Diet for intestinal colitis, menu, allowed foods
Treatment of chronic colitis with diet Treatment of chronic colitis with diet has long established itself as
Sweet taste in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Possible causes of a sweet taste in the mouth. Most often, the appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth is not
Central receptor blockers
Erosive duodenitis: symptoms, treatment, diet
Duodenitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Digestion of food evacuated from the stomach occurs in it.
Polyps in the stomach - is it dangerous? How to treat?
Sometimes as a result of the action of unfavorable factors in the main organ of the digestive system (in the antrum)
Urease breath test
Gastritis of the body and antrum of the stomach treatment
September 15, 2018 Gastroenterology Ekaterina Ryzhkova Many people ask: “Antrum gastritis - what is it?
Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
Which enzyme preparation is better for pancreatitis?
Classification Pancreatitis is classified into 2 main groups: chronic and acute. This is not stage one
morning sickness
Tormented by nausea in the morning? Constantly feel nauseous after eating? Let's figure out the reasons!
Morning sickness is a sign of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Such disorders arise due to
Types, symptoms and methods of treatment of intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosa
Intestinal metaplasia - what is it? Intestinal metaplasia is a disease in which the tissues of the mucous membrane
heaviness and nausea in the stomach
After eating, heaviness in the stomach: reasons for how to remove it using folk recipes
Causes of nausea and heaviness in the stomach Similar symptoms can occur not only after
Causes of color disturbance
Stool for gastritis: normal stool color for stomach disease
Why is my stool usually brown? Feces are a mixture of dead red blood cells, undigested food, bile, and
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