How to treat stomach erosion with juices and folk remedies

  • September 7, 2018
  • Treatment methods
  • Alena Liv

Gastric erosion has become one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases in recent years. Doctors attribute this to poor nutrition and terrible environment. But traditional medicine comes to the rescue in the fight against this disease with many recipes for herbal decoctions, lotions and nutritional advice. Let's look at the types of treatment with folk remedies for gastric erosion.

Characteristics of the disease

Erosion of the gastric mucosa is damage to the upper tissues of a part of the human digestive organ, not including its muscular area. When erosive formations appear, the mucous membrane is completely disrupted, which causes inflammation and aching pain both during meals and before meals. The symptoms are very similar to ulcers and gastritis and also other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of disease occurs in 15% of gastroenterology patients. This disease has, of course, been known for a long time and has become common in recent years. To understand what kind of disease this is and how to treat it, what kind of therapy should be: folk remedies or medications, you need to understand what erosion of the gastric mucosa is.

Honey with additives

The simplest and most effective means of preventing gastritis is a mixture of honey with prunes and dried apricots. Grind equal parts of these products through a meat grinder and consume 2-3 tablespoons three times a day. This remedy can be washed down with warm tea or herbal decoction. In addition to fighting stomach diseases, dried apricots, prunes and honey are an excellent vitamin and mineral complex that helps strengthen the body. This honey with additives is especially useful in winter. When there is a lack of nutrients and vitamins.

A good effect in the fight against gastritis can be achieved using potato juice with honey. Since it is difficult to mix these ingredients, eat two teaspoons of honey and wash it down with a third of a glass of potato juice. Similarly, you can consume honey with carrot juice.

Another useful remedy for gastritis is oatmeal. They need to be ground and cooked over low heat. For 120 g of ready-made flakes you need to add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take this remedy three times a day on an empty stomach. The flakes have an enveloping effect and are able to protect the gastric mucosa.

Diagnosis of the disease

To decide which treatment with folk remedies is worth taking, you must undergo a diagnosis from a specialist. When conducting an examination, the doctor will certainly note the nature of the erosive formations and the stage of the disease. As a rule, the advanced form causes an ulcer; it is this that requires long-term treatment and a long, strict diet.

If a patient's stomach erosion is accompanied by vomiting and blood, bad stool, this is a sign that the disease is at a severe, advanced stage of development and can subsequently cause stomach cancer. Although this pathology of the gastrointestinal tract has been known for a long time, doctors began to diagnose it only recently. For diagnostics, the device mainly used is a fiber endoscope. Gastroduodenoscopy with targeted biopsy is also used to detect this disease.


Pain in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea.
This procedure is carried out using a medical device such as an endoscope, which is inserted into the patient’s gastrointestinal tract through the esophagus. Endoscopic examination is a safe and fairly informative way to diagnose gastric erosion.

Depending on the stage of the pathological process and the general condition of the patient, erosive disease can be treated either on an outpatient or inpatient basis. The course of treatment for this disease is based on the use of medications that improve the recovery process of affected areas of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ and reduce its acidity level.

In addition, the patient is prescribed a special diet, which is based on fractional meals and the exclusion of spicy, highly salted, fatty, smoked and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages and strong coffee or tea from the daily diet.

In particularly severe cases, the patient may require urgent surgery, during which the diseased part of the stomach is removed.

Gastric erosion is detected using the following laboratory and instrumental methods:

  • FGDS;
  • biopsy followed by histological examination;
  • stool occult blood test;
  • test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori;
  • general blood analysis.

Additionally, in order to exclude other diseases and clarify the nature of the pathology, radiography of the stomach, MRI, CT, blood test for sugar, various biochemical blood tests, etc. may be prescribed.

Endoscopic examination is the gold standard for diagnosing erosions and gastric ulcers. Currently, it is carried out using a flexible device equipped with fiber optics or a miniature digital video camera, a lighting device and special forceps for taking a biopsy. The doctor visually examines the mucous membrane, identifying erosions and other pathological changes in the stomach.

Histological examination makes it possible to clarify the nature of the existing mucosal defect and promptly notice malignant degeneration of cells, and testing for the presence of Helicobacter helps to select the most optimal treatment.

Endoscopic examination is one of the few methods for detecting erosion. The procedure is unpleasantly painful for the patient, vomiting, but a more informative method about the state of the gastric mucosa does not exist in modern times.

The basis of diagnostic measures is an endoscopic examination of the affected organ, during which a biopsy is performed. This means that a small piece of the mucous membrane is taken for subsequent laboratory studies to determine whether it is malignant.

In addition, the doctor needs to conduct a survey, during which it is necessary to find out the first time and degree of manifestation of symptoms of gastric erosion. This will also help the specialist determine the primary or secondary nature of the damage to the stomach.

To confirm the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the patient and his further observation during therapy are necessary. Blood, urine, and stool tests may be needed to help your doctor learn more about the disorder.

After receiving all the research results, the specialist determines how to treat gastric erosion, prescribes special nutrition and advises on the use of traditional medicine.


What exactly leads to the formation of gastric erosion? What are the main reasons for its appearance? Stress, surgery, sepsis, shock and modern foods are named as the main causes of this disease. But besides the main, most popular factors, there are a number of others that should not be forgotten.

Smoking, alcohol, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis and drug abuse also cause erosion. Doctors say that for the most part it occurs almost without symptoms at first, only mild nausea, heartburn and abdominal discomfort appear, so patients often do not pay much attention to it at first. Thus, the disease progresses to more complex forms, but it is worth remembering that from many people the treatment of stomach erosion with folk remedies receives only positive reviews, which speaks in their favor.

Description of the disease

Erosion of the stomach manifests itself in the form of small ulcers appearing on the walls of the organ, violating the integrity of the mucous membrane

Erosion of the stomach is superficial damage to the mucous membrane of the organ, while the muscle layer remains intact. Usually, several erosions occur in the stomach at once in the form of small ulcers, clearly visible during endoscopic examination.

Depending on the nature of its course, gastric erosion can be acute or chronic. In the acute form, many oval or round ulcers of 0.2–0.4 cm in size appear at once, located on the walls or bottom of the stomach. In the chronic form, the size of erosions reaches 0.3–0.5 cm, they are located mainly in the form of a chain in the antrum of the stomach, and the duration of the disease can reach 5 years or more.

The main causes of gastric erosion are:

  • Helicobacter;
  • poor diet with an abundance of spicy foods and vinegar;
  • medications that have a destructive effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • circulatory disorders in the gastrointestinal tract caused by various diseases, for example, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • bad habits – smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • malignant neoplasms in the stomach and colon;
  • diabetes;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • stress.

It is difficult to confuse the symptoms of erosion with manifestations of other diseases:

  • severe, “twisting” pain in the stomach day and night, often accompanied by bleeding - vomiting and diarrhea with blood,
  • brittle hair and nails,
  • dry skin,
  • disturbance of taste and olfactory sensations,
  • a sharp change in food preferences,
  • decreased hemoglobin level,
  • violation of the excretion of bile from the body.

Varieties and stages

Do not forget that in case of internal bleeding from a stomach ulcer, urgent surgical intervention by a doctor is required. The initial and mild form of ulcers is flat lesions. A more complex and neglected type is hemorrhagic erosion.

And the most difficult and difficult to treat type is hyperplastic. Advanced forms of the disease have several foci on the bottom of the stomach or its walls. If we talk about the opinion of specialists and doctors, they consider treatment with folk remedies to be more gentle for our body.

Types of erosion

It is necessary to understand that, like any other disease, each manifestation of gastric erosion will be different from the other.

Provided that we could be present during the examination of the stomach during erosion with an endoscope, we would be able to see a defect, the size of which is about 15 millimeters in diameter, the shape of which can be:

  • round;
  • triangular;
  • as if consisting of teeth.

The depth of such a deformed surface will be small, only the mucous surface is affected by damage, and the deep layers remain unchanged.

In addition, gastric erosions may differ according to many other criteria. We will consider which ones in the following tables.

Table 1. Types of gastric erosion according to its origin

Primary erosion bears this designation because its occurrence is caused primarily by problems with the stomach itself, for example, by any diseases.Secondary erosion is designated in this way due to the fact that its development is caused by diseases of other organs of the body already existing in the body, for example, inflammation of the pancreas, failure of the heart muscle, etc.Malignant erosion is a phenomenon that implies an inextricable connection with serious and dangerous diseases, which are very difficult to cure. We are talking about: stomach oncology; Crohn's disease, etc.

Table 2. Types of erosion of the gastric mucosa, differing in the degree of its damage

Single defectsMultiple defects
In the case when we are talking about single defects, it should be noted that in this case the following number is implied: from 1; up to 3 pieces. Localization does not play a role in this case, but, most likely, the erosions will be located next to each other. Multiple defects imply the presence of deformed points: more than three pieces; located in different places of the organ. In this case, they are no longer talking about erosion, but about erosive gastritis. Provided that there are various bleedings or effusions of blood into the mucous membrane of the organ, then they speak of hemorrhagic gastritis.

Table 3. Gastric erosion according to the forms of the disease

Acute erosionChronic erosion
The acute form means that the disease develops: unexpectedly; rapidly. Immediately in the acute form, various consequences begin to appear. Typically, acute erosion is localized in the following two areas of the organ: its body; at the bottom. The average length of time it usually takes for such damage to heal ranges from ten days to 8 weeks, depending on the severity and strength of the disease. When we talk about the chronic form of this disease, we mean that it can last for many years, the average length of which is estimated at about 5 years. Erosion in the chronic type of the disease: are multiple; The location chosen, as a rule, is the antrum of the affected organ. Quite often, from their localization they spread directly to the intestines. These deformed points can be located: in chains, similar to octopus tentacles; in a chaotic manner.

Depending on what type of disease occurs in your case, its expected duration will be determined. As we have already noted, if we are talking about an acute form of gastric erosion, at best you can count on healing of the damage within ten full days, however, in reality it can last up to 8 weeks. In the chronic form, you may have to endure the disease for years.

There are different types of gastric erosion

Provided that you are sick with a chronic form of this disease, it can spread to the duodenum. This condition is characterized by:

  • the occurrence of bleeding;
  • as well as relapses of damage to the gastric mucosa.

Stomach erosion: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

We all know that it is impossible to make a diagnosis without examination. A gastroenterologist will determine which folk remedies for treating erosion of the stomach and esophagus are suitable specifically for your case. The signal to go to a specialist is obvious symptoms of the disease. So, let's look at what is considered a reason to immediately go to the hospital:

  • severely reduced hemoglobin;
  • hair loss;
  • severe brittleness of nails;
  • vomiting, heartburn, nausea;
  • blood during vomiting;
  • pain while eating.

Erosive antral gastritis

The antrum is the lowest section of the stomach; it is responsible for partial alkalization of the food coma digested in the acidic environment of the stomach and its promotion into the intestines. Inflammatory diseases of this part of the stomach, accompanied by erosions, are called erosive antrum gastritis. There are acute and chronic erosive antral gastritis.

Acute erosive antrum gastritis develops very quickly, spreading to almost the entire mucous membrane and causing insufficiency of the cardia (lower sphincter of the esophagus), pyloric sphincter (located between the stomach and duodenum). Acute erosive gastritis occurs as a result of extensive skin burns, renal and liver failure, and massive blood loss.

Symptoms of acute antral gastritis:

  • stomach ache;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting mixed with dark blood;
  • Melena – foul-smelling, loose, black stool (due to the presence of blood).

This is one of the most severe types of gastritis, requiring rapid treatment.

Chronic erosive antrum gastritis occurs when there is an imbalance of damaging and protective factors acting on the gastric mucosa. The immediate cause of the disease is Helicobacter pylori.

A predisposing cause may be a violation of the body's protective functions: with HIV infection, chronic alcoholism, diseases of internal organs, dietary disorders (abuse of spicy foods, fasting, overeating). In its development, chronic erosive antral gastritis goes through several stages:

  • superficial gastritis;
  • focal erosive gastritis;
  • widespread antrum gastritis with transition to the duodenum, resulting in bulbitis and duodenitis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • constant or intermittent abdominal pain;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence,
  • bloating;
  • unstable chair.

Treatment includes:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • agents that reduce the pH of gastric juice;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • prokinetics;
  • antispasmodics.

Erosive-hyperplastic gastritis, a disease of unknown etiology, often occurs against the background of a gastrin-producing tumor of the pancreas, stands apart. The diagnosis is made by endoscopy. With this disease, significant hyperplasia of the mucosa is detected, mainly due to parietal cells, which leads to a significant increase in the production of hydrochloric acid with the formation of multiple erosions, and subsequently ulcers. The danger of the disease is the frequent malignancy of mucosal defects and the risk of massive bleeding.

Drug treatment

  1. H2 blockers - histamines - are taken in case of bleeding.
  2. The drug "Kvamatel" is prescribed to smooth out erosions and ulcers. But it should not be taken by children, pregnant or nursing mothers.
  3. In some cases, a low-intensity laser is used to smooth out erosions.
  4. Antibiotics of different types and groups are prescribed by a doctor for each case individually. Drug therapy for ulcers is very popular in modern medicine, but we should not forget about effective methods of treating gastric erosion with folk remedies.
  5. Gastroprotectors are prescribed for the chronic stage of the disease.

Home treatment

Treatment of gastric erosion with folk remedies has always remained the most effective and popular method. Even when such a disease had not been heard of, since diagnosing the stomach was not yet possible, people were already using all kinds of folk methods and remedies. They were also used to treat other similar diseases, such as ulcers and gastritis. These drugs eased and delayed erosion. There are a lot of folk tips and recipes for such treatment; we will consider the most popular and, as a rule, proven.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of gastric erosion

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. It is used in the treatment of ulcers and erosions due to the high concentration of highly active substances, tocopherols, various beneficial trace elements and carotenoids. This oil has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. But its most important and important property is its enveloping of the mucous membrane. It is worth noting that sea buckthorn oil has a choleretic effect and also regenerates tissue, regulating digestion. Enveloping the stomach, it prevents digestive juice from irritating the mucous membrane. By taking sea buckthorn oil, a person effectively fights inflammation and accelerates the healing of erosion.
  2. Treatment with linseed oil. The polysaccharide, proteins, fiber, protein, omega acids and other beneficial substances contained in this oil have made it one of the most important and useful folk methods for treating gastric erosion. Flaxseed oil envelops the stomach, relieving inflammation and regenerating organ tissue. It is prepared in two ways: the so-called cold and hot. The first method of obtaining flaxseed oil goes like this: flax flour is covered with a sieve and placed under pressure, due to pressure it begins to release oil. The second method works in a slightly different way. Flax seeds are poured with water, when they draw it into themselves, fried over a fire, then the liquid is drained. It is recommended to drink flaxseed oil for erosions and gastritis, 1 spoonful, you can wash it down with water. These were popular methods of treating gastric erosion with folk remedies and the most effective according to experts.
  3. Vegetable juices in the treatment of erosions. We all know that freshly squeezed vegetable juice should not be consumed on an empty stomach. When treating erosion, drinking carrot and cabbage juice is popular. Before using them, you need to let them brew, so the effect will be better. Treatment of erosion with potato juice is very popular; it must be freshly made, since after a few minutes it loses its beneficial properties. To treat erosion and gastritis with potato juice, you need to prepare and cleanse your gastrointestinal tract. To do this, doctors advise not to eat hot, spicy or salty foods for several days, or even better, to fast. Treatment in this way is best done in the summer, since the potato fruits should be pink in color and without greenish areas.
  4. Prepare a decoction of blackcurrant juice, mint and rhubarb root. Pour boiling water over the currant juice, add 25 g of mint and 25 g of rhubarb root. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for 24 hours.
  5. St. John's wort and celandine herbs are used very successfully. Traditional healers recommend taking half a glass of tea from these herbs half an hour before meals.
  6. Pharmaceutical oak bark is very useful and is indicated for erosion. It has the property of relieving pain and relieving inflammation from tissues. Oak bark (1 tbsp) is poured with hot water (a glass) and boiled over low heat, then allowed to cool and taken part 20 minutes before meals, the rest two hours after.
  7. Dry birch leaves (1 tbsp) are poured with 400 milliliters of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes and cool. It is recommended to drink the decoction half an hour after eating.
  8. Grind aloe leaves, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, add 1 small spoon of any natural honey. Drink in the morning after waking up.
  9. It is very useful to drink 2 teaspoons of honey with water on an empty stomach. Mumiyo in the morning is a good remedy, but only if the patient weighs more than 60 kg. Drink 0.2 grams per 24 hours.
  10. Herbal mixture: celandine, chamomile flowers, caraway seeds, marshmallow and valerian roots. Take 25 grams of all the listed herbs, mix, pour 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Drink a glass a day before meals.
  11. Take a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, pour boiling water and leave. After this, drink 15 minutes before meals, the patient determines the dose himself.

Recipes of this kind are becoming more and more popular, since the treatment of symptoms and erosion of the stomach today is an issue that worries many.

Diet for erosion of the stomach and duodenum

Treatment of the disease cannot be carried out unless a special diet is followed.

Its main principles:

  • fractional meals - at least 6 meals a day;
  • food should not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • exclude all dishes that increase gastric secretion - if the acidity of the stomach is increased;
  • food enters the stomach at medium temperature.

If you adhere to the Pevzner classification, then this is diet No. 1. The same diet is used for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

In case of exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary to choose options 1a and 1b. It is allowed, while following a diet, to eat food in liquid, mushy or ground, but dense form, boiled or stewed. (With diet 1a, only slimy soups are allowed; with diet 1b, slimy and mushy dishes are combined). The amount of foods rich in natural fiber is significantly limited. Such foods include: radishes, radishes, turnips, legumes, berries with rough skin - for example, black currants or dates.

Bread made from low-grade flour, animal products containing coarse connective tissue - fish and poultry skin, stringy meat - are excluded from the diet.

Cooking technology: steaming and cooking, stewing followed by crushing is allowed. Baking only in foil - no crispy crust.

Chemical composition of the diet:

  1. carbohydrates – 400 g;
  2. proteins – about 100 g (40% vegetable);
  3. fat – up to 100 g (animal 70%);
  4. table salt – 6 g per day.

The nutritional value of the daily menu is from 2800 kcal to 3000 kcal.

The main beneficial substances – vitamins and microelements – should be introduced into the body daily:

  • vitamin C – 100 mg;
  • vitamin A – 2 mg;
  • B vitamins – B1, B6, B12 – 4 mg each;
  • vitamin PP – nicotinic acid – not less than 30 mg;
  • calcium – 0.9 mg;
  • magnesium - the same amount;
  • phosphorus – 1.5 mg;
  • iron – at least 15 mg.

The usual diet is from 1.5 liters of liquid, including juices and fruit drinks. The diet menu for the treatment of erosive lesions is compiled based on these data.

Nutrition and diet

The very first and most important thing you need to know about the treatment of this disease is what your diet should be. If the patient does not adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor and allows himself to eat prohibited foods, no medication or other treatment will produce results. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend completely eliminating strong drinks from your life. Even the highest quality and most expensive alcohol in small doses aggravates erosion and irritates the intestinal walls, resulting in the development of ulcers and stomach cancer.

Coffee, citrus fruits and carbonated drinks of any kind and manufacturer are also prohibited by doctors. You should absolutely not consume strong meat broth, as well as products that contain coarse fibers. Folk remedies and proper nutrition are the most important stages in the treatment of gastric erosion.

A few rules to follow:

  1. No more than 10 g of salt per day.
  2. We boil the food or cook it in a double boiler.
  3. Chew food thoroughly.
  4. We don't eat fried foods.
  5. Fractional meals 5-6 times in 24 hours.
  6. Spicy and smoked dishes are not allowed.
  7. The food is warm.
  8. Stick to the diet for at least 2 months.
  9. It is not recommended to eat raw vegetables or fruits.
  10. Eat at least once every three hours.

If you have decided to treat stomach erosion with folk remedies, since they are the most effective according to specialists, doctors and nutritionists, you need to remember that in addition to harmful and prohibited foods for erosion, there are a number of names that, on the contrary, accelerate healing and have a good effect on digestion .


To keep your stomach healthy and functioning smoothly, you don’t need to strictly limit yourself. It is enough to adhere to a balanced diet, choose optimal physical training regimes, eliminate mental overload and respond to negative signals from the body in a timely manner.

When a pathology that is not accepted into the army is in remission, they are guided by the following advice:

  • Green apples are included in the diet. The fruits are peeled and grated. They take a kind of medicine according to a special regimen - be sure to maintain a 5-hour interval both before and after meals. The tasty puree is consumed continuously for a month, then switched to three times a week.
  • After waking up and before going to bed, eat a tablespoon of honey on an empty stomach, washing it down with warm water or fresh tea.
  • Every day before breakfast, drink a small amount of cold water to awaken the stomach.
  • Olive oil, consumed in an amount of 15 ml on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day, has a good effect.

If erosion nevertheless makes itself felt, you should not give up or put off solving the problem. It is urgent to take measures to eliminate the cause of the disease and plan a healing course before small lesions turn into deep ulcerative structures.

Sports and erosion of the gastric mucosa

Is sport contraindicated? It would seem what it has to do with diseases associated with digestion. And the main question is whether playing sports will harm the diseased mucous membrane. Doctors say unequivocally that it is possible and necessary, but only a few strenuous sports are contraindicated.

Doctors often recommend combining the treatment of gastritis and gastric erosion with folk remedies with sports and training. Sports involving heavy lifting and intense physical exertion, as well as wrestling and martial arts, are strictly contraindicated, as there is a high risk of getting hit in the abdomen, which can cause bleeding and lead to death.

But light sports are even useful. You can do jogging, swimming, aerobics, and athletics. Light exercise will benefit the body and strengthen the immune system. It is very important to undergo a consultation and examination with your doctor before starting classes to avoid negative consequences.

And in conclusion, it should be said that treatment of gastric erosion with folk remedies can confidently be called the second most effective and proven method of therapy. This is a method that has been confirmed by previous generations and grandparents.

But it is worth remembering that such treatment is not a reliable method and should be carried out only after examination and the recommendation of a doctor. Reviews from doctors on this matter are ambiguous and differ 50 to 50%. The first part almost immediately offers lotions and decoctions, while the other side does not recommend starting treatment with folk remedies without initial treatment with medications or in an inpatient setting.

People suffering from this disease must carefully monitor their diet and lifestyle. Many factors influence the speed of treatment and the consequences of the disease, and only the right professional approach will make recovery quick and easy.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies - the most effective methods

There is no clear opinion among adherents of unconventional methods of treatment which method is the most effective and “works” better than others on healing erosions. After all, all people are different, one method is suitable for some, but others develop intolerance to it.

The following methods in the fight against this type of gastritis have gained popularity in folk therapy:

Each method has contraindications. The use of honey or propolis for allergic reactions is unacceptable; herbs, due to the diverse composition of biologically active substances and essential oils, can also cause individual intolerance. Not every stomach can take sea buckthorn oil, and sometimes it can cause increased nausea.

You should not think that the methods “from the people” are safe, since they do not contain chemicals; natural medicines, just like synthetic ones, can help or harm the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Treatment with propolis

Propolis is a waste product of bees. It is rich in phenolic compounds, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, and microelements.

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