How to use folk remedies for inflammation of the pancreas?

Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas is a disease with a centuries-old history of existence. Even 200 years ago, healers and healers treated this ailment with tinctures of herbs and leaves, decoctions of berries and roots. Folk remedies for treating inflammation of the pancreas are no less popular these days. They are effective in the remission phase of chronic inflammation, including persistent remission, as a prevention of relapse. This article will discuss the most effective traditional methods of treating pancreatitis.

How to cure pancreatitis with folk remedies

Medicines are not cheap, which is why many patients neglect to take medications or consider this treatment to be ineffective. In this situation, it is important to remember that traditional medicine is an auxiliary method of treating any disease, including inflammation of the pancreas.

Important! Folk remedies are used only as an auxiliary method of treating pancreatitis. Recovery and the success of therapy mainly depends on adherence to diet and the principles of proper nutrition, and timely intake of medications prescribed by a doctor. Traditional methods alleviate the course of the disease, reduce symptoms, and improve the general condition of the body and pancreas.

Eliminate the real causes of pancreatitis

Any disease has its own cause and pancreatitis is no exception. You can treat it as much as you like, but without eliminating the cause, there will be no great result.

The reasons lie in errors in nutrition, eating behavior and regime, and the functioning of the nervous system. By changing some of your habits to healthier ones, you can significantly improve the condition of the pancreas and other organs. You can write about this for a very long time, which is what I did in the book “Goodbye, Diseases.”

It is not possible to cure pancreatitis with folk remedies; if symptoms of the disease are detected, you should contact a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, this is fraught not only with digestive disorders and diabetes: the consequences of acute pancreatitis can be extremely dangerous.

The most effective methods of treatment with folk remedies

If we talk about the most effective folk methods of treating pancreatitis, then, as a rule, we are talking about herbs. Alcohol tinctures, infusions, decoctions, and teas are prepared from them. Their action is aimed mainly at improving microcirculation in the pancreas, tissue restoration and activation of cell proliferation.

Important! Traditional methods are used exclusively in the subsiding phase of the acute process. In case of exacerbation, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital. Taking decoctions, infusions and teas of any herbs is strictly prohibited.


One of the most popular herbs for the treatment of pancreatitis is sandy immortelle. An infusion is prepared from it: 1-2 tablespoons of immortelle are poured into 500 ml of hot water. Leave for 2-3 hours and filter. Drink the infusion chilled, one glass every morning on an empty stomach for three weeks.

This infusion can be prepared from a mixture of immortelle flowers with chamomile flowers or dill seeds. A single serving can be divided into 2-3 doses: half a glass of infusion before meals 2-3 times a day for three weeks.


The herb caraway is the most effective remedy for treating pancreatitis when the patient has diabetes mellitus in combination with the underlying disease. Cumin is able to normalize blood sugar levels, smoothing out sharp rises in glucose after eating. Oil is prepared from cumin, which is consumed 1 teaspoon once a day before meals. The oil is taken only during the remission phase and in the absence of gallstones.

Reliable remedies: which ones to try?

To cure pancreatitis at home, you can prepare a reliable and simple medicine with chamomile. For one share of inflorescences of this plant, take twice as many hawthorn fruits and immortelle flowers, as well as three times as many dill seeds and mint leaves. All ingredients are dried so that medicine can be prepared from them at any time of the year. The components are thoroughly crushed. Boil half a liter of water for a couple of large spoons of the multicomponent preparation and mix these ingredients in a container, closing it with a lid and wrapping it in a blanket. You can use a thermos. Infusion duration is up to three hours. The finished drug is used orally an hour after eating. Frequency: three times daily. A single dose is half a glass. The infusion is a good antispasmodic and analgesic, an antibiotic of natural origin, activating the secretion of bile and soothing the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. This homemade medicine has proven itself well in the chronic form of the disease. To increase efficiency, you can additionally use a third of a small spoon of chamomile pollen in your food half an hour before meals.

To treat pancreatitis in adults, you can use a homemade medicine prepared with dandelion and calamus rhizomes. These components are taken in equal quantities and mixed with half the volume of hop cones, nettle rhizomes and thyme. All herbs are ground using a coffee grinder. For five large spoons you need to take 200 g of natural honey. The product is used internally in a monthly program.

You can try making oatmeal jelly. This home remedy shows a good effect when eaten fresh, but it cannot be stored - all the beneficial properties soon disappear. To prepare the drink, the grain is first soaked and placed in a warm place. It is necessary to use oats to make jelly when it sprouts - usually sprouts appear on the second day. The grains are washed, dried and ground to obtain flour. It is diluted in water, then boiling water is poured in and boiled for a couple of minutes, then settled for another third of an hour and the liquid is drained. The finished drink should be drunk immediately. In addition to pancreatitis, the medicine is recommended for intestinal or gastric ulcers.

Folk diet

Many folk remedies are recommended for the main diet of a patient with pancreatitis. This means that the dishes you prepare can become your folk remedy for treating chronic inflammation.

Rose hip decoction

Teas, jelly, berry compotes, and decoctions are offered as drinks in the diet. Rosehip decoction is the most popular folk remedy for combating many diseases, including pancreatitis. To prevent exacerbation and relieve real symptoms, there is nothing better than rosehip decoction.

It is prepared as follows: pour 100-200 grams of dried berries with hot water, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the gas. Do not boil the contents of the pan so that the berries do not lose all their healing properties. Cover the pan with a lid and let the broth brew for 2-3 hours. Drink this decoction 1-2 glasses during the day, chilled.

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to such properties of rose hips as:

  1. Strengthening the immune system and body defenses.
  2. Acceleration of metabolism.
  3. Saturation of the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  4. Substances contained in rose hips have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the pancreatic ducts. As a result, the pain goes away and the functioning of digestive enzymes normalizes.


Another effective remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis. Porridge is prepared from rolled oats in water without adding milk, salt, sugar, or berries. They eat it every day for breakfast. If symptoms are severe, porridge is consumed throughout the day.

Hercules porridge binds and removes toxins from the body that are formed during inflammation. It does not contain much fat, which is useful for digestive disorders. In this way, during the “fasting” day, decay products are removed, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the function of bile excretion is improved.

Diagnose pancreatitis by symptoms

The pancreas plays a large role in the functioning of the digestive system; it not only secretes enzymes that promote metabolism, but is also responsible for the production of insulin, a deficiency of which causes people to develop diabetes. The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to intoxication of the body, in which there is:

  • pain syndrome;
  • temperature;
  • pressure changes;
  • change in complexion;
  • change in skin color on the body;
  • vomit;
  • tachycardia;
  • loose stools or constipation;
  • bloating.


The location of pain in pancreatitis, as a rule, is the left or right hypochondrium, but it is possible that it may encircle the area.


As with any inflammation, the temperature can rise to a critical level in a few minutes.


Blood pressure during illness can either rise or fall.

A detailed description of the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis can be found in the program by Elena Malysheva.


The complexion can also give away the patient; he becomes pale, and later acquires a gray tint.


Blue spots may appear in the navel area, groin and lower back. Some forms of the disease can cause jaundice.


Nausea, vomiting, hiccups and belching are typical signs of poisoning, and pancreatitis is no exception.


During an exacerbation, the heart rhythm begins to increase in frequency, shortness of breath, sweating of the palms or the whole body appears. A yellow coating may appear on the tongue.

Abnormal stool

If diarrhea occurs, you can see particles of undigested food in it. Its consistency is foamy and its smell is pungent. However, constipation cannot be ruled out.


With pancreatitis, bloating and severe tension in the abdominal muscles may occur. During examination, doctors often pay attention to this signal.

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Propolis for pancreatitis

Propolis is famous for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Therefore, propolis has become famous in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent used to treat chronic diseases. Propolis is also used for pancreatitis.

For treatment, infusions and alcohol tinctures are prepared from propolis. Every day it is useful to chew small pieces of propolis or honey in honeycombs, followed by spitting out the insoluble masses. The product is effective for all diseases of the digestive system.

Important! Propolis is a highly allergenic product. Be careful when you use it for the first time: watch your body's reaction. You should not introduce propolis into your diet during the first month after the last exacerbation, so as not to provoke a relapse. The product is administered gradually, in small doses, starting from the second month of the remission period.

In addition to propolis, honey is used for pancreatitis. This folk remedy has been used effectively for several hundred years. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink half a teaspoon of honey or a glass of sweet honey water. However, remember that honey, like propolis, should be included in the menu from the second month after the exacerbation subsides, so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few words about the disease

Chronic pancreatitis is a disease in which inflammatory processes occur in the tissues of the pancreas for 3 months or more. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease is a consequence of improper treatment or undertreated acute pancreatitis, which develops as a result of:

  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • long-term and inappropriate use of various medications;
  • development of other diseases of the digestive system (cholelithiasis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc.).

With the development of pancreatitis, the pancreatic tissue becomes inflamed and swollen, which leads to a narrowing of the ducts of the organ and disruption of the process of releasing pancreatic juice from it, which contains enzymes that perform a digestive function. As a result, the juice stagnates inside the pancreas, digesting its cells, which causes parenchymal changes - the gland tissues are damaged, thickened or, conversely, depleted, and the cells cease to perform their functions.

Damaged pancreatic cells do not have the ability to self-regenerate, so it is impossible to completely cure pancreatitis. Patients with this disease are forced to constantly take enzyme preparations in order to compensate for the deficiency of digestive enzymes and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If they are not taken, this increases the load on the organ, which leads to even greater inflammation and damage, resulting in complete dysfunction of the gland and the development of necrotic processes in it.

However, in addition to medications, it is also recommended to use folk remedies for the treatment of pancreas. They effectively eliminate inflammatory processes, help relieve pain and normalize digestion. But alternative medicine can be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

To ensure that pancreatitis is treated as effectively as possible, you must follow all your doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment with berries

Sweet and aromatic wild berries are loved by everyone, from young to old. They are added to porridge, desserts and baked goods, or simply eaten as a snack. They are also used as a folk remedy for treating pancreatitis. But remember that you can only eat berries when there is no exacerbation.


Blueberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as well as plant fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion. The enveloping properties of blueberries are used to treat diseases of the entire gastrointestinal tract. For pancreatitis, jelly or fruit juice is prepared from blueberries. Drink healing drinks 1 glass a day after meals.

Juices for pancreatitis

Another effective folk method of treatment is juice therapy. For pancreatitis, prepare freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. Vegetables used are celery, carrots, parsley, and beets. Treatment with freshly squeezed potato juice is known and popular. To do this, young potato tubers are peeled, washed thoroughly and the juice is squeezed out using a juicer. Potato broth is also useful. Both the juice and the decoction are drunk 1 glass a day in the morning on an empty stomach before meals.

The use of fruits is limited, since fruit juices contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which are harmful to the pancreas. For one day, you can prepare half a glass of freshly squeezed juice made from unsweetened green apples. The minerals and iron they contain have a positive effect on the immune system, which increases defenses and improves general condition.

Acupressure and acupuncture

Chinese traditional methods of treatment have not been spared. As a physical treatment, the patient is recommended to undergo acupressure and acupuncture. The effect is on the active points of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, and duodenum. During the massage, the secretory activity of the digestive organs is activated, microcirculation and metabolism are improved in the affected area, and proliferative and regenerative processes are improved. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to improved blood circulation and increased defenses of the body as a whole.

Acupressure and acupuncture are performed outside of an exacerbation, after the symptoms of pancreatitis subside.

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