Intestinal dyskinesia symptoms and treatment in a child
Causes of the pathology There are several reasons for the occurrence of intestinal dyskinesia. Here are the most common: Eating disorders
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Chronic pancreatitis: differential diagnosis
Similar diseases You can choose the most appropriate treatment tactics if you know the exact diagnosis. For this
Forms of release of the drug
Troxevasin ointment and gel for hemorrhoids: reviews, instructions for use, how to use during pregnancy, indications and contraindications
Release forms of the drug Troxevasin is available in two dosage forms - capsules and gel.
Causes of constipation in women and their treatment
What is it? Constipation is a condition of the body in which bowel movements are very difficult.
Is it possible to eat chocolate if you have gastritis?
Is it possible to eat chocolate with gastritis: all the pros and cons
Gastritis is a common disease. If the disease is not treated in time, one-time inflammation (acute gastritis) can easily
At the doctor
Cough with GERD: causes, description of symptoms, treatment and possible complications
Causes The mechanism of occurrence of this symptom is based on the fact that hydrochloric acid irritates cough receptors,
Benefits and uses of Aloe gel for the stomach
Aloe juice for the stomach - treat gastritis, ulcers
Composition of the plant The benefits of aloe for the stomach lie in the unique composition of the flower. It is the components included
Diseases of the rectum and anus: list of diseases of the anus
Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectal mucosa. Proctitis should not be confused with paraproctitis,
Types of esophageal diverticula
What is esophageal diverticulum and how is it treated?
What is it - esophageal diverticulum? Esophageal diverticulum is changes in the walls of the organ,
Complications of pancreatitis
What causes and how to get rid of nausea with pancreatitis
Reasons Why you feel sick with pancreatitis is explained by the physiology of the pancreas. The organ secretes pancreatic juice
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