Hydrogen peroxide for gastritis: how to drink to treat the stomach?

September 17, 2021, 10:05 pm 1 Comment 9,216

Hydrogen peroxide has been known to everyone since childhood as a universal remedy for scratched knees. But many people have probably heard that it can treat other diseases. Traditional medicine considers peroxide a good remedy for gastritis if taken orally. Thanks to it, the digestion process will improve, there will be no retention of food in the intestines and stomach, which will eliminate the processes of decay. Admirers of alternative and traditional medicine are sure: if you take the drug correctly, there will be no harm.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “advanced” ulcers or gastritis can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Galina Savina says and read the recommendation.

Very important! Savina G.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of ulcers and gastritis” read more.

Composition and features

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless and odorless liquid. It contains an additional oxygen atom, which is not found in water. The drug is an antiseptic and disinfectant. When it comes into contact with a damaged mucous membrane or skin, active oxygen is released, and the wounds are actively cleansed. Peroxide temporarily reduces the presence of microorganisms and, due to its foaming properties, stops minor bleeding. However, the product does not guarantee protection against infection of wounds. The drug is mainly used topically; contact with the eyes should be avoided. It is used internally as an antidote for poisoning with potassium permanganate.

Characteristics of the chemical compound and its properties

Peroxide is a chemical compound, hydrogen peroxide, with the formula H₂O₂. The additional oxygen atom, which distinguishes the substance from ordinary water, increases its chemical activity. When interacting with metals and proteins in the body, peroxide breaks down to form water and atomic oxygen, which can form ordinary oxygen or combine with other substances surrounding it.

The principle of influence on the body

The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of hydrogen peroxide is based on the properties of active oxygen formed during its breakdown. By combining with proteins of the cell wall of pathogenic microorganisms, it causes its destruction. This reduces the harmful effects of metabolic products and bacterial activity, cleanses the source of infection, after which the affected mucosal cells are gradually restored.

By interacting with free radicals, oxygen combines with them, neutralizing active bonds. Numerous studies have proven that free radicals can lead to cell mutations and cause the development of tumors. Their neutralization is the prevention of the appearance of malignant and benign tumors.

Release form

To disinfect wounds, especially in children, buy a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The drug is also available in other forms. It is used for a variety of purposes, from treating wounds to disinfecting surfaces and instruments. Perhydrol has a 35% concentration. A preparation of reduced capacity of the substance is prepared from it. Hydroperite is peroxide in tablet form, its concentration is 35% (antiseptic, an aqueous solution of the desired saturation is prepared before use). A 6% peroxide solution is most often used in hospitals. It is used to disinfect medical instruments, in particular surgical instruments. There are solutions that are used to process certain products to increase shelf life. Very high concentration peroxide is used for technical purposes.

Hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of gastritis

The method of using peroxide for gastritis belongs to Professor I. P. Neumyvakin, who was the first to voice this possibility.

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According to the scientist’s theory, after 10 days of ingesting the solution according to a certain scheme, the healing process begins. Peroxide can be used to treat not only gastritis, but also a number of other diseases. Against gastritis, I.P. Neumyvakin advises taking the drug orally as follows: add 10 drops of solution to a quarter glass of water and drink it an hour before meals or 3 hours after it. Treatment lasts 10 days. After this, digestion will improve, and you can forget about gastritis.

There is another way to use peroxide internally for gastritis. Taking the product begins with 1 drop diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. Every day a drop is added until their number reaches 10 at one time. The product is applied twice a day. Then a break is taken for several days, and the treatment can be continued by dropping 10 drops into the water. To avoid unwanted reactions, the daily dose should not exceed 30 drops.

PAY ATTENTION! Do not prolong gastritis or an ulcer until stomach cancer, it is better to be on the safe side, but this will be necessary. read the story of Galina Savina >>

If you drink peroxide, the secretion of mucus increases and the amount of gastric juice decreases. Thus, it helps fight high acidity. Also, having antiseptic properties, the drug has a positive effect against pathogenic flora of the stomach. The main thing is to never overdose. If, when you start taking the drug, you feel nausea, some deterioration in your health, or slight rashes on the skin, you are advised not to pay attention to this and continue treatment. For more severe and persistent symptoms, it is better to stop treatment. It should be remembered that the drug should be used only 3%. Higher concentrations if ingested may cause burns, poisoning or death.

Soda treatment system according to Neumyvakin

For many years, Neumyvakin has called treatment with baking soda a universal way to combat and prevent various diseases. The doctor devoted many years to developing the soda treatment method. The effectiveness of soda treatment is noticeable after taking sodium bicarbonate after 15 minutes. During this period, a reaction occurs, as a result of which the acid-base balance is normalized, blood cells are cleansed and renewed, and blood pressure is normalized.

According to Dr. Neumyvakin, one of the main problems that a person faces is a violation of the acid-base balance, the indicator of which should ideally be unchanged throughout life and, on a scale chosen from 0 to 14, have a value of seven. Everything below level 0 is acid, everything above 7 is alkali. Index 14 indicates that a person has a serious illness, which may include cancer, stroke, and others that lead to death.

Professor Neumyvakin recommends starting treatment with soda with very small doses, following a precise schedule for taking the healing composition. The solution should not be cold, since the body will expend a lot of energy to heat it. In some cases, honey and baking soda can be combined in a solution. Neumyvakin calls soda treatment effective only if the solutions use a non-expired product and good quality, “correct” water.

There is a certain scheme for how to drink soda according to Neumyvakin so that this index is always normal:

Professor Neumyvakin recommends starting treatment with soda with very small doses, observing an exact schedule for taking the healing composition

  • you need to drink soda dissolved in water or warm milk at least three times a day;
  • The basic dosage for one dose is to add 0.25 tsp to 1 glass of liquid. soda It is enough for young people to drink 2 glasses, for older people - 3 glasses per day;
  • Taking soda according to Neumyvakin involves gradually increasing its dose. So after a three-day course of a quarter spoon, the dose should be increased to 1 tbsp. l. They do this according to the following scheme: 0.25 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon - twice a day, 2 hours after meals and 1 hour before it. Follow this instruction for 3 days, then take a break for 3 days and continue with an increased dose of soda;
  • In the future, the composition should be taken 15 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals;
  • After pouring soda into a glass, pour it with prepared boiling water (half a glass). The characteristic reaction of dissolving the soda powder will begin;
  • the resulting composition is diluted with chilled (the second half of the glass) liquid and drunk. The solution should not be hot or cold (500C);
  • The solution is drunk for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach, since the effectiveness of treatment is much higher on an empty stomach;
  • There is no significant difference in how to mix liquid and soda.

Before starting treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin, how to take it, the doctor advises patients to undergo a medical examination of their health condition in order to identify existing contraindications.

Before starting treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin, how to take it, the doctor advises patients to undergo a medical examination of their health status

The most dangerous diseases that can worsen as a result of treatment with soda and lead to negative results are: cancer of the third stage; allergic reactions of the body with increased sensitivity to sodium bicarbonate; stomach ulcer; increased and decreased acidity; diabetes; pregnancy.

The benefits and harms of treating gastritis with soda

Potentially, treating gastritis with soda has the right to exist as an auxiliary method. But the powder has beneficial and harmful properties. Without understanding this issue, you can cause serious harm to your body. As a result, soda for gastritis will lead to even bigger problems. If you use sodium bicarbonate correctly and according to the recommendations of specialists, you can achieve positive results in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

But soda also has a downside. This product can potentially be harmful when it comes to treating gastritis with soda. Remember that baking soda for gastritis should be used in rare situations. This is not a panacea for the disease. This is about the question of whether you can drink soda if you have gastritis. With the help of white powder, you can temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms, get rid of pain and improve your condition.

Sodium bicarbonate is not able to cure gastritis and ulcers. Getting carried away and abusing soda for gastritis with low acidity is dangerous. When the powder enters the human stomach, an active reaction begins along with hydrochloric stomach acid. It is then converted to carbonic acid and releases large amounts of water and gas.

Sodium bicarbonate is not able to cure gastritis and ulcers. Abuse of soda for gastritis with low acidity is dangerous.

This effect is dangerous because it disrupts the mucous membrane of the human stomach. Additionally, there is a feeling of a full stomach, the walls are stretched. Such phenomena contribute to the development of ulcers and threaten complications of established gastritis. If you have gastritis with high acidity, then abuse of sodium bicarbonate will lead to the opposite effect. That is, diarrhea will occur.

Recommendations for treating gastritis with soda

It is not necessary to use the powder itself. Today there is a large amount of special alkaline water that is sold in stores and pharmacies. It contains a safe amount of sodium bicarbonate and allows you to effectively cope with the problems and consequences of gastritis.

It is best to coordinate the use of soda with your doctor. Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable. Exceeding the dosage and abuse of white powder as the only medicine for gastritis can lead to side effects.

Having considered all the features of soda and its use in the treatment of gastritis, several main conclusions need to be drawn.

  • gastritis is accompanied by periodic stomach pain : baking soda can be considered as a proven and emergency home remedy. Its use will relieve heartburn and forget about the problem for a while;
  • An excess of hydrochloric acid in the body allows the use of soda: although this must be done with extreme caution. When acidity is increased and soda enters the body, the acidic environment decreases, which allows heartburn to be temporarily eliminated;
  • using sodium bicarbonate , you thereby improve the opening of the pylorus and normalize the evacuation function of your stomach;
  • baking soda for gastritis is only a temporary remedy : at the first opportunity, consult a good doctor for a full-fledged treatment;
  • if the acidity of the stomach is low, soda can also be used: recent studies have found that this powder does not inhibit or activate the functioning of the receptors that are responsible for acid secretion. It can neutralize acidity and nothing more.


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Is it possible to drink hydrogen peroxide if you have gastritis?

The drinking solution must be absolutely clean - only peroxide and water. It is not advisable to add anything there. It should also not be used in parallel with other medications. Treatment or prevention should begin with a very small dose. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor and follow the following rules:

  • The product is used exclusively on an empty stomach.
  • Peroxide should be drunk in cycles; after 10 days of taking it, a 5-day break is required.
  • A single dose should not exceed 10 drops; this will prevent irritation of the mucous membrane or burns.

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Restrictions for use and negative reactions

Hydrogen peroxide has no significant contraindications. The medicine is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance. In this regard, when used correctly, there are no unwanted effects. If you exceed the recommended doses, the patient faces a burn to the gastric mucosa, and this entails a serious complication of the disease.

The product is diluted with liquid, most often water.

When using hydrogen peroxide to treat ulcers, you must be careful not to get the solution into your eyes. If this cannot be avoided, you will need to immediately wash your face with plenty of running water and go to the doctor. Only a product with a concentration of no higher than 3% is allowed to be taken orally; peroxide should also not be consumed in its pure form; it must first be diluted with liquid in the required proportion. It is strictly contraindicated to mix the solution with anything other than purified water. Chlorinated liquid from the tap is also not suitable, as are all kinds of drinks with sugar, alcohol or soda.

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Contraindications and side effects

Peroxide cannot be used if you are hypersensitive. There is no clear opinion about taking the drug orally during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is believed that it is better to refrain from such a step.

People with donor organs should not use the drug as compatibility problems may arise.

When taking peroxide orally against gastritis with low or high acidity, symptoms such as heaviness or vibrating pain in the stomach or intestines, and in more rare cases, diarrhea, may be observed. It is believed that such problems can only appear with an overdose. Normally, the product does absolutely no harm. In other words, these are normal consequences of the body’s cleansing process.

Hydrogen peroxide is primarily known as a disinfectant, deodorizing, oxidizing and bleaching agent. But not many people know that gastritis can be treated with it. Regular intake of peroxide solution improves digestion and avoids retention and rotting of food in the intestines. Reviews from fans of alternative medicine indicate that if taken correctly, the product will not cause any harm to the digestive system.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Those cases where, during treatment with peroxide, the patient’s relief from gastritis is recorded, are considered an exception to the rule. They are compared with the placebo effect, the mechanisms of self-hypnosis, but not with the positive effect of the drug on the body.

Patient opinions are optimistic and positive. Some reviews:

There are also negative reviews. For the most part, they relate to treatment for the diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity and an erosive variant of the pathology.

Therapy of gastric pathology according to Neumyvakin

Whether or not to engage in such treatment, this decision will have to be made independently. But in any case, before starting it, you need to enlist the support of your own doctor.

Hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of gastritis of the stomach

The author of the popular technique is Professor I.P. Neumyvakin. According to his theory, a 10-day intake of liquid orally according to the developed scheme starts the healing process of the gastrointestinal tract. For gastritis of the stomach, I.P. Neumyvakin recommends taking the solution orally in this way: 11 drops of peroxide are added to ¼ tbsp. water, the solution is drunk one hour before eating and three hours after it. The course of treatment should be ten days. After this procedure, digestion will be completely improved, and you can forget about inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

There is a second way to take the drug for gastritis. Taking peroxide begins with one drop diluted with 2 tbsp. l. water. One drop should be added daily until the amount reaches ten at a time. The product should be used 2 times a day for ten days. To avoid side effects, the maximum daily dosage of the drug should not exceed thirty drops.

How to treat a stomach with hydrogen peroxide

There are several ways to use hydrogen peroxide. Neumyvakin recommends treating gastritis with low acidity by taking its solution orally, 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals, or 2 to 3 hours after. In any case, the stomach should be empty. Approximate dosage schedule for 50 ml of water 3% hydrogen peroxide:

  1. The first day - 1 drop in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 3 in the evening.
  2. Gradually increase the amount of peroxide by 2 drops every day up to 10.
  3. Take 10 days, break 5 days.
  4. Subsequent treatments should begin immediately with 10 drops of peroxide.

If nausea occurs during treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the concentration of the solution should be reduced. In addition to treating the stomach, several parallel processes occur in the body:

  • Removal of toxins.
  • Destruction of bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori.
  • Tissue rejuvenation.

Attention! Professor Neumyvakin constantly warns his clients not to exceed the dosage. Then the body can be harmed.

Waste and toxins are partially excreted in feces and urine. The main part leaves the body through the skin. If they are secreted intensively, especially in the first days, rashes and itching may appear. This is a normal cleansing process and you should not be afraid of it and stop treating your stomach. Side irritant effects disappear quickly. Taking hydrogen peroxide is accompanied by the death and removal of helminths and other parasites from the body. When they accumulate in the intestines, constipation may occur, since their mass blocks the free exit of processed foods. In this case, a laxative and a warm enema with added oil will help.

How to take hydrogen peroxide correctly for gastritis

The solution for administration must be completely clean - only water with peroxide. It is not recommended to add anything else to the mixture: flavorings, fragrances, dyes, etc. Peroxide should also not be used with other medications. Treatment of stomach ulcers (prevention) should begin with a minimum dose. Before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor, and during treatment, follow these rules:

  1. Take the mixture only on an empty stomach.
  2. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which a five-day break is required.
  3. The maximum daily dose is ten drops; a higher concentration will cause irritation of the mucous membranes and burns.

Peroxide should not be taken for inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis), or for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also, people with donor organs should not use the drug, as problems may arise regarding compatibility with the body.

Internal intake of peroxide for gastritis with low or high stomach acidity is usually accompanied by heartburn, heaviness in the intestines, aching pain, and diarrhea. There is no need to stop taking the drug, as these are normal consequences of the body’s cleansing process.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, the effect of peroxide on the gastrointestinal tract can be dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to treat gastritis using traditional methods very carefully; before doing this, you should visit your doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination, and obtain his permission and recommendations. Remember that the wrong dosage or method of using the drug, instead of recovery, can cause serious intestinal diseases that will require surgical intervention.

Doctors attribute all stomach problems to poor nutrition. Overeating and fast food contribute to the development of pathogenic microbes.

As a result, pain occurs and food is poorly digested. Gastritis is likely to develop into ulcers and cancer if left untreated. Treatment of the stomach with hydrogen peroxide according to the method of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin can eliminate the problem. The folk remedy requires compliance with the dosage. The results have been tested on many patients.

The main symptoms of a sick stomach

Junk food, overeating and bad habits lead to disruption of the cells inside the stomach that produce acid, food enzymes and mucus, which protects the walls of the organ from the inside. The protective shell becomes thinner and is not able to fully block the access of an aggressive acidic environment to the walls. Irritation and inflammation occurs. A person constantly experiences pain in the stomach, heaviness, burning.

Impaired enzyme production leads to incomplete food processing. It accumulates in the lower part of the stomach, begins to ferment and fester. The result is:

Depending on the type of gastritis, the doctor prescribes medication and diet. There are traditional methods of reducing acidity and restoring the normal functioning of the glands, these include:

Proper intake of mineral water speeds up recovery. Neumyvakin’s method of treating gastritis with high acidity with hydrogen peroxide is very popular. The professor has conducted numerous clinical and laboratory studies, and has been practicing his method for many years, saving people from the disease.

Attention! Chronic gastritis is likely to develop into an erosive form and cancer. Treatment cannot be delayed.

Features of use

In what clinical situations does the professor recommend using peroxide:

  • infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • ENT pathology (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis);
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels (coronary artery disease, stroke, varicose veins);
  • diseases of the nervous system (osteochondrosis, stroke, multiple sclerosis);
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, immunodeficiency of any etiology);
  • pathology of the pulmonary system (emphysema, bronchiectasis, oncology);
  • diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease);
  • in dermatology (eczema, fungal infection, oncology).

What happens when peroxide enters the body?

You can simulate the main reaction in the stomach when hydrogen peroxide enters it at home. It is enough to place the main component of gastric juice – hydrochloric acid – in a transparent container, preferably a flask. Then add hydrogen peroxide in the form of a solution. Through the walls of the vessel it will be visible that a quiet reaction is occurring with the release of gas. It is enough to bring a smoldering splinter, which will flare up. Oxygen is released, the main element of combustion. After the reaction is complete, you can check the acid concentration using litmus paper. It will become lower than it was originally poured.

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