Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching: dyspepsia and its consequences
Heartburn, as well as its accompanying symptoms: nausea, belching, pain, heaviness and bloating in the abdomen
Pain in the right hypochondrium after eating: causes, pathological signs, complications
In the practice of a gastroenterologist, patients often complain of pain in the right hypochondrium after eating. State
Why do you hiccup when you smoke: causes, possible deviations, treatment methods, prevention
Causes of hiccups when smoking and how to get rid of them
08/23/2020 Alena Masheva Health Hiccups are a physiological process that occurs in the body in response to
How long does a child have a fever with rotavirus? Signs of rotavirus in children
How long does the temperature last with rotavirus in a child Signs of rotavirus in children
02/14/2019 Alena Masheva Health Rotavirus infection can appear in people of different ages. The causative agent of the disease
Treatment of ulcerative colitis
What is ulcerative colitis? Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and
The connection between skin rashes and the bacteria Helicobacter pylori
What is it? For a long time, scientists could not understand why some people, even
What is a rectal ulcer: symptoms and treatment
A rectal ulcer is an inflammatory lesion of the rectal wall area, which becomes a pathological process
Is it possible to eat honey if you have intestinal colitis?
Treatment of intestinal colitis with honey Honey for colitis is used taking into account the type of pathological
Painful signs of congestive gastropathy
Stagnation of food in the stomach belching
Portal, or congestive gastropathy, is a condition caused by stagnation in the stomach. The clinical condition is very
pills and glass of water at the doctor's
Taking bile removers for inflammation of the pancreas
Pancreatitis is a serious pathology that requires drug therapy. Different groups are used for this purpose.
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