Gastritis causes nausea and dizziness

Dizziness with gastritis: causes of weakness and nausea

As for gastritis, dizziness and headaches are a common consequence of this disease. At first glance, the symptoms are not related to each other, but when severe stomach pain occurs, the entire body suffers, including the head. Depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue will invariably affect the state of the entire autonomic system. Gastritis, weakness and dizziness are a galaxy that occurs both in those who have just contracted gastritis and in those who have been struggling with the disease for many years. Read more about the causes of dizziness with gastritis here.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy for gastritis is aimed at eliminating inflammation, restoring intestinal motility, and relieving pain. In each case, the treatment regimen is drawn up by the doctor individually, depending on the type of pathology and the characteristics of the course:

  1. Treatment includes gastric lavage, the use of laxatives, and enterosorbents.
  2. Antispasmodic and hyposensitizing drugs are prescribed, including those of plant origin, with normal tolerability of the components.
  3. In the first three days, the patient is prescribed a fasting diet. In the future, porridge and lean meats are gradually added.

People suffering from gastritis need to follow a diet

After relief of the acute condition, the patient is recommended to improve the quality of life, normalize the work and rest schedule, and daily nutritional monitoring.

Herbal infusions can be used under the supervision of a physician to relieve attacks of nausea and allergic gastritis, but not as the main methods of treatment.

It is prohibited to use traditional medicine without diagnosing the disease. The treatment regimen differs significantly depending on the acidity of the stomach. Uncontrolled treatment can lead to serious complications.


What is dizziness

Dizziness is a feeling of disturbance in the position of the body in space. There are more than eighty causes of dizziness, so determining why you feel dizzy is not an easy task. Most often, especially in young people, the reasons are harmless. This may be overwork, motion sickness, hunger, as well as the presence of wax plugs in the ear canal. But in some cases it can be a sign of a serious illness.

There are 2 types of dizziness:

  • systemic (vestibular): apparent rotation of surrounding objects and one’s own body in space. It can be peripheral (damage to the inner ear, vestibular nerve) and central (as a symptom of brain disease: trauma, tumor, hemorrhage);

Dizziness is a feeling of a violation of the body's position in space

  • non-systemic : feeling of instability, failure, falling, faintness. It includes lightheadedness, psychogenic dizziness, and imbalance.

Symptomatic treatment of dizziness is possible only after a doctor has determined the cause that caused it and only in parallel with qualified treatment of the underlying disease. As a rule, it includes several components: taking medications, maintaining a daily routine and physical activity, and diet.

Can there be dizziness with gastritis?

Many chronic diseases of internal organs can contribute to the development of non-systemic dizziness. Chronic gastritis with a complicated course also belongs to such ailments.

With severe stomach pain, the body “redirects” impulses to other zones. Therefore, in many diseases, pain radiates (sends) to other organs, sometimes confusing even specialists. By redistributing pain, the body fights the pain syndrome, forcing the patient to pay attention to his health. The appearance of frequent dizziness with gastritis usually signals the severity of the disease and the involvement of the whole organism in the disease.

Even knowing about existing gastritis, most patients rarely associate regularly occurring dizziness with this diagnosis. Without a correct diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease, it will not be possible to effectively cure dizziness with gastritis. Only after identifying the underlying illness and eliminating its cause is it possible to fully combat dizziness or headaches in favor of recovery.

Nausea as a symptom of gastrointestinal disorders

Nausea, as a symptom, is common, especially when the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, however, it is not a symptom that should not be ignored. Therefore, if you regularly experience nausea or nausea accompanied by vomiting, it is imperative to consult a doctor who can find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Nausea as a symptom is common, especially when the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

If nausea occurs after eating, it is necessary to clearly monitor what kind of food it is, when nausea occurs (hours or minutes after eating), what accompanying symptoms arise - all this will allow the doctor to determine the direction of diagnostic searches and identify the cause.

If nausea is accompanied by pain in the epigastric region (upper central part of the abdomen at the level of the lower ribs), we may be talking about gastritis or gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the stomach and duodenum). If the pain is localized lower - in the navel area and is also accompanied by vomiting or intestinal disorders, this can often be a sign of food poisoning.

Causes of dizziness with gastritis

Systematic dizziness and pain should become an urgent reason for a patient with gastritis to go to the doctor and diagnose the cause of such symptoms. The most common cause of dizziness is intoxication or poisoning of the body. Eating unhealthy food, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, uncontrolled use of medications - these are all reasons that cause exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

Accordingly, during intoxication, harmful ingredients enter not only the stomach, but also the patient’s blood, due to which they are distributed throughout the body. Against the background of gastritis, nausea occurs, often accompanied by vomiting, malaise, as a result, a headache with frequent dizziness. Dizziness with gastritis can also occur against the background of the reflex characteristics of gastritis.

Gastritis requires the patient’s special attention to his diet, systematic and timely meals, and frequent meals in small portions. In the absence of food intake, and, accordingly, the necessary ingredients and vitamins for the body, the level of glucose in the blood may simultaneously decrease, which is very often accompanied by severe dizziness. Most often, such causes of headaches and dizziness decrease after eating.

Dizziness with gastritis can be due to asthenovegetative syndrome, which often accompanies diseases of the digestive system in a chronic form. The appearance of dizziness in this case can be explained by the presence of a depressed state, nervous experiences and stress characteristic of chronic gastritis. Such phenomena negatively affect the functioning of the autonomic and immune systems of the human body and are accompanied by constant overexertion and malaise, with frequent occurrences of dizziness.

Differentiation with other diseases and symptoms

Gastritis has a variety of symptoms, so it is necessary to undergo additional examinations before starting treatment to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease includes endoscopy, fibrogastroscopy with taking samples for biopsy.

The latter, despite its invasiveness, is a highly informative method for detecting not only the stages of gastritis, but also its complications. Laboratory methods include serological reactions, detailed and biochemical blood tests.

To differentiate from functional dyspepsia, doctors take into account a number of factors:

  1. Duration and frequency of symptoms. Gastritis is characterized by a duration of at least 12 weeks throughout the year.
  2. Endoscopy allows you to determine biliary dyskinesia and exclude organic damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Tracing the connection between irritable bowel syndrome and bowel movements.
  • The disease occurs with low and high acidity. When elevated, heartburn and sour belching occur; Low acidity causes rotten burps. Using these specific signs, you can determine the acid-base environment of the stomach.

Heartburn is mainly characteristic of patients with gastritis with high acidity

  • Pain in the epigastric region will be acute in the primary case and dull, bursting in the chronic course.
  • A characteristic difference between gastritis and ulcers or duodenitis will be increased pain after eating.
  • Weakness and dizziness occur against the background of severe intoxication, as well as as a vegetative syndrome.
  • If it lasts for a long time, polyhypovitaminosis is possible, as a result of which teeth marks remain on the tongue, seizures in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the skin, dryness and brittle hair are observed.
  • Loss of appetite and perversion of taste sensations.
  • Vitamin deficiency as a result of poor absorption of food.
  • Asthenic syndrome, which occurs more often in females.

According to statistical data, in percentage terms, the frequency of occurrence of symptoms is as follows: 70% of patients complain of pain and discomfort in the epigastric region, dyspeptic disorders are observed in 69%. Nausea, vomiting, and belching occur in 100% of cases.

The most characteristic symptom of gastritis is discomfort in the epigastric region

The acute period lasts from 1-3 days. If additional uncharacteristic symptoms occur, it is necessary to exclude an atypical form of myocardial infarction.

Features of the clinical picture in chronic course

The pain is localized near the navel, in the right hypochondrium. Occurs more often after eating, intensifies with severe violation of the diet. She has a dull, whining character. In the morning the patient feels sick and has a bitter taste in the mouth. The combination of symptoms makes a person irritable, and as a result, memory and attention are impaired.

Patients are perplexed by the appearance of headaches and dizziness with gastritis, which are not combined with the main signs of the disease. Indeed, these symptoms are somewhat specific. There are several causes of dizziness with gastritis:

  • Consequence of intoxication. In such cases, the temperature rises to 38 ºС, repeated vomiting, diarrhea and increasing weakness develop. In acute cases, dizziness is a signal of complications of the process and the addition of a bacterial infection.
  • Asthenovegetative syndrome. Women are more susceptible to it because of their inherent emotionality. In this case, dizziness is accompanied by other vegetative manifestations: chills, irritability, impaired thermoregulation, causeless attacks of nausea, etc.

Asthenic syndrome may develop as a result of chronic gastritis

  • Reflex pain occurs due to the spread of pain in the stomach to other organs and systems. Dizziness is caused by headache.

Dizziness after eating with gastritis

The main cause of dizziness after eating with gastritis is a drop in the amount of blood flowing to the head. After eating, more blood flows to the abdomen to aid the digestion process. When blood enters the digestive system, there is a slight drop in blood pressure, which leads to dizziness.

The greater the amount of food consumed, the higher the chances of experiencing dizziness. And this is why you can feel weak especially after eating a lot of food at once. The heart must pump more blood to the stomach, which results in relatively less blood flowing to the head, causing dizziness. In addition, dizziness after eating with gastritis may be a sign of the development of dumping syndrome in patients after extensive gastrectomy.

Dumping syndrome is a condition characterized by an increase in the rate of movement (passage) of food masses from the stomach to the intestines. It often develops after surgery on the stomach (removal of part of the organ), dissection of the main trunk or branches of the vagus nerve. This leads to food being poorly digested.

The greater the amount of food consumed during gastritis, the higher the chances of experiencing dizziness.

Insufficiently digested food masses enter the intestines, which increases the functional load, and blood is redistributed from the upper parts of the body, including the head, to the organs of the digestive system. There are early and late dumping syndromes.

Immediately after eating with dumping syndrome due to gastritis, the following clinical manifestations appear::

  • severe weakness, makes you sleepy;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • severe nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • mixed paroxysmal shortness of breath (difficulty breathing and dizziness);
  • pale skin, bluish spots may appear on it, which is a sign of hemodynamic disturbances;
  • increased sweating.

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant sensations after eating when suffering from gastritis, it is important to adhere to certain dietary recommendations given by your doctor.

Treatment of dizziness after eating

Doctors unanimously say that if you feel dizzy after eating, then these are signals of a malfunction in the body. It is necessary to establish the cause and try to exclude it.

The following methods and drugs are used to treat dizziness:

  • medications containing enzymes;
  • following a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet;
  • a short rest after eating;
  • if eating is accompanied by severe dizziness, it is recommended to take Novocaine before meals;
  • in some cases, blood transfusion is recommended.

How to relieve symptoms

If you feel dizzy and have a stomach ache not for the first time, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an initial examination of the patient, find out all the information necessary to establish a diagnosis, and prescribe additional research methods. Having received a complete picture of the disease, he will prescribe an individual course of treatment.

To eliminate the condition of dizziness and stomach pain, you can use both drug-based therapy and traditional methods suitable for use at home. Let's take a closer look at how to relieve painful symptoms.

Traditional methods

Used for minor dizziness and abdominal pain. Let's consider the most effective remedies if you feel dizzy and have a stomach ache:

  • Medicinal decoction based on sweet clover. You can collect the grass and dry it yourself. If this is not possible, you can buy the finished product at any pharmacy. To prepare, mix ten grams of sweet clover and five grams of lemon balm, pour hot water over the resulting mixture and boil for seven minutes. Let it brew for about twenty minutes, strain and drink on an empty stomach. After a maximum of half an hour, the painful sensations will subside, the dizziness and stomach ache will stop.
  • A restorative bath with the addition of horsetail decoction helps to relax and reduce stomach pain. It is prepared according to the standard recipe - twenty grams of herb per glass of boiling water. The water temperature in the bathroom should be comfortable, not hot. The minimum duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes. After it, you can feel that your head is no longer dizzy and your stomach does not hurt.
  • If a person knows about the presence of diseases that cause stomach pain, nausea and dizziness, you can stock up on a special healing tincture made from apricot kernels. For four tablespoons you will need about a liter of semi-sweet wine. The ingredients must be mixed and heated for twenty minutes in a water bath. After cooling, add two tablespoons of pre-melted honey. The tincture should be stored away from sunlight. You should drink fifty milliliters before meals. There is a contraindication - increased stomach acidity. In other cases, the remedy helps perfectly when you feel dizzy and have a stomach ache.


With more pronounced symptoms, when, in addition to dizziness and stomach pain, there are other painful signs, it is better to abandon folk remedies. In this case, medications are more effective. Their use must be agreed with your doctor.

Since dizziness and stomach pain are the result of certain diseases, there are no universal remedies for eliminating symptoms. The list of medications required for use is determined by the doctor based on the diagnosis. There are remedies that are suitable for one-time use to relieve dizziness and stomach pain. After this, you will still need to seek medical help.

For example, for intense pain in the stomach, you can take No-shpa. If the situation is complicated by nausea, it is recommended to take enzymes - Festal, Pancreatin, Micrasim. Oxybral, Atropine, Betaserc will help relieve dizziness.

What is gastritis?

This is a common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The mucous layer of the stomach, which produces juice and protective mucus, becomes inflamed and changes its structure. Food processing is disrupted. Biologically important elements are poorly absorbed, and the composition of the intestinal microflora changes. This affects all organs and systems and is manifested by many symptoms. Dizziness is also possible with gastritis, because the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases.

It has acute and chronic forms.

Acute gastritis occurs rapidly, with sharp pain, nausea and vomiting, often the result of intoxication or infections. Therapy cures him.

Chronic occurs slowly, with mild symptoms: dull pain in the stomach area, dizziness, nausea. Diet violations and increased stress can cause exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

Causes of gastritis

Any pathology has its causes. The culprits of gastritis are the following:

  • food: poor quality, on the run, without liquid and hot food, with long breaks between meals, love of spicy and fried foods;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • chronic infections;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • allergies.

There are many symptoms of gastritis; they can be mistaken for other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or neighboring organs. But you need to know the characteristic signs.


In the presence of numerous manifestations, clear symptoms are sometimes not observed. The opposite also happens: the disturbing signs are a banal gastrointestinal disorder. To confirm the diagnosis, several conditions must be present:

  • aching pain with gastritis in the solar plexus area. After eating, they become stronger, not weaker. There is little gastric juice, food begins to break down poorly;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • asthenia, dizziness after eating;
  • taste is impaired, appetite disappears;
  • white coating on the tongue.

Classic symptoms of gastritis are nausea when the stomach is empty, vomiting, unstable stools, and bloating. You can't eat anything salty, spicy or fried. But, in addition to the standard ones, uncharacteristic manifestations are also possible. Patients suffer from dizziness and headaches. Are they associated with inflammation of the stomach walls?

Prevention and prognosis

In order not to bring yourself to the hospital, hastily healing the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, it is best to devote time to the prevention of such conditions. In order to experience heaviness in your stomach as little as possible, you should reconsider your bad habits and acquire new, healthier and more useful ones.

Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract consists of:

  • Compliance with the rules of rational and balanced nutrition. This means that a healthy person’s diet mainly consists of healthy and properly processed foods. Frequent consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods is excluded, salt and sweets are limited. Drinking regime is important. It is best to distribute the daily menu into 4-5 meals.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Competent physical activity. Movement is life. A properly selected motor mode will ensure the health of all internal organs, not just the digestive organs.
  • Avoiding frequent stressful situations. During nervous stress, all body systems suffer, and the consequences of such exposure take a long time to heal.
  • Timely visits to doctors for preventive examinations. At an early stage, any disease is much more treatable.

The prognosis for this condition is favorable, because it is just a symptom. With a competent approach and prevention, this feeling will visit you as rarely as possible.

Causes of dizziness

The patient loses his balance, everything around him is spinning. With gastritis, you may feel dizzy half an hour after eating, and with pancreatitis, such attacks occur regularly. There are several reasons for this condition.

Dumping syndrome

It increases blood pressure. The pressure causes headaches and dizziness. This is an independent disease that causes dizziness.

The reason is that when eating food, blood rushes to the digestive organs, and the brain lacks oxygen. Then what is eaten enters the intestines. Pressure occurs and catecholamines are released, which is accompanied by severe dizziness. Stop the syndrome by establishing proper nutrition:

  • eat regularly, feeling hungry is not allowed;
  • do not go on diets, after them they still overeat, which increases dizziness;
  • less fried, spicy foods, flour, they take a long time and are difficult to digest;
  • monitor blood sugar levels.

Food allergies

This is the body's negative response to some allergen. It happens after taking highly allergenic overseas fruits, nuts, honey, chocolate products, mushrooms.

The stomach may hurt, rashes appear, and the patient suffers from severe dizziness. Eliminates these reactions by avoiding the allergy-causing foods.

Unbalanced diet

It also causes dizziness. It develops like dumping syndrome, but nausea and cramps may also occur.

Diet menus often lack nutrients. The body is depleted and suddenly receives a lot of nutrients, it does not absorb them.

Conclusion: creating a proper therapeutic nutrition regimen is the prerogative of a gastroenterologist or nutritionist. You cannot create such a menu yourself.


If you feel dizzy with anemia, you may faint. All inflammation (this pathology too) reduces the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and the body lacks oxygen.

Blood Sugar Level

Hypoglycemia (glucose below normal) – with a lack of glucose, dizziness occurs after eating. They lead to a decrease in the overdose of insulin or drugs that reduce sugar, alcohol in case of diabetes. Hyperglycemia (glucose more than normal) also causes dizziness. Its course is not so pronounced.

Causes of dangerous symptoms

Below we describe in detail exactly under what conditions you can feel an unpleasant sensation, when you feel dizzy and have a stomach ache.


You can get poisoned by overdosing on medications, poor quality food, or expired products. In addition to the fact that the victim has a stomach ache and is dizzy, he also feels nauseous. Symptoms appear quickly enough, so poisoning can be stopped with the help of adsorbents. For example, Enterosgel.

Chronic gastrointestinal diseases

During the recession, gastrointestinal diseases, as a rule, do not cause much discomfort. However, the period of exacerbation is very unpleasant. Symptoms become pronounced. Let us list the diseases that, when exacerbated, cause severe stomach pain and dizziness:

  • Pancreatitis. With pancreatitis, the pancreas does not function properly. Therefore, the synthesis of its enzymes is disrupted. The patient experiences severe abdominal pain.
  • Cholecystitis. During sudden movements, you feel dizzy and your stomach hurts on the right side.
  • It is common to feel dizzy with a stomach ulcer. Abdominal pain worsens immediately after eating. The disease often makes itself felt in spring and autumn.
  • Intestinal diseases. Lead to the following symptoms: bloating, dizziness, flatulence. In this case, the pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen.


It primarily affects people with weakened immune systems. The infection can enter the internal environment along with unwashed food or through close contact with a sick person. Infectious diseases cause nausea, headache and chills.

Nervous overstrain

Emotions play a huge role in human life. They can serve both as a reason for raising vitality, and vice versa, as a factor for the occurrence of pathologies. Women are more susceptible to psychological overload. Therefore, after or on the eve of exciting events, their stomach hurts, they feel nauseous and dizzy.

Pressure surges

Changes in blood pressure levels provoke hyperactive work of all organs, which experience a colossal load. This leads to the fact that the blood flow does not have time to deliver sufficient oxygen and nutritional compounds to the cells. Therefore, nausea, dizziness, weakness, and abdominal pain occur. Causes related to blood pressure greatly affect your overall health.


Abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness are normal symptoms when carrying a child. Hormonal changes and vascular overload are the reason why you feel dizzy. And the stomach hurts in an interesting position for completely natural reasons. The mother's body adapts to the ever-increasing fetus.

Important! If, while carrying a child, your lower abdomen hurts a lot and you feel dizzy, you need to consult a specialist.

Gastritis and its symptoms

This is a very common illness. However, many take it lightly, and in vain. Gastritis can cause severe dizziness and vomiting. Gastritis also causes associated symptoms:

  1. Twists and pulls the stomach. It feels overcrowded.
  2. Nauseating sensations.
  3. Poor functioning of taste buds, food seems tasteless.
  4. Characteristic belching with an unpleasant odor.
  5. The appearance of white scales on the skin.
  6. The tongue becomes covered with a white or yellowish coating.

Viral poisoning

The most dangerous is rotavirus. It often occurs in infants. Almost every person has suffered from this disease. Infection usually occurs during eating. The victim experiences stomach pain and dizziness. The sick person may also feel nauseous.

Food poisoning

Occurs when consuming low-quality or expired products. They can often be caused by fungi. It is dangerous to eat mushrooms that you have collected yourself, as well as those that have undergone insufficient heat treatment. In case of poisoning, dizziness and heaviness in the stomach are noted, accompanied by rumbling.

Drug poisoning

You can be poisoned not only by food, but also by pills. This occurs when self-medicating, without consulting a specialist, or when the dosage of medications is not observed. Also, when purchasing medications, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. After poisoning with pills, your stomach hurts and you feel dizzy. If you suspect this is the reason, you should call an ambulance.

Other possible reasons

In addition to those listed, there may be other factors that provoke abdominal pain and dizziness. Let's list the most common ones:

  1. Alcoholic drinks, smoking.
  2. TBI.
  3. Malignant formations.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Appendicitis.
  6. Overheating in the sun.
  7. Reduced hemoglobin.
  8. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

The most dangerous disease of these is appendicitis. Especially for children.

Types of headaches

The body is a holistic mechanism. It works when all its organs and systems work well. The head is the brain center into which impulses flow from them.

Gastritis is known for severe pain. With them, the digestive organ sends a signal to the brain. With this reaction of the stomach, protection is triggered. The pain increases and is distributed to other organs. This is a signal: your health has deteriorated.

Headaches occur with many illnesses. But this unpleasant sensation has its own character in each case. Sometimes it becomes the only manifestation of gastritis. To understand why headaches occur with gastritis, you need to know their types and causes.

Reflex pains

An attack of pain is caused by an empty stomach. Its juice, when it gets on the inflamed mucous membrane, irritates the membrane, causing pain. They are transmitted to other organs and reach the head in a few seconds.

The vagus nerve is irritated, which causes pain. She has a special symptom: headache on an empty stomach, more often with long breaks between meals.

Hypoglycemia is dangerous. This explains the increased weakness after pain relief. I feel dizzy, nauseous, and feel worse. The patient is irritated, capricious, and complains about everything. Symptoms appear when the stomach is empty. Relief occurs after eating.

Tablets after meals can completely relieve pain, but on an empty stomach they will dull it or not relieve it at all. The main way to combat it is to not allow your stomach to be empty, to eat more often, in small portions.

Astheno-vegetative syndrome

It is characteristic of chronic gastritis and is more common in women. The causes are stress, problems with the autonomic and nervous systems, and immunity.

Its signs: headache attacks that are difficult to cope with, dizziness, a person is irritated, and increased sweating. The attacks do not depend on food, they occur unexpectedly, often towards the end of the day. You feel tired and sometimes dizzy after hard work. Nausea does not happen, but it can be a consequence of it.

Features of the treatment of gastritis syndrome are that standard painkillers are ineffective and help for a couple of hours, and then the pain intensifies. Gastroenterologists advise treating headaches with strengthening and immunostimulating medications along with therapy for the underlying disease.

Intoxication (general weakness) of the body

Intoxication is a general reaction of the human body to the introduction of any toxins: microbial, bacterial, food. Toxic syndrome most often develops in diseases of the digestive system of bacterial origin and acute respiratory infections.

Intoxication develops to one degree or another in almost all inflammatory and infectious diseases. The severity of symptoms of intoxication depends primarily on the reasons that caused it. As a rule, a toxic symptom is manifested by headaches, muscle weakness, aches in the lower back and muscles, vomiting, nausea, increased body temperature, increased sweating, abdominal pain, changes in blood pressure, diarrhea, and pale skin.

Weakness due to gastritis

The main source of acute gastritis is food poisoning or simply poisoning with poor-quality food.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It occurs for several reasons. The main source of acute gastritis is food poisoning, or simply poisoning with low-quality food. After two to three hours, acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs, which is accompanied by high fever and vomiting. Nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea may also occur.

Symptoms of acute gastritis usually appear 4-8 hours after exposure to a pathogenic factor. There is a characteristic feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region. Then weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear.

With acute gastritis, not only the condition of the stomach and intestines changes: the skin and visible mucous membranes become pale, the tongue becomes covered with a grayish-white coating. There may be drooling or, conversely, severe dry mouth. When palpated, it hurts “in the pit of the stomach” - in the place where the ribs form an angle under the sternum. If the effect of harmful factors is repeated, then acute gastritis usually becomes chronic. Then the treatment will need to be much more complex and lengthy, so acute gastritis should be dealt with decisively and mercilessly.

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