Treatment regimen for Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics
The main side effects of the main drugs used in anti-Helicobacter therapy regimens Bismuth Tetracycline Dark
Drugs that restore the intestinal mucosa
Causes of problems with the intestinal mucosa The intestine is a very important organ that is especially susceptible to
Herbal remedies for pancreatitis: pharmaceutical herbs for the treatment of the pancreas
Traditional medicine is a good addition to the treatment of the pancreas. In addition to diet and medication, you can
Medicines for exacerbation of pancreatitis of the pancreas
Indications and contraindications Pancreatitis in acute form can threaten the patient’s life, so the patient needs
folk remedies
Treatment of gastroduodenitis in adults with folk remedies
Gastroduodenitis is a common disease in which there is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the duodenum
Mustard for bloating
How to get rid of flatulence and why does it occur?
Increased gas formation or flatulence, a fairly common occurrence, accompanied by bloating, in which there is profuse and
100 recipes for pancreatitis. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healingText
Dishes that can be prepared for pancreatitis Steamed cutlets. For cooking you will need: beef (250
Rennie is a popular heartburn remedy.
Rennie - eliminates heartburn, protects the stomach
Rennie's video for heartburn is used as the main one to eliminate this symptom. The drug costs
Girl closes her mouth
Bloating, belching rotten eggs, diarrhea - what causes this disease?
Causes It often happens that hydrogen sulfide belching occurs at a time when the body has significantly
light stool
In what cases should you worry about clarification of feces?
What does light-colored stool mean? The brown color of stool is given by the enzyme bilirubin, secreted by the liver. Also
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