air in the stomach causes
How to burp if it doesn't come out
Many people are familiar firsthand with such a nuisance as air in the stomach. This is
Treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma with traditional methods
Phyllanthus emblica (Indian gooseberry or Amla) Document created by researchers at Vater Maller Medical College Hospital
Dr. Komarovsky colic in newborns
What does Dr. Komarovsky advise to do when treating colic in babies?
Who is Doctor Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich - a famous children's doctor who has gained worldwide fame
Eggs for gastritis: in what form to eat, contraindications
July 17, 2018 Gastroenterology Kira Ifeevskaya Can you have eggs for gastritis? Let's figure it out together
After eating, nausea and belching, what does this mean in an adult?
What is nausea with belching Nausea with belching can occur under different circumstances,
Why a man may have pain in the anus and what to do if there is pain
December 4, 2019 Gastroenterology Legina Marina The digestive system is one of the most complex in
Gas formation in the intestines - how to get rid of it quickly at home
Any person, even a healthy one, sometimes develops flatulence, that is, an accumulation of gases in the intestines.
Which organ is located on the right under the ribs in front
Basics of anatomy From the school course of this discipline we all know that a person has
Belching in a child
Why does a 5 year old child constantly burp air?
What it is? Belching is an unreasonable release of air, sometimes with a small amount of contents.
Iliac region. Where is a person’s right/left, how does it hurt, reasons
Pain in the left or right iliac region, what diseases can it be
Where is? The iliac region is located inside the abdominal cavity of men and women. This part of humanity
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