Black poop from chocolate. Bleeding within the digestive tract

Black stool due to medications

Black stool may be caused by medications

. You can recognize this nature of this phenomenon by the absence of any accompanying symptoms.

Also, the appearance of black feces can be caused by the consumption of coloring foods. However, more often it became a consequence of taking the following types of medications:

GroupDrug namesCause of black stool
GastroprotectiveActivated carbon, De-NolAdsorption of toxic substances.
Vitamins and dietary supplementsFerummlex, FenyulsMay contain components that color stool.
Anti-inflammatoryIbuprofen, Nemisil, AspirinThey contain bismuth, which changes the color of stool.
Blood thinnersKurantin, Aescusan, FenilinMay cause slight bleeding into the intestines.

All medications in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases should be prescribed by a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

In order to identify what disease caused the change in the normal color of the stool, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. At the appointment, the doctor examines the patient, listens to his complaints, prescribes examinations and tests.

Blood and urine samples are taken and stool samples are analyzed. This is necessary in order to find out whether intestinal bleeding has led to the change in color, or whether it is caused by other reasons.

An ultrasound examination can determine the location of the lesion and the consequences of bleeding, find a diseased organ or damaged area.

To clarify the information, the doctor may prescribe an MRI or CT scan.

Volumetric layer-by-layer imaging helps to clarify important data, for example, to identify the location and size of the tumor, the presence of metastases and other abnormalities.

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Provoke bleeding from the esophagus

Varicose veins, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, ulcers and stomach cancer, and serious trauma may occur.
Because of this, the stool becomes black or, according to medical terminology, melena

You can recognize this nature of changes by constant pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and regular increases in body temperature. Particular alarm should be sounded in cases where the vomit becomes bright red or has a coffee grounds color.

. If a man has black stool, it means he is bleeding.

In case of severe and prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to call an ambulance to prevent serious consequences.

According to statistics, bleeding most often begins in the upper gastrointestinal tract, only in 10-15% - in the lower

. Half of all cases are due to diseases of the stomach, about 30% are due to diseases of the duodenum, in 10% bleeding is due to serious damage to the rectum and in 5% to the esophagus. Much less often, in only 1% of all diagnosed cases, the appearance of black stools also indicates pathology of the small intestine. Also, if you correctly evaluate the appearance of the stool, you can determine the type of disease: obvious or hidden, one-time or recurrent, acute or chronic.

Varicose veins of the esophagus

Esophageal varices are a condition in which the blood vessels become inflamed and stretched. For a long time, this disease may not manifest itself in any way; a person lives his usual life and does not think about his pathological condition. When the affected blood vessels

overstretched, they rupture, which leads to internal bleeding.
If you do not provide medical assistance to a person in time, there is a high risk of death. You can recognize a ruptured vein:

  • characteristic abdominal pain;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • vomiting with blood;
  • black chair.

Particularly dangerous is portal vein rupture, which is caused by increased pressure in the portal vein. Blood passes through this area from the digestive organs to the liver. Due to hypertension, venous vessels begin to expand and their walls become fragile. Over time, they can completely collapse and begin to bleed.

Most often, this phenomenon is caused by cirrhosis. It causes serious scarring on the liver. Usually the disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, the influence of harmful toxic substances, and complications of other gastrointestinal
. Be sure to find out why and under what diseases black feces begin to haunt a person. Often pregnant women become the owners of this problem.


Prevention of black stool is:

  • consuming small amounts of foods such as black pudding, grapes, prunes, blueberries, tea and coffee, as well as medications that can color the discharge;
  • maintaining a balanced diet - meals should not be high in calories;
  • At the first symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction, seek advice from specialists. This should be done as soon as possible if this feature of the color of feces was discovered in children, because pathological processes in a child’s body proceed much faster than in an adult;
  • regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist by a pregnant woman;
  • undergoing examination at the clinic at least twice a year.

The appearance of black stool can be caused by food or medications that a person consumed the day before, or by serious diseases of the digestive system. If this phenomenon occurs for no reason, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcer is a disease of the organ mucosa

, in which trophic ulcers form on its surface.
Black feces do not appear immediately with this disease, but it indicates serious damage to the stomach. Typically, this phenomenon occurs 12 hours after the onset of internal bleeding. If it is large enough, the stool becomes tarry. This occurs due to the movement of a large amount of split blood through the intestines. If a small amount of blood is released in the stomach, the stool will be formed. The cause of stomach ulcers is:

  • stomach injury;
  • poor nutrition;
  • consequences of other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • frequent emotional stress.

The appearance of black stools may indicate a period of exacerbation of the ulcer. This stool color indicates a high content of iron oxide in the stomach, which is released during the fermentation of hemoglobin in the intestines. If you experience black diarrhea, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes this symptom can quickly give way to constipation and loss of appetite. It is very important to ensure proper functioning of the intestines so that the contents do not linger in the stomach and irritate its walls. The causes of black stool in men may be the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Diagnosis and treatment

First of all, during the examination, a specialist must find out the reason for the staining of stool. To do this, a coprogram is performed, the presence of occult blood is checked, because if it is detected in an adult woman, then this already indicates the following pathologies:

  • inflammation occurring in the small and often in the large intestine;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • ulcer;
  • Gastrointestinal polyps.

So, before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct the following examination:

  • recording all the patient's complaints;
  • test for the presence of occult blood;
  • X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general blood analysis;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (in emergency cases).

During treatment for bleeding in the ECT organs, it is necessary to provide the patient with bed rest. Also in this case, hemostatic drugs are prescribed, and the source of bleeding itself is cauterized. If there has been too much blood loss, a donor blood transfusion is performed. It happens that drug therapy is ineffective, in which case surgery is prescribed to resection the ulcer or the main source of bleeding.

If black feces become a sign of gastritis, then the specialist should prescribe antibacterial therapy, as well as taking drugs that reduce acidity. But remember that gastritis is an inflammation that affects the gastric mucosa. The acute form can be cured with medication, but the chronic form cannot. Chronic gastritis leads to bleeding, which is accompanied by staining of stool.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis is a disease in which liver tissue is damaged and dies. In the initial stages, stool may be lightened or white, which is caused by the lack of production of a specific secretion. However, cirrhosis can provoke the development of serious bleeding, which turns light-colored stool black. Also, with cirrhosis of the liver, the hemorrhoidal veins dilate significantly.

Liver cirrhosis is a disease that most often occurs in men who lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Over time, they become inflamed and burst, and because of the blood released, the stool acquires this color. Typically, stool in cirrhosis meets the following characteristics:

  • may have bloody impurities;
  • have a liquid, unformed consistency;
  • have small strings of mucus;
  • always come out in small quantities;
  • defecation occurs with severe discomfort;
  • after going to the toilet, a person still suffers for some time from pain, burning and itching in the anus;
  • Constipation often occurs.

If you begin to notice that a large amount of blood is coming out with your stool, you should consult a doctor. If the stool suddenly turns black, you can call an ambulance - in case of cirrhosis, this may indicate complete death of the liver. The blackening of stool during bleeding is due to the fact that the blood, which had been in the stomach for some time, had time to be digested and captured part of the processed food. Your doctor will be able to tell you exactly what disease the black stool is a sign of.

Norms of color, shape, consistency of stool

A healthy person who does not have digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and leads a healthy lifestyle has the following standards associated with the process of defecation:

  • Quantity and quality. The excretion of feces should occur 1-2 times a day, every day, but at least 3 times a week, provided that you are in good health. Discharge occurs easily and painlessly, the daily amount ranges from 200-400 grams. No stool for more than 72 hours - constipation, bowel movements more than 3-4 times a day - diarrhea.
  • Form. According to the “Bristol scale”, feces having a cylindrical, rounded shape are the norm; inclusions of undigested food and cracks on the surface are observed.
  • The consistency is dense, but soft and shaped.
  • The smell is unpleasant, but not pungent; normally it should not be putrid or sour.
  • Color. In an adult, healthy person who is on a balanced diet, the color of stool varies from light to dark shades of brown.

Factors affecting the color of feces

There are many reasons for the change in color of stool and it depends on what you eat, drink or take as a medicine, unless associated symptoms are observed.

Color of stool.Factors that influenced the result.
Light beige color, white with a gray tint.Obstruction of the bile ducts, low salt content in bile.
Light yellow.Eating dairy products.
Light brown.The predominance of plant foods in the menu.
Brown, dark brown.Balanced, mixed nutrition.
Dark green shade.It is observed in vegetarians who eat vegetables, fruits and large amounts of fresh herbs and seaweed. Preparations containing iodine.
Dark brown color with red tintUnchanged, undigested blood. Eating foods that are red in color: beets, pomegranate, red wine.
Black-brown.Mainly consumption of meat products, black berries: black currants, blueberries. Taking activated carbon.
The stool is black-green.May be associated with taking iron supplements.
Black feces.Black feces. Taking medications containing bismuth. Symptoms of internal gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, internal bleeding, colitis, malignant tumors, etc.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is the use of various medications.

To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to drink a simple remedy

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a disease caused by the rapid proliferation of malignant cells in the tissues that line the inner lining of this organ. Very often, an adult is diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. Such a lesion indicates that part of the replaced tissue in the stomach is lined with lymphatic cells. Typically, signs of stomach cancer appear in the later stages, when drug therapy is no longer appropriate and surgery cannot be performed. The earlier you detect stomach cancer, the better your chances of completely curing it.

The appearance of black stool indicates bleeding that has started in the patient's stomach. This sign is especially dangerous when the nature of pain in the upper abdomen changes.

It is worth constantly monitoring the frequency of attacks and their localization.

It is also necessary to evaluate the accompanying manifestations of the disease: deterioration of the body, loss of weight and appetite, frequent attacks of pain, decreased gastric acidity. Very often, stomach cancer is accompanied by dyspeptic syndrome, when immediately after eating a person develops nausea, heartburn and belching, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Rectal cancer

Oncology of the rectum

is a cancer that often occurs in older people. However, current statistics show that recently this disease has become more common in people under 40 years of age. In the initial stages, the tumor can be localized only on the walls of the rectum, but over time it grows and completely blocks the intestinal lumen. The adult body can no longer function in its usual rhythm.

Due to the formation of a tumor, mucus and blood begin to be released in the rectum. This happens not only during the process of defecation. The fluids mix with the stool, which makes them black. This phenomenon can also occur in people who suffer from advanced anal fissures and hemorrhoids. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, because black stool in oncology means the development of serious complications.

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