Meatballs for pancreatitis: the best recipes with taste and without harm to health

For patients, the diagnosis of “pancreatitis” is a real tragedy, since this disease lasts for the rest of their lives. If a person is used to eating whatever he has to, without thinking about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, then acute pain will force him to organize lifelong diet therapy. An inflamed pancreas requires careful attention to nutritional principles. Medicine has developed a special diet No. 5, which includes gentle recipes for pancreatitis. The diet limits foods that are familiar to healthy people, but is designed so that the patient’s body receives balanced food.
Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by related gastrointestinal diseases:
  • cholelithiasis,
  • gastritis,
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer,
  • diabetes,
  • cholecystitis.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over a diet for different stages of the disease with the help of the attending physician. If the patient is serious about avoiding exacerbation of diseases, then studying and following the rules of nutrition will not go there for him.

General principles of diet for illness

The most important condition for diet therapy is recipes for dishes that will not irritate the mucous membranes and enhance the functioning of the digestive system. Then digestion of food will not cause painful gastrointestinal reactions, and periods of remission will be much longer.

Consider the requirements for preparing everyday and holiday food:

  1. Food is prepared by boiling, steaming, baking or stewing. A modern multicooker is perfect for this.
  2. The products used are lean, rich in minerals, proteins, and vitamins.
  3. Food is prepared pureed - during exacerbations, or finely chopped - during remission.
  4. Dishes are served warm. Cold and hot food irritate the mucous membranes.
  5. If you have pancreatitis, eat 5-6 times a day, but little by little, to protect the digestive tract from overload. Use a trick - set the table with small plates so that the patient does not feel disadvantaged by his condition on a psychological level.
  6. You should not mix proteins and carbohydrates at one meal.
  7. The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  8. Present your food beautifully, as the attractive appearance of food improves your mood. Scientists have found that a complacent state during meals promotes better digestion.
  9. Even during remission, it is useful to use fasting days with pureed simple meals to give rest to the pancreas and other organs.
  10. Print out the list of prohibited products and hang it in plain sight.

The following foods are prohibited for pancreatitis:

  • alcohol,
  • canned food, pickles, pickled vegetables,
  • dishes from fresh vegetables: bell pepper, white cabbage, radish, radish, garlic,
  • smoked fish, meat, lard,
  • liver, kidneys, tongue,
  • fatty dairy products,
  • the use of wheat, pearl barley, corn grits, legumes,
  • mushrooms,
  • fresh bread, baked goods, fried pies, cakes, chocolate,
  • hot spices, spices that stimulate the release of enzymes from the pancreas,
  • excessively salty, sweet dishes,
  • sour fruits, berries, lemon, other citrus fruits,
  • berries with seeds, rough skin, fruits with rough fiber,
  • mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, horseradish, animal fat,
  • strong tea, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, store-bought juices.

If a child has pancreatitis, sweets are allowed 1-2 times a month, but only during a period of stable remission. Children find it more difficult to tolerate restrictions on sweets, and parents should psychologically support the child.

The following products are allowed for preparing dietary dishes for pancreatitis:

  • dairy, fermented milk low-fat products: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, cheese,
  • porridges: oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice,
  • lean meat,
  • lean fish,
  • secondary fish, meat broths, vegetable soups,
  • seafood,
  • potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets (after heat treatment),
  • egg white,
  • sweet fruits, berries,
  • rosehip decoction,
  • 10 g butter per day,
  • You can dress salads with olive, flaxseed, sunflower oil, natural yogurt, and low-fat sour cream.

In case of chronic, reactive pancreatitis, treatment of an acute form of the disease, the patient is forced to limit the list of permitted foods. In the acute form, treatment is by fasting for 3 days. The food taken is mushy and homogeneous. It is imperative to discipline your eating habits to avoid crash dieting. The recipes are suitable for both adults and children.

To prevent the table from being bland and monotonous, you need to include creative abilities. Products can be successfully combined, using dried herbs and other permitted flavorings: vanillin, cinnamon. Remember that it is better to eat healthy food than to have a “belly celebration” and then suffer from an attack of pain.

Useful video: Cooking at home for a patient with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue. The patient often feels sharp pains that intensify and become unbearable after eating food that is difficult to digest. Pancreatitis is dangerous primarily due to the possibility of developing pancreatic necrosis. This disease very often leads to death in the absence of timely medical care. The article describes the principles of the diet: what you can eat and what you can’t. Pancreatitis can be reduced in its manifestations and stable remission can be achieved - but only with proper nutrition.

Recipes for first courses for pancreatitis

Soups are an important component of the diet when sick. To prevent pancreas pain, soups are cooked using cereals, secondary meat, and vegetable broth. We present options for delicious culinary recipes.

Chicken soup


  • chicken carcass,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 100 g rice (or vermicelli),
  • salt.


  1. Remove the skin and fat from the carcass, put it in water, and boil until it boils.
  2. After boiling, drain the broth, add water again, and cook the meat over low heat until cooked.
  3. Remove meat from pan.
  4. Add rice, preferably crushed rice, and salt into the broth and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. While the rice is cooking, peel the carrots, onions, grate the carrots, and cut the onion into cubes.
  6. After 15 minutes of cooking rice, add carrots and onions and cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the pan, and boil until tender.
  8. Grind boiled chicken (200 g) in a blender or meat grinder and add to the finished soup.

You can eat the soup with the addition of a spoonful of low-fat sour cream and cream.

Pike soup puree

Lean fish with vegetables is useful for pancreatitis and is famous for its incomparable taste and aroma. Prepare fish soup for pancreatitis at least once a week.


  • fresh pike – 0.5 kg,
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • salt to taste,
  • milk - a quarter glass,
  • dry basil - a pinch,
  • water – 2 l.

Soup recipe:

  1. Place the pike in water, add salt, laurel, and bring to a boil.
  2. Chop the potatoes, onions, and carrots on a medium grater and add to the soup.
  3. Boil the vegetables until soft for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the fish, remove the bones, and place in a saucepan.
  5. Cool slightly, mix with a blender.
  6. Pour in the milk, add the basil, and let the soup boil again.
  7. Pour the soup into bowls, add a piece of butter, chopped dill, and wheat croutons.

Turkey soup with meatballs and cauliflower

The recipe is so healthy and tasty that it’s not a sin to serve such soup in a restaurant.


  • turkey fillet – 300–400 g,
  • water – 2.5 l,
  • whites of 2 raw eggs,
  • cauliflower – 300 g,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable,
  • onion - 1 piece.

Prepare the soup as follows:

  1. Grind the meat into mince along with the onion.
  2. Add salt, chicken whites, mix, form into small balls.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, add cabbage divided into inflorescences and grated carrots.
  4. Once the water returns to a boil, carefully lower the meatballs and then cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put them in the soup, and boil the vegetables until soft.

The soup tastes good and is dietary.

Which ones are possible?

Soups are an indispensable dish for inflammation of the pancreas, since the disease requires severe dietary restrictions. Allowed soups include those whose recipes do not include fried, spicy, salty, fatty, smoked ingredients and products contraindicated for inflammation of the pancreas, such as peas, fatty meat or fish.


For pancreatitis, only lean types of fish are allowed, so fish soup made from haddock, pollock, hake, roach or pike will be a suitable dish during the period of remission of the disease. The ear is not recommended during exacerbation of the disease. During the period of stable remission, fish soup from halibut, carp, tuna, trout, and pink salmon can be included in the diet.

When preparing fish soup, the fish broth must be filtered to remove excess fat. Do not add green onions, aromatic herbs, spices or vegetable oil to the dish. The amount of salt is also limited. Like all soups for inflammation of the pancreas, fish soup is eaten warm.


For pancreatitis, only low-fat milk is allowed. To prepare the soup, a liter of milk is boiled in a separate pan. At this time, 200-250 g of rice are boiled in another container. When the rice is well cooked, it is crushed to a pulp and mixed with milk. The mixture is put back on the fire, salt is added to taste and a little butter, brought to a boil and removed from the stove.

Milk soup with vegetables is useful for pancreatitis. To prepare it, vegetables approved for patients with pancreatitis are used: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. The ingredients are grated on a fine grater and boiled in water. 5 minutes before the vegetables are ready, pour low-fat milk into boiling water. A glass of water will require 500 ml of milk.


Recycled chicken broth is used to make cheese crepe soup. Vegetable puree made from boiled carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, and a small amount of grated cheese are added to it. The dish should have the consistency of liquid puree. To do this, you can add a little water to it. Then boil the soup for 5 minutes, remove from heat and add croutons. However, it is not recommended to eat cheese soup during a pancreatic exacerbation.


The simplest types of dishes for acute pancreatitis and during exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease are vegetable broths. They are prepared with a small amount of ground ingredients. To do this, boil 700 g of beets, 200 g of carrots and 50 g of onions, finely chop or grate them. Then the vegetables are boiled for 20-25 minutes. The broth is lightly salted and seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

To prepare a light vegetable broth, boil and finely chop 3-4 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, onion and tomato. Stew onions and carrots in a small amount of water for 3-5 minutes and add vegetable broth. Then add potatoes and tomatoes, bring to a boil, add a little salt and cook for another 20-25 minutes. This dish is allowed at any stage of pancreatitis.

Creamy pumpkin soup is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish for pancreatitis, which is allowed during different periods of the disease. To prepare it, 500 g of pumpkin pulp is grated and added to 500 ml of boiling low-fat milk. Bring the mixture to readiness over low heat. Add crackers and a piece of butter to the finished dish.

Vegetarian dishes include a large amount of greens. However, sorrel soups for pancreatitis are prohibited, as are dishes with the addition of green onions, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, basil, and many aromatic herbs. But dishes with parsley, dill, caraway seeds, celery, and nettle leaves are allowed.


Dietary soups for pancreatitis are prepared from a variety of products that do not pose a danger to the patient’s body. Dishes are divided into 4 types:

All of them are prepared without sautéing carrots and onions, as well as without adding spices and seasonings. Cereals, rice noodles, and meat (lean beef, chicken or rabbit) are added to decoctions of vegetables allowed for pancreatitis (potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, onions). Cream soups are made from stewed vegetables mixed in a blender. They can be eaten with meatballs or croutons, which are prepared separately and added directly to the plate.


Slimy soups are prepared using buckwheat or oatmeal. During attacks of pancreatitis, they are useful because they normalize the digestion process and restore the mucous membrane of the pancreas. To prepare slimy soup, place 6-8 tablespoons of oatmeal or buckwheat in a liter of boiling water and boil. The broth is filtered through a sieve and sugar and salt are added to it at the tip of a knife. Bring to a boil again, then remove from heat, allow to cool slightly and add 100 ml of milk, egg white and a piece of butter to the broth.


To prepare pureed soups for pancreatitis, use a blender or grater. Vegetables, fish or lean meat must be cooked before cooking. Then they are finely chopped, grated or mixed into a total mass in a blender. Prepare soup in broth with any number of ingredients, season with sour cream or butter, and add herbs.

During attacks of pancreatitis, rice is one of the first foods that are allowed to the patient. You can make a healthy broth from it. To do this, 100 g of rice cereal is crushed raw or pounded during cooking. Then the rice mass is added to 500 ml of boiling milk and cooked for another 10-20 minutes.

Cream soups

Puree soups for pancreatitis are prepared from vegetables, cereals, chicken, fish, and mushrooms. A hearty and healthy dish can be made from chicken fillet or lean fish. To prepare, 500 g of chicken or fish fillet is finely chopped and boiled in salted water. Add carrots, onions, 2-3 potatoes cut into small cubes into the pan with the broth and cook until tender. Beat the finished puree soup with a mixer or blender. Mushroom puree soup is suitable for pancreatitis in remission, but the dish should be eaten in small portions.

Nutrition for pancreatitis is the most important component of treatment. And it should be organized so that each dish is dietary. But formally correct dishes sometimes do not bring joy - the consumer does not like either the taste or the appearance. In addition, when eating in public institutions, there is not always confidence that all cooking recipes have been followed, and the person suffering from pancreatitis is insured against gastrointestinal troubles, or even complications from the pancreas.

There is only one way out - to cook according to your own recipes as often as possible.

How to set a holiday table with pancreatitis?

Sick people feel awkward during the holidays because the table is full of unhealthy high-calorie foods and alcohol. But a festive dinner with pancreatitis can look solemn and beautiful, and will be healthy. We present unusual dishes that will decorate the holiday and bring joy to the soul and body.

Okroshka for the pancreas


  • kefir – 1 l,
  • water – 1 l,
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumber – 200 g (1 large),
  • quail eggs (chicken can be used, but 4 times less) – 8 pcs.,
  • boiled chicken breast fillet – 200 g,
  • green onions - a few feathers,
  • dill - several sprigs.

Okroshka recipe:

  1. Boil potatoes, eggs, peel and chop.
  2. Cut the boiled breast into pieces.
  3. Peel the cucumber and cut it.
  4. Wash the greens, remove the hard parts, chop, put in a bowl, add salt.
  5. Crush the greens so that there is no mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract, and also for a greater aroma of the okroshka.
  6. Combine the chopped ingredients, add kefir and boiled chilled water.

This recipe is unusual, but tasty and healthy.

Veal zrazy stuffed with omelette, with vegetable puree and milk sauce

The dish contains the following ingredients:

For zraz:

  • veal – 300 g,
  • loaf – 40 g,
  • milk – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • egg – 1 pc.

For the omelet:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • milk - half a glass,
  • salt - on the tip of the knife.

For garnish:

  • carrots – 1 medium,
  • zucchini – 200 g,
  • potatoes - 4 medium pieces,
  • butter – 20 g.

For the sauce:

  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • premium flour – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • milk 1.5% – 1 glass,
  • a pinch of salt.

The holiday recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. Beat eggs with milk and salt in a blender for an omelet.
  2. Grease the frying pan with oil, heat it up, pour in the eggs and milk, cover with a lid.
  3. Cook the omelette over low heat, cool, and cut into pieces.
  4. Pour milk over the bread to soften it.
  5. Grind the meat and bread through a meat grinder, add the egg, salt and mix the minced meat.
  6. Make 1 cm thick cakes from the minced meat, place an omelette in the center of each, gather the edges of the minced meat up to form balls. Place the zrazy on the grill of the multicooker, pour 2 cups of water into the bottom of the bowl, and close the lid.
  7. Set the “Steamer” program for 20 minutes.
  8. For garnish, cut vegetables into pieces and boil in salted water until soft.
  9. Use a blender to puree the vegetables, add butter, and blend again.
  10. To make the sauce, fry the flour in oil (or in a dry frying pan) until creamy.
  11. Pour milk in a small stream while stirring continuously, add salt.
  12. Cook the sauce over low heat, stirring continuously, until it thickens.

Vegetable puree is placed on beautiful plates, immediately poured over with sauce, and garnished with dill and parsley.

Important points for a festive evening

The holiday will not be a torment for a person suffering from pancreatitis if you follow some rules:

  1. Set the table with small plates to avoid overeating. A healthy person will add food to himself if he does not eat 1 serving.
  2. Take breaks between different dishes to allow the previous food to digest.
  3. Try not to mix several dishes in your stomach so as not to overload your digestive tract.
  4. Distract yourself for entertainment, communicate more, dance, move. A good mood is good for digestion.
  5. A beautifully decorated table improves appetite and gives pleasure.
  6. Remember: alcohol is not a guarantee that the holiday is a success. People who lead a healthy lifestyle have a wonderful time spending their free time without strong drinks.

Diet borscht recipe

  1. Grate 4 medium-sized beets and simmer in olive oil with finely chopped onion for 15 minutes. Diet borscht
  2. Pour in 100 g of sour cream and simmer for another 2 minutes.
  3. Fry 25 g of flour in a frying pan until golden brown.
  4. Pour 1.4 liters of boiling water over all ingredients and cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Add salt.
  6. Before serving, season with dill.

Vegetable soup with red pepper.

  1. Boil 5 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 zucchini, 1 red pepper and cauliflower (200 grams) for half an hour in chicken broth.
  2. Remove the vegetables, puree them in a blender and mix with the broth.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of salt and cook for 2-4 minutes.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil (2-4 tablespoons).

Fish meatballs for diet number 5

Fish is the most useful and easily digestible product for pancreatitis. To prepare fish cutlets, you need to use river fish - it is not so fatty. Carp, bream, pike are suitable. Marine varieties include pike perch, pollock, and cod.

Stewing time for fish cutlets is 30 minutes. Vegetables are added to minced fish to improve taste:

  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower.

White cabbage is allowed to be consumed in stewed form. It is often added to minced meat or fish.

Important! Doctors have differing opinions regarding the use of cabbage. You need to focus on your own feelings. If, after stewed cabbage, unpleasant symptoms appear in the epigastric region, then it is necessary to stop eating it and not add it to other dishes.

What can people with pancreatitis eat?

It is very important that food does not irritate the walls of the stomach and does not provoke excessive production of gastric juice and enzymes. To do this, you should eat the most lean, thoroughly chopped food.

  1. Among baked goods, preference should be given to lean bread, as well as products made from whole grain flour.
  2. Supermarkets have food sections for people on a diet - there you can choose special bread made from rye flour, which is guaranteed not to cause an attack.
  3. You can eat any dairy products that contain less than 5% fat. It is better to choose homemade cheeses, according to the same principle - with a minimum percentage of fat content, not too salty and not spicy.
  4. You can use any vegetables, boiled or steamed. Before eating, it is advisable to thoroughly grind them on a grater or in a blender.
  5. You can eat fruits, but it is better not raw, but baked, or at least first grind them in a blender so that large pieces do not end up in the stomach. Berries should be chosen that are sweet, soft, and not sour.
  6. Porridges made from any cereals and legumes - buckwheat, rice, chickpeas, pearl barley, oatmeal - are advisable for consumption both during the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis and during the period of remission. To be sure that the porridge will not cause an attack, you can first try a spoon or two. But most often, porridges are well tolerated, as are vegetable soups with water.

Main courses and main dishes

Experts prepare a lot of simple healthy dishes from foods allowed for pancreatitis. Porridges, purees, soufflés, casseroles, noodles - they are cooked in turns, and there will be no monotony in the diet. When dieting, use stewed, steamed, oven-baked vegetables, which are combined with lean meat or fish. We offer detailed recipes not only for the everyday menu, but also for holidays.

Pumpkin porridge with rice

  • pumpkin – 300 g,
  • broken rice - half a glass,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a teaspoon of sugar,
  • milk – 1 glass.

The porridge is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Wash the pumpkin, peel and remove pulp and seeds, cut into cubes (or grate on a coarse grater).
  2. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, add water 1–2 cm above the pumpkin level, and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash the rice and add to the pan.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn the heat to low.
  5. After the rice is cooked, pour in the milk. Add salt, sugar, boil again.
  6. Add a piece of butter to the prepared porridge and stir.

Vermicelli and meat casserole

  • vermicelli – 300 g,
  • milk – 2 glasses,
  • water – 2 glasses,
  • 300 g meat (optional: chicken, veal),
  • eggs – 2 pieces,
  • a pinch of salt.

The casserole is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil the meat in salted water, grind twice through a fine meat grinder.
  2. Pour water, milk into the pan, add salt, bring to a boil, lower the vermicelli.
  3. Boil the vermicelli until half cooked, drain the liquid.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Mix pasta with eggs.
  6. Grease the pan with oil and add half the vermicelli.
  7. The next layer is boiled minced meat.
  8. Place the remaining vermicelli with the egg on top.
  9. Place the pan in the oven for 25 minutes.
  10. After 20 minutes from the start of cooking, sprinkle the casserole with 30% fat grated cheese and place in a well-heated oven for 5 minutes.

How does exacerbation of pancreatitis affect nutrition?

On the first day of exacerbation of pancreatitis, reducing the risk of complications, the patient is not allowed food, only water. Sometimes fasting is extended until the reasons that caused the exacerbation are clarified. The period lasts 7-14 days. Once completed, liquid nutrition is administered through special tubes directly into the intestines.

When the disease subsides, the diet is increased. In case of exacerbation, semi-liquid food is now allowed, observing the temperature regime (18 - 37 degrees). The amount of fat is reduced to a minimum. Carbohydrates become the basis of nutrition. The value of food daily is up to 500-1000 calories.

During exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the diet consists of porridge, pureed soups, compotes, jelly, vegetable purees from zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower. Meals are taken 6 times a day.


Another common alternative is bread. This yeast-free dough made from various grains is baked into thin sheets.

At home, it is easy to prepare an alternative to bread - dietary flatbreads made from rice or buckwheat flour. They are very easy to prepare at home: mix one glass of rice or buckwheat flour with ½ glass of boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. You can add a pinch of salt. It is convenient to bake even in a frying pan (lightly greased with olive oil), like pancakes.

Good to know: buckwheat cakes are good for diabetics, and rice cakes are good for those who suffer from frequent diarrhea.

Warning: to prepare homemade breads and flatbreads for inflammation of the pancreas and cholecystitis, do not use flour from barley porridge, oatmeal, corn, peas or beans.

You can also replace bread with sesame seeds. A small amount of grains is sprinkled onto soups and vegetable salads.

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