What drugs and antibiotics are taken together for dysbiosis?

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Antibiotic therapy is an effective way to eliminate infectious pathologies if the drug is selected in accordance with the results of bacteriological culture and laboratory diagnostics. But experienced doctors always suggest how to protect the stomach when taking antibiotics by prescribing additional drugs.

  • 1 How to protect your stomach?
  • 2 Effect of antibiotics on the stomach
  • 3 Protection algorithm
  • 4 Rules for taking medications
  • 5 Injections or tablets
  • 6 Probiotics
  • 7 Prebiotics
  • 8 Recovery after antibiotics
  • 9 Useful video
  • 10 Diet correction
  • 11 Traditional methods
  • 12 Prevention and useful tips

How to protect your stomach?

Antibiotics are universal means of combating infection and preventing the processes that accompany an infectious disease. But, despite the versatility of such drugs, they require use in combination with other medications, since they have a negative effect on the digestive tract.

The use of antibiotics without auxiliary therapy is fraught with serious disorders of the digestive system. Side effects such as pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence are noted. To protect against negative effects, a whole range of methods is used: medicinal protection, traditional methods and diet correction.

Names of drugs and their effects

Treatment of dysbiosis from antibiotics can be done using the following medications:

  1. Acipol - Restores microflora in the intestines, helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis Indications for use: long-term therapy using antibacterial drugs. Intestinal infections, prolonged diarrhea, chronic colitis, as well as other diseases of infectious origin.
  2. Linex - Linex is directly related to the treatment of digestive system disorders. The drug contains live bacteria that are already present in the body of an adult and a child. One capsule helps replenish the imbalance, but taking the medication is long-term, since the beneficial bacteria die under the influence of antibiotics. Indications for use: dysbacteriosis of various etiologies.
  3. Arthromax is a herbal preparation. Has a complex effect. Helps create a favorable environment in the stomach and intestines for the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Good results in the treatment process can be achieved only with complex therapy. Indications for use: dysbacteriosis, pyelonephritis, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Bifidumbacterin - One of the best antagonists, the optimal features of the product - helps not only restore the intestinal microflora, but also stimulates the activity of the immune system. When taking Bifidumbacterin, you should pay attention to the fact that the drug has practically no contraindications. It is difficult to find a more effective remedy in the fight against gastrointestinal disorders. Subject to comparison of 2 parameters: price - quality. Indications: dysbacteriosis, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders.
  5. Smecta - Treating dysbacteriosis with Smecta alone is quite difficult. Since the drug is considered an absorbent, it only absorbs toxins and neutralizes their effect. It does not eliminate intestinal microflora imbalance, since it does not contain beneficial microorganisms (bifidum and lactobacilli). For adults, the drug can be prescribed for poisoning, intoxication, etc. Smecta is also given to children for colic.
  6. Hilak forte - You need to take the product drop by drop, diluting it with a small amount of water. It is better to drink Hilak forte before or after meals. With proper treatment, the symptoms of the disease go away quite quickly. The drug helps create a favorable environment in the stomach and intestines for the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Indications: stomach pain, intestinal microflora disorders, infectious diseases, colitis of various etiologies.

What inexpensive remedies can be taken for dysbiosis:

  • Lactobacterin: cost 100-120 rubles. You need to dilute the powder with water and drink it after eating; the symptoms of the disease will go away within 7–10 days from the start of therapy.
  • Biovestin: price 70 rub. Available in concentrate form. The concentrate is drunk according to a certain scheme. Contains bifidobacteria.
  • Biovestin-lacto: cost-80 rub. Before taking the concentrate, you should read the instructions. Being a probiotic, the extract contains live bacteria, for this reason it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Important: It is better to start treating digestive disorders not when the first signs of dysbiosis appear, but from the start of taking antibiotics.

Effect of antibiotics on the stomach

Antibacterial therapy has a rather complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Microflora is constantly present in the intestines and performs a number of functions. It is represented by hundreds of varieties of microbes: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, saprophytes, facultative and transient bacteria.

Their function is to process unprocessed food particles, produce some amino acids and vitamin compounds, and produce lysozyme. The latter substance prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, therefore infections that penetrate the digestive tract quickly die in a healthy body. Bacteria also take part in the body's immune defense by interacting with the lymphoid cells lining the intestinal mucosa.

Antibiotic therapy, in turn, destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also the body’s own microflora. Thus, the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract lose their natural protection, immunity decreases and dyspepsia develops. In this case, pathogenic bacteria during weakening of the immune system can infect the mucous membranes.

Medicines to be taken with antibiotics


Probiotics are products that contain lyophilized (dried using a special technology) strains of living bacteria that make up the normal intestinal microflora.
They are activated in the digestive tract and take root in the colon. Probiotics are non-toxic, well tolerated by patients of any age and do not cause adverse reactions. Be sure to read: What are synbiotics, their benefits and list of drugs Main effects:

  • competition with pathogenic microorganisms for nutrients and receptors of the intestinal wall;
  • induction of synthesis of interferon and immunoglobulins;
  • formation of enzymes involved in digestion;
  • release of substances that inhibit pathogenic microflora;
  • participation in the synthesis of vitamins, organic acids;
  • strengthening intestinal barrier function;
  • normalization of peristalsis (motor activity) of the colon.

Under the influence of probiotics, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora is restored. The drugs are available in tablets, capsules, and sachets.

Classification and preparations of probiotics

  • Monocomponent - preparations based on one type of bacteria. Bifidumbacterin (bifidobacteria), Lactobacterin (lactobacteria), Gastrofarm (lactobacteria), Colibacterin (Escherichia coli), Baktisubtil (Bacillus cereus).
  • Multicomponent - contain several types of microorganisms. Bifikol (bifidobacteria and E. coli), Bifiform (enterococci and bifidobacteria), Linex (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococcus), Acylact (three types of lactobacilli).
  • Combined - contain bacteria and other components to restore microflora. Acipol (lactobacteria and kefir grain polysaccharide), Bifiliz (complex of bifidobacteria and lysozyme).
  • Sorbed – contains bacteria adsorbed on any substrate. Bifidumbacterin forte (bifidobacteria on activated carbon).

Modern probiotics do not interact with other drugs, so they are allowed to be used simultaneously with antibiotics. If there is a high risk of dysbacteriosis, start prophylaxis without waiting for the end of the course of antibacterial therapy, and take the drug for at least a month.


Prebiotics are food ingredients that are not broken down in the digestive tract and create conditions for the growth and activation of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. Prebiotics serve as substrate and food only for representatives of normal microflora. Pathogenic bacteria cannot use them.

Prebiotic substances:

  • Inulin – found in the roots of dandelions and artichokes; stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, participates in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Lactulose is a synthetic drug that is used in pediatrics to enhance the growth of lactobacilli in young children.
  • Galacto-oligosaccharides are part of mother's milk and activate bifidobacteria.
  • Dietary fiber – found in vegetables and fruits, stimulates intestinal motility.

Prebiotics are found in legumes, asparagus, onions, bananas, and corn flakes. Baby food manufacturers add them to their products.

The most popular dietary supplements:

  • Eubicor – the product contains wine yeast and wheat bran;
  • Lactofiltrum is a preparation based on lactulose and lignin;
  • Lactusan DUO – contains inulin and lactulose.

Be sure to read:

How to treat diarrhea after antibiotics in adults: first aid and further therapy

The duration of taking prebiotics is 2-3 months.


Symbiotics are dietary supplements that contain a combination of prebiotic and probiotic.

  • Maltidophilus - consists of maltodextrin, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • Laminolact - contains enterococci, seaweed, pectins;
  • Bifidobacterium – contains strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, oligosaccharides isolated from Jerusalem artichoke.

Protection algorithm

To protect the stomach from antibiotics and extract only beneficial qualities from this therapy, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • take in parallel means that protect the natural microflora;
  • strictly follow the instructions for using antibiotics;
  • maintain a proper diet;
  • do not take medications on an empty stomach;
  • do not take the tablets with anything other than clean, non-carbonated water;
  • combine treatment with any medications with vitamins and minerals.

Whenever possible, it is recommended to use an injectable form of antibiotics to minimize damage to the digestive tract. Additionally, herbal teas, pharmaceutical yoghurts and other products are prescribed to help the natural microflora multiply and colonize the intestines.

How to take probiotics when taking antibiotics

The main component of the treatment and prevention of both mild and severe forms of dysbiosis is therapy with probiotic drugs.

Probiotics are live microorganisms or substances that normalize the composition and functioning of the microbiota in the body.

Probiotics vary:

  • number of strains (species) of bacteria;
  • total number of viable microorganisms ─ CFU;
  • “survival” in the gastrointestinal tract and under antibiotic therapy (antibiotic-resistant strains);
  • efficiency;
  • security;
  • shelf life.

It is worth giving preference to multi-strain and multi-species drugs (synbiotics, symbiotics), since probiotics containing several types of bacteria are more effective.

The course of treatment should continue for another 10-14 days after the end of antibacterial therapy. Probiotic preparations are taken after a course of antibiotics, even in the absence of clinical manifestations of dysbiosis.

This is due to the fact that the bacterial ecosystem in the intestine is in an unstable state for several weeks after the end of antibiotic therapy.

The interval between taking probiotic and antibacterial agents should be at least 2-3 hours.

Exceeding daily doses is strictly not recommended due to the risk of side effects: fever, arthritis, hepatitis, autoimmune disorders, etc.

The instructions for use and storage conditions must be strictly followed. It is recommended to choose products from well-known brands to be sure that the drug corresponds to the declared composition.

Rules for taking medications

Antibiotics should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. It happens that patients take antibiotics on an outpatient basis without prior consultation, since a certain drug has already helped them cope with the disease. But even an experienced doctor without laboratory diagnostics will not be able to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. In addition, with a weakened immune system, one infection can displace another, and taking antibiotics that helped before will not be advisable.

If you choose the tablet form, you must take the medications strictly according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor. Drink only water. If antibiotics are prescribed in injection form, a medical professional must administer the injections, observing aseptic conditions.

When to use antibiotics

The inappropriate and frequent use of antibiotics worries the medical and scientific communities. Experts recommend using antibiotics only in the following cases:

  • Diseases that are difficult to cure without the use of antibiotics;
  • Diseases with a high risk of transmission to other people;
  • Diseases for which the treatment period without the use of antibiotics is too long;
  • Diseases with a risk of serious complications.

People at high risk, such as those with chronic illnesses, are sometimes prescribed antibiotics as a preventive measure.

The action of antibiotics is aimed only at bacteria; they are powerless against viruses.

Therefore, to prescribe an antibiotic, you need to make sure that the source of infection is a bacteria and not a virus. Only a doctor can distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one.

How our microbes make us who we are

Some scientists believe that intestinal bacteria help the virus spread more actively in the body. Therefore, one way to fight infection when the immune system is weakened is to reduce bacterial diversity. In this regard, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed for viral diseases, for example, for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

With viral diseases, immunity is weakened, and the body becomes more vulnerable to pathogens and the development of bacterial infections, which can complicate treatment, especially if the disease is severe.

Previously, scientists believed that the lungs were sterile. However, in 2021, there was a suggestion that this is not the case, and the lungs are directly related to the intestinal microbiota. Therefore, gut bacteria, including good ones, may play a role in treating lung disease. Antibiotics deprive her of this opportunity by destroying bacteria.

How medications affect the composition of gut bacteria

Antibacterial drugs can save lives. When the patient truly needs them, their benefits outweigh the potential risks. But if they are used for other purposes, they will not only not help, but will also harm the body.

In 2011, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research conducted a survey. The results showed that 46% of Russians consider antibiotics to be as effective against viruses as against bacteria.

Antibiotics should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly assess the potential benefits and risks of taking them.


For the stomach, it is recommended to take probiotics along with antibiotics. These are bacteria beneficial to the body, producing lactic acids, suppressing the growth of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, synthesizing antibodies to some viruses and performing the same role as beneficial intestinal microflora.

List of popular probiotics:

  • Acylact;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Linex;
  • Hilak;
  • Bifiform;
  • Acipol;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

Modern probiotics combine up to four strains of beneficial bacteria. Medicines containing only one strain are represented by dietary supplements: Colibacterin, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin. Often, multicomponent preparations combine strains of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococcus faecium.

The second generation of probiotics contains not only strains, but also the simplest types of fungi. They are not contained in normal microflora, but have an inhibitory effect on existing pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Enterol;
  • Sporobacterin;
  • Bactisuptil.

The third generation of these drugs are combination products containing an increased number of individual cultures:

  • Acylact;
  • Linex Forte;
  • Linex Immuno.

The fourth generation of drugs contains activated carbon or silicon dioxide as a sorbent:

  • Florin;
  • Probiform;
  • Probilak.

Which of the stomach tablets when taking antibiotics will be required in an individual case must be decided by the doctor prescribing the therapy. Probiotics are prescribed two to three doses per day, half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is up to 4 weeks. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed reduced dosages.

List of probiotics

Drugs that restore the intestines after antibiotics represent a fairly large group of drugs. Below is a list of the most effective probiotics, according to reviews from doctors and patients:

  • Linux.

Perhaps the most popular medicine from the category of multicomponent probiotics. Almost everyone hears it thanks to mass television advertising. Linex capsules contain bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and strains of enterococci. It is prescribed to both adults and children, as the drug is safe and has no contraindications. Linex is not prescribed only for the treatment of patients suffering from lactose intolerance.

  • Acipol.

Prescribed to eliminate manifestations of dysbiosis and digestive disorders of various etiologies, including when taking antibiotics to restore intestinal microflora. The drug is available in the form of capsules that are resistant to stomach acid. The capsules contain acidophilic lactobacilli and strains of kefir fungus, which acts as a prebiotic. When colonized in the intestines, beneficial bacteria eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, indigestion, intestinal infections and food allergies.

  • Hilak and Hilak-forte.

The drug is prescribed to restore microbiocenosis when antibiotics are prescribed to treat the intestines or other infectious diseases. The medicine is available in the form of drops and eliminates various disorders of the digestive tract (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, nausea and others). The probiotic can be pre-diluted with tea, orange juice or water, but cannot be combined with milk and dairy products.

  • Enterol.

As an active component, it contains lyophilized cells that inhibit pathogenic microorganisms and eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea. The medicine can be taken even by the youngest patients from the moment of birth.

Probiotics are available in different dosage forms. These may be capsules, tablets, powders, drops or syrups. The doctor selects the optimal form of the drug to take individually, taking into account the patient’s condition and age. In addition, each popular drug has a lot of analogues. For example, instead of Linex, a doctor may prescribe:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Laktomun;
  • Biolact;
  • Biosporin;
  • Bificol;
  • Lactiale;
  • Normobakt.

Atsipol also has a number of analogues:

  • Latium;
  • Primadophilus;
  • Acidolact;
  • Narine;
  • Subalin forte;
  • Acylact;
  • Good luck.

The choice of such a seemingly harmless drug as a probiotic must be agreed with your doctor. Only a specialist can tell you the best option for the drug needed when taking a particular antibiotic.


Prebiotics are nutrients fermented by lactobacteria and bifidobacteria. They ensure the vital activity of these bacilli and stimulate their reproduction. Prebiotics include:

  • Duphalac;
  • Ambien;
  • Pamba;
  • Hilak-Forte.

If the drug is used incorrectly, they can cause a number of adverse reactions, stomach upset and electrolyte imbalance. The choice of prebiotic should also be made only by a doctor. The drug should be taken in the concentrations specified by the doctor three to four times a day.

Recovery after antibiotics

If antibiotics have already led to the development of dysbiosis and weakened immunity, the use of the following methods and drugs is recommended:

  • Creon , Mezim - enzymes to improve digestion;
  • Essentiale , Karsil - to improve absorption function;
  • Loperamide , Trimebutin - to restore microflora;
  • Smecta , Enterosgel - for removing toxins and pathogenic microflora from the body;
  • Vitamin complexes for general strengthening of the body.

In case of severe diarrhea and exhaustion, you should urgently seek help from a gastroenterologist to prevent the development of severe gastrointestinal diseases.

Stomach recovery after therapy

To minimize stomach problems after inflammation, you must adhere to the rules of intake and proper nutrition during therapy. But if stomach pain still occurs, recovery procedures are recommended. If you have a disease that needs to be treated with antibacterial agents, you need to think in advance about how not to harm yourself; you definitely need protection. After the course of treatment, you need to restore the body so that a number of other diseases do not arise against this background.

To recover after taking medications, it is recommended to take biological products that affect microflora, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, adaptogens and diet. Stomach pain is a serious problem, which is primarily treated with diet.

Along with the diet, special therapy is carried out to improve the functioning of the digestive system. This requires lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Sometimes bacteriophages or an immunomodulator that affects pathogenic microorganisms are used. If your stomach hurts after antibiotics, a set of procedures is necessary to normalize the condition.

Elimination of dysbacteriosis

In case of dysbacteriosis, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Therapy consists of populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria. When using medications, you should strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and instructions for use. It is important to remember the course of therapy and dosage, especially when treating children. Sometimes probiotics need to be taken not only orally. They are prescribed in the form of gargling, nasal drops or rectally.

Recovery diet

The duration of the diet is more than 3 months. To normalize the flora of the body, yeast bread, sugar and pastries are excluded from the diet. The amount of milk and potatoes should be greatly limited. Sour milk, garlic, cottage cheese, and raw vegetables are welcome, as they contain beneficial bacteria.

Diet correction

To restore the gastrointestinal tract, not only tablets are recommended when taking antibiotics, but also correction of your own diet. Pathogenic microflora often feed on carbohydrate foods, so bread, pasta, sweets, confectionery, bananas and other carbohydrate foods should be excluded from the diet.

To maintain microflora, it is recommended to consume yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products. Ideally, it should be prepared at home - you can buy starter cultures in pharmacies. If this is not possible, you should choose the product that has the shortest shelf life when unopened. Natural yogurt cannot stay fresh for a month.

Drugs for dysbiosis: classification

What to drink at the first signs of intestinal upset? You can use several drugs that will help not only reduce the toxicity of drug therapy, but also restore the microflora in the intestines.

Taken with antibiotics for dysbiosis:

  1. Absorbents.
  2. Prebiotics.
  3. Probiotics.
  4. Vitamins.

Signs of intoxication may be added to the symptoms of dysbacteriosis. Absorbents will help get rid of them. They can be taken along with antibiotics. Absorbents have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adults can take absorbents from the moment treatment begins. They absorb toxins and harmful substances, helping the body cope with the harmful effects of medications. They have a good effect when carrying out complex therapy.

Sorbents only absorb harmful substances and stop diarrhea, but they are able to restore beneficial microflora in the stomach and intestines.

Prebiotics are often used along with antibiotics to prevent dysbiosis. These are drugs that create a beneficial environment in the stomach and intestines for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms.

Products in this class contain microelements and dietary fiber, amino acids and fiber. Treatment with such drugs stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms, due to which digestive problems go away.

In the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults, prebiotics are quite effective. They do not contain befidobacteria and lactobacilli, but they help restore the natural intestinal microflora.

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with a product that contains beneficial microorganisms. Similar drugs are also taken for dysbiosis when taking antibiotics. Together with absorbents or prebiotics, such drugs are quite effective. To restore intestinal microflora in adults and children, probiotics are most often prescribed.

Note: Drugs of this class cannot completely neutralize the effect of antibiotics. But they will significantly improve the condition of the digestive organs.

When drinking vitamins, you should not expect changes in the intestines. This treatment is aimed at strengthening the body. Stabilization of the immune system. The rules for taking vitamin complexes are indicated on the packaging. There is no particular difference which drug will be preferred.

It is desirable that the complex include vitamins: E, C, A and group B. Such products are prescribed to adults and children. To strengthen the body and as a preventive treatment. During the period of exacerbation of viral and colds.

Determining the degree of effectiveness of drugs is best left “to the shoulders” of the doctor. Let the doctor treat the disease.

Prevention and useful tips

Intestinal microflora is an important part of the body's entire immune system. To maintain it, you should maintain a balance in your diet - do not overindulge in fatty, spicy, or too hot foods. The use of natural fermented milk products will stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Additionally, vitamin complexes can be prescribed to prevent dysbiosis, improving the body's immune response. Liquid food should be present in the diet every day; food rich in fiber will be beneficial for intestinal function.

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