Vinylin for gastritis - Treatment of gastritis

Release form and composition

Vinilin by Shostakovsky is a viscous, thick liquid consisting entirely of the active substance, which is polyvinox. Has a strong characteristic odor. Color – yellow or yellow-green. High viscosity makes the balm similar in consistency to ointment.

Does not dissolve in water (forms a film), does not dry out and does not thicken in air.


  • alcohols – ethyl, butyl, isoamyl;
  • oils;
  • chloroform;
  • paraffins in liquid form.

The drug is bottled in dark bottles of 50 or 100 ml.

Indications for use

The active ingredient is called polyvinyl butyl ether or polyvinox. It is active against pathogenic pathogens, suppresses their vital activity due to coagulation of proteins and dehydration of microorganism cells. This ensures the release of wound surfaces from infection, elimination of infection, and regeneration of epithelial tissues.

Polivinox has an enveloping effect, closing wounds from re-infection. The substance stimulates the restoration of the epithelium, the replacement of necrotic surfaces with connective tissue. Polivinox promotes the growth of healthy cells on the mucous membranes and skin, accelerates the regeneration of the surface layer of damaged organs.

Vinilin is used for external and internal wounds, ulcers of the skin and mucous membranes, and has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. When used internally, rapid healing and restoration of damaged areas of the mucous membranes and healing of ulcers occurs. Shostakovsky's balm also has an analgesic effect.

As an external remedy, the drug is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. mastitis;
  2. wounds, including purulent ones;
  3. boils, carbuncles;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. skin damage with infection;
  6. burns and frostbite.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with Vinilin balm

Stomach ulcer

is the most common gastrointestinal disease, characterized by the formation of small ulcers on the gastric mucosa under the influence of irritating factors. This is a chronic disease alternating with exacerbations in spring and autumn and remissions (attenuation of symptoms).

Peptic ulcer

– this is an irreversible process; as a result of treatment, the resulting scar does not have functional abilities. He is not able to secrete gastric juice as before.

Reasons for development

Two main causes of the disease are considered.

  • Increased acidity, which develops as a result of intense release of hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the gastric mucosa with the formation of ulcers.
  • The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) under favorable conditions can infect various parts of the stomach and have a destructive effect on the mucous membrane. Infection with the bacterium occurs due to a person’s lack of hygiene.

Factors of peptic ulcer disease

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Nervous-emotional stress.
  • The presence of diseases that suggest the development of gastric ulcers - chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa and chronic gastritis.
  • Smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol.
  • Eating disorders, as well as abuse of rough, spicy and sour foods.
  • Long-term use of medications that have a destructive effect on the gastric mucosa.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical manifestation of the disease is varied. Symptoms may be pronounced, blurred, or not appear at all. They depend on the age of the patient, the size and location of the ulcer, and the presence of other gastrointestinal diseases.

The most common are severe pain syndromes of a stabbing and cutting nature, localized in the upper abdomen with a return to the left shoulder blade, lower back, and left hypochondrium.

In addition to pain, the disease is characterized by painful heartburn, sour belching, nausea and vomiting, and constipation.


In addition to clinical blood and stool tests, ultrasound, endoscopy and X-rays with barium sulfate are used to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

X-ray examination allows you to detect direct and indirect signs of the disease.

Endoscopy provides the most informative information confirming the presence of the disease. It clarifies the size, shape and location of the ulcer, allows you to accurately assess the condition of the ulcer and identify changes in the mucous membrane. As a result of the procedure, it is possible to obtain histological material for a complete study - boipsia.

Treatment of peptic ulcer

Modern treatment methods have significantly reduced the indications for surgery

. This is a complex treatment that involves antibacterial therapy using agents that support normal secretion of gastric juice and its acidity, diet and physiotherapeutic methods.

Treatment of gastric ulcers with Vinilin

But there are still effective methods for treating ulcers, in particular, we are talking about the drug Vinilin. This remedy has been successfully used to treat many ailments and can be taken both externally and internally.

The drug has effective prolonged antiseptic, disinfectant and pharmacological effects. People often judge the effectiveness of a particular medication by its cost. Affordable Vinylin breaks these stereotypes.

This drug is produced in Nizhny Novgorod and is in no way inferior in efficiency and effectiveness to expensive analogues from foreign manufacturers.

Moreover, the clinical trials that Vinilin underwent back in the last century, or rather in the 70s, confirmed its safety for humans and its undeniable therapeutic effect.

Thus, the treatment of stomach ulcers with the help of this drug helps to reduce the activity of gastric juice secretion

, resulting in a significant reduction in acidity levels. Vinilin significantly reduces the incidence of recurrence of ulcers and their severe course. In addition, the drug reduces the risk of developing an inflammatory process; this property of the drug effectively fights swelling and hyperemia.


However, it would be wrong not to mention the contraindications that Vinilin has. Often people decide to take certain medications on the advice of an all-knowing friend or neighbor from the first floor; in this case, of course, no attention is paid to the instructions for the drug.

The patient begins treatment according to the same scheme as the person who advised this method of healing. But you need to keep in mind that there are simply no two identical organisms, therefore treatment approaches must be individual. Otherwise, there is nothing to complain about “unscrupulous” drugs; the instructions are attached for a reason.

Returning to the contraindications of Vinilin, we note that people suffering from kidney and gallbladder diseases are strongly advised not to take this medicine orally. It is worth emphasizing that it was Vinilin that was recognized as the most effective drug that made the treatment of ulcers effective.

Today this drug is no less relevant than in the 70s of the last century; it is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers as a complex drug that gives a lasting effect.

It is important to keep in mind that the sooner the patient contacts a specialist, the greater the likelihood that the treatment will produce results as quickly as possible.

Moreover, timely treatment of the disease significantly reduces the risk of relapse, which, as is known, can be much more unpleasant than the disease itself. Do not bring the ulcer to an acute stage, when you will need not only additional funds for treatment, but also additional immune forces, which are not always enough.

The drug Vinilin acts directly on the lesion and prevents the spread of the inflammatory process to other organs, which already indicates a speedy recovery. You can order Vinylin at our base in Nizhny Novgorod. You can see the address of the Nizhny Novgorod office in the contacts section.

In addition to stomach ulcers, Vinilin can also treat the following diseases:

  • furunculosis
  • carbuncles
  • trophic ulcers
  • purulent wounds
  • mastitis
  • soft tissue injuries
  • burns
  • frostbite and inflammatory skin diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to use Vinilin during pregnancy and lactation. Other contraindications:

  1. intolerance to polyvinex;
  2. pathologies of the kidneys, biliary tract, liver;
  3. children for internal use.

No negative effects on the body from the use of Shostakovsky balm have been identified. Occasionally, minor local manifestations in the form of itching and redness are observed.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Vinilin is used only externally; oral administration is not recommended.

Vinyline during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, it is not recommended to use the balm, since oral administration of the medicine can harm the child's health. Due to low absorption, on the recommendation of the attending physician, expectant mothers choose an ointment for treating foci of pathology, a solution for gargling a sore throat with a sore throat. Medical contraindications apply to women during lactation. If you decide to drink Shostakovsky balm, you need to temporarily stop breastfeeding and transfer the child to artificial formula.

Instructions for use

Rectal, external and internal use of Vinilin is indicated. Let's consider the basic rules for using the balm for various pathologies.


According to the instructions for use, Vinilin can be used in pure form or in 20% solutions obtained from substances in which the balm is dissolved. The product is applied to the wound or soaked in gauze pads and applied to the skin.

The surface can be covered for better absorption of the balm. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, closing the wound for 1 hour.

For mastitis, fabric soaked in Vinylin is applied to the seals on the mammary gland and fixed.

For the mucous membranes of the mouth

For stomatitis or other lesions of the oral mucosa, soak a cotton swab on a stick in Vinilin and apply the product to the erosion. This method is used when minor areas of mucous membranes are affected.

Another way to use it for large areas of ulcers is to rinse with the prepared solution. You should treat your mouth 3-4 times a day. In this case, the composition can be swallowed. After application, a protective film is formed on the surface of the mucous membrane, protecting against irritation and accelerating healing.

Vinylin for gastritis how to take

Balm "Vinilin" (polyvinyl butyl ether) effectively treats gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. The medicine is used externally and internally. This medication helps relieve the inflammatory process, has enveloping and antimicrobial properties, helps heal ulcers and relieve pain.

The active ingredient of the drug is polyvinox. The product is available in the form of a balm or in capsules. “Vinilin” has a thick yellowish consistency and a specific smell; it does not dry out when opened. The medication can be mixed with such drugs as:

  • chloroform;
  • oils;
  • paraffin in liquid form,
  • butyl, isoamyl and ethyl alcohols.

The enveloping properties of the drug will help relieve inflammation.

Polyvinylbutyl ether is not soluble in water. Due to its properties, Vinilin is used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs, including gastritis. Available forms:

  • A dark glass bottle with balm contains 100 g or 50 g of the substance.
  • "Vinilin" in capsules of 100 ml and 180 ml.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers, the drug helps to reduce the activity of gastric juice secretion, as a result of which the acidity level significantly decreases.

When taking the drug, the incidence of relapse of the disease is reduced. In addition, when taking Vinilin, the risk of developing an inflammatory process is reduced.

The drug effectively copes with hyperemia and swelling. Effects of the medicine:

  • local anesthesia;
  • helps get rid of germs;
  • has an enveloping effect;
  • promotes the healing of erosions and wounds;
  • helps restore the epithelium.

“Vinilin” is also called Shostakovsky’s balm and is used for such pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract as:

Vinilin treatment is used orally, externally and rectally:

  • Externally. The balm in its natural form or mixed with vegetable oil (sea buckthorn, rose hips, etc.) should be applied to gauze or a napkin and treated the affected area.
  • Inside. Vinilin should be drunk once a day, 5 hours after dinner. It is advisable to have a meal at 18:00, and take the medicine at 23:00: For peptic ulcers - 5 ml of the drug on the first day, then - 1 des. l. daily. The treatment course is 16-21 days.
  • If you are worried about heartburn and gastritis with increased secretion, you need to take 5 ml of Vinilin on the first day, then 1 des. spoon every other day. Course - 10-12 days.
  • Rectally. Up to 40 ml of medication is injected into the rectum using an enema or rectoscope at a time. You can add fish oil. The course of therapy is 4-9 days.
  • “Vinilin” cannot be treated for the following conditions and pathologies:

    • hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
    • ailments of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys;
    • pregnancy and lactation period;
    • children's age (not acceptable to take internally).

    You should absolutely not drink alcoholic beverages during treatment with Vinilin.

    If the dosages prescribed by the doctor are followed, no side effects should appear. In case of an overdose of the drug, unpleasant allergic reactions may occur, such as:

    If you are taking any other medications, you must inform your doctor.

    When self-medicating, you should consult a specialist about the possibility of using the drug.

    "Vinilin" is used in the form of a 20% oil solution, in combination with other medications that can be combined with a balm. These are creams, pastes and ointments with Vaseline and other bases.

    Analogues of the drug are Alantan Plus, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Aekol, Dexpanthenol, Heppiderm Forte. Vinylin is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before use. When replacing it with an analogue, it is also necessary to consult a specialist about the possibility and necessity of therapy with a new medicine.


    The drug "Vinilin" is made in the form of capsules containing gelatin and in the form of a balm for internal or external use. The main active ingredient of the drug is polyvinox. The drug is endowed with pronounced antiseptic and enveloping properties.

    There are the following indications for use of the product:

    • The presence of purulent wounds on the body;
    • Burns;
    • Frostbite;
    • Cervical diseases;
    • Haemorrhoids;
    • Inflammatory skin diseases;
    • Trophic ulcers;
    • The presence of mastitis in a nursing mother.

    The product is actively used in dentistry in the treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity. The medicine is also prescribed in the presence of a low-quality tumor in the body.

    For hemorrhoids, you can do therapeutic enemas with Vinilina balm. It can be mixed with fish oil in equal proportions.

    To relieve the symptoms of external hemorrhoids, you need to soak a napkin made of gauze with balm. After this, it is applied to the site of inflammation.

    The napkin must be pressed tightly between the buttocks: the patient must remain in this position for at least 25 minutes. It is recommended to do the procedure 2-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is less than 7-10 days.

    The drug "Vinilin" promotes the healing of cracks that occur in the rectal area and helps get rid of painful sensations.

    For preventive purposes, the procedure can be performed once a day for seven days. This will reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. You can also make medicinal compresses based on Vinilin.

    The drug helps very well in the early stages of the disease. For severe hemorrhoids, the medicine is less effective: it can only temporarily dull the pain.

    The drug is also prescribed for the treatment of sore throat. To do this, you need to moisten a clean cotton swab in the medicinal balm. The product should be applied to the tonsils three times a day. "Vinilin" interacts well with any antibiotics or other medications prescribed for angina.

    The video is devoted to indications and contraindications for the use of Vinilin. It is definitely worth watching for people suffering from gastritis and other pathologies of the digestive organs.

    How to take Vinilin for gastritis? In most cases, they drink one teaspoon of medicine per day. If the patient has heartburn or gastritis with high acidity, the drug should be taken for at least 12 days. The duration of the therapeutic course for stomach ulcers varies from two to three weeks.

    The drug "Vinilin" in capsules should be taken according to the following scheme: on the first day, take three capsules of the medicine, on subsequent days - five capsules. The duration of the treatment course ranges from 18 to 22 days. It is recommended to drink capsules 5-6 hours after eating.

    The instructions for use of the drug "Vinilin" indicate that children are prohibited from using the drug internally. But doctors prescribe it for the treatment of stomatitis in children. Before using the medication, you should consult your pediatrician.

    Before using Vinilin, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Then you need to carefully moisten a gauze pad in a small amount of the medicine. The product is applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas of the oral mucosa. Wounds should be treated two hours after feeding the baby.

    When using the medicine, side effects rarely occur. If the recommended dosage is exceeded, the patient may experience the following undesirable effects:

    • Itching;
    • Redness on the skin;
    • The appearance of an allergic rash.

    "Vinilin" for gastritis is not prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers. The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components. The use of the medication should be discontinued if there are severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver or gall bladder.


    Prices for vinylin in Moscow pharmacies

    balm100 g1 PC.≈ 192 rub.
    50 g1 PC.≈ 96.6 rub.

    Doctors' reviews about vinylin

    5,0 / 5
    Price quality
    Side effects

    I always prescribe Vinylin after operations in the oral cavity.

    It is very easy to apply to the desired area and adheres to the oral mucosa. Disinfects and heals postoperative wounds. I didn’t notice any side effects during the practice.

    I also recommend it for stomatitis and traumatic ulcers of the oral mucosa.

    5,0 / 5
    Price quality
    Side effects

    An indispensable and effective remedy for the treatment of stomatitis, especially popular in pediatric dentistry. It has a local disinfecting and accelerated healing effect with enveloping aphthae. Changes occur without an inflammatory effect. Convenient to use and easy to use. I recommend.



    There is no exact analogue of the balm. The following drugs have the same properties:

    1. Hydrogen peroxide. A strong antiseptic, used to remove dirt and pus from wounds. Is an antioxidant. When treating wounds, foam is formed that closes the vessels and stops bleeding. Used to remove pathogenic microflora from mucous membranes.
    2. Elekasol. This is a herbal mixture consisting of licorice, chamomile, sage and other plants. Like Shostakovsky's balm, it has an antimicrobial effect and relieves inflammation and tissue swelling well. Used for the treatment of dental, urological, gynecological diseases.
    3. Iodoform. The powder is used externally only. Wound surfaces are treated; if necessary, the product is diluted for better penetration into closed areas.
    4. Naftaderm. The ointment is made from naphthalan oil. It is an antiseptic, has a resolving effect, and is used externally. Relieves inflammation, softens tissues.


    “An effective remedy, widely used in dentistry. It heals erosions caused by stomatitis and wounds from wearing dentures well. The effect of Vinilin or Shostakovsky balm is mild; no redness or swelling is observed from use. Patients do not report negative reactions. I always recommend to patients."


    “During the move, I lifted a lot of weights, I probably overstrained myself. Hemorrhoids came out. I didn’t want to go to the doctor; my new neighbor recommended Shostakovsky’s balm. The husband cursed and said that they only received treatment during the war, because there was nothing else. But after 5 days I felt better. I completed the course, and then was treated again, although there was no exacerbation. It’s been 7 years now and I haven’t had any more hemorrhoids.”


    “I treat my girls’ stomatitis with Vinilin. My mother treated me with it too. The balm is thick, covers wounds well and remains on the skin. A neighbor treats an ulcer with it and is also happy. Many medicines have been used for many centuries, but new ones often don’t even have time to be tested, rather they are sold on sale.”


    In childhood

    You cannot treat a child with Vinilin balm. Pediatricians allow the medicine to be used externally for diagnosed stomatitis, tonsillitis, and sore throat. The parent wraps several layers of gauze around the index finger, soaks it in the medicine and carefully treats the oral mucosa (depending on the location of the pathology). The procedure is carried out 2 hours after feeding the child 3-4 times a day for a week. If you have a sore throat, you can rinse your mouth with Vinilin, but first consult your pediatrician and read the instructions.

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