Diet for inflammation of the large intestine in an adult menu

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Various types of inflammation of the intestinal and gastric mucosa cause disruption of food digestion and decreased absorption of nutrients. Diet for intestinal inflammation is part of the treatment; it is aimed at facilitating the functioning of the digestive system and reducing irritation.

Most often, dietary table No. 4 is prescribed, which reduces inflammation, normalizes gastrointestinal function, provides the body with important microelements and vitamins, and also improves the functioning of other internal organs.

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The essence of the diet

Food for intestinal inflammation, first of all, should not irritate the damaged mucous membrane; foods that promote fermentation or putrefactive processes are also excluded.

The diet for intestinal inflammation includes steamed, stewed, boiled or baked foods, always in crushed form (in a blender, through a meat grinder, sieve); it is important that the food is warm so that normal intestinal motility is not disrupted.

You should not consume pickles, fatty, fried foods, smoked foods, sauces, marinades, and foods with a lot of coarse fiber.

The main principle of the diet is fractionation - often in small portions. This approach will make the bowels easier.

Diet for inflammation of the large intestine

Inflammation of the colon is characterized by inconsistent bowel movements, a tendency to constipation, or vice versa, loose stools, therefore the diet is adjusted depending on the symptoms, in one case you need to eat foods with a laxative effect, in the other - those that delay emptying.

If you have a tendency to constipation, you need to add sugary substances with a laxative effect to your diet - fruit juices, honey, sweet fruits.

In case of diarrhea, nutrition is strictly limited; in this case, the main goal of the diet is to maximize the sparing of the intestinal mucosa.

In this case, low-fat broths, minced meat (veal, chicken), and vermicelli are recommended. Also, with normal sensitivity, you can eat fresh cottage cheese.

As the symptoms subside, other foods are gradually added to the diet (starting with vegetable purees, pureed soups, etc.).

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Diet for inflammation of the small intestine

With inflammatory diseases of the small intestinal mucosa (enterocolitis), there may be a tendency to constipation or diarrhea.

Due to frequent bowel movements, the body rapidly loses fluid, which leads to an imbalance in the water-salt balance, so for the first few days the patient must strictly restrict food intake; he is allowed to drink strong black tea without sugar.

For diarrhea, jelly with blueberries and rice water improve the condition.

On days 3–4, the diet expands slightly and foods are introduced that improve intestinal motility and reduce fermentation.

In the acute stage, you need to eat soups with rice or semolina broth, lean meat, fish, jelly from oranges, tangerines.

You are allowed to drink jelly from berries (strawberry, raspberry, currant), juice (from tangerines, oranges).

When acute symptoms subside, the diet for intestinal inflammation changes slightly, and other foods are gradually introduced (it is important to monitor your well-being).

[10], [11], [12], [13]

If diarrhea

Here all actions are aimed at calming the intestines and allowing them to restore function. Reduce the amount of toxic sources, stop and avoid repetition of fermentation and rotting. First of all, you should take care of replenishing the water balance. You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Additionally, take decoctions of restorative herbs and strong black tea.

Everything that is served to a patient on a diet with inflammation must first be boiled or steamed. The menu includes:

  • light soups made from lean meat;
  • set of dried fruits;
  • low-fat milk (kefir in particular);
  • a little honey;
  • strengthening porridges made from buckwheat and rice.

It is forbidden to eat fatty, smoked, sweet and starchy foods (including pasta). Include foods rich in fiber: legumes, cabbage, more fresh vegetables, fruits (apples).

Diet menu for intestinal inflammation

Sample menu for loose stools:

  • breakfast - chicken meatballs, buckwheat porridge, compote (cottage cheese for a snack).
  • lunch - diet soup, fish soufflé, sweet tea (you can have a snack with tea and crackers).
  • dinner – cottage cheese-buckwheat casserole, tea, crackers (jelly before bed).
  • breakfast – boiled veal, stewed zucchini, compote (snack – dry biscuits, sweet tea)
  • lunch - noodle soup, rice casserole with meat, tea (snack - jelly).
  • dinner - stewed zucchini, stewed fish, compote (jelly before bed).
  • cottage cheese, boiled rice, compote (snack – baked apples)
  • lunch - soup with vegetables and barley, stewed fish, vermicelli, tea (snack - crackers, juice diluted with water)
  • dinner – vegetable stew, boiled fish, tea (jelly before bedtime)
  • breakfast – mashed potatoes, chicken meatballs, apple compote (snack – berries)
  • lunch – chicken noodles, vegetable stew, tea (snack – crackers, juice diluted with water).
  • dinner - fish cutlets, stewed cauliflower, fruit soufflé, tea (jelly before bed).
  • breakfast – grated cottage cheese, semolina porridge, compote (snack – baked apple)
  • lunch – vegetable soup, meatloaf stuffed with steamed omelet, tea (snack – tea, crackers)
  • dinner - semolina casserole, fish balls, compote (jelly before bed).

If you are prone to constipation, the menu for intestinal inflammation will be different:

  • Breakfast: egg white omelet, cottage cheese casserole, compote (snack – baked apples)
  • Lunch – chicken broth soup, goulash, boiled beets, tea (snack – prunes)
  • Dinner – cottage cheese-buckwheat casserole, tea (kefir before bed)
  • Breakfast – buckwheat, stewed eggplant, tea (snack – fresh vegetables)
  • Lunch – borscht in vegetable broth, stewed vegetables with meat, tea (snack – prunes)
  • Dinner – buckwheat, carrot cutlets, compote (yogurt before bed)
  • Breakfast - oatmeal, vinaigrette, tea with milk (snack - dried apricots)
  • Lunch – soup with meatballs, stewed zucchini, jelly with fruit (snack – grated carrots)
  • Dinner – fish cutlets, carrot casserole, tea with lemon (kefir before bed)
  • Breakfast – vegetable salad, boiled fish, tea (snack – grapes)
  • Lunch – vegetable soup with barley, stewed vegetables, meatloaf, jelly (snack – fresh apple)
  • Dinner – veal goulash, zucchini caviar, tea (kefir before bed)
  • Breakfast – buckwheat, goulash, tea with milk, compote (snack – tomatoes)
  • Lunch – cauliflower soup, stewed chicken with vegetables, tea
  • Dinner – meatballs, eggplant caviar, tea (kefir before bed).

Diet for intestinal inflammation should become one of the main parts of therapy; proper nutrition will help the mucous membrane recover quickly. It should be remembered that all food must be pureed, steamed, baked or boiled. For constipation, porridge can be seasoned with a small piece of butter; for cooking and dressing salads, vegetable oil can be used.

Also, for constipation, it is recommended to add a little vegetable oil and sugar to kefir.

Sample menu for inflammation for 7 days

Every gastroenterologist should begin treatment of an adult patient and a child with inflammatory bowel disease with a detailed diet for every day.

  • morning meal – rice (boiled, cooked in water and grated), tea;
  • lunch – grated cottage cheese, bird cherry infusion;
  • daily meal - vegetable soup with water, steamed chicken cutlets, buckwheat porridge, unsweetened tea;
  • afternoon snack – crackers, rosehip infusion;
  • evening meal - fish soufflé, stewed zucchini, dried fruit drink;
  • before bed – jelly.
  • morning meal – boiled veal, omelette, unsweetened black tea;
  • lunch - compote with dry biscuits, honey;
  • daily meal - noodle soup, boiled fish, 2 slices of low-fat cheese, rosehip decoction;
  • afternoon snack – steamed dried fruits, tea;
  • evening meal – stew of permitted vegetables, boiled chicken, crackers, tea;
  • before bed - compote.
  • morning meal - oatmeal with low-fat milk, soft-boiled egg, tea without sugar;
  • lunch – biscuits, baked pear, dried fruit compote;
  • daily meal - broth with semolina, boiled fish, pureed rice, tea;
  • afternoon snack – blueberry decoction, berry jelly;
  • evening meal - steamed chicken meatballs, rice porridge (on water, ground), vegetable stew, tea;
  • before bed – mint decoction.

Plan a weekly diet of therapeutic nutrition to make your recovery as comfortable as possible.

  • morning meal - chicken meatball, cottage cheese (grinded with honey), tea without sugar;
  • lunch – baked apple, compote;
  • daily meal – vegetable cream soup, boiled veal, vegetable stew, tea;
  • afternoon snack – crackers with honey, fruit juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • evening meal - steamed veal cutlets, boiled cauliflower, hard black bread, fruit soufflé, tea;
  • before bed – jelly.
  • morning meal - semolina porridge, cottage cheese with berries, compote;
  • lunch – baked pear, jelly;
  • daily meal - vegetable soup, chicken roll stuffed with omelet, mint decoction;
  • afternoon snack – tea, crackers;
  • evening meal - fish balls, vegetable stew, semolina casserole, jelly;
  • before bed - kefir.

Diet recipes

200g veal, 5-7 slices of white bread, 1 minced egg (if the egg is large, you can take half), 2 eggs for an omelet, 5-6 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Mix the minced meat with the egg, place damp gauze on the surface, and place the minced meat 1.5 - 2 cm high on top.

Prepare an omelet: mix eggs with milk. If you don't have a double boiler, you can use a saucepan of water and a deep porcelain plate. Pour the egg-milk mixture into a plate, cover with a lid and place in boiling water (you can use a smaller pan). Cook for 8-10 minutes.

Place the finished omelette on the minced meat, carefully connect the ends of the gauze so that one edge overlaps the other. You can prepare the roll in a slow cooker, a double boiler (about 25-30 minutes) or in a steamed plate.

200g semolina, 450ml milk, 4-5 pcs. eggs, salt, sugar to taste, vanillin, butter.

Add sugar, salt, butter and vanillin to the finished semolina to taste.

Cool and add the yolks, then beat the cooled whites until thick foam, gradually add to the porridge. Grease the pan with oil, transfer the pudding and steam (in a pan with water) for about 40-45 minutes.

  • Rice casserole with meat

Minced meat 400g, 2 tbsp. water, rice 230g, 1 pc. onions, 2 eggs, salt (for frying you will need vegetable oil).

Boil the rice, finely chop the onion, lightly fry the minced meat with onions.

Mix raw eggs into the rice. Place half the rice in the pan, then the minced meat and cover with the rest of the rice.

Cook in a preheated oven at 1900C for 25 - 30 minutes.

  • Curd-buckwheat casserole

200g non-acidic cottage cheese, 200g buckwheat, 100ml sour cream (in the dough), 2 eggs, salt.

Cook buckwheat porridge, after cooling, add sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, salt and mix well.

Place in a mold, brush with a small amount of sour cream or egg, bake in the oven at 1800C for 35-40 minutes (the casserole should brown slightly).

Diet for intestinal inflammation, as one of the main methods of treatment, is used to restore the mucous membrane and reduce acute symptoms of the disease.

It should be remembered that any disease in the early stages is easier to treat, so it is important to recognize the first signs of intestinal inflammation (pain, nausea, bloating, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, weight loss) and not delay treatment.

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Menu for acute inflammation

In the first days, you should eat only liquid food - rice water or blueberry jelly are perfect. With this pathology, the human body loses a large amount of fluid, since the inflamed intestines lead to symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Doctors advise drinking a lot of tea without sugar and still water. They compensate for fluid loss and will not irritate the mucous membrane.

Gastrointestinal diseases may include constipation or diarrhea. Treatment and diet will depend on this.

What can you eat if you have intestinal inflammation?

In each individual case, the diet should be agreed with your doctor.

The diet for intestinal inflammation should consist of the following products:

  • meat, fish, baked, boiled or steamed.
  • vegetable, fish soup, dietary meat broth.
  • egg (only for diarrhea, no more than 1 per day)
  • grated carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, stewed or boiled.
  • porridge
  • fruits, berries, prunes
  • compote, jelly, jelly
  • dairy products
  • honey
  • unhealthy baked goods with the addition of dried apricots, berries, crackers, stale white bread.
  • vegetable oil and butter in small quantities

For constipation

The task is to make the intestines work properly and stimulate peristalsis. Again, fiber and dietary fiber will help. What can you eat if you have intestinal inflammation on a constipation diet:

  • millet bran - sprinkle everything you can with it;
  • fiber - found in large quantities in vegetables and herbs;
  • coarse baked goods, left for 1 day (fresh is not recommended);
  • boiled meat, poultry, fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • boiled eggs;
  • rosehip compote;
  • green or weak black tea;
  • sour milk.

You will have to forget about everything fatty, sweet and smoked for a while. The same goes for alcohol, spices and sauce.

What should you not eat if you have intestinal inflammation?

During the illness, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fresh baked goods, bread
  • pepper, sauces, marinades, seasonings, smoked meats
  • fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, pickles,
  • rich, fatty broths
  • radish, radish
  • fats
  • pasta, mushrooms
  • cakes, chocolate, etc.
  • tea, coffee (strong)

The diet for intestinal inflammation is adjusted by the attending physician depending on the symptoms, condition, etc. (for example, for diarrhea, 1 soft-boiled egg is added to the diet; for constipation, eggs are completely excluded).

Therapeutic diet No. 4 for intestinal diseases is one of the most effective ways to quickly and effectively get rid of many problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This diet is designed for a week-long course, during which a therapeutic effect is achieved by following a dietary diet. Indications for the use of this nutritional system are various digestive disorders in children and adults.

What is diet No. 4 intended for and who developed it?

This type of treatment is prescribed for various acute and chronic diseases, such as colitis and chronic digestive disorders, which are accompanied by difficulties and problems with digestion and colon motility. The main goal of the diet is to have a gentle and maximally safe effect on the body, with any contraindications to the use of special drugs for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. This diet is completely safe and effective if all recommendations are followed.

This diet is considered very effective for intestinal diseases with constipation, as it acts to create the necessary conditions for:

  • “restart” of the entire gastrointestinal tract system;
  • restoration of normal functioning of peristalsis.

The nutritional system was developed by the famous Soviet gastroenterologist Pevzner, and since ancient times, diet table No. 4 has been working effectively and efficiently.

The developed nutrition system includes all the most important and necessary conditions for treating problems with the intestines or stomach.

Both adults and children, even younger ones, can resort to this system.

Basic principles of diet No. 4

Any diet is aimed at:

  • improvement of the physical condition of the body;
  • restoration of organs by reducing the load;
  • change in food quality.

In addition, when following a proper diet, not only the intestines are “unloaded,” but also the general metabolism in the body is normalized. Diet table No. 4 for intestinal diseases provides for certain rules and principles of nutrition.

The basic principles of the fourth diet are as follows:

  • “Soft” effect on the intestines and stomach, absence of strong irritants to the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A diet that includes the lowest possible amount of carbohydrates in foods.
  • High protein, easy to digest food.
  • Compliance with nutritional conditions that minimize the load on the digestive organs: you should not eat food with sharp differences in temperature in relation to the temperature of the internal organs.
  • Meals in small portions, which should be consumed in 4-7 meals a day.

Allowed products at table number 4

Each diet has a number of acceptable foods, stop foods, as well as principles of food preparation. The diet has its own lists of permitted and prohibited foods, and compliance with these lists is a fundamental point. The principles of cooking play an important role, since with different methods of preparation and consumption, the same products affect the digestion process differently.

The table during diet 4, as well as a detailed description of what can and cannot be consumed is given below:

  1. Soft, pureed foods: this will reduce the load on the digestive system. The following dishes are allowed in this consistency: cutlets made from lean soft meat, porridge, ground cereal, soufflé, pureed meat and some fruit and vegetable purees.
  2. Protein foods: boiled meat, meat souffles, cottage cheese, boiled eggs.
  3. Drink: all kinds of dried fruit compotes, decoctions of some herbs, weak teas.
  4. Dairy products: natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese.

Consumption of all of the above products significantly affects the relief of intestinal function. With this menu the following are excluded:

  • constipation;
  • stomach upsets;
  • diarrhea;
  • other unpleasant consequences of gastrointestinal diseases.

The benefits of kefir for the intestines and stomach

Kefir, unlike fermented baked milk, is endowed with a large number of advantages. It is rich in lactic acid bacteria, which:

  • restore the microflora of the organ;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • stabilize digestion;
  • stop the pathogenic process and the development of microbes;
  • remove toxins;
  • prevent the development of tuberculosis;
  • reduce the risk of tumor formation;
  • restore immunity;
  • accelerate postoperative rehabilitation;
  • fight inflammation and tissue swelling;
  • promote protein breakdown, absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D;
  • have a beneficial effect on the vascular system, which helps improve the nutrition of stomach tissue.

If the body does not tolerate lactose, kefir or fermented baked milk is an excellent substitute for dairy products with the same nutritional properties. The drink is easily digestible and disinfects affected mucosal tissues. Fasting days with its use every 2 hours are useful for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and removing toxins from the intestines.

Prohibited foods on diet No. 4

The complete exclusion of certain foods for intestinal diseases during diet table number 4 is a mandatory and necessary condition for a person’s recovery. Prohibited foods can cause such unpleasant consequences of consumption as:

  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • inflammatory and putrefactive processes in the intestine.

Prohibited foods on diet table No. 4:

  1. fatty, fried foods;
  2. high carbohydrate foods;
  3. foods and drinks high in sugar or salt;
  4. products that have a strong temperature difference: ice cream, hot soups, drinks;
  5. fresh vegetables and some fruits, freshly squeezed concentrated and sour juices;
  6. sausages and frankfurters, smoked meat, lard and other fatty foods;
  7. fresh milk;
  8. “heavy” cereals (millet, pearl barley);
  9. Coffee and coffee drinks.

All these dishes must be completely excluded during the treatment of intestinal diseases.

Weekly menu for intestinal diseases

The weekly menu for intestinal diseases is selected based on the principle of maximizing the reduction of all negative consequences associated with food consumption. This allows the digestive organs to recover and establish full functioning. A week of nutrition following diet number 4 significantly reduces all manifestations and exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

If you take the daily norm during a diet, then the indicators should vary within the following limits:

  • the total calorie content of foods consumed per day should not exceed 2100 kcal;
  • the number of meals should not be less than 5 per day;
  • portions should be small in size - for more efficient and simplified functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Diet table No. 4, designed for a weekly duration, is described in the table:

Day of the week1st meal2nd meal3rd meal4th meal5th meal
MondayRice porridge made from round rice, low-fat steamed fishApplesauceChicken broth with breast meat, dried fruit compoteBagels or crackers without additives, green teaKefir, crackers
TuesdayOatmeal on water, steamed omeletteSoft curd mass, without additives, teaVegetable soup with rice or buckwheat, salad of boiled vegetables, teaTea or compote, dry cookies or non-yeast baked goodsCookies, tea, a small amount of cottage cheese
WednesdayMashed potatoes with water, pate, tea and cookiesCottage cheese casserole or manna, tea or jellyVegetable and lean meat soup, buckwheat porridge with chicken soufflé, non-acidic juiceTea or juice, unsweetened waffles or unfilled cookiesKefir
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge, a piece of chicken breast, tea or herbal decoctionKefir, stewed vegetables, a slice of dried breadSoup with meat and cereals, mashed potatoes with steamed cutlets, teaKefir or herbal decoction, cottage cheese casseroleDrying, kefir
FridaySemolina porridge with apple, slice of breadSteamed fish cutlets, vegetable stewLean meat soup with potatoes and rice, buckwheat porridge with chicken cutletsFruit puree, non-acidic juice, cookiesCookies with tea
SaturdayHercules on water with slices of chicken fillet, a slice of bread, teaFruit or vegetable puree, mannaCream soup of pureed vegetables with croutons, noodles and stewed porkCottage cheese with fruit, tea and wafflesKefir, tea and curd mass
SundaySemolina porridge, curd pudding, apple and teaDry cookies, fruit puree, jellyFish soup, puree, lean fish or meatballsOmelette, cookies and teaTea, jelly and fruit puree

Sample diet menu 4 for a week

Treatment menu No. 4 is suitable for adults and children. For a child with intestinal pathologies in the acute stage, it is recommended to puree dishes as much as possible using a blender. A sample menu for the week looks something like this:

Day 1

In the morning: semi-liquid rice porridge, green tea, crackers.

Lunch time: chicken broth with crackers, apple compote.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole without sweet additives, dried fruit compote.

Dinner: rice with boiled vegetables and herbs, fish soufflé.

Day 2

In the morning: bagels with green tea, semolina porridge.

Lunch time: creamy pumpkin soup with cream, toast with butter, unsweetened dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: buckwheat porridge, kefir.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, steamed meatballs, lightly brewed tea.

Day 3

In the morning: cookies or biscuits with warm rosehip infusion.

Lunch time: chicken broth soup with noodles and herbs, croutons, green tea.

Afternoon snack: vinaigrette, biscuits, unsweetened compote.

Evening: mashed potatoes, salmon steak and cream sauce.

Day 4

In the morning: buckwheat porridge with milk, chicory drink.

Lunch time: vegetable broth soup, croutons.

Afternoon snack: stewed vegetables with minced meat balls in a pot, compote.

Dinner: boiled rice with beef chops.

Day 5

In the morning: boiled millet porridge, toast with butter.

Lunch time: vinaigrette with vegetable oil, chicken broth with crackers.

Afternoon snack: fruit puree, banana and lingonberry juice.

Dinner: pureed vegetable soup with chicken breast, dried fruit compote.

Day 6

In the morning: yesterday's biscuit, black tea, semolina porridge.

Lunch time: creamy pumpkin and broccoli soup, croutons, celery.

Afternoon snack: kefir, dried gingerbread.

Evening: buckwheat porridge with vegetables, toast with butter, dried fruit compote.

Day 7

In the morning: manna, black tea with sugar.

Lunch time: vegetable soup with croutons, beet salad with prunes, lingonberry juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with raisins, kefir or a glass of warm milk.

Evening: white omelette with onions and herbs, green tea.

Note! The menu is approximate, dishes can be divided into several times, days of the therapeutic diet can be swapped. The therapeutic diet requires plenty of drinking and adherence to an approximate diet. Patients should eat at approximately the same time every day.

Basic rules of therapeutic nutrition

The intestine is the most important digestive organ. Conventionally, it is divided into the small and large intestine. In the initial sections, food is broken down and nutrients are partially absorbed. The large intestine serves as a reservoir for feces, water is absorbed in it, and digestion is completed. With inflammation, the intestines lose a number of their functions, and disruptions occur in the gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of a properly formulated diet, a number of therapeutic problems can be solved, so it must comply with the following principles:

  • follow the correct diet - eat regularly at the same time;
  • the diet should be varied and balanced;
  • It is important to compose the menu personally, taking into account the characteristics of a particular case;
  • Fats and carbohydrates are limited to a minimum level, proteins are left in normal quantities;
  • food must be properly thermally processed - boiled, baked, steamed;
  • salt is limited to 9 g per day;
  • food should be liquid, semi-liquid and always well chopped;
  • very hot and cold foods are excluded;
  • recommended daily caloric intake – 2000 kcal;
  • maintain a water-drinking regime - drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

The main task of nutrition during intestinal inflammation is maximum mechanical and chemical sparing of the affected mucosa, eliminating fermentation processes.

Diet Basics

Diet No. 4 is prescribed to patients with intestinal diseases that occur with pronounced dyspeptic symptoms. Therefore, it provides restrictions:

  • consumption of carbohydrates and fats;
  • mechanical and chemical irritants;
  • dishes that enhance putrefactive and fermentation processes;
  • table salt;
  • stimulants for the secretion of bile and gastric juice;
  • substances that irritate the liver.

The temperature of cold dishes should be at least 15 °C, hot - no more than 65 °C. All products are carefully crushed and ground. Fried foods are strictly prohibited. All dishes are steamed, boiled, stewed.

Diet No. 4 is incomplete; it reduces the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates consumed. The total calorie content of the products is no more than 2100 kcal. Amount of substances consumed:

  • proteins – 100 g;
  • fat – 70 g;
  • carbohydrates –250 g;
  • liquids – 1.5–2 l.

Do not put too much strain on the gastrointestinal tract. The entire daily diet is divided into 5-6 times.

How to choose the right products

When creating a menu for an adult with intestinal inflammation, you need to take into account the effect that foods have on the contractility of the organ walls. There are 3 types of products:

Enhancing peristalsisBlack and bran bread, raw plant foods, dried fruits, legumes, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), veined meat, smoked delicacies, canned food, pickles, fermented milk products, kvass, alcohol, sweet soda, berries and fruits with a sour taste, cold food , very sweet foods, high fat foods
Weakening motor skillsWarm dishes, pureed soups, jelly, pureed porridge, blueberries, strong tea, viscous food
Does not affect smooth muscleSteamed dietary meat dishes (cutlets, soufflé), stale bread, crackers without sugar and seasonings, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish with a low fat content

The list of products recommended by the doctor depends on the condition of the intestines and the clinical manifestations of inflammation in a particular patient. Fried foods, foods that increase fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines, coarse fiber, as well as dishes that stimulate bile secretion, the secretion of gastric juice, and the pancreas are prohibited.

What is allowed

Basic list of products for creating a menu for intestinal inflammation:

  • dried yesterday's wheat bread (about 200 g);
  • first courses in low-fat meat broth with the addition of decoctions of rice and semolina;
  • soups with boiled, pureed meat, steamed meatballs, egg flakes;
  • lean meat - young veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • fish dishes with minimal fat content - cutlets, dumplings, boiled pieces;
  • freshly prepared low-fat cottage cheese;
  • butter in limited quantities - no more than 5 g per finished dish;
  • no more than 2 soft-boiled chicken eggs or as part of a steam omelet;
  • pureed porridge from semolina, rice, pearl barley;
  • vegetable decoctions;
  • raw apple puree;
  • green tea, cocoa in water, decoction of rosehip, black currant, bird cherry;
  • juices from sweet fruits, diluted with water.

For dessert, it is allowed to eat jelly from blueberries, dogwoods, and pears. Sugar is not recommended.


The following are excluded from the diet for intestinal inflammation:

  • fresh bread and pastries: buns, pies;
  • borscht and soups cooked in strong broth;
  • first courses with the addition of vegetables, cereals (oatmeal, barley, millet);
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • milk, fermented baked milk, cheese, sour cream with a high fat content;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes: peas, beans, soybeans;
  • products with cream, chocolates;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • coffee and cocoa with milk.

If you have colitis or enteritis, you should not eat caviar, seasonings, sauces, sausages, or pasta. Gastroenterologists do not recommend dried fruits, compotes, jam, honey, or snacks for people with intestinal problems.

Sample daily menu

The diet is compiled individually for each patient, based on the diagnosis and complaints.

3rd table

For constipation, food should stimulate intestinal peristalsis:

  • for breakfast : you can have buckwheat porridge with butter, tea with honey.
  • second breakfast : cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • for lunch : serve borscht with beef, veal cutlet, compote of a mixture of dried fruits.
  • for an afternoon snack : drink kefir.
  • for dinner : beetroot salad, fish cakes, tomato juice are recommended.

4th table

During the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease, you are only allowed to drink boiled water or black tea, only without sugar. It is allowed to eat wheat crackers and rice porridge.

After normalization of the condition, they offer:

  • for breakfast : oatmeal porridge cooked without milk, soft-boiled egg, unsweetened black tea.
  • second breakfast : blueberry jelly.
  • for lunch : pureed soup made with rice water with potatoes and carrots, steamed veal cutlet, apple compote.
  • for an afternoon snack : oatmeal jelly is allowed.
  • for dinner : served with rice and fish meatballs, mashed potatoes, tea.
  • before going to bed : it is useful to drink chamomile tea.

Treatment menu

The nutrition of patients with intestinal damage is based on diet No. 4. The treatment table has several modifications designed for the complex treatment of various pathological conditions.

For inflammatory lesions of the small intestine

Enteritis rarely occurs “in its pure form.” Most often, the inflammatory process spreads to the inner surface of the colon and is called enterocolitis; in acute inflammation together with the stomach, it is called gastroenteritis. The cause of the disease can be poisoning, poor diet, and severe infections. The pathology is accompanied by pain in the navel, nausea, vomiting, stool upset (diarrhea), sometimes fever and other signs of intoxication.

In case of acute inflammation, fasting with plenty of fluids is recommended on the first day. On the second day, semi-liquid mashed porridge, low-fat broth, and unsweetened crackers are allowed. Subsequently, the diet is gradually expanded, including products from diet No. 4. Considering that diarrhea is the main symptom of enteritis, nutrition should be aimed at restoring stool and water-salt metabolism.

The menu for inflammation of the small intestine consists of:

  • viscous porridges on water;
  • steamed cutlets made from lean minced fish or meat;
  • soups with rice broth;
  • unsweetened jelly made from blueberries, black currants, pears;
  • meat and fish soufflés, purees.

Avoid prunes, dried apricots, grapes, cabbage, fresh flour products, nuts, black bread, and fermented products.

For inflamed colon

The main method of treating colitis is diet, complemented by proper nutrition and symptomatic therapy. The inflammatory process in the colon is caused by infectious pathogens, helminths, and rarely by dietary errors, physical and emotional stress. A person develops a defecation disorder - constipation may alternate with constipation, abdominal cramps, flatulence. In such patients, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, and fatigue, weakness, and weight loss appear.

The diet for patients with colitis depends on the type of stool disorder:

  1. If defecation is delayed, it is recommended to include plant foods, prunes in the diet, and add bran to dishes. Doctors allow you to eat sweet fruits, cereals, and rosehip decoction.
  2. If a patient has diarrhea, he can drink low-fat broth, rice water, eat lean meat and fish, dry cookies, unsweetened bagels.

Excluded are fresh plums, beets, grapes, sorrel, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

With persistent delay in defecation

This term means persistent, rare stools - no more than 3 times a week, a quarter of the time of which is spent straining. Constipation can be caused by malignant tumors, other serious illnesses, or functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

When creating a menu for patients with constipation, it is important to include foods with dietary fiber that enhance intestinal motility:

  • vegetables at least 400 g per day: beets, cabbage, legumes, carrots and others;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries: apricot, blackberry, kiwi, dried fruit;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • almonds, pistachios, peanuts;
  • whole grain bread, savory cookies;
  • fresh kefir, yogurt;
  • plum, peach juice.

It is mandatory to consume fiber, the optimal amount of which is calculated taking into account the motility of the diseased organ. The amount of salt is increased to 15 g per day, and mineral waters are additionally prescribed - Essentuki No. 17, Slavyanovskaya.

For diarrhea syndrome

Colitis, enteritis and enterocolitis are almost always accompanied by diarrhea. This is the name for frequent bowel movements (2-3 times a day) with the release of liquid feces of more than 200 g per day. The diet for intestinal inflammation with diarrhea is based on the following principles:

  • with the help of nutrition it is necessary to reduce the motor activity of the intestinal walls;
  • exclude products that provoke rotting and fermentation;
  • You should not eat vegetables containing a large amount of essential oils: sorrel, spinach, radish, turnip, onion;
  • food temperature should be between 17-50 degrees (warm);
  • inclusion of easily digestible foods in the diet.

In case of severe diarrhea, for the first 2 days it is recommended to drink only strong tea (1.5-2 l) or rosehip decoction. Later, rice water or pureed porridge, dry cookies, and low-fat cottage cheese are added to the menu.

With ileitis

Inflammation in the final section of the small intestine and ileum leads to the formation of polyps or formations in the form of ulcers and scars. In its chronic form, the disease is more common in young people, in its acute form - in children and adolescents. The inflammatory lesion is manifested by pain in the iliac region, rumbling and bloating, loose stools up to 10 times a day, low-grade fever and severe headaches.

A therapeutic diet is indicated for any form of ileitis:

  • correct diet – fractional meals up to 6 times a day;
  • exclusion of foods that increase diarrhea;
  • sufficient fluid intake;
  • patients are allowed to eat stale white bread, porridge with water, dietary meat, soup with rice broth, dry cookies, unsweetened crackers.

Scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, fruit juices, carbonated water, fatty, fried, smoked foods are strictly prohibited.

For proctitis

Inflammatory lesions of the rectum are accompanied by constipation, pain during defecation, burning in the anus, and a sensation of a foreign body in the intestines. In the acute form, the pain is quite intense, and the pathology of stool retention can be replaced by diffuse diarrhea. Blood appears in the stool, which is often caused by exacerbation of hemorrhoids (damage to hemorrhoids) and the appearance of cracks.

Nutrition for inflammation of the final intestine is aimed at preventing constipation. To prevent irritation of the rectal mucosa, high-fat, spicy, salty and sour foods are excluded from the diet. The menu includes vegetable puree soups, semi-liquid porridges with water, boiled vegetables, baked fruits, and jelly. If diarrhea occurs, nutritional adjustments are made.

What can you eat?

In the acute period, patients are allowed to consume the following foods:

  • Wheat bread crackers.
  • Soups cooked in low-fat diluted meat broth with the addition of pureed meat, rice or semolina.
  • Meat of only low-fat varieties (pure pulp), boiled and chopped as much as possible.

  • Steam cutlets from lean fish.
  • Unleavened pureed cottage cheese.
  • Steam omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day).
  • Puree porridge in water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
  • Vegetable decoctions.
  • Kiseli.
  • Butter no more than 5 g per serving of dish.
  • During the recovery stage, you can add the following products to the above list:

  • Yesterday's wheat bread.
  • Cracker.
  • Low-fat soups with noodles and chopped vegetables.
  • Lean meat in boiled or baked pieces, as well as boiled tongue.
  • Lean fish in pieces.
  • A small amount of milk for porridge.
  • Fermented milk products with low fat content.
  • Mild hard cheese (a couple of pieces).
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Boiled pasta.
  • Porridges are crumbly (except for wheat, pearl barley and barley).
  • Potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, zucchini in the form of puree, casseroles.
  • Baked or fresh mashed apples.

Composition of diet No. 4

Another name for the fourth dietary table is the diarrhea diet. It is used:

  • with inflammatory damage to the intestines and stomach;
  • in case of intestinal upset during or after an infection;
  • after intestinal surgery.

The basis of the diet consists of first courses made from weak meat broth, crackers made from premium wheat flour, dishes from lean varieties of low-fat meat, pureed cottage cheese, soufflé, and vegetables in the form of decoctions.

An example of a one-day diet for organ inflammation:

  1. Breakfast: rice porridge, well boiled and pureed, warm tea, bagels.
  2. Second breakfast: blueberry broth.
  3. Lunch: semolina soup with a second chicken breast broth, steamed rabbit meatballs, pureed oatmeal, pear jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack: pureed cottage cheese soufflé, chamomile infusion.
  5. Boiled fish, pureed buckwheat, tea.
  6. Before bed: jelly.

Diet for inflammatory bowel disease has many benefits. Gentle nutrition helps restore organ functions, eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane, and improve digestion. Accurate adherence to the treatment table will speed up recovery and ensure good health for many years.

Authorized Products

The diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract includes the following in the diet:

  • Dried/day-old wheat bread (highest grade), sponge cake and dry biscuits.
  • Well-boiled coarse cereals (excluding millet, corn, barley, pearl barley), boiled vermicelli, chopped pasta, noodles, which can be cooked with the addition of water.
  • Low-fat varieties of red meat and lean fish in whole pieces and in the form of steamed cutlets and soufflés.
  • Soups cooked in recycled meat/fish broth with the addition of well-cooked and mashed cereals and vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, asparagus, beets), meatballs.
  • Allowed vegetables finely chopped as a side dish or in the form of stews and cutlets. It is allowed to add finely chopped garden herbs.
  • Cream/milk as an additive to dishes.
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, acidophilus, yogurt) in any quantities. Cottage cheese or dishes prepared from it should be present daily. The cheese is mild. Eggs (up to 2 eggs per day) soft-boiled, steamed omelettes, butter can be eaten with bread or added to dishes.
  • Appetizers (doctor's sausage, soaked herring, jellied fish, mild cheese, sturgeon caviar, jellied tongue). Milk and sour cream sauces with the addition of dill/parsley are allowed.
  • Raw ripe fruits after removing the peel (apples, pears raw, stewed/baked, raspberries, strawberries in the form of jelly, jelly, compotes). From confectionery products - marshmallows, marshmallows, meringues, jam, fruit marmalade, preserves.
  • Diluted fruit/vegetable juices (except cabbage/grape juice), rosehip infusion, weak tea, cocoa with added milk.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

green beans2,80,48,447





Nuts and dried fruits

dried pears2,30,662,6249

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
oat groats12,36,159,5342
white rice6,70,778,9344

Flour and pasta

milk pasta11,52,967,1345

Bakery products

white bread crackers11,21,472,2331


fruit and berry marmalade0,40,076,6293

Raw materials and seasonings

dried bird cherry8,40,016,8101


skim milk2,00,14,831
sour cream2,820,03,2206

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,00,61,888

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170

Fish and seafood

Red caviar32,015,00,0263
black caviar28,09,70,0203

Oils and fats


Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

Orange juice0,90,28,136
Cherry juice0,70,010,247
Strawberry juice0,60,47,031
tangerine juice0,80,38,136
carrot juice1,10,16,428
tomato juice1,10,23,821
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
Apple juice0,40,49,842
* data is per 100 g of product
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