.e. the child continues to experience constipation and colic.

  1. You should wash your hands and sterilize food utensils.
  2. Boil drinking water and keep it on low heat for at least 10 minutes. Let cool until warm.
  3. Measure the amount of water required according to the instructions on the Nutrilon Comfort package. Pour into a bottle.
  4. Add the mixture powder using a special measuring spoon. The required amount of mixture is also indicated in the instructions. Take spoons without heaping.
  5. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  6. Before feeding your baby, it is important to check the food temperature. To do this, apply a drop of the mixture to the back of your wrist.

Before starting to use Nutrilon Comfort, it is important to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction to the components. Also, do not leave babies alone during feeding.


On forums you can find disputes over who is the country of origin of Nutrilon Comfort 1, 2. The mixture is produced at the Nutricia plant in the Netherlands.

For half a century, the company's Research Center has conducted numerous studies of the chemical composition of breast milk, in particular those substances that affect the baby's immune system and make it stronger. The manufacturer was able to develop a patented complex of prebiotics - IMMUNOFORTIS. It, like prebiotics in mother's milk, strengthens the child's immunity. This complex is part of the Pronutra, Comfort, Hypoallergenic lines.

The manufacturing company has a fairly large range of products. Among its products:

  1. Basic mixtures (Nutrilon Pronutra, Premium and Super Premium).
  2. For allergy sufferers and children with digestive disorders (Hypoallergenic, Pepti Gastro, Antireflux, Fermented Milk, Comfort, Lactose-Free).
  3. For premature and low birth weight babies (Pre, Protein supplement, Premature care).
  4. Milk porridge.


- the largest manufacturer of infant formula. Thanks to the huge selection, every parent will be able to choose the right product for their child, taking into account protein tolerance and the presence of various eating disorders.

Most mixtures are distributed by age, this can be seen by the number on the package. A one indicates that the powder is intended from birth to six months. Two - from six months to a year. Nutrilon Comfort 3 is not available. The product is packaged in a tin can (a volume of 400 grams costs about 700 rubles, 900 grams - 1400 rubles) and in cardboard packaging (300 g - 190 rubles, 600 g - 360 rubles).

Other varieties of the line that eliminate constipation and colic

The manufacturer offers 3 more types of baby food, which can also reduce the likelihood of constipation and colic.

Fermented milk

The mixture is recommended for feeding children from birth to 6 months of age. Its peculiarity is the increased content of bifidobacteria and lactic bacteria in comparison with other varieties of the mixture. Thanks to this, nutrition has a positive effect on intestinal health.

If the child is breastfed, then it is necessary to accustom him to a new type of food with caution. If the baby reacts positively to the increased content of lactic acid bacteria, then he can be completely transferred to this type of Nutrilon. In this case, the problem of constipation and colic will be solved in a relatively short time.


Nutrilon Reflux contains natural gum - a component that solves two problems at once. The first is the elimination of regurgitation, the second is a laxative effect. After the mixture enters the lumen of the intestinal tract, the volume of its contents increases. The liquid envelops accumulated feces and facilitates their removal.

This type of product is approved for use from the first month of life. Due to its low fat content, it is completely digested, and since it does not stay in the intestines for long, the frequency/severity of regurgitation and bloating is significantly reduced.


Lactose-free Nutrilon also helps against constipation and colic. It is recommended for feeding babies with individual lactose intolerance. The mixture is completely lactose free. This component is replaced by glucose syrup. Nutrilon lactose-free can only be used as prescribed by a pediatrician.

It is better to select mixtures together with your local pediatrician

How to help a baby with colic


  • If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to follow a diet. Do not eat fatty and spicy foods, do not abuse flour and sweets.
  • If the child is bottle-fed. You need to prepare the mixture for him correctly. Dilute strictly according to the instructions. Monitor the size of the hole in the nipple so that the mixture flows out of it in rare drops. And the correct position of the bottle during feeding so that the baby does not swallow air.

General recommendations

  • Regularly place your baby on his stomach before feeding.
  • After feeding, if the baby is worried, hold him upright for 5-10 minutes so that the baby burps up air. You can hold his tummy close to you or put a warm heating pad on his stomach.
  • Gently stroke his tummy clockwise. Do a abdominal massage, as in this article.
  • From two weeks of age, your baby can be given fennel tea for babies. For example, "Plantex". This reduces gas formation, enhances peristalsis, and promotes the release of gases. The total volume of tea should not exceed 100 ml per day.
  • It is also possible to use the drug “espumisan”, which also reduces gas formation in the intestines. In infants, espumizan is used only in the form of an emulsion in a single dose of 40 mg - 1 teaspoon - 3-4 times a day
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