Can raisins be consumed for pancreatitis?

Diseases of the pancreas are characterized by severe symptoms that significantly worsen the patient’s well-being and quality of life. The nutrition of a person with such diseases should be aimed at saturating the body with all the beneficial substances necessary for the normal functioning of all tissues and organs. Dried fruits for pancreatitis perform this function perfectly, since their composition is very rich in various vitamins and minerals. But before consuming them, you need to consult a doctor to find out which dried fruits are allowed and which are not, and in what form they are allowed for pancreatitis.

Use in the acute phase

The acute phase of pancreatitis is accompanied by inflammation and decomposition of pancreatic tissue.
During this period, special attention must be paid to nutrition. Diet is the main component of the treatment of acute pancreatitis. During the first days, therapeutic fasting is indicated. The excretory function of the gland should be kept to a minimum. In case of acute pancreatitis, raisins should be excluded from the diet. They contain a significant amount of simple carbohydrates (sugar) (60 grams per 100 grams of product). Eating raisins overloads the insulin apparatus of the pancreas. The high fiber content in the product (100 g of raisins contains 15% of the daily intake) can cause diarrhea, increased gas formation, and flatulence.

In case of acute pancreatitis, raisins are not allowed to be consumed, but they can be added as one of the components of the compote.

The drink is prepared from dried fruits: apples, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, pears without added sugar. All ingredients are crushed and poured with boiling water. Before use, the infusion must be strained. This drink will replenish energy and maintain the water-salt balance of a depleted body.

The amount of raisins allowed for consumption during the acute phase of pancreatitis is determined individually.

Raisins for chronic form

It is painful for a person, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract and body temperature. The severe form of the disease is especially dangerous. The duration of treatment is from several weeks to months. Bed rest and a special diet are prescribed, in which high-acid foods are excluded.

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“In acute pancreatitis of the pancreas, grapes should not be eaten.”

It can provoke even greater irritation, as well as an allergic reaction. And fiber will only make the situation worse, causing bloating and gas. It must be remembered that grapes contain a large amount of sugar, which is undesirable during an exacerbation. It is important to follow a therapeutic diet. If the treatment regimen is followed, the syndromes gradually recede.

It is impossible to get rid of this form, but its course is much easier to bear. No special symptoms are observed. In this case, you can eat grapes for pancreatitis without overusing them. It is better to purchase berries from a trusted place and be sure to wash it thoroughly beforehand.

Therefore, if the question arises: can grapes be used for pancreatitis or not, then the answer is individual for all patients. If there are no sharp abdominal pains, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, or a predisposition to diabetes, then a few berries will not hurt. But, if painful sensations arise when consumed, then this product should be excluded from the diet.


Naturally dried prunes are a very healthy dried fruit. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, and metabolic pathologies.

To avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis and deterioration of the patient’s well-being, before adding prunes to various dishes, they should be soaked in hot water and crushed with a blender until mushy. If the patient’s health for a long time (more than six months) is satisfactory, then you can start eating whole berries - no more than 3-5 pieces per day.

Raisins are dried grape berries. If the technology is followed, all microelements and up to 80% of vitamins are preserved. Therefore, the product is recommended for use for digestive problems.

But with exacerbation of pancreatitis, degenerative processes are observed that need to be stopped. Products that provoke enzyme synthesis are excluded from the patient’s diet. The patient should not eat any fatty or high-carbohydrate foods for a long time. And raisins are a sweet food that is high in carbohydrates and provokes the activation of insulin tissue in the pancreas.

In the first days of relapse, it is better to refuse food. When the diet expands to include pureed and liquid dishes, raisins are allowed to be added to compotes. Such a healthy dried fruit should not be ignored. But it is not advisable to eat berries from the drink; you should only consume the strained liquid. Such food with the addition of raisins is a source of energy that helps restore water-salt balance.

Regular raisins cannot be consumed even after soaking. Such food can overload the pancreas. In some patients, it causes intestinal problems in the form of fermentation processes, gas formation, and flatulence. Diarrhea is rarely observed, which is explained by the high fiber content of the berries.

If the patient’s carbohydrate metabolism is fine, then during remission of the disease raisins can be eaten. It is used when cooking rice porridge, in baking, with dairy products, etc.

For chronic pancreatitis, all treatment is aimed at preventing relapses and restoring the patient's health.

Remission phase

During the period of remission, the range of products allowed for consumption expands significantly. Doctors recommend using raisins for preparing any dishes as part of diet No. 5.

Treatment for pancreatitis in remission is aimed at preventing relapses and restoring the body. Raisins have a beneficial effect on the body due to the vitamins and microelements it contains:

  • oleic acid helps strengthen the immune system and protects cells from free radicals;
  • boron promotes normal absorption of calcium, which is the prevention of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis;
  • iodine contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Magnesium and potassium help strengthen the myocardium and have a beneficial effect on heart function.

Consumption of dried grapes helps normalize stool, enrich the body with antioxidants, and also has a tonic effect.

The diet for pancreatitis is based on the principles of moderation and regularity. Preference is given to grated, steamed food. Raisins will harmoniously fit into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis as one of the ingredients when preparing pilaf, porridge, pudding, cottage cheese casserole, jelly, jelly or compotes. It is better to consume dried fruits for pancreatitis in processed form. It is permissible to consume raw raisins as a dessert in small quantities. A handful of delicacies, eaten as an afternoon snack, will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

People with overweight, obesity, and diabetes should not forget that raisins are a high-calorie product (depending on the variety, up to 300 kcal/100 g). The recommended daily intake for pancreatitis in remission is 50 grams. Pancreatitis is an insidious disease. Many factors can provoke an exacerbation. Patients with this diagnosis should not neglect the diet and recommendations of the gastroenterologist.

Author : Belaya Svetlana Gennadievna, especially for the site

Possibility of use

The pancreas is known to control carbohydrate levels and produce insulin. Grapes contain a lot of sugar, so it is important to know whether you should include dried grapes in your diet if you have pancreatitis. Since it contains 8 times more sugar than fresh grapes. The pancreas suffers from excess sweetness. Still, raisins should not be excluded from your menu, but in certain phases of the disease.

In the acute phase

This phase of pancreatitis is characterized by inflammatory and decomposition processes of organ tissue. That is why doctors prescribe a certain diet, with the help of which they treat the acute phase of inflammation of the gland. Therapeutic fasting lasts the first 2–3 days of the acute phase. After this, you are allowed to eat small portions of the prescribed foods.

Raisins can only be used in compotes, combined with other rolled dried fruits (apples, dried apricots, prunes, pears). The compote is filtered before drinking. The drink is useful for maintaining water-salt balance and saturates the body with energy. Sugar should not be added to compote due to problems with insulin production. It is not recommended to eat raisins themselves in their usual form - you can oversaturate the gland with simple carbohydrates. It can cause fermentative dyspepsia, which may result in gas formation, diarrhea, and bloating. The cause of diarrhea during pancreatitis may be the fiber of the berry.

In remission phase

During remission, raisins can be added to the diet only after cooking.
During remission, many foods can be added to the patient's diet. Raisins are allowed to be consumed in prepared dishes that do not go beyond diet number 5. Therapy for pancreatitis in remission is concentrated on eliminating the recurrence of the disease and rehabilitating the body. The impact of raisins on the human condition is positive due to vitamins and microelements:

  • The immune system is strengthened thanks to oleic acid.
  • To prevent osteoporosis and osteochondrosis, calcium is needed, which is normally absorbed thanks to boron.
  • The thyroid gland needs an element such as iodine.
  • The work of the heart and the condition of blood vessels depend on magnesium and potassium.

Dried berries normalize stool, saturate the body with antioxidants, and tone up. Eating food during pancreatitis should be restrained and systematic, food should be grated and steamed. Raisins can be consumed in pilaf, porridges, puddings, cottage cheese casseroles, jelly, compotes only after cooking. For dessert, as an afternoon snack, you are allowed to eat a handful of raw raisins - they will enrich the body with nutritious and beneficial elements.

Patients who are overweight, obese, or diabetic should remember the high calorie content of the treat. It is recommended to consume 50 g of raisins per day during remission. Patients need to adhere to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist and follow a diet, because various factors contribute to the occurrence of pancreatitis.

Raisins for pancreatitis

The pancreas plays a very important role in our body. Its main functions are the production of enzymes necessary for digestive and metabolic processes, and the secretion of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. For various reasons (most often it is junk food and an unhealthy lifestyle), inflammatory processes occur in the pancreas, which subsequently leads to serious problems. Pancreatitis begins to develop - a disease in which the secreted enzymes do not enter the digestive tract, but are retained in the gland itself, beginning to destroy it from the inside and causing general intoxication. The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. During this period, the pancreas is especially vulnerable, and a person needs to be very careful about his food choices.

Raisins for pancreatitis

Raisins are one of the most nutritious and healthy dried fruits. However, if there are disorders of the pancreas, it should be used with great caution. The reason is the high content of carbohydrates - there are about 65 grams per 100 grams of product. When pancreatitis develops, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, so raisins can cause a significant jump in blood sugar. In addition, due to their high fiber content, raisins can cause bloating, flatulence and diarrhea, which further strains the already weakened pancreas.

Raisins for the acute stage of pancreatitis

In acute cases of the disease, a strict diet is prescribed, without which treatment is impossible. For the first 2-3 days, therapeutic fasting is recommended, and then only foods specified by doctors are allowed. Raisins in their pure form are prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease due to overload of the pancreas with a large amount of carbohydrates, as well as to avoid intestinal upset due to the resulting gases.

Dried fruits for pancreatitis

Despite the high nutritional value of dried fruits, people with an inflamed pancreas should not be overly fond of this product. Firstly, most dried fruits contain pectins. They bring only benefits to a healthy person, but with pancreatitis and cholecystitis (especially during an exacerbation), their use is fraught with the development of flatulence and bloating.

Secondly, if you stimulate the production of enzymes during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, self-digestion of the pancreas may begin. This is due to the fact that with pancreatitis, the outflow of fluid from the affected organ is difficult. Unfortunately, dried fruits containing large amounts of carbohydrates can cause such a reaction. Thirdly, due to the content of organic acids in dried fruits, the outflow of bile is stimulated, and this is absolutely unacceptable during an exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

However, patients should not completely give up their favorite treat. A small amount of:

  • Prunes;
  • Apple drying;
  • Dry pears.

You can eat them two to three times a week, not as an independent dish, but as an ingredient in various dietary dishes. For example, you can make a compote from dried apples and pears (without adding granulated sugar, since these fruits themselves have a sweet taste, especially pears), and a few prunes can occasionally be added to porridge or soup. Many dried fruits that are firmly included in the daily diet will have to be abandoned.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, the use of dried melon, barberry, raisins, figs, dates and everyone’s favorite dried apricots is prohibited. The latter can be added to various dishes, but not consumed in its pure form.

According to experts, dried fruits retain all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The appearance cannot be called attractive, since the fruit, previously filled with juice, turns into a wrinkled, flattened something. They are also inferior in taste to fresh fruits.

To create dried fruits you need to know a few things directly:

  • proper harvesting;
  • which fruit can really be dried;
  • How should the correct drying procedure proceed?

Recommendations for taking raisins

For people suffering from pancreatic disease, it is advisable to take raisins (like many other dried fruits) after processing. Only in very small quantities is it allowed to eat it raw - no more than a handful. The time of administration is the first half of the day, when the body especially needs to be saturated with nutrients. Patients with high blood sugar levels are allowed no more than 50 grams of raisins per day during the remission stage of pancreatitis.

Those suffering from pancreatitis should always remember that an exacerbation of this insidious disease can be triggered by a number of factors, including excessive consumption of controversial products.

How to eat raisins for patients with pancreatitis

If a period of stable remission has begun, patients with pancreatitis are allowed to eat about a handful of raisins per day. Berries need to be soaked, as when dry they can become a burden on the pancreas. With raisins they make:

  1. Compote, jelly;
  2. Curd casseroles;
  3. Porridge;
  4. Jelly;
  5. Pilaf;
  6. Fruit sauces;
  7. Jelly;
  8. Cocktails.

Raisins make dishes very tasty.
But this is a carbohydrate-rich product, so sweetening them must be done carefully. You can add dried apricots to compotes and jelly if your doctor does not prohibit it. They will acquire a piquant sourness. Raisins in their original form are also suitable for consumption in the remission stage, but you should eat them carefully and at the first signs of intolerance, abandon raw raisins.

Is it possible to eat raisins if you have pancreatitis?

Raisins are grapes dried in the sun or hot air and a favorite delicacy since childhood. Mostly sweet varieties of berries are used for drying, so the high calorie content of the final product due to the high sugar content requires compliance with the rules for including it in the diet.

The high calorie content of raisins requires compliance with the rules for including them in the diet for pancreatitis.

Benefits and harms

Raisins retain all the vitamins with which grape berries are saturated before drying.

Nutritional value of raisins

C, B1, B2, P, B5, B6, B9, E, H, K, PPvanadium, silicon, molybdenum, rubidium, nickel, aluminum, fluorine, cobalt, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, boron, iodine, zinc, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, chromium

The rich mineral and vitamin composition makes raisins useful for pancreatitis and other diseases. Dried fruit is a natural energy booster, stabilizes the nervous system, and is recommended for people suffering from exhaustion, stress and chronic fatigue. The high content of organic acids, fructose and pectin gives raisins the properties of a mild laxative.

The record potassium content that characterizes dried grapes makes it indispensable for regulating the acid-base balance in the blood and activating the muscular work of the heart. One of the beneficial properties of dried fruit is the ability to eliminate swelling, increase the flow of urine and remove toxins from the body.

But due to the high concentration of sugar, dried fruit is not recommended for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. In some diseases of the digestive tract, dried grapes can provoke an exacerbation.

Is it possible

When eating raisins, patients with pancreatitis must follow the rules of dietary table No. 5 and the recommendations of a gastroenterologist.

Dried grapes contain 8 times more sugar than fresh ones, and the pancreas suffers from excess sweetness.

But you should not completely exclude the product from the diet; the possibility of its use and quantity for each patient must be determined by the doctor.

In acute form

The acute form of the disease requires adherence to a strict diet. After several days of fasting, the patient is given a gentle diet, which is based on ground cereals, purees and drinks.

In case of acute pancreatitis, raisins should not be eaten, as they can cause fermentation and dyspepsia.

With the permission of the doctor, raisins can be included in the patient’s menu, but not in its pure form, but as a component of the dish: compote can be made from pureed dried fruits.

A product rich in fiber and sugar cannot be eaten in the acute phase of inflammation, because it is difficult for insulin metabolism and can also cause fermentation and dyspepsia.

When the laboratory and clinical signs of the acute stage begin to subside, jelly, jellies, mousses and fruit sauces will be allowed to be added to the patient’s menu. Such dishes may also contain grapes (dried and fresh).

In the chronic stage

Various dishes from cereals, meat and fish appear on the patient’s menu. Dried grapes can be used wherever their fruity sweetness is appropriate: in minced meat, porridge, stuffing, and baked goods.

It is also allowed to be consumed raw, but not more than a handful per day.

The only contraindications for consuming raw raisins are obesity and impaired carbohydrate and salt metabolism.


Raisins add flavor and aroma to dishes; there is no need to sweeten them additionally. For culinary processing, you need to choose whole and solid dried fruits, without mold and not too dry. Before adding to a dish, dried berries must be soaked in boiling water.

Before adding to the dish, raisins must be soaked in boiling water.


The product is used to prepare the following drinks:

  • Compote of prunes and raisins. Rinse 100 g of dried fruits and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes. Leave the decoction overnight.
  • Compote of raisins, dried apples, pears, dried apricots. Sort all the ingredients, rinse and pour boiling water. Softened fruits can be chopped. Pour 2 liters of cold clean water and bring to a boil. After 20-30 minutes, remove the drink from the heat. You can add honey for sweetness.


After consultation with the doctor, a patient with pancreatitis in stable remission can include dishes with the addition of raisins in the weekly menu.

  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 100 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

If pancreatitis is in stable remission, you can include curd pudding with raisins in your diet.

Pour boiling water over the raisins to swell. Mix semolina with sour cream and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Then add cottage cheese, grated through a sieve, to the semolina. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar. Mix all ingredients, including raisins. Pour the resulting “dough” into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30-40 minutes.

  • 300 g white rice;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. raisins

Boil the washed rice in salted water until half cooked, then add dried fruits. You can add a few prunes for taste (you must first steam and chop). When the cereal has absorbed all the liquid, the pan can be placed in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. The finished dish is eaten with the addition of butter.

  • 3 apples (yellow or yellow-red fruits);
  • 3 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • 3 tsp. honey

Pour boiling water over raisins to soften. Core the apples. Put a spoonful of honey in each and sprinkle raisins. Place the stuffed fruits in the oven for 30 minutes (you can use a slow cooker for cooking). Cool the finished apples and sprinkle with powdered sugar or ground cinnamon.

What form does the disease take?

Pancreatitis can take an acute or chronic form. If the disease is acute, no dried fruits should be consumed. If the disease is chronic, it is possible. But here, too, there are exceptions: during an attack of pancreatitis or a sharp deterioration in health for another reason, it is strictly forbidden to consume dried fruits.

During the period of remission, dried fruits can be eaten boiled or soaked, but it is better not to risk it and prepare compote from them.

It contains fewer substances beneficial to the body, but the likelihood of harming the pancreas is also lower. Sour berries cannot be included in the menu. This applies to fruits both fresh and dried. The consumption of such berries negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas, which is affected by pancreatitis, so dried cranberries and barberries are not allowed on the menu, despite all their benefits for the body.

Prunes for pancreatitis are best taken in processed form. It belongs to the composition of permitted products, but when adding it to dishes, moderation must be observed. Prunes belong to the category of high-calorie dried fruits and can increase blood sugar, which must be taken into account, because the pancreas affected by the disease is not able to produce insulin normally. Prunes have a whole list of effects on the body:

  • improves the transportation of urine and feces;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases vitality and immunity.

The amount of prunes for pancreatitis per day should not exceed 4-8 pieces. Doctors do not recommend eating the fruit daily. As for prune compote, you should not add sugar to it.

The benefits of prunes

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the development mechanism of which is the malfunction of enzymes, occurring in acute or chronic form.
Most often, the disease develops with excessive alcohol consumption and concomitant cholecystitis. Chronic pancreatitis lasts throughout life, and the patient, as a rule, is registered with a gastroenterologist and maintains a therapeutic diet. Acute pancreatitis flares up sharply and is accompanied by abdominal pain.

While undergoing treatment, the patient must take special medications and vitamin complexes and follow a strict diet. That’s why many people ask the question “can you eat grapes for pancreatitis?”

In this article, we will consider whether eating grapes is beneficial for the pancreas and how it can affect the course of the disease.

Grapes are a berry rich in vitamins and have various healing properties. It is an antioxidant, rich in fiber, contains potassium, iron, and protein. Like any fresh fruit, it helps the digestion process, strengthens the immune system, and is involved in the prevention of cancer and cell aging.

It would seem that grapes cannot be harmful for pancreatic disease, but not everything is so simple. There are a number of contraindications for eating grapes for pancreatic diseases.

The reasons why grapes are not recommended for patients diagnosed with pancreatitis are discussed below:

  1. Grape berries contain a large amount of acids (malic, citric, oxalic, etc.), which harm the functioning of enzymes and cause irritation of the pancreas.
  2. Fiber helps remove substances accumulated in the body, which can provoke increased diarrhea and gas formation, which often affects patients with pancreatitis.
  3. Grapes are a sweet fruit; they are rich in glucose and sugars, which are poorly tolerated in this disease.
  4. Grapes are an allergen.

Consequently, in acute pancreatitis and during exacerbation, grapes can intensify the inflammatory process and provoke severe pain in the stomach, and therefore should be completely excluded.

What about grapes for chronic pancreatitis? During the “lull” of the disease, in the absence of attacks of pain, the patient is still allowed a small dose of these sweet berries (in the absence of insulin deficiency and depending on the specifics of the individual patient’s case).

Grapes should be introduced into the diet a little at a time, monitoring the body’s reaction. Remember that pampering your body in small quantities (not during exacerbations, of course) is even useful. Do not forget to rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating berries - grapes have a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Multi-colored boxes with fruit juices, especially in the summer, attract customers. But, if you have problems with your pancreas, it is better to avoid drinking store-bought drinks, including grape drinks.

It is grape juice that contains a huge amount of acids that irritate the gland.

In addition, store-bought products contain a lot of concentrates, additives, and easily digestible sugars, which cause an insulin surge in the body and can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus due to pancreatitis.

During the remission period of chronic pancreatitis, you can afford diluted, not sweet juice, but only freshly squeezed juice, made at home from ripe berries (or better yet, compote or jelly).

Unfortunately, grape juice is included in the list of juices not recommended for pancreatitis due to its high acidity and saturation with glucose.

But it is recommended to take a special decoction of grape leaves, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system due to the content of plant fiber in these leaves, which:

  • saturates the body; removes toxins;
  • regulates sugar levels in the body;
  • improves the overall digestive process.

However, before taking the infusion, consult your doctor - in case of chronic diseases, contraindications are possible.

What about raisins? Can you eat raisins for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? In the “quiet phase” - you can, but in small quantities as part of other dishes: porridge, cottage cheese, baked goods. In raisins, the concentration of beneficial substances of grapes increases, so they will even be useful. During the period of exacerbation, the patient can consume raisins only as part of dried fruit compote and only in a ground state.

As mentioned above, raisins are a concentrate of grapes, and they contain many times more sugars and acids. And their negative impact on the pancreas is well known. But as part of the compote, raisins will help restore water-salt metabolism and become a good source of energy for a weakened body, protecting it from infections.

Pancreatitis is often accompanied by inflammation of the gallbladder. So is it possible to eat grapes and raisins if you have cholecystitis? During the remission stage, the berry will even be useful due to its ability to remove bile from the body. Sweet fruits, which include grapes, can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and lower blood sugar levels.

Experts recommend including such fruits and berries in salads and other dishes on the menu of a patient with cholecystitis. “Grape therapy” even constitutes a separate branch of medicine called ampelotherapy.

Prunes are dried plums; this product has specific taste qualities. It is added to various dishes, from desserts to meat. This dried fruit is also used to make compotes. It has been proven that:

  • prunes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it is able to gently cleanse the body (relieves constipation);
  • helps normalize metabolism and helps in the fight against hypertension;
  • has antioxidant properties.

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There is an opinion that this dried fruit fights cancer.

So is it possible to eat prunes if you are sick? Experts do not prohibit this product, but eating it is allowed with certain restrictions. It is recommended to eat no more than 10 pieces per day. dried plums, otherwise, if there are more of them, there may be a release of bile and irritation of the pancreatic mucosa.

Dried fruits contain all the beneficial substances found in fresh fruits. The concentration of some vitamins and microelements even increases with the correct drying technique. The composition of dried fruits is extremely rich in useful compounds:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, K, PP, H, all representatives of group B;
  • microelements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and many others - depending on the type of dried fruit;
  • simple sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose);
  • complex carbohydrates (vegetable fiber);
  • anthocyanins and other antioxidants.

So is it possible to eat prunes if you are sick? Experts do not prohibit this product, but eating it is allowed with certain restrictions. It is recommended to eat no more than 10 pieces per day. dried plums, otherwise, if there are more of them, there may be a release of bile and irritation of the pancreatic mucosa.

Dried fruits are an excellent alternative to fresh fruits. Taking them allows you to recover faster after following a strict diet, which should be strictly followed after the acute stage of pancreatitis.

Their benefits are associated with the prevention of flatulence. With pancreatitis, gases can torment the patient for a long time, causing discomfort in the abdomen. They also have a mild laxative effect. Therefore, they can be eaten to relieve constipation.

Particular attention should be paid to prunes, apples and pears. They can be eaten raw, after having been treated with boiling water.

Controversial products

Official and traditional medicine have a twofold attitude towards dried apricots and raisins.

Some doctors and healers recommend adding dried fruits to your diet, others do not. This is due to the fact that eating raisins and dried apricots can turn into a disaster for a pancreas weakened by disease. However, the listed products also contain substances necessary for a weakened body. For this disease, dried apricots are used in pureed form; compotes and infusions without added sugar are prepared from it. It is not forbidden to add dried apricots in limited quantities to casseroles and porridges, which form the basis of the diet of people suffering from pancreatitis. Dried fruit will improve the functioning of the heart, prevent the formation of blood clots, and help eliminate toxins.

Prunes - the benefits and harms of fresh and dried

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Dried fruits: benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

Prunes - the benefits and harms of fresh and dried

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Dried fruits: benefits and harms. Dried fruits compote

Raisins have no less beneficial properties. If the patient’s condition is stable, it is allowed to add it in small quantities to dishes - no more than a handful. The product is able to support the functioning of the heart, thyroid gland, and immune system. The best option is to select a strictly individual portion of dried fruit containing a large amount of glucose.

Features of the selection and use of dried fruits

To avoid exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and resumption of severe symptoms (girdling abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea), you should, while following a therapeutic diet, choose the right dried fruits in a store or market.

Rules for choosing a quality, useful product:

  1. Dried fruits must be clean.
  2. The surface of high-quality dry fruits is matte, without sugar grains.
  3. They are elastic to the touch, not too hard (fruit crackers lose many useful substances).
  4. There should be no signs of rot, mold, or other harmful inclusions.

It is best to eat dried fruits grown in your own garden without the use of fertilizers or phytoncides. This is the only way to be completely confident in the quality and usefulness of the product. You can also dry fruits and berries at home yourself using a special dryer or oven.

The most optimal ways to consume dried fruits are preparing compotes, decoctions, infusions from them, adding steamed, crushed dried fruits and berries to porridges, cottage cheese, casseroles, yoghurts. You can make a hearty, delicious dessert using dried fruits, walnuts, and a small amount of honey. Dishes with dried fruits cannot be eaten on an empty stomach due to the presence of acids and essential oils.

Raisins for pancreatitis

The pancreas plays a very important role in our body. Its main functions are the production of enzymes necessary for digestive and metabolic processes, and the secretion of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. For various reasons (most often it is junk food and an unhealthy lifestyle), inflammatory processes occur in the pancreas, which subsequently leads to serious problems. Pancreatitis begins to develop - a disease in which the secreted enzymes do not enter the digestive tract, but are retained in the gland itself, beginning to destroy it from the inside and causing general intoxication. The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. During this period, the pancreas is especially vulnerable, and a person needs to be very careful about his food choices.

Raisins for pancreatitis

Raisins are one of the most nutritious and healthy dried fruits. However, if there are disorders of the pancreas, it should be used with great caution. The reason is the high content of carbohydrates - there are about 65 grams per 100 grams of product. When pancreatitis develops, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, so raisins can cause a significant jump in blood sugar. In addition, due to their high fiber content, raisins can cause bloating, flatulence and diarrhea, which further strains the already weakened pancreas.

Raisins for the acute stage of pancreatitis

In acute cases of the disease, a strict diet is prescribed, without which treatment is impossible. For the first 2-3 days, therapeutic fasting is recommended, and then only foods specified by doctors are allowed. Raisins in their pure form are prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease due to overload of the pancreas with a large amount of carbohydrates, as well as to avoid intestinal upset due to the resulting gases.

If necessary, at this time you can consume raisins in the form of a compote mixture. In this case, all components of the compote must be crushed or rubbed through a sieve, then pour boiling water over it, and strain before use. Do not add sugar. This drink can replenish strength and support a weakened body.

Raisin in remission

By reducing the symptoms of inflammation, the range of uses for raisins, like other products, expands significantly. It can be added to pilaf, porridge, permitted fish and meat dishes, dairy products, and baked goods. This will not only improve the taste of the prepared dishes, but will also help the body recover after illness.

Thanks to the vitamins, microelements, organic acids and other useful components that make up raisins, its consumption will strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of osteoporosis, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system, normalize stools and have a tonic effect.

What dried fruits are consumed for pancreatitis, and which ones should be treated with caution?

Many patients with inflammation of the pancreas are interested in what dried fruits can be eaten for pancreatitis? And this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, since the diet of patients with a similar diagnosis is very meager, but at least sometimes you want something tastier.

You need to take dried fruits with pancreatitis with extreme caution, since each person has their own individual characteristics of the body, when one person tolerates the product well, while another has an allergic reaction or complete intolerance to the product from this product.

Apples and pears

It is apples and pears that are considered the safest for patients with pancreatitis. These fruits in dry states are perfectly tolerated by the body. The only thing to keep in mind is that they may be treated with pesticides.

Experts recommend that patients with pancreatic inflammation make their own dried apples and pears. It is better if it is a harvest from your own garden, where the trees were not treated with harmful chemicals.

If this is not possible, then you can buy apples and pears and dry them yourself, but then you will have to do several simple operations. First, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and even left in water for a while in order to free them a little from harmful components that they may have received during ripening and treatment for pests.

The second method to get rid of poisons is to soak in kefir. Fermented milk products neutralize most toxic chemicals. After processing, you can be sure that drying fruit will not do more harm than good.


Prunes are taken with extreme caution. This product is considered very difficult on the stomach. Prunes for pancreatitis are consumed exclusively dried, but in no case smoked. It can be added to compote in the proportion of several fruits per 3–4 liters of drink.

Prunes are also added to steamed casseroles, but to do this, the berries need to be crushed into crumbs and only then baked.

Prunes help fight intoxication that the body is exposed to during inflammation of the pancreas. It is used for preventive purposes against heart and liver diseases.

Dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for inflammation of the pancreas are very doubtful. This is due to the fact that dried apricots contain a lot of sugar. Dried apricots for pancreatitis can cause disturbances in the production of the hormone insulin, which helps the body control the patient’s blood sugar levels.

Also, dried apricots are very difficult for the body to poison; it requires a lot of enzymes, which can easily provoke another attack of the disease.

Take dried apricots as food only after consulting your doctor. If the examination shows that there is no threat to the production of insulin, then dried apricots are allowed to be eaten in very moderate quantities. They, like prunes, need to be crushed into porridge and only then added to dishes or compotes.

Can you eat raisins for pancreatitis? Raisins are to a greater extent one of those foods that should not be taken in case of inflammatory processes of the pancreas. It is poorly digested and puts a strain on the digestive tract.

But with persistent remission, experts allow a small amount of these dried grapes to be added to your diet. You are allowed to consume no more than a handful of raisins per day, and they must be washed well and filled with boiling water. It is soft raisins that will load the pancreas a little less, and the digestive system will receive some relief.

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Raisins are considered a good antioxidant, so if the body accepts them well, then there will be benefits from them. Also, with the help of raisins, defecation is improved, which often has severe deviations in pancreatitis.

Many patients with inflammation of the pancreas are interested in what dried fruits can be eaten for pancreatitis? And this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, since the diet of patients with a similar diagnosis is very meager, but at least sometimes you want something tastier.

Apples and pears

It is apples and pears that are considered the safest for patients with pancreatitis. These fruits in dry states are perfectly tolerated by the body. The only thing to keep in mind is that they may be treated with pesticides.

Experts recommend that patients with pancreatic inflammation make their own dried apples and pears. It is better if it is a harvest from your own garden, where the trees were not treated with harmful chemicals.

If this is not possible, then you can buy apples and pears and dry them yourself, but then you will have to do several simple operations. First, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and even left in water for a while in order to free them a little from harmful components that they may have received during ripening and treatment for pests.

The second method to get rid of poisons is to soak in kefir. Fermented milk products neutralize most toxic chemicals. After processing, you can be sure that drying fruit will not do more harm than good.

Prunes are taken with extreme caution. This product is considered very difficult on the stomach. Prunes for pancreatitis are consumed exclusively dried, but in no case smoked. It can be added to compote in the proportion of several fruits per 3–4 liters of drink.

Prunes are also added to steamed casseroles, but to do this, the berries need to be crushed into crumbs and only then baked.

Prunes help fight intoxication that the body is exposed to during inflammation of the pancreas. It is used for preventive purposes against heart and liver diseases.

Dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for inflammation of the pancreas are very doubtful. This is due to the fact that dried apricots contain a lot of sugar. Dried apricots for pancreatitis can cause disturbances in the production of the hormone insulin, which helps the body control the patient’s blood sugar levels.

Also, dried apricots are very difficult for the body to poison; it requires a lot of enzymes, which can easily provoke another attack of the disease.

Take dried apricots as food only after consulting your doctor. If the examination shows that there is no threat to the production of insulin, then dried apricots are allowed to be eaten in very moderate quantities. They, like prunes, need to be crushed into porridge and only then added to dishes or compotes.

But with persistent remission, experts allow a small amount of these dried grapes to be added to your diet. You are allowed to consume no more than a handful of raisins per day, and they must be washed well and filled with boiling water. It is soft raisins that will load the pancreas a little less, and the digestive system will receive some relief.

Raisins are considered a good antioxidant, so if the body accepts them well, then there will be benefits from them. Also, with the help of raisins, defecation is improved, which often has severe deviations in pancreatitis.

Dried fruits or berries have different effects on the body during inflammation of the gland. Those that contain a lot of sugar, coarse plant fibers and organic acids are undesirable for food in case of pathologies of the digestive tract. Others, due to their more beneficial composition, will bring many benefits to the damaged pancreas and the entire body.


Prunes for pancreatitis can be consumed at any stage of the disease. When the inflammatory process worsens after intense pain subsides and diarrhea gets rid of, doctors allow adding it in small quantities when cooking compotes, preparing decoctions, and infusions of prunes.

After achieving stable remission, the treatment menu can be diversified with steamed casseroles of cottage cheese and prunes.

What about raisins? Can you eat raisins for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? In the “quiet phase” - you can, but in small quantities as part of other dishes: porridge, cottage cheese, baked goods. In raisins, the concentration of beneficial substances of grapes increases, so they will even be useful. During the period of exacerbation, the patient can consume raisins only as part of dried fruit compote and only in a ground state.

Apples and pears

If this is not possible, then you can buy apples and pears and dry them yourself, but then you will have to do several simple operations. First, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and even left in water for a while in order to free them a little from harmful components that they may have received during ripening and treatment for pests.

Dried apricots

Recommendations for taking raisins

For people suffering from pancreatic disease, it is advisable to take raisins (like many other dried fruits) after processing. Only in very small quantities is it allowed to eat it raw - no more than a handful. The time of administration is the first half of the day, when the body especially needs to be saturated with nutrients. Patients with high blood sugar levels are allowed no more than 50 grams of raisins per day during the remission stage of pancreatitis.

Those suffering from pancreatitis should always remember that an exacerbation of this insidious disease can be triggered by a number of factors, including excessive consumption of controversial products.

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