Why is rice water so effective for diarrhea?

Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna

Gastroenterologist, therapist

15 years of experience

Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Traditional recipes for gastrointestinal disorders advise patients of all ages to use rice water. In addition to its benefits for a healthy diet, it helps stop indigestion and poisoning, one of which is diarrhea.

The use of a folk remedy is recommended for all patients without restrictions. Many people have success using rice broth to relieve diarrhea.

What kind of rice should you use?

The correct choice of cereals for preparing the product is extremely important, because the quality of the resulting liquid depends on it. Rice must have the following characteristics:

  • Light color, solid consistency.
  • The cereal should be crumbly and dry.
  • A high-quality product does not damage the grain.
  • The date of manufacture and expiration date must be acceptable.

Attention! Parboiled rice, which has a darkish tint and an oily texture, is not suitable for use - such a product is not healthy. Rice broth obtained by boiling pre-processed cereals does not have the necessary qualities and will not produce the desired effect.

Cereals can be purchased at any retail outlet - it can be a package of long-grain, round or brown rice. If you are treated with rice water, any type of product will benefit. Round kernels cope well with toxins in the body during poisoning.

Long grain rice, which has a significant amount of starch, has an enveloping effect - it helps get rid of diarrhea, gastritis and even stomach ulcers. The decoction provides an invaluable effect for young patients - the liquid replenishes the beneficial substances lost during diarrhea, without which the body is depleted of energy.

Brown grains relieve constipation and promote weight loss because they remove excess water from the body. Thanks to these properties, feces are formed in a timely manner and are excreted by the body without delay.

“Imperial” black rice is a valuable product - its shells contain the most antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than other types of cereals, so it is the best at neutralizing toxins in case of poisoning.

Features of treatment for adults

The use of this product for diarrhea in adults may be an unexpected solution to the problem. Preparing rice water is quite simple - you will need 2 large spoons of rice and 500 ml of water. In this case, rice can be any kind, while it is better to use purified water.

So, to prepare rice water for diarrhea, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Place the water in a clean container, put it on the stove and wait until it boils.
  2. Place washed rice in boiling water and mix well.
  3. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the rice until tender. This must be done within 45 minutes.
  4. Then strain the broth and cool.
  5. The resulting rice jelly can be consumed every 2 hours. You should drink a quarter glass at one time. Usually improvement is achieved quite quickly. Signs of bowel dysfunction disappear after a few hours.

Many people are interested in whether pregnant women can take this remedy. During pregnancy, most medications are contraindicated. In this case, a recipe for rice water will come to the rescue. This remedy will help protect the intestinal walls from the action of gastric juice and eliminate irritation.

To cook rice during pregnancy, you must follow these steps:

  • Take 1 small spoon of rice and 500 ml of water;
  • put on low heat and cook for 40 minutes;
  • Strain the finished product.

Take the composition every 3 hours. You should drink a quarter glass at a time. It is recommended to alternate the consumption of rice during pregnancy with the use of decoction.

Use of rice water

You can take the medicinal drug both for loose stools and if you want to lose weight. Doctors and populists recommend using rice for diarrhea to improve the functioning of the intestines. Taking into account the benefits of rice, it is used:

  • As a therapy for infectious intestinal diseases.
  • In case of poisoning with low-quality products or toxic substances.
  • If colic and problems with stool are caused by nervous tension.
  • In case of intestinal malfunctions caused by acclimatization.

Most of these conditions are accompanied primarily by a digestive reaction. Patients begin to experience sharp cramping pain in the stomach, diarrhea begins, vomiting may occur, blood pressure drops, and patients develop a fever. These are typical signs of a digestive tract disorder.

Mostly banal poisoning is to blame for this. Consumption of low-quality products that were kept without proper storage conditions can provoke just such symptoms. Expired smoked meat and crab meat can be a problem. Canned pink salmon, canned cod liver, cheese with herbs, porcini mushrooms, sprats, red caviar, fresh strawberries, spinach, cabbage, boiled pork, buns with cream - all these products under certain conditions become harmful to humans.

Rice for diarrhea is suitable for patients of all ages, but you need to know how to properly prepare the healing liquid and how to cook rice for a patient. For example, make rice porridge with water for diarrhea, or give a person rice soup for diarrhea.

The recipe for making rice water for diarrhea is very simple. But the recipe for making rice water is different for:

  • Newborns and babies up to one year of age.
  • Preschoolers, schoolchildren and teenagers.
  • Adult patients.

Eating rice porridge for diarrhea helps eliminate symptoms of diarrhea. Dehydration is very dangerous for newborns, because in one bowel movement they can lose a significant amount of fluid from diarrhea. This provokes irreversible consequences. The benefit of rice water is that it restores the volume of water and removes it from the stool, making it harder in consistency. How to cook rice water for children and how to drink it for diarrhea in newborns in order to achieve a therapeutic effect - the doctor will tell you. Using rice water for poisoning

The penetration of toxins into the human body provokes a defensive reaction, during which the person tries to get rid of the influence of harmful substances. The fastest way to eliminate poisons is through the digestive system, and for their more complete evacuation, the body gives up a large amount of water. Rice water binds and evacuates toxins, but also replenishes fluid deficiency.

Preparing rice water for poisoning is simple:

  • One cup of pre-washed cereal requires seven cups of water. Pour the rice over it and place it on medium heat.
  • After the cereal boils, it is cooked under the lid over low heat for 40-50 minutes.
  • The resulting liquid is decanted to collect 150 ml of the product - a single dose.
  • It should be taken 0.5 glasses every 2-3 hours, trying to drink the resulting liquid within one day.

Whether rice is healthy and whether eating boiled rice for diarrhea will be effective will be determined by the first day of illness. In any case, preparing the medicine will not be superfluous. Like oatmeal, rice-based porridge for diarrhea will help protect the stomach lining from toxic effects.

Important! Excess water reacts with the rice broth and is absorbed by the intestines, after which the antioxidants contained in the rice bind to toxins and are neutralized through the hepatobiliary system and removed from the digestive organs.

Beneficial features

  • Properly prepared, the product has enveloping properties that gently soothe the irritated intestinal mucosa and organs of the digestive tract. Due to these same properties, this rice medicine is successfully used in complex therapy for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • This folk remedy can perform the functions of pharmaceutical antidiarrheal drugs; it inhibits intestinal motility, due to which the body has time for the normal formation of feces
  • Rice contains a lot of starch, and when cooked it is released in especially large quantities. That is why a drink based on this cereal has an astringent effect in the intestines and helps make stool thicker.
  • Significantly reduces the processes of fermentation in the intestines, common with diarrhea, and because of this, in turn, the manifestations of flatulence are reduced
  • This cereal is highly nutritious, which is especially important during diarrhea, when the diet involves strict restrictions, and it is not recommended to eat food at all on the first day. Thus, a sick person will not remain hungry and will retain strength to fight the disease.
  • This method of treatment is perfect for poisoning, since, among other things, rice water perfectly removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Thus, if you make a rice decoction for diarrhea, you can easily replace several pharmaceutical drugs with one - sorbents, antidiarrheals and antispasmodics. You can read more about medications for diarrhea for adults in another of our articles.

Decoction for diarrhea not associated with poisoning

Diarrhea is also a consequence of nervous tension and acclimatization of a person. To make a decoction for diarrhea, you need to boil 0.5 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of rice to the boiled water. After this, you need to bring the product to a boil again and simmer the rice in a closed container for 45-50 minutes.

Strain the resulting liquid so that the rice water is clearer for use. It is necessary to drink a medicinal decoction for adults every 2 hours, 0.25 cups each. By the end of the first day of using rice water for diarrhea, the stool returns to normal.

Possible contraindications for use

It is not allowed to use rice water for loose stools if the person’s condition is noted as severe or critical. It is prohibited to use the product in the following situations:

  1. When infected with intestinal infections, in which severe vomiting develops;
  2. When mucus, purulent exudate and blood come out along with feces, and also if the baby has green feces;
  3. With a strong increase in body temperature;
  4. Loose stools caused by infection with viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

If a patient, and especially a child, has impurities in their stool, then it is urgent to consult a doctor for diagnosis. In most cases, when this is detected, the patient develops a life-threatening disease of the digestive organs.

With an increase in body temperature and infectious infections that provoke diarrhea, folk remedies do not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is worth using medications prescribed by a doctor for treatment.

Decoction for newborns

The remedy can also be used in small patients. Rice water for babies is prepared according to a special recipe. Not all young mothers know how to cook rice for their baby’s treatment.

  • One tablespoon of cereal is washed, poured with one glass of water and brought to a boil in a closed container over medium heat.
  • When the liquid boils, adjust the heat to low and simmer the cereal for an hour.
  • Water can be added if most of it evaporates during the cooking process.

After an hour, remove the container from the heat, drain the liquid into a separate glass container, then cool it to room temperature. To give it to your baby in small doses, you need to use a syringe if you are breastfeeding. Artificialists can prepare mixtures using rice water. For children, you need to keep a record of the time at which rice water was given - information may be needed when consulting a pediatrician.

How to prepare

There are many recipes for preparing a panacea. Traditionally, white rice is used for the decoction, but its unpolished brown “relative” will be truly useful and medicinal. It is this that, in addition to its binding properties, will saturate the body with essential nutrients. Regardless of which option is chosen, the recipe is the same. The only difference is that unpolished cereals take a little longer to cook.

To do this you need:

  • take regular white rice with long grains in the amount of 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • rinse it well using warm water;
  • get rid of any remaining liquid by allowing it to drain;
  • pour 7th tbsp. water;
  • put on low heat;
  • bring to a boil;
  • reduce heat to very low;
  • cook covered for 40 minutes: this is approximately the cooking time for rice;
  • the decoction is decanted and can be considered ready for consumption.

This classic rice decoction recipe is the most effective in the fight against diarrhea. If the symptoms of diarrhea do not disappear, you can try using a stronger drug. It is prepared as follows:

  • take 5 tbsp. l. washed rice, pre-washed;
  • all this goes into the frying pan (no oil is used);
  • frying should be carried out using low heat until the grains acquire a golden hue;
  • then the fried semi-finished product must be crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with 3 tbsp. clean warm water;
  • the ingredients are mixed together, and the resulting mass is subjected to a cooking process for half an hour (fire is low);
  • During cooking, the medicine should be stirred regularly;
  • then the cream decoction is cooled to room temperature and can be taken in this form to treat broken stools.

There are several methods for obtaining rice decoction for intestinal disorders, as well as directions for its use.

Decoction for teenagers

Drinking rice water for diarrhea for schoolchildren and teenagers will help restore the child’s health in a short time.

  • Add 1.5 tablespoons of rice to 0.5 liters of water and simmer over low heat for 45-50 minutes until the rice becomes soft.
  • The solution must be cooled and strained from the cereal.
  • Treated with rice water for diarrhea in a child, 50 ml every three hours.

This recipe for diarrhea in children will help cope with minor dysbiosis, a consequence of taking antibacterial drugs. Reception in school-age children is continued until symptoms of diarrhea disappear. Doctors say that rice water for children can also treat dysbiosis in elderly patients. And to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, you can drink cranberry juice in between rice water.

How to use

Here's how to take simple (classic) rice water for diarrhea:

This medicine can be taken at the same time as medications prescribed by your doctor. There will be no harm. It is important to maintain a certain time interval between doses to achieve the best effect. This is approximately every two and a half hours. If the interval is less than two hours, you can get stool retention instead of diarrhea. If there are more than three, the effect will not be as pronounced as we would like. A single dose is fifty grams of the drug (about a quarter of a regular glass).

Here's how to drink rice cream decoction if you have diarrhea:

One tablespoon for twelve hours. After this time, you must stop taking it so as not to harm your health. You can adjust the frequency of treatments yourself, depending on your condition. An important advantage of this cream is that it satisfies perfectly; you will not feel hungry during the first day, when eating is not desirable. By the way, the principles of a diet for loose stools in an adult are described in detail in a separate article on our website.

Severe and prolonged diarrhea

Rice decoction is used not only for short-term diarrhea. A recipe for rice water for diarrhea can be used if the patient has signs of gastric upset for a long time. Before preparing rice water for diarrhea, 5 tablespoons of cereal are first fried until golden brown, and then crushed in a coffee grinder to flour.

A decoction is prepared from the resulting raw materials - the dry mixture is poured with 3 glasses of water and brewed to the consistency of a thick porridge. Average cooking time is 30 minutes. If necessary, you can add water to the porridge to make it viscous. After 30-40 minutes, white bread is allowed, but not black, and on the second day it is useful to add chicken fillet or minced turkey in the form of meatballs to the rice broth and add butter - the benefits of such a soup will be greater. You should not use cubed beef broth or meat broth - this food will be difficult to digest.

Medicinal properties

A decoction based on rice cereal is useful because it includes a large number of components with enveloping properties. This helps protect the intestinal walls from the influence of stomach acid, as well as instantly relieve irritation. Moreover, during therapy, intestinal motility improves and stool frequency and consistency normalizes. The cereal contains the following components:

  • starch provides a binding effect and creates a feeling of saturation and fullness in the stomach;
  • vitamin E, which helps fight any gastrointestinal disorders;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, which improve intestinal motility;
  • macroelements and microelements: calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, selenium for nutrition and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minerals that improve the absorption of a number of products in the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice contains 8 amino acids necessary to maintain human health at an optimal level, including the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know that one of the most useful crops is considered to be unpeeled (brown) rice, during the processing of which the shell is not removed, and it retains many useful substances that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice water for diarrhea is an excellent binding agent due to the high concentration of starch included in this porridge. All this leads to the binding of excess fluid, normal density of the masses passing through the gastrointestinal tract. Another irreplaceable property of cereals is increased nutritional value. Since with diarrhea the patient loses a huge amount of useful substances, its use is 100% justified and recommended by doctors. The main thing is to know how to take this medicine.

Here are the main properties of rice water, due to which it actively fights diarrhea:

  • enveloping the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • protection from the negative effects of acidic substances;
  • soothing the mucous membrane;
  • relieving irritation;
  • binding of gastrointestinal contents;
  • eliminating and preventing the gag reflex;
  • purgation;
  • consolidation of fecal matter;
  • stabilization of peristalsis;
  • eliminating the processes of gas formation, rotting, bloating;
  • comprehensive nutrition of the body;
  • removal of waste and toxic substances.

Thus, rice is indispensable for diarrhea due to its availability and versatility. And its ease of preparation and the virtual absence of restrictions on use allows the drug to be used everywhere.

How to treat diarrhea in infants

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Due to the fact that problems with stool in newborns can occur for many reasons, you should show the baby to a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If the specialist allows the use of rice, then the mother should use all the known recipes from the people and prepare a healing remedy for the child.

Take 1 tablespoon of rice grains and pour 200 milliliters of water into them. Place the mixture on the fire, cover with a lid, and boil.

Rice water for diarrhea for small children should be cooked for about 3 hours, stirring constantly. If the water evaporates strongly, it should be brought to its original volume.

After the specified time has passed, the broth is filtered and left to cool indoors. Children under one year of age are given this remedy several times a day, no more than 50 milliliters at a time.

Basic recipes for diarrhea

Cooking rice for therapy is no different for children and adults. The cooking scheme is simple and resembles cooking classic rice porridge

If diarrhea lasts 3-4 days in children and adults without deterioration in general well-being, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and determine the exact cause of the pathological symptom. Without eliminating the cause, diarrhea may begin again after stopping the use of rice water in food.

Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but is considered a consequence of any dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. There are several basic recipes for adults and children:

  • Recipe No. 1. To prepare, you will need to rinse 200 g of rice, put it on low heat in 1 liter of water and cook until the cereal is ready. After cooking, the rice is carefully filtered, and the broth is taken in small portions throughout the day. For infants, 1 tbsp is enough. spoons 2 times a day.
  • Recipe No. 2. Add 1 tbsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. spoon of rice, cook under a closed lid for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, the rice is left to cool completely and filtered. Add a little honey to the rice broth and drink it in small portions throughout the day.
  • Recipe No. 3. 4 tbsp. spoons of rice are fried in a dry hot frying pan until golden brown. Afterwards, the rice is crushed using a coffee grinder, 600 ml of cold water is poured in and boiled for 40 minutes. After the broth has cooled completely, it can be consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  • Recipe No. 4. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of rice flour is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, left for several hours and taken together with honey and boiled rice in small portions.
  • Recipe No. 5. 2 tbsp. spoons of rice flour are combined with 0.5 liters of water and brought to a semi-thick state over low heat. This jelly drink is consumed throughout the day.
  • Rice porridge with water for diarrhea. To prepare, rice is thoroughly washed with water and then boiled in water for 40 minutes. Porridge is eaten every morning on an empty stomach. For children, you can add a little butter and sugar.

Prepared rice water can be consumed by children from 3 months to 2 tbsp. spoons per day, for children over 3 years old - 200 ml per day, for adolescents and adults up to 0.5 liters per day in small portions.

Important! After the stool has recovered a little, it is necessary to stop using the decoction to avoid excessive constipation of stool and constipation. Before infants drink the decoction, parents should consult a pediatrician.

If children refuse to take rice water, it can be diluted with sweet syrup or honey to improve taste. For children of any age, the decoction should be administered gradually to avoid any negative reactions. For example, if you are allergic to rice or its food components, serious adverse reactions may develop.

Usually, on the 3rd day of treatment with rice water and rice, it subsides. It is important to understand that stool disorder should not be associated with a general deterioration in the patient’s condition: uncontrollable vomiting, loss of consciousness, signs of dehydration, signs of serious intoxication. In all other cases, the use of rice is appropriate and is not harmful to health, provided caution and daily dosage are observed.

About diarrhea in E. Malysheva’s program about health:

One of the most unpleasant conditions for a person is intestinal disorder. And not only does diarrhea undermine human health, but for very young children, diarrhea is often deadly.

Nuances of preparation and use

The effectiveness of treating diarrhea with rice water depends on compliance with the preparation recipe and dosage, the causes of diarrhea and concomitant treatment.

For children (including infants and teenagers)

The proportions and recipe for preparing rice water for infants and young children are somewhat different.

It is recommended to pre-rinse the rice and soak it for 6-12 hours in cold water, or leave it overnight. The decoction is prepared less saturated: for 500 ml of water you will need 1 tsp. rice cereal. Pour pre-soaked rice into boiling water and cook over low heat for 45-60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain the broth through several layers of gauze.

To treat diarrhea, the child is given 30-50 ml of decoction 3-4 times a day. At the same time, it is important to monitor the baby’s well-being: if improvements are noticeable after the first dose, the stool has become thicker, the frequency of bowel movements has decreased and is not accompanied by pain, there is no need to continue taking the decoction. It is better to offer your child strong sweet tea with homemade rye crackers and a small portion of boiled rice.

Important . All actions should be discussed with your doctor. Many foodborne illnesses are severe and require hospitalization of the patient.

For adults

To prepare rice water, use purified or distilled water. Choose white rice (unpolished) .

It is important to properly prepare the grains: rinse under running water at room temperature 5-7 times. During cooking, make sure that the rice does not burn; add water if necessary. The medicine should have a viscous consistency and a bland taste. Do not add salt or sweeten.

If the use of rice water is accompanied by a deterioration in general health, rash, redness and itching of the skin, lack of stool for 48 hours or insufficient bowel movements, it is necessary to stop treatment. If unpleasant symptoms persist, seek medical help.

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