The effectiveness of Polysorb in the treatment of diarrhea and dosage calculation

Composition, release form of the drug

The main substance of Polysorb is highly dispersed (consisting of very small particles) amorphous silica powder. The particle size is less than 0.09 mm. The adsorption capacity of the drug is 300 mg per 1 g.

Silicon dioxide belongs to the group of multifunctional enterosorbents of inorganic origin. This mineral is very hard, it is resistant to acids and does not dissolve in water - when mixed with it, it forms a suspension. Silicon dioxide is a chemically active substance, which makes adsorption possible, that is, the absorption of substances due to chemical interaction. The substance is non-selective (non-selective) regarding which substances it absorbs.

The drug is white, sometimes with a bluish tint. A suspension is prepared from the powder for oral administration. The drug is available in plastic packages of 12, 25 and 50 grams, as well as in bags for single use made of label paper with a thermal layer, containing 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 12 g of the drug in a package of 10, 30, 50 or 100 bags. Instructions are included with the drug.

The suspension is considered one of the most convenient forms to take, because it is easier to drink a glass of liquid than 5 tablets of activated carbon. This is especially valuable when it comes to treating a child.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Why polysorb?

The drug contains a colloidal solution of silicon dioxide; due to the inorganic origin of the substance, the enterosorbent is not absorbed by the intestines and is excreted from the body without residue.

Polysorb is available in two versions. The first is disposable sachets, the second is jars with doses for a child, adult, family. The package contains instructions that must be read before use.

The updated substitute for activated carbon is sold in our country, the CIS countries, and Europe. This makes the product a worldwide remedy in the fight against intestinal bacteria.

Features of the drug:

  1. The effect of polysorb for diarrhea begins within a minute.
  2. When an adult has loose stools, it is recommended to take excess fluid to help remove toxins of various origins from the body. The consequences lead to swelling of the body and deterioration of the condition. After Polysorb, such difficulties will not arise.
  3. A dose of powder replaces 12 packs of activated carbon.

Release form and compliance:

  • 12 gram jar – full course of treatment for children.
  • 25 gram jar – intended as a universal home first aid kit product suitable for a family.
  • A jar of 35 grams is a full course of treatment for an adult for a period of 3 days. Suitable for restoring the body during diarrhea.
  • A jar of 50 grams is a course of treatment and prevention for an adult.

Operating principle, effect

The drug is multifunctional and non-selective. This explains its versatility in relation to various harmful compounds and the possibility of use for diarrhea of ​​any origin.

Once in the intestines, Polysorb binds and removes from the body what can cause diarrhea:

  • bacteria and their metabolic products;
  • allergens that enter the body with food, or products that cause intolerance;
  • medications whose side effects and/or overdose cause loose stools;
  • pesticides and heavy metal salts;
  • ethanol and its breakdown products;
  • some metabolic products: bilirubin, urea, lipid complexes and cholesterol.

Once inside the body, the drug begins to act within the first 5 minutes. It passes through the gastrointestinal tract, along the way “collecting” everything that could cause loose stools.

Due to the characteristics of the active substance, Polysorb passes through the aggressive environment of the stomach unchanged. Silica dioxide leaves the body naturally, through urine and feces, taking with it toxins, bacteria and allergens. The drug does not penetrate the blood; its area of ​​action affects exclusively the gastrointestinal tract.

Polysorb cannot eliminate the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, which many doctors associate with stress. Other mechanisms of influence are needed here. However, even in this case, it can alleviate the patient’s condition by collecting and removing gases.

If the cause of diarrhea remains unknown, Polysorb is prescribed as a universal drug for symptoms of poisoning.

The drug does not affect intestinal motility, does not irritate the mucous membranes of organs and does not have side effects characteristic of antibiotics.

Indications for use

The use of Polysorb sorbent for diarrhea is prescribed in cases where the problem is caused by the following reasons:

  • Acute food poisoning;
  • Infectious bowel diseases;
  • Purulent-septic diseases;
  • Complex therapy of dysbiosis;
  • Poison intoxication;
  • Allergic reaction to medications.

Also, Polysorb in the treatment of diarrhea in adult patients is very effective in the treatment of diseases of unknown etiology, accompanied by intestinal disorders, but without additional symptoms.

Instructions for use of Polysorb for diarrhea

To treat diarrhea, the drug is mixed with water to form a suspension. The medicine must be taken 3-5 times a day, and it cannot be prepared for future use: before each dose, a fresh suspension must be prepared. The dosage depends on the patient's weight and the severity of the disease.

For convenience, a universal scheme has been developed to help select treatment depending on the patient’s weight:

  • up to 10 kg - 1 g of the drug per day, diluted in 50 g of water (a quarter glass);
  • up to 30 kg - 1 g three times a day, stirring in 50 grams of water;
  • up to 40 kg - 2 g three times a day, dissolved in 100 grams of water (half a glass);
  • up to 60 kg - 3 g three times a day, dissolving in 100 grams of water;
  • more than 60 kg - 4-6 g three times a day, dissolving in 150 grams of water.

Since not everyone has gram-accurate scales, it is convenient to measure the dosage with a spoon. So, one level teaspoon contains 1 g of the drug, and a tablespoon - 3 g. Do not be afraid to use this method of measurement: there have been no cases of Polysorb overdose and it is impossible to do harm with inaccuracies in such small proportions.

The peculiarities of taking the medicine depend on the cause of diarrhea:

  • In case of poisoning, you must first rinse the stomach with a solution of the drug. To do this, mix 10 grams of the drug in a liter of water and rinse as usual. After this, the medicine is taken three times a day in a dosage calculated according to the patient’s weight. The product should be taken one hour before meals.
  • For chronic allergies, the drug is taken three times a day, an hour before or after meals.
  • For food allergies, take the suspension with a meal or drink it immediately after a meal.
  • If it is assumed that diarrhea was caused by an intestinal infection, then on the first day the drug should be taken every hour to reduce the volume of bacteria and prevent their proliferation. From the second day of treatment, the drug is taken four times a day. If you have an intestinal infection, you should not limit yourself to treatment with Polysorb: you should consult a doctor.
  • Sometimes diarrhea appears in pregnant women as a result of the location of the uterus. Usually, diarrhea begins to bother women starting from the 17th week. In this case, Polysorb is used in a dosage by weight three times a day. The drug has no effect on the fetus.

Under no circumstances should the drug be taken in dry form. The powder must be mixed with a sufficient amount of water.

The drug cannot be used after the expiration date. The prepared solution should be drunk immediately; the maximum possible shelf life is 2 days.

Some people find it difficult to take the drug because the taste makes them feel nauseous. In this case, you can dilute the suspension with a small amount of orange juice.

Drug pricing policy

If we talk about the price of a medicine called Polysorb, then it all depends on the packaging, how many ml it contains. The larger the package, the more expensive the medicine will cost. The most expensive, fifty ml, will cost somewhere around four hundred rubles, which is not so much. Using this substance, you can be sure that you will very soon get rid of such a problem as diarrhea.

We can draw a logical conclusion that the drug Polysorb helps against diarrhea well. All you have to do is show proper attention and responsibility, and you will soon be healthy again.


Although the drug is safe, in some cases it should be avoided. Thus, Polysorb is contraindicated for gastric or duodenal ulcers. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

The medicine is also contraindicated for internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. This may be indicated by black stool or the presence of blood clots in the stool.

You should take the sorbent with extreme caution for gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases: silica particles will get stuck in the folds of organs and irritate already inflamed tissues.

If you are allergic to the drug, you need to find its analogue.

In case of intestinal atony (lack of normal tone of internal muscles), any antidiarrheal drugs are contraindicated. In this case, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

When is it not necessary to self-medicate and should you go to the doctor?

Self-medication is always dangerous, and especially when treating diarrhea. Don't waste time and consult your doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • in the absence of improvement with self-treatment for 2 – 3 days;
  • diarrhea in children under 1 year of age and the elderly;
  • when the temperature exceeds 38 °C;
  • psychosomatic or allergic reactions after taking sorbents;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • incessant vomiting, sputum mixed with blood;
  • bloody or black stools;
  • severe dehydration of the body.

By consulting a doctor in a timely manner, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from serious consequences. Sometimes diarrhea is a symptom of a serious illness.

Diarrhea interferes with your normal lifestyle, work and play. It often takes you by surprise; it is recommended to treat it with folk methods, herbs or ordinary potassium permanganate. It might work, it might not. It’s better not to take risks and be fully armed. It's time to review your first aid kit and add Polysorb to it. It will help with diarrhea and many other intestinal problems.

Side effects

The product has few negative effects, and all of them fall into the category of very rare manifestations.

Sometimes signs of allergies appear in the form of skin rashes and slight swelling. It is extremely rare for a reaction to the drug to cause worsening diarrhea or constipation.

If the patient takes Polysorb for a long time (more than 2 weeks), the absorption of vitamins and minerals is disrupted, which leads to dry mucous membranes and skin, frequent colds or excess weight. Therefore, if you need to take medicine for a long time, you should take a vitamin-mineral complex at the same time.

What happens in case of an overdose?

If we talk about an overdose of Polysorb, then in medical practice no problems of this type have been identified. That is, no cases of sorbent overdose have been recorded, so there is no special advice regarding these events. But at the same time, there is an opinion that if you take Polysorb for a long time, more than two weeks, during diarrhea, this may be the reason that various minerals and vitamins, which are important for normal life processes in the human body, are simply washed out of the intestines.

Interaction with other drugs

One of the features of Polysorb is the ability to bind and retain drugs, facilitating their elimination. Therefore, the drug should not be taken simultaneously with other medications - this will significantly reduce their effectiveness. At least 1.5 hours should pass between taking Polysorb and any other medications.

In some cases, combining drugs not only reduces their effectiveness, but is also harmful: for example, simultaneous use with acetylsalicylic acid can lead to the destruction of platelets.

But for purulent-inflammatory diseases, the combination of Polysorb and antiseptic solutions contributes to more successful treatment.

Storage rules and terms of the drug

Any medicine has its own expiration date and this drug is no exception. Therefore, if you want Polysorb to really help, then make sure that its shelf life does not exceed sixty months, that is, no more than five years.

Polysorb should be stored at room temperature, and the presence of light and moisture is very undesirable. It is also necessary that the product is inaccessible to children, since if used incorrectly, it can be dangerous. Be careful to ensure that children do not play with this dangerous toy and understand that medications are not harmless candy.

Analogues of Polysorb for diarrhea

In case of allergies or for the convenience of the patient, other drugs with similar properties may be prescribed:

  • Smecta is a mixture of magnesium and aluminum silicates. The drug absorbs and removes toxins and is effective even against rotavirus infection. In addition, Smecta has a good effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It fills damage, eliminates inflammation and creates an additional protective layer.
  • Neosmectin is a new generation drug that is selective: it absorbs only pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Enterodes , like Polysorb, is a non-selective sorbent, characterized by a quick duration of action and high efficiency.

Polysorb is a drug that removes toxins, bacteria and their waste products. The dosage is calculated depending on the patient's weight. Should not be taken at the same time as other medications.

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What analogues might there be for this medicine?

This medicine has certain analogues that will allow you to choose what may suit you better. First of all, we are talking about some other sorbents that cope well with diarrhea.

If, for example, Polysorb could not be found, then white activated carbon, as well as medications such as:

  • Neosorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Sorbex.

The most affordable option here will be the first option (coal), which has already been tested over the years and by many people in action.

In any case, all these drugs have similar effects, since, like a washcloth, they “absorb” harmful substances that have accumulated for various reasons. If the poisoning is not too severe, then any sorbent can cope with diarrhea in the shortest possible time. But when the disease is acute, then without the help of qualified specialists, therapy cannot be carried out as needed.

An effective remedy for diarrhea

One of the most common reasons why patients take sorbents, especially Polysorb, is diarrhea. Diarrhea very often catches people at the most unexpected moment, and, of course, every person strives to quickly get rid of such an unpleasant illness.

After using Polysorb for diarrhea, many people talk about their experience on pharmacological websites or on social networks. And it must be said that this medicine regularly receives positive reviews, including many enthusiastic comments and thanks for the fact that this medicine always saves and helps out at any time. Currently, “Polysorb” has managed to establish itself as a very effective remedy for diarrhea for children and adults with poisoning or any stomach upsets.

But consumers need to take into account that some people may develop an allergy to this drug, and therefore they should familiarize themselves with the contraindications for taking it, and it is better, if in doubt, to go to the doctor in order to agree on a treatment regimen with a specialist.

By the way, “Polysorb” for diarrhea is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, if diarrhea after a treatment course has not gone away after two weeks, then in this case a medical consultation is also necessary.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use of Polysorb for diarrhea.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women can use Polysorb for diarrhea, because This medicine has virtually no side effects and is safe for mother and child. In women who are preparing to become mothers, the cause of diarrhea may be a common toxoinfection. During pregnancy, it is also used to eliminate vomiting and toxicosis. The drug quickly and safely removes pathogenic microorganisms without affecting the beneficial intestinal microflora.

A special feature of the drug is its direction of action; the sorbent is not activated and the blood is not absorbed. Due to this, Polysorb during pregnancy is completely safe for the development of the fetus.

But, despite this, it is necessary to take into account the doctor’s recommendations regarding dosage and course duration. It would be optimal to stir 1 tbsp. powder without a slide in 1 glass of water and add fresh juice or compote, mixing the medicinal suspension with drinks does not affect the level of effectiveness. Drink this solution 2 times a day until improvement occurs. On average, the course of treatment for diarrhea in pregnant women lasts 3-5 days.

Important! Despite the safety of the drug, using Polysorb during pregnancy with diarrhea is prohibited if a woman has a stomach ache, increased uterine tone or intestinal obstruction.

When breastfeeding, the drug is not dangerous for mother and child. To get rid of diarrhea, a nursing mother needs to take powder dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup of water). On the first day of development of the problem, drink the suspension every two hours for 6 hours. In the future, switch to a course of dosing every 3 hours until symptoms disappear.

Reviews about the drug Polysorb

So, as noted earlier, Polysorb managed to win a lot of positive reviews online. Consumers are very satisfied with this medicine and admit that they always have it in their family medicine cabinet. In addition, many people take this drug on trips, especially to the sea, when small children also go on trips. Parents report that Polysorb quickly and effectively saves their children from diarrhea.

Others take this medicine to cleanse the body of toxins. Consumers write that they are satisfied with the gentle cleansing that is achieved through the use of this drug. It is reported that after such a procedure the body feels noticeable lightness.

In fact, “Polysorb” is in many ways a universal remedy, since it copes well not only with diarrhea, but also with various poisonings, allergies, intestinal infections, intoxication, dysbacteriosis, and so on.

Parents are pleased that such a convenient and versatile remedy is suitable for treating even the youngest children. In addition, the drug tastes good, and children, as a rule, are not capricious when they need to take it. No adverse reactions (except allergies) are reported in the comments, which is an additional advantage of the presented medicine.

The main thing is that Polysorb helps against diarrhea.

Reviews about the use of enterosorbent Polysorb, instructions for use of which for children were outlined earlier, are extremely positive. Parents of small babies note the rapid action of the drug, the ease of use (the suspension can be given from a spoon, mug, bottle), and the ability to improve the taste by stirring the medicine in compote or juice. Modern mothers also liked the fact that the drug does not contain flavoring additives, dyes, or preservatives.

Does your home medicine cabinet still not contain any means to provide emergency assistance to your child in case of poisoning, diarrhea, or intoxication? Polysorb will be an excellent solution for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and undesirable conditions.

How to stop diarrhea at home

It’s a shame when in the evening nothing foreshadowed trouble, especially food ordered at home, and early in the morning, still sleepy, you are woken up not by your “favorite” alarm clock, but by an even more annoying rumbling in your stomach. The next second you are already rushing towards the “white horse” and the likelihood of getting to work, the airport, or kindergarten with your child becomes more and more elusive. If you know what diarrhea is, the rules for treating it in adults and children at home, this is half the trouble. It’s worse when there are no necessary drugs in the house, or you have no idea how to stop this process.

What is diarrhea: causes and consequences

Diarrhea is a syndrome in which the patient has an increase in the frequency of bowel movements, the stool becomes liquid and frequent. The normal frequency of bowel movements for an adult is 1 to 2 times a day. If symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, the illness is called acute diarrhea.

There can be many reasons for this reaction of the body, but intestinal drugs for diarrhea in most cases have a similar spectrum of action. The main causes of the disease include:

acute intestinal infections, the most common of which are dysentery and salmonellosis;

When should you take Polysorb for adults?

How to take polysorb for allergies in adults depends on the type of disease. The drug is effective for allergies of various etymologies:

  1. food poisoning;
  2. alcohol intoxication;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. skin dermatitis;
  6. eczema;
  7. psoriasis;
  8. cold;
  9. hyperbillirubinemia;
  10. viral hepatitis;
  11. purulent inflammation;
  12. constipation;
  13. poisoning.

In addition, it is absolutely indispensable for people working in an environment of harmful and toxic substances. Some manifestations of allergies, such as itching, rash or swelling, can only be relieved with Polysorb. It happens that allergens can form in the gastrointestinal tract during digestion. They can only be eliminated by the action of the active component of the drug. It allows you to bind allergens and remove them without a trace. Silicon dioxide, which Polysorb is mainly composed of, actively fights any manifestations of influenza or acute respiratory diseases. It blocks the formation of toxic substances in the blood. The result of this effect can eliminate dizziness, high fever, pain and muscle weakness. The drug can also be used for preventive purposes. In order to protect family and friends from any of the above diseases, the use of Polysorb is recommended.

Storage conditions for the medicine

"Polysorb" can be stored in the house for a period of five years. The temperature of the drug should be room temperature. Moisture and light are undesirable for this medication. It is also necessary to exclude children from access to this medicine, as well as to the entire home medicine cabinet, since medicines are not harmless candies, but substances with a special effect on the body and a personal list of various indications and contraindications.

The result of taking Polysorb

Compared to the use of other enterosorbents, it has been clinically proven that when taking Polysorb, pathological symptoms disappear immediately after taking the medicine, and recovery occurs much faster:

  1. The stool returns to normal within a few hours after starting the medication.
  2. Symptoms of fever disappear after the first doses of the drug.
  3. The intestines are effectively cleansed of dangerous microorganisms.
  4. The severity of allergic manifestations decreases: rashes and catarrhal symptoms disappear.
  5. The time spent on sick leave is significantly reduced.

Polysorb is most effective when taking the drug from the first hours of the onset of pathological symptoms.

Compared to other sorbents, Polysorb shows a higher effect of use. The drug has proven high effectiveness in the treatment of diarrhea of ​​various etiologies.

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