Removal of a polyp in the sigmoid colon
Treatment of sigmoid colon polyp. Postoperative period
Benign formations are one of the most common findings during endoscopic examination of the large intestine. TO
appendicitis scar
Appendectomy scar: how to reduce and care for the scar
The size of the appendicitis scar depends on the operation and the skill of the surgeon. After traditional resection
FGDS during pregnancy: can it be done or not?
Is FGDS done during pregnancy? Pregnancy is a crucial time in a woman’s life. At the specified
How to brew St. John's wort for the pancreas
The effectiveness of St. John's wort in the treatment of pancreatitis The plant has a wide range of uses: it treats the liver, gallbladder,
Treatment of gastritis with propolis: 8 best recipes
The healing properties of propolis, a mixture of resin and wax prepared by honey bees to seal and
Stomach tea: the benefits of unique herbal teas
When do you need tea for the stomach? It is ideal when such tea is drunk for preventive purposes, but
Vinylin for gastritis - Treatment of gastritis
Release form and composition Vinilin Shostakovsky is a viscous thick liquid consisting entirely of
Pancreatitis during pregnancy
Treatment of chronic pancreatitis in pregnant women
Every woman knows that carrying a child is a serious burden on the entire body. In that
The child has a stomach ache, what can I give?
Heaviness and abdominal pain causes in a child
The first thing you should do when you find out that your child is complaining of pain in the abdomen is:
Is it possible to eat condensed milk if you have gastritis with high acidity?
Gastritis is the inflammatory process of the epigastrium. There are many reasons for the development of the disease. Unhealthy food, harmful
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