Stomach pain: what to do and how to help yourself
We often say that something is bothering us in our throat, or it feels like there’s a lump in our stomach.
Right intestinal pain
What to do when you have pain in the lower abdomen? Treatment of the disorder What to do when there is colitis below
Rice water for gastritis with high acidity
Properties of rice To treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, dietary nutrition is prescribed. From the patient's diet
Pediatric pyloric stenosis: symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation
What is pyloric stenosis? This is an anomaly in the development of the gastrointestinal tract, in which there is a narrowing of the pyloric region.
Headache due to gastritis: can it hurt and how to relieve it?
Sometimes your head and stomach start to hurt at the same time. The reasons may be quite harmless, for example,
Why does it hurt in the epigastric region?
Causes and symptoms of pathology In most cases, pain syndrome occurs as a result of malfunction
Tubular adenoma of the stomach
Gastric adenoma: tubular, papillary, tubular-villous forms
Stomach tumors are not always malignant. At the same time, the presence of a benign formation also
Erythematous exudative pangastritis what is it
Pangastritis is a type of gastritis that has a chronic course of the disease. Inclusion in the diet
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What is the difference between gastroduodenoscopy and gastroscopy?
Explanation of the concepts of endoscopy (gastroscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy) - examination of the upper parts of the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum)
Spread of intestinal infection
What to do for pain and cramps in the abdomen
Causes of Abdominal cramps can occur in various pathological conditions. The most common are:
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