Is it possible to use turmeric for pancreatitis?

Useful properties of turmeric

Dry yellow powder has a rich composition:

  • vitamins B, C, K, P;
  • essential mala;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • minerals;
  • cineole;
  • borneol.

Turmeric for pancreatitis can have a therapeutic effect on the organ. The spice has a number of properties:

  • choleretic, activating the production and removal of bile;
  • antimicrobial - fights putrefactive bacteria;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • carminative;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • increases stomach acidity;
  • cleanses the blood.

Turmeric is effective in treating pathologies of the pancreas and liver, as it allows parenchymal organs to quickly recover from illness.

Turmeric has a number of unique medicinal properties that allow it to be successfully used in the treatment of many diseases and cosmetology.

Healing qualities of the product

Turmeric has a beneficial effect on the digestion process and the activity of microorganisms in the intestines. Some experts believe that in some cases, turmeric can even replace antibiotics. Unlike medications, this product has no side effects and does not damage the liver.

Turmeric helps to recover from illnesses. It supports the body and has a cleansing effect on the blood. This product has the property of helping to normalize metabolism and remove harmful cholesterol from the body. It is useful to use not only for pancreatitis, but also for diabetes. If carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, it is recommended to take the spice simultaneously with mumiyo.

In order not to harm the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended not to add turmeric to food in its pure form, but to first dilute the powder in water.


In contrast to the large list of beneficial properties of yellow spice, we can highlight a list of contraindications, the presence of which signals a complete prohibition of use.

Main contraindications:

  • acute stage of pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • progressive cholelithiasis, accompanied by the formation of stones;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance.

Before using turmeric if pancreatitis develops, you must undergo an examination and consult a specialist.

The spice is used with caution in combination with groups of drugs:

  • medicines that lower blood sugar levels;
  • anticoagulants - drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, inhibiting the activity of the blood clotting system;
  • antiplatelet agents – drugs for the prevention of blood clots, cerebral and peripheral circulatory disorders.

Medicines that lower blood sugar levels
The selection of recipes using spices for pancreatitis, dosage should be done with extreme caution - a large amount of turmeric consumed can lead to severe irritation of the mucous membrane.

For pancreatitis, the limit on daily consumption of yellow ginger is 1 gram. This is about a third of a teaspoon.

Is it possible or not to use turmeric for pancreatitis?

The use of spices for pancreatic pathology directly depends on the stage of the disease.

In acute form

In acute pancreatitis, the use of turmeric is strictly prohibited. It will cause additional irritation of the mucous membranes and increase the load on the pancreas. The spice activates the production of enzymes and secretions. This will lead to the destruction of the organ parenchyma.

In the chronic stage

For the treatment of pancreatitis in the chronic stage, the use of turmeric is effective and approved. The spice fights fermentation processes, destroys putrefactive bacteria, and relieves symptoms of flatulence.

In the chronic stage, a simple recipe is suitable to relieve the symptoms of pancreatitis: add a third of a teaspoon of spice to a glass of warm water. Take before meals. How to take: small sips throughout the day. It is acceptable to use more water in a recipe if the taste of the solution is unpleasant to the patient.

The recipe can be varied by adding 1 teaspoon of honey to the turmeric and water. Honey is added to the recipe only if there is no allergy to it.

The water should be warm; using boiling water is not recommended. High temperature will destroy all the beneficial substances contained in both turmeric and honey.

During exacerbation

If there is a sudden exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should immediately consult your doctor. During this period, the effect of turmeric on the body can be dangerous and enhance the effect of medications used in therapy. If the supplement is approved for use, the dosage of the drug will need to be adjusted.

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For cholecystopancreatitis

With cholecystopancreatitis, inflammation develops not only in the pancreas, but also in the gallbladder.

The acute stage of the disease prohibits the use of turmeric.

In the chronic course of the disease, the spice is taken in an aqueous solution, as in pancreatitis. The composition includes various medicinal herbs that promote the removal of bile.

For pancreatitis and gastritis

If gastritis is associated with pancreatitis, the use of turmeric is prohibited. The risk of causing severe harm to the damaged gastrointestinal mucosa is too great.

Gastritis and pancreatitis


Elena, 39 years old, Krasnodar

The effectiveness of turmeric for pancreatitis is no longer in doubt. Previously, I was afraid to use spices, but on the advice of my gastroenterologist I started taking turmeric and did not regret it. I feel much better.

Antonina, 25 years old, Moscow

Traditionally, I add turmeric to my food. Doctors diagnosed chronic pancreatitis. This spice does not cause any aggravations. I noticed an improvement after I started using it for medicinal purposes, dissolving it in water. You can also dilute turmeric in slightly warmed kefir.

Andrey, 52 years old, Kaliningrad

I felt positive changes when I started using turmeric. I have been suffering from pancreatitis for several years now. It will not be possible to cure the disease with seasoning alone, but you can try it as part of complex therapy.

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Turmeric is a well-known spice from the ginger family, which has many beneficial properties. Since ancient times, it has been used as a spice to add aroma, taste and color to dishes. But it was not cooks who appreciated the qualities of turmeric most of all, but traditional medicine. It was used to treat various diseases as a powerful medicine.

Elena, 41 years old: I really love turmeric. But since I have been suffering from pancreatitis for five years, I do not use more than one or two grams of spice per day. A drink made from kefir and turmeric helps me improve digestion and normalize intestinal microflora. I add a pinch of turmeric to half a glass of low-fat kefir. I drink at five or six o’clock in the evening, and so on for two weeks, every other day. An effective remedy for eliminating flatulence, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, as well as constipation.

Lisa, 33 years old: To prevent exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, I drink water with the addition of turmeric four times a week. The drink normalizes digestion. It also helps me prevent inflammation of the pancreas due to small errors in diet.

Artem, 35 years old: I often add turmeric to potato and rice dishes. Spice gives dishes a refined taste and makes them healthier. A glass of kefir with a pinch of turmeric helps get rid of rumbling in the stomach, bloating and the feeling of indigestion.

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For me, a glass of milk or kefir with a pinch of turmeric helps improve digestion and get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, bloating.

When I overeat or feel heavy in my stomach, I drink a glass of kefir with turmeric and it becomes much easier.

Marina, 44 years old

I felt the effectiveness of turmeric not so long ago. I used to really love spices and herbs, but 6 months ago, when pancreatitis was discovered, my sister advised me to add turmeric to my food. And then the doctor recommended it. The condition gradually improved.

Vladislav, 48 years old

Previously, I always liked spicy food, but when inflammation of the pancreas developed, the doctor warned that I would have to follow a diet. I had to give up many of my favorite foods.

Friends advised me to cook porridge from millet and add turmeric to it. The porridge looks beautiful, but is tasty and healthy.

Vladimir, 51 years old

After a trip to India, I fell in love with turmeric and now add it to all my dishes. Doctors banned other spices due to cholecystopancreatitis, but this one is okay. I try to use it daily, because not many plants have so many healing effects.

Recipes with turmeric for pancreatitis

Recipes can include medicinal herbs that enhance the spice effect.

Tea with kefir and turmeric

  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of black tea without additives;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spice;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1/3 teaspoon ground ginger.

Tea with kefir and turmeric
Brew tea. Add all the spices, honey. Cool the mixture, add kefir. Drink 100 ml twice a day - morning and evening. The recipe can be broken down into parts by simply taking the spices with tea or kefir. But this composition is optimal, it is worth following the recipe.

Turmeric with milk

  • 100 ml hot water (not boiling water);
  • 1/3 teaspoon turmeric;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Pour water over the spice and let stand for 30 minutes. Add milk and honey. Take 50-100 m in the evening on an empty stomach.

Turmeric milk is a delicious drink with a bright yellow color. Indian healers love it not only for its taste, but also for its ability to strengthen physical and mental health.

Infusion with lingonberries and turmeric

  • 0.5 teaspoons of spice;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry leaves;
  • 2 t. Spoons of bearberry;
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Mix herbs. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 30 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and add turmeric. Take the decoction 100 ml 2 times a day.

Turmeric is a popular spice, the composition of which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes. For pancreatitis, recipes with spices help restore the functionality of the organ and stabilize the process of bile drainage. The acute course of the disease prohibits the use of spices.


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