Hiatal hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment
About hiatal hernia and reflux esophagitis Hiatal hernia (HH) and reflux esophagitis are
Irritable bowel syndrome: what is it and how to treat it
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - symptoms, causes, treatment, diet
Anticholinergic drugs Such medications have an antispasmodic effect, that is, the smooth muscles of the irritated part of the intestine
Classification of gastritis, symptoms and treatment
Classification of gastritis According to the mechanism of occurrence and location of the main changes in the mucous membrane, they are distinguished: gastritis type
painkillers for abdominal pain
Tablets for stomach pain: taking medications
Why your stomach may hurt Many people “intuitively” understand why their stomach hurts. Before
Anatomy of the gallbladder
Acute gangrenous calculous cholecystitis
What is inflammation of the gallbladder? This inflammation is infectious and inflammatory in nature, the causes of its formation are often hidden
On which side does appendicitis pain occur?
Appendicitis is a purulent-inflammatory process of the vermiform appendix of the cecum - the appendix. Its length is
Pancreas cancer
How long does it take for pancreatic cancer to develop?
General information The pancreas is an organ of the human digestive system that simultaneously performs exocrine
What to do if you feel sick: 12 simple tips
If you feel sick? 10 Available Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting Vomiting and nausea may occur.
Duodenogastric bile reflux means chemical inflammation of the stomach
Symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenal reflux
Gastrointestinal diseases in adults are often accompanied by motor dysfunction. Duodeno-gastric bile reflux is recorded approximately
Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma
Diffusely homogeneous changes in the pancreas
What is parenchyma in the pancreas? The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system that
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